MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 74

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No reason, the big bad wolf deceives the little white rabbit

Two days passed in a flash, and Xavier has officially returned from the side star of the imperial capital to the imperial capital. Clyde, in order to show his generosity, specially allowed Xavier to rest for two days before entering the palace to report his duties .

Shewell took the command to thank him, and left the army swaggeringly and went home to be lazy.

In the past two days, Li Zhou didn't have any more nightmares, and the memories of the past were all scattered and fragmented, and they couldn't make up a whole memory at all.

Li Zhou was a little sad, this feeling of being at the door but not getting in made Li Zhou very impatient, and also made Xavier worried.

Although Li Zhou never showed his impatience in front of him, he could still easily perceive Li Zhou's emotions from the occasional distraction of Li Zhou and the fluctuation of his mental power.

He wanted to take Li Zhou out to relax, but he had not come back in name and could not go out.

So, in the past two days, in order to coax Li Zhou, he really tried his best and did everything he could, which also allowed Li Zhou to find the opportunity to bully him in a different way.

He can't bear to look directly at the island, dining table, sofa table and stair rail in his kitchen.

But they curled up with Li Zhou and reached the peak together.

Sometimes he really doubts whether Li Zhou is using his emotions to deceive himself, so that he can obey his words and bully himself, but in the midnight dream, when he is half asleep, he can always see Li Zhou Relying on the bed head in a daze.

Staring at him as if to retrieve those lost memories from his face.

He knew that he could help Li Zhou too little, so at this time he would tighten his arms and use his body to bring Li Zhou to forget those troubles. Fortunately, Li Zhou enjoyed his initiative very much. Every time the two of them blended together, they could reach their peak.

Of course, the indulgence of these two days is not without sequelae, but the sequelae are mainly reflected in him.

Li Zhou's spirit is not bad. Although he is not as energetic as he used to be, there is no sign of physical exhaustion.

Moreover, he felt that Li Zhou's spirit was not as good as he used to be, and most of it was the result of being harassed by memory.

This made him very confused, how could the weak body be more energetic than him? Although he also knows that the higher the level of the male, the stronger in that respect, but strong does not mean that he will not be tired, right?

He didn't dare to ask Duke. He was afraid that Duke would laugh at him, so he went to the Interstellar Forum anonymously. However, the words of netizens made him laugh and cry.

Netizens did not answer his questions at all, but repeatedly asked him with great interest whether it was true? Are you happy? What is the hero level? Is there a shortage of female servants?

Of course, when he saw the last reply asking if there was no shortage of maids, he closed the forum angrily after leaving a sentence. He didn't allow any bugs to covet Li Zhou, and he couldn't even joke.

It was finally time for him to return to the Imperial City, and he couldn't wait to "return" to the Imperial City, thinking about entering the palace and fooling Clyde for a meal, then he could take his little hero out to relax. .

I didn't expect Clyde to be very good, and he was not in a hurry to let him go to the palace to report his work, or maybe he was busy calculating that he didn't have time to listen to him.

But no matter what, he has two days off, just in time to accompany Li Zhou back to the manor to deal with Clyde's eyeliner.

With a rare good mood, Xavier drove the aircraft towards home, thinking of Li Zhou's reluctant expression when he wanted to return to the imperial capital in the early morning From a touch of sweetness.

. He coaxed for a while before letting Xiao Xiongzi let him go.

Looking at the time, it was only nine o'clock, thinking that because of his body and memory, Li Zhou woke up very late in the morning, he could just go back to sleep with Li Zhou, Let Li Zhou see him when he opens his eyes.

However, when he got home, he saw that Li Zhou had already woken up, heard the sound of the aircraft, and went out to pick him up.

He was a little puzzled, how did Li Zhou wake up so early today. Looking at Li Zhou who was standing at the door smiling and looking at him, he couldn't help but speed up his steps, walked into the courtyard, and heard the gentle words as he wished.

"Welcome home, my general."

Li Zhou felt a little distressed when he saw Xieweier's dusty appearance.

In fact, after he left Xavier, he was completely awake, and he knew that he was wasting Xavier's time when he was confused.

He was a little worried, fearing that Xavier's forced rapid jump would cause damage to his body, so he simply didn't sleep, and without Xavier's warm embrace, he couldn't sleep peacefully.

He got up and started busy. First, he entered the space to clean up and replant, and then drove the aircraft to explore the newly emerging mountains and forests. He also went to the seaside to catch the sea.

I brought the harvested lobsters, crabs, and various marine fish, as well as different types of fungi found in the new mountain forest, out of the space, ready to pack up and make a meal that Xavier has never eaten before seafood feast.

Prepared the ingredients and put them in the safe. Li Zhou glanced at the time, it was only six in the morning.

Thinking that Xavier would not be back until at least noon, he sighed and sat on the sofa in a daze. He found that after Xavier was missing at home, the quietness made him uncomfortable.

With Xavier's careful company, he is no longer used to living alone. The fights and intrigues in the previous life slowly faded from his memory, and the interstellar life became the most vivid part of his memory.

And Xavier is the most vivid and warm part of his memory. He finally knows why some emperors in ancient times would give up their kingdoms for their lovers. He thought that if it was him, it would also be for Xavier You can give up the country.

Love is so deeply immersed in it, even if you switch races, you can't escape.

Li Zhou never thought that he was still a lover, but the object was Xavier, and he was very happy.

He lay on his back on the sofa and counted the time, looking forward to Xavier's return early, feeling that every second was like a year, and suddenly he was a little afraid that Xavier would really go out, so he wouldn't be able to do it for a long time See Sheville?

Thinking of this, he sat up vacantly, opened his brain, and wanted to check if there was anything in the interstellar space, and the family members stayed in the imperial city.

The result is good, maybe there is no male who wants to follow the female to suffer on the battlefield, so there is no such law in Interstellar. He made up his mind that if Xavier really went out in the future, he would go with him, so that he could still protect Xavier.

He was very happy to think that he could be by Xavier's side in the future.

After finishing this, he glanced at the time again, it was still early noon, and after thinking about it, he entered the space again, picked a lot of red roses and carried it out of the space.

I found a very beautiful vase from the things Clyde gave, put the trimmed roses in the vase and put it on the dining table, Li Zhou fantasized about him and Xavier in a good mood When speaking the language of roses, Xavier's blushing face and moved eyes.

Just when he was doing whatever he wanted to Xavier in his fantasy, he heard the sound of the aircraft, and his mental power also sensed the spiritual power of Xavier that was entangled with him day and night, and it fit perfectly.

He opened the door in surprise, and saw the insect flying machine come down, and Xevier with a cold breath walked towards him with steady steps.

The picture was the same as what he saw in the hospital medical cabin, but now Xavier was even more fascinated by him, and he couldn't help but say: Welcome home, my general. .

He knew that Xavier liked to hear this sentence, and he was very willing to say it. This sentence made them all clearly feel that he was no longer alone, and that he had a lover. There are worms that can spend a lifetime together.

Xevier was indeed moved by Li Zhou's simple words, he stood in front of Li Zhou and responded to Li Zhou softly: "I'm back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhou held his hand and took him back to the villa, just like Li Zhou did when he took the initiative to go home for the first time.

As soon as he entered the living room, Li Zhou hugged Xavier, smelling the familiar breath on Xavier's body, and sleepiness came up.

Seeing Li Zhou's exhaustion, Xavier gently hugged Li Zhou, and then walked upstairs steadily.

Placing Li Zhou on the bed, Xavier unbuttoned his uniform and asked in a low voice, "Have you not slept since I left?"

Li Zhou was attracted by the beautiful picture of his lover **** in front of him, he sat up involuntarily, stretched out his hand and pulled Xavier's tie close to him, and replied softly, "I can't sleep without you."

He stretched out his hand and continued to unbutton Xavier: "You are tired too, let's sleep together for a while."

Xevier let Li Zhou help him untie his body, but when he picked up the nightgown to wear, he was stopped by Li Zhou.

Thinking that he has few opportunities to wear a nightgown these days, he didn't insist, he got into the bed directly, hugged Li Zhou in his arms, touched Li Zhou's head, puzzled Question: "In the past two days, apart from exercising, you haven't been in good spirits even when you are eating. Is it really because of memory?"

Li Zhou rubbed against Xavier's warm chest and said slowly: "No, memory is only one reason, the fundamental reason is that my mental power has skyrocketed and my ability level has risen by leaps and bounds."

Xevier didn't understand how Li Zhou's ability advanced, but he also knew that leapfrogging was very harmful to the body, so he could not help asking worriedly: "What should I do, how can I help you? I Let's take you to Evel to check carefully."

Li Zhou stopped Xavier from taking him to the hospital, and said gently: "Don't worry, it's just that the body can't handle it all of a sudden, so it's so sleepy, wait for the body to keep up with the growth of power Enough."

Hearing Li Zhou say this, Xavier was a little angry: "Then you are not honest these days, you toss me every day, it seems that Aiweier's doctor's orders still have to be obeyed."

Li Zhou was a little embarrassed. After all, he had just started the meat industry, and his object was still his favorite Sheville, so it was inevitable that he could not hold back. Coupled with the fact that Xavier spoiled him, he always let him display it, so he couldn't help but get caught up in it.

However, he is not that savage, and doing these things with Xavier really won't hurt his body.

On the contrary, each double cultivation brought him a lot of benefits, otherwise his soaring mental power would have nowhere to digest for a long time, which would directly make him fall into a coma.

He told Xavier all this, but Xavier just gave him a suspicious look.

This made Li Zhou a little dumbfounded, and he didn't have any criminal record, how could his reputation become so low in Shewell.

In order to convince Xavier, he pressed against Xavier's forehead, and the surging mental power directly rushed into Xavier's spiritual sea, directly pressing Xavier's SS+ level strong and hot mental force to one point At every turn, forced to dance with him.

This mental entanglement lasted for an hour, and when the two insects opened their eyes one after another, Xavier finally believed what Li Zhou said.

Li Zhou's mental sea has at least doubled compared to before, and the mental power that was originally on par with himself can now directly suppress him.

When cultivating a few days ago, Li Zhou considered his feelings and did not do his best, but today, Li Zhou, who was full of firepower, made him feel a long-lost fear.

With his physique, at this level and some people can't bear so much mental power, one can imagine how painful Li Zhou will be after his mental power skyrockets.

He hugged Li Zhou tighter in distress, and Xieweier's tone trembled inaudibly: "Li Zhou, am I helping you like this?"

Li Zhou buried his head on Xavier's shoulder, bit Xavier's **** Adam's apple and slender neck lightly, showing a sly smile where Xavier couldn't see, half true Half-falsely coaxing Xavier: "It's not enough, just like that two days ago."

Seeing that Xavier was listening carefully, Li Zhou continued to deceive: "When you practice next time, you can show your wings, this will not only help me, but also train you to control your mental power, Heal your mental sea faster."

"Yes, is that so?" Xavier really didn't understand, and asked Li Zhou innocently, "Is this really okay?"

Li Zhou affirmed: "Of course, the wings are the most important part of your females, they can both defend against the enemy and carry you to fly, and you also need to stretch out your wings to detect your spiritual power, you can see The importance of wings for mental control."

Xievil was persuaded, he felt that what Li Zhou said was very reasonable, and nodded in agreement with Li Zhou's request.

Li Zhou was satisfied with his pajamas still outside the quilt, and fell asleep close to Xavier's skin.

You know, it took a lot of brain cells to coax Xavier into doing something lewd, and now he can finally sleep soundly in the familiar embrace.

The author has this to say:

Red rose left alone on the dining table: Didn't you promise to tell Seville what I said? No matter what, I'm leaving!

The second one may be late, so you can watch it tomorrow morning.