MTL - God Level Farm-Chapter 48 Crazy and fleshy

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Xia Ruofei immediately took out the picture, and his mind entered the space of the spiritual map.

There are still four-fifths of the petal solution left in the space, quietly placed in the space. Xia Ruofei took it up and walked to the fleshy mother plant. Carefully poured a little in each pot of the multi-small mother plant. After each pot was poured, the petal solution was only a half.

Most of these multi-female mother plants were last cut, and it can be said that they are scarred. After these days, the maintenance in the space has been restored to seven or eighty-eight, but if you want to cut again, I am afraid Wait a few days.

There are also a few pots that Xia Ruofei has chosen from the fleshy seedlings. This time has been in this spiritual space, and has grown a lot.

After the watering of the petal solution, these fleshy mother plants are obviously a lot more spiritual and seem to be full of vitality.

Xia Ruofei feels that there is a play at a glance, and this petal solution will definitely promote the growth of plants.

However, how big the effect is, it still needs time to verify.

He carefully placed the remaining petal solution and then left the mind space.

After returning to the room, Xia Ruofei first responded to each comment, thanked everyone for their praise, and also told them that the new seedlings are in the process of cultivation, I believe that they will soon be able to meet with you.

In the afternoon, Xia Ruofei rested in his room until he had dinner and then entered the Lingtu space again.

Calculating the time, it should have been two or three days in the space.

Xia Ruofei first came to the place where the fleshy mother plant was placed, and I was overjoyed at first glance!

These precious succulents are all spirited, and the mother plants that have been subjected to a cutting process have been completely restored, and can be inserted at any time.

The fleshy seedlings left in those pots are almost mad and grow a big circle. I believe that in a few days, they will grow into adult plants and use them to cut them.

It is roughly estimated that the growth rate of these flesh is at least ten times that of the previous ones. After accelerating with ten times the space itself, the effect is terrible.

This proves that the petal solution really has a significant effect on plant growth, and also allows Xia Ruofei to have greater confidence in those cabbages soaked with solution.

Xia Ruofei, who is in a good mood, came to the nursery. The seeds in the space have all sprouted and grown to the point where they can be planted.

Especially those cabbages soaked in the petal solution, the growth is much better than the side of the spinach seedlings, which also confirms Xia Ruofei's judgment.

As he sang songs, he began to plant these seedlings in a ridge-and-growing vegetable field.

This work has been done countless times since this time, so it is also a light road.

After a few hours, all the spinach and pakchoi seedlings were planted.

Then Xia Ruofei took out other seeds and started soaking them in different containers.

But this time he did not use the petal solution, just use the Lingtan water only - the petals are too precious, and the yield is not high, the current cultivation in the space does not need its addition, as long as ordinary Lingtan water is enough to produce high quality vegetables in combination with the space environment.

If you want to plant it on a large scale in the future, the demand for the flower petals will definitely be very large. Plus, the mother plant and the fleshy seedlings need the petal solution to grow quickly, so it is still possible to save the province.

After soaking all the seeds to be planted, Xia Ruofei went to harvest the mature vegetables, sorted them in different categories, and then left the Lingtu space.

Xia Ruofei returned to the room and went online to order a large number of plastic small flower pots and ordinary succulent plantings. The receiving place chose a courier collection point in Changping County.

After he was ready to receive the goods in a few days, he began a new round of cutting propagation.


Early the next morning, the small truck of the "Xijiang Yue" club arrived at the holiday villa on time. What made Xia Ruofei feel unexpected was that Zheng, the clubhouse, came in person today. He was riding a black Mercedes.

"Zheng Zong, how come in person?" Xia Ruofei greeted him, half jokingly said, "You will run a few thousand business, you big boss can not live and die?"

Accompanied by the manager yesterday, he rushed to direct the workers to the garage to carry vegetables.

The chubby Zheng always smiled and walked toward Xia Ruofei, saying: "Summer brother, I have good news to tell you!"

The day before yesterday was still "Mr. Xia", today became the "summer brother", which called a close intimacy, also revealed that Zheng always wants to make good thoughts with Xia Ruofei.

Xia Ruofei raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Oh? Could it be that my company’s registration has already been fixed?"

Zheng always suddenly scratched his head and said:

"This... It will take a few days, some processes are indispensable... Of course, if Xia’s younger brother asks the mayor to personally say hello, he will definitely be able to get a business license on the same day!"

Xia Ruofei smiled faintly and did not answer the words of General Zheng. Instead, he asked:

"What good news does Zheng always have to tell me?"

"Of course, the Taoyuan brand vegetables we cooperate with!" Zheng said with excitement. "We got the first batch of vegetables yesterday and immediately organized a new dish tasting in the evening. All the guests at the tasting meeting were We are full of praise for our Taoyuan brand vegetables! The response is beyond imagination!"

Xia Ruofei was very happy to hear it. He did not expect Zheng to act so quickly. He said:

"Is it? It seems that General Zheng’s strategy is very useful!"

Zheng always laughed:

“It’s great to have the ingredients provided by Xia’s younger brother! Even the chefs of our clubs have complimented and said that they have never processed such a beautiful vegetable with such a good taste!”

Then, Mr. Zheng said:

"Xia Laodi, after yesterday's warm-up, we can say that our Taoyuan brand vegetables have already had a resounding name in the upper circle of Sanshan City!

I am going to officially launch the Taoyuan series of vegetables as our new signature dish from today. In addition to a small portion of these signature dishes for some special guests, the rest are sold by auction. Of course, we also accept appointments. However, members can only make an appointment for three days, and ordinary guests will have to be one week later! Xia Lao, what do you think? ”

Xia Ruofei heard it, and couldn’t help but secretly gave Zheng’s four-word comment in his heart: the old tycoon.

A small part of the reservation is naturally prepared for such a big man as Tian Huilan. In case any such untouchable guests need it, it is naturally necessary to provide it at any time.

The rest of the story is stressful.

Through the bidding of the gimmicks, the price is too high, and the influence is increased. Needless to say, even the appointments are made out of three or six, etc., in order to highlight the identity of the guests, and at the same time naturally make the identity of the "Xijiangyue" members appear more value.

After the name of this Taoyuan brand vegetable is played out, the business of “Xijiang Yue” club will probably become more and more popular, especially those high-end customers will be eager to go, especially those rich nouveau riche, will definitely rush to handle the meeting. membership.

At that time, even if Zheng always accepts membership fees, it is enough to earn back the money for buying vegetables at a high price.

General Zheng also talked with Xia Ruofei a lot. The discourse also revealed the hope that Xia Ruofei would increase the supply amount properly. However, Xia Ruofei did not pick up his words, but he was only confused, and Zheng Zong could only helplessly give up.

Soon the vegetables were loaded by pounds, still more than 6,500 yuan, accompanied by the manager of Zheng Zonglai directly paid cash.

Before leaving, Mr. Zheng invited Xia Ruofei to participate in the first new food auction tonight, but Xia Ruofei thought about it or refused.

At this time, he did not want to join in this excitement. As long as Zheng can follow his ideas, his influence on Taoyuan brand vegetables will continue to expand, and his previous plan of success will be more than half.

Not long after the death of Zheng Zong, Xia Ruofei also left the villa with a pickup truck.

Xia Ruofei's car is filled with some fresh new vegetables. The day before yesterday, Professor Tian told him to give him some vegetables. Xia Ruofei didn't want to talk about fat.

It’s just that there’s nothing to be busy in these days. It’s better to hit the sun than to choose the day. He simply went to visit Professor Tian’s home today.
