MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3993 Faith and Divine Civilization

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Chapter 3993 Faith and Divine Mansion Civilization

"What's the problem with faith and the civilization of the god's mansion? Since it was sealed back then, why do you want to untie it now?"

Fang Yue asked about the will of heaven in the realm of chaos.

Nangong Wuji wanted to let himself test the will of heaven in the realm of chaos, and he probably also took a fancy to his identity as the envoy of will of the will of heaven in the realm of chaos.

"This belief has a problem with the origin and origin of the civilization of the God's Mansion!"

Said the Will of Heaven in the Chaos Territory.

"This civilization has a foundation before, but it is not so extreme. A drop of divine power can temporarily level a level. Where does this power come from? And what rules are used to do it? Even as a chaotic will, I have never See through how it works!"

"In addition, the power of faith communicates cause and effect, and evolves karma. The greater the supernatural power, the deeper the karma! Normal creatures, although there are calamities, are not strong. As long as they can jump up, they can barely survive. Practitioners of faith and divine mansion civilization will burn their karmic flames as soon as they encounter a catastrophe, and they will almost die! But someone is secretly manipulating and giving this line of practitioners a way to delay the catastrophe!"

"This has led to the fact that most of the practitioners who believe in faith and the civilization of the gods are free from disasters! They even become practitioners with the highest probability of becoming strong!"

The Will of Heaven in the Territory of Chaos said to Fang Yue.

"People in this lineage are free from disasters and calamities? Why is this somewhat similar to me? If I want, I can also give Tianjie a white note and accumulate it temporarily!"

Fang Yue was surprised.

The will of heaven in the realm of chaos rolled his eyes.

"You are different! You have been protected by some big figures in the ancient heaven!"

"You think you've come this way so smoothly, it's really because of your strength, are you lucky? You have the supreme level of fairyland among the three ancient heavens on your body, and you have inherited part of the luck of the ancient heavens. There is a fixed number of drinks, and now all you have obtained are to repay the debt by helping Gu Tianting unlock the seal!"

"And those practitioners of the Tongtian Universe were able to avoid the catastrophe somehow. This is the biggest problem. However, the Tongtian Universe was destroyed. Later, some sporadic practitioners took this path. Now, but the ability to evade the catastrophe has inexplicably disappeared!"

Fang Yue's heart tightened at the words of the will of heaven in the realm of chaos.

Perhaps there is really a big problem between this belief and the civilization of God's Mansion.

They preached in the realm of chaos, but avoided the supervision of the catastrophe.

Someone should have changed the rules of heaven and earth, which is definitely not something that ordinary practitioners can do.

"My lord, please rest assured that the investigation of this matter is on my shoulders! I will definitely investigate this matter until the truth comes to light!"

Fang Yue patted his chest and pledged to the will of heaven in the realm of chaos.


The will of heaven in the realm of chaos dissipated.

And Nangong Wuji looked at Fang Yue with a smile that was not a smile, as if he knew the conversation between the will of heaven and Fang Yue in the realm of chaos.

"How? Is Mr. Fang Yue willing to cooperate with me?"

"Is this what you calculated?"

Fang Yue's face was as gloomy as water.

Since stepping into the real fairyland, the powerhouses he came into contact with have jumped to a huge level in an instant.

These Tianzun who have lived for three or five civilization epochs are not only powerful, but also all of them are cunning and cunning!

Fang Yue felt that he had stepped into Nangong Wuji's trap.

But can't get rid of it.

"Where, it's just mutual benefit!"

Nangong Wuji smiled lightly.

"Since we cooperate, Lord Nangong should show some sincerity! A thousand first-level faith beads are too few, so let's get another five hundred second-level faith beads! Others, the so-called withered godheads, give me hundreds and eighty one!"

Fang Yue said.

Fang Yue suspected that this Nangong Wuji was not alone, and there was probably a huge Tianzun gang behind him.

If Nangong Wuji wanted to cooperate, it was because of his request.

If he didn't take this opportunity to blackmail him, Fang Yue would feel a little sorry for himself.

"Fang Yue, don't overdo it. The second-level beads of faith are equivalent to the power of a hundred years of faith that a strong man in the real fairyland has prayed for. In this era, the power of faith has collapsed. Where did I get so many beads of faith for you? The godheads are also rare, and the godheads below the low-rank gods cannot be preserved at all, and those who can survive the erosion of hundreds of millions of civilizations are all the godheads above the low-rank gods..."

Nangong Wuji gritted his teeth.

Although the items Fang Yue asked for were not of high quality, they were extremely rare.

He opened his mouth like a lion, and with one mouth, there are hundreds of demands.

"If you are not even willing to show this bit of sincerity, I don't need to cooperate with you! I am following the path of cultivating all kinds of methods, and it may not be only this belief and godhead that can reach the pinnacle in the end. For example, biological civilization can also be very powerful, mass-produced powerhouses at the level of real fairyland, and mechanical civilization is the same. In addition, I have also established contact with Yunyan Pavilion in the inner courtyard, and some of the schools of the middle ages can also be used. It will be circulated from it on a regular basis to provide some reference and reference for the practitioners in my Yongfeng country!"

Fang Yue was not worried at all that Nangong Wuji would not agree.

Whether to cooperate or not is up to him.

Even if Chaos Will agrees, he hasn't agreed yet!

In this Yongfeng Kingdom, he, Fang Yue, is the real ruler.

Seeing Fang Yue's attitude, Nangong Wuji couldn't help but tremble slightly.

This Fang Yue is simply a hob meat, no oil or salt.

"Damn it, how could this Yunyan Pavilion establish contact with you! Isn't the inner court of the underworld very contemptuous of the creatures from the outer realms of the underworld?"

Nangong Wuji's face changed slightly, he no longer had the expression that he was sure of winning just now.

Because Fang Yue had so many choices.

Fang Yue and Nangong Wuji are different from any strong man of any era that he has come into contact with before.

He has a wild way and a wide network of contacts, and he has no place to handle him at all.

"Okay! Fang Yue counts you as the winner this time. Tomorrow I will send someone to deliver all the resources you need, but these are not support, but the transaction needs to be traded with resources of equal value!"

Nangong Wuji gritted his teeth, he thought for a moment and finally gave up bargaining with Fang Yue.

As a strong man at the level of Heavenly Exalted Realm and the leader of the Human League of the previous generation, he has always been aloof and overlooked all living beings. How could such a bargaining thing be done by him.

This is a weak link and shortcoming of Nangong Wuji, but Fang Yue is different!

Fang Yue's background is in itself a nail family, a common man, and in this regard, he is born with strong genes as a support.

"Congratulations to the leader of Nangong!"

Fang Yue said to Nangong Wuji.

Nangong Wuji's face was dark, and he was a little out of breath. Although his negotiation with Fang Yue was not very harmonious this time, he was also the leader of the human alliance after all, and Fang Yue was the blood of the human race.

At any rate, Fang Yue wanted to exchange some pleasantries!

Why did Fang Yue open his mouth to send him off respectfully!

Does he have no reputation as the leader of the Human League?

Nangong Wuji secretly hated in his heart.

Nangong Wuji stomped his feet angrily, his sleeves rolled up, and Zuo Bang was involved, and the two left one after another.

At this time, Lin Mu slowly walked out from the side.

"Mr. Fang Yue, isn't it too much for you to treat Mr. Nangong Wuji like this!"

Lin Mu felt that Fang Yue's actions were a bit excessive, which was repeatedly jumping across the bottom line of Nangong Wuji's tolerance.

Fang Yue laughed.

"Lin Mu, you still don't quite understand my style of work! Since I can't become an ally, I won't compromise with Nangong Wuji and Renmeng even if it's because of some interests on the surface!"

"Nangong Wuji is now trying to paralyze me, use me, and give the Human League time to recover and rise! If my guess is correct, the next step is that Nangong Wuji will vigorously cultivate the geniuses of the Human Race, and all the senior leaders of the previous Human League Sent to fight in the toughest areas."

"In this way, Nangong Wuji can not only continuously cultivate his own people, but also gradually change the people's league's perception of the people's league! Then he will revive some elites from the human race in the middle and ancient times, and cultivate his own team When the Renmeng League is full-fledged, this Nangong Wuji will use the name of righteousness to gradually force me into the palace, and then let me hand over my resources, submit to the Renmeng League, and then use my means to suppress and hunt down a group of people , win over a group of people, let me gradually become an empty shell, and I can no longer fight against him!"

Fang Yue took one step and looked at three steps, as if he had seen what happened countless years later.

"Since this guy and I are enemies sooner or later, how can I give him time to grow up?"

"The People's League will grow. Do they think that Yongfeng Kingdom will not expand?"

Fang Yue muttered to himself.

"Ling Mu, pass down the order to build another city in three days, and its scale will temporarily follow that of Yuhua City! The number of residents temporarily locked in the city is 100 million people, 30% of which will be spirit valley planters, 30% will be military refiners, and 30% will be They are elite soldiers, and the remaining 10% are tentatively determined to be geniuses of the human race."

"This deal is never a long-term solution. Only by producing resources by yourself and holding the production authority of resources in your own hands is the real kingly way!"

"All elite soldiers, according to their talents, are all rewarded with blood potions to raise their blood to a level above the mysterious level! Geniuses of the human race, open up the supply of resources, cultivate them at any cost, and inject the three genetic potions brought by Fang Yunshan!"

"In terms of abundant resources, I am indeed not as good as the Human League! But my Yongfeng Kingdom is going to take the elite route. After the human race in this city is successfully cultivated, then I will build three cities of the same type and the same population ratio. , open to the outside world, and recruit the elites of the entire underworld!"

"Buying bones with thousands of dollars, I want to play the reputation of belonging to Yongfeng Kingdom. I don't have too many resources in Yongfeng Kingdom. It is not a problem to cultivate an elite population of 300 to 500 million!"

As soon as Fang Yue said this, Lin Mu broke out in cold sweat.

"Mr. Fang Yue, I know that you have great ambitions in your heart, but the current resource inventory of Yongfeng Kingdom has changed from incremental to flat. If you build four more cities like this, I am afraid it will start to consume resources. inventory!"

Lin Mu wiped off the non-existent cold sweat and said to Fang Yue.

As the chief steward, not only must he obey Fang Yue's orders to do things well, but he must also take into account the overall situation and future of the entire Yongfeng Middle School!

Yongfeng Kingdom has always followed the elite route, with a high output of resources and a large consumption!

The various resources in Yongfeng Kingdom are all below the level of the Spiritual Wonderland, and exist in the middle and low grades. Although the output is huge, the unit price and profit are not high after all!

"You don't have to worry about this! Isn't it all kinds of resources! From my personal warehouse, I allocated ten corpses at the level of the Immortal King Realm in the dimensional world and their armors! Storage bags! All kinds of treasures Ah! How about putting them all up for auction in exchange for the resources of the Ten Thousand Clans?"

Fang Yue said domineeringly.

"One corpse and the resources on it can probably maintain the cost of a city for a year! If there are ten corpses, there is no problem for the time being!"

Lin Mu nodded slightly.

"But, do we really want to sell the corpses of the strong? There is no way around this. The corpses and resources of the strong in the Immortal Monarch Realm are strategic materials. It is easy to sell them, but it is difficult to get them back!"