MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 98

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Li Zhou's aura is 2.8 meters, even the general is afraid

The Palace, the Council Hall, the first day of the Great Court.

This is three months after that happy family dinner, and it is also the first time Li Zhou has seen such a big scene since he came to Interstellar.

The Zerg royal family will hold two large court meetings every year, once in the middle of the year and once at the end of the year, each for seven days, so that the officials sent from the remote planets have the opportunity to return to the Imperial Capital Star to report their duties, re-evaluate performance and promotions, etc.

The Great Ceremony is also the best time for each planet to promote its own local specialties, tourism, etc., and make a name to the outside world.

Therefore, the most lively time of the imperial capital is during the grand court meeting. At this time, the imperial capital will gather knowledgeable people, watch the excitement, look for business opportunities, and promote local characteristics. .

The Imperial City Star Chamber of Commerce is optimistic about business opportunities. Led by the Clemens family, it will hold various activities such as exhibitions, temple fairs, and evening parties during the annual conference.

The forces of all parties will take advantage of the opportunity of opening multiple channels during the imperial court meeting, and take the opportunity to follow the debriefing officials, caravans, tourist teams and other teams that can legally enter the imperial capital Stars carry out tasks such as lurking, sabotaging, and creating panic.

So every time during the great court meeting, the military department and the Imperial City Police Department will cooperate to establish the Imperial City emergency defense mechanism to ensure the safety of the Imperial City.

Although today is the first day of the conference, Xavier has been busy for three days without going home due to the security work of the conference.

Li Zhou was very worried that Xavier's unhealed body would not be able to support it, so he prepared the meals that Xavier liked and prepared to go to the military to deliver meals to Xavier.

He thought that if Xavier could not support it, he would hand over the work to his cheap apprentices Morey and Duke, and take Xavier home to rest.

However, why is Li Zhou so worried about Xavier? It started a month ago.

A month ago, the mutant star beast attacked the M star again, because it was guessed that the star beast needed something in the M star in advance, so when the mutant star beast attacked, Xavier decided to lead the troops and sit in the town. M star, see if you can find the reason why the star beast is obsessed with M star.

Because of Shevel's orderly scheduling and the upgrade of the defensive net, everything went smoothly at the beginning.

Consecutive waves of star beast attacks were quickly repelled, the star beast army suffered heavy casualties, and they retreated collectively. Just when Sheville and Brian thought that the star beast army gave up this operation, the sudden change pregnancy!

The second master of the Star Orcs.

The appearance of Cassin made the Star Beast Legion, which had originally intended to retreat, suddenly boost the morale, like crazy, recklessly attacking the M star defense network regardless of death or casualties.

The worst thing is that the Star Orcs don’t know where they mobilized their elite troops, and they unexpectedly bypassed the surveillance of the Zerg Heavenly Net and came to reinforce the M star. Star Orc Legion.

Although they rescued the neighboring planets immediately, but because of the rapid arrival of the star beast reinforcements and the gathering of elites, the star beast army still broke through the M star's defense network.

In order to resist the fierce attack of the star beast king Ka Xindi, so that Brian can have time to transfer the people and confidential documents, Xavier walked out of the military war room and personally led the army to fight.

The military females also boosted the morale of the army because of Xavier personally leading the troops, and for a while they pushed the star orc elite troops out of the range of the defensive net.

Severe saw the opportunity to capture the king, and directly fought with Kasin who had the same idea.

Cassin's strength was originally lower than Xavier's, but due to his mutation, and Xavier's strength has not fully recovered, he already has the ability to fight Xavier.

The generals of two different races, for different reasons, gathered in the sky above M star, black wings and transparent lepidopterans collided with each other, and under their feet were the screams of warriors of all races fighting desperately, and various weapons The sound of artillery fire intertwined when firing.

The final battle situation is that with the nimble skill and years of fighting experience, Xavier severely wounded Cassin, but Xavier himself was seriously injured.

He was slashed by Cassin's wings from below the left collarbone to the right waist and abdomen with a deep and long wound. Such a serious injury was due to Seville dodging in time, otherwise The heart will be fatally hit by Cassin.

After Kaxin was injured, the Star Beast Legion's momentum was greatly reduced, and was driven out of M star by the galloping army females and the Zerg troops who came to reinforce, and Xavier cultivated half of the M star It takes many months to move freely.

Because of this battle, Xavier completely established a higher prestige than Clyde in outlying stars such as M star.

After Xavier was injured, he was afraid that Li Zhou would come to M star, so he teamed up with Brian, Duke and Morey to hide it from Li Zhou, and dared to tell Li Zhou the truth after he was all right.

He thought he would be scolded by Li Zhou, but Li Zhou just kissed the wound he had just scabbed in distress and took care of him even more.

But the more Li Zhou was like this, the more Xieweier felt guilty. He swore that he would not hide anything from Li Zhou in the future. Week N unequal treaties.

Of course, some treaties can be realized immediately, while others can only be carried out after Seville's injury has recovered.

And the success of the plan made Xavier feel guilty, Li Zhou showed a faint smile where Xavier could not see it. lied to him.

During the follow-up care of Xavier, Li Zhou, in the name of a treat, used a strange delicacy - Niu Zhan hot pot to ruthlessly avenge the few female sons who conspired with Xavier to deceive him.

Shewell, who knew what Li Zhou had done for a long time, said when Duke and the others complained that he did not dare to express any opinions, and the angry Li Zhou had an aura of 2.8 meters. Even if he was an admiral, he was afraid.

In this regard, Duke and other insects showed disdain.

They expressed disbelief in Xavier's rhetoric, and joked that Xavier was a model of forgetting friends. After all, in their hearts, Li Zhou would not punish Xavier even if he was angry.

I thought that Xavier would be able to recover from his injuries at home and go to work. Who would have thought that Clyde would have moved the grand meeting nearly a month earlier.

Although they knew that it was because of their operation, news about special grains appeared on the black market and Taylor's seafood star - Doyle Star, Clyde held the emergency meeting, but Li Zhou always felt that Clyde was deliberately tossing Xavier.

After all, if you want to solve these two issues, you only need to recall Brian and Taylor who reported the matter, there is no need to advance the meeting.

With such dissatisfaction, Li Zhou personally sent Xavier out seven days ago.

A few days ago, Xavier was able to get home from get off work on time, and he and Xavier could simply double repair to restore Xavier's energy.

However, as the Great Court is approaching and the forces of all parties converge, Xavier is getting busier and busier.

I didn't go home for three days this time, so I could only pick up the free time to call Li Zhou holographic and tell Li Zhou that he was fine.

Seeing Xavier's pale face, while Li Zhou was extremely dissatisfied with Clyde, he was also very worried about Xavier's injury.

So on the first day of the grand meeting, he couldn't help it, he prepared a hearty meal and flew to the military headquarters to visit Xavier.

Li Zhou easily entered the military this time, one is that his star brain has been sent back by Casey, and the other is that he has not come to the military for thank you in the past three months Will delivered meals, and all the female soldiers knew him.

Amid the good-natured laughter of the women on guard, Li Zhou registered and verified his identity information, and walked towards Shewell's office with a huge food box.

On the way, his ears were filled with military females, "His Royal Highness is here to deliver meals to the General", "The General is in the office", "His Royal Highness is really good to the General", "His Royal Highness is really harmonious." Other males are different" and so on.

Although in the corner he could not see, there were still discordant voices, thinking that he was just afraid of Xavier's power, pretending to gain a good reputation.

But Li Zhou never cared, he only cared about these military females not to miss his loved ones where he couldn't see them.

Of course, he can find that some military females have different feelings for Xavier, or it comes from the encounter in the hospital medical examination.

The encounter made him feel a sense of crisis, so after he came to the military, he observed it very carefully, and he really discovered the military girl who had a crush on Xavier.

More than one!

After discovering this, he likes to come to the military headquarters to take a sworn oath of sovereignty whenever he has time, and Xavier is also happy to cooperate with his own little hero, often leaving his mark with Li Zhou around his neck work.

Fortunately, the military requires a clean appearance, and the button of the shirt needs to be buttoned to the top one, otherwise the military females will see that their generals are not only wearing Li Zhou's clothes around their necks The imprint, the interlocking bones, and the chest are also full of love imprints left by Li Zhou.

Li Zhou put the huge food box on the ground, reached out and knocked on the door of Xavier's office, and pushed Xavier away with a cold "Please come in". Office door.

Shevell sat at the desk with his head down with a stern expression, and quickly browsed the documents sent by the military females.

He thought it was his titular secretary who knocked on the door, but in fact it was Mandel sent by Clyde to monitor him.

But when he heard the footsteps entering, his serious expression melted immediately, and his tense spirit from work instantly relaxed.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking up at the male who entered, and said softly: "You're here."

Li Zhou smiled at Xavier with the big food box, and responded gently: "I'm here to deliver meals to my lady, and pick him up from get off work by the way, my lady can get off work on time today to accompany me go home?"

Cheville got up and took the food box in Li Zhou's hand, closed the door of the office by the way, shut his curious eyes from the door, and said: "Of course, it is also a female to meet the requirements of the male master. You should do it."

Li Zhou smiled, and when Xavier put the food box on the desk, he pulled Xavier's tie and pulled Xavier into himself.

He kissed Xavier's lips tenderly and lovingly, which had become dry and no longer rosy due to injury and busywork, tried to make it back to a rosy and healthy color, and vented that he had not seen Xavier for three days thoughts and worries.

Cheville allowed Li Zhou to kiss himself in the office, and he missed Li Zhou as much as Li Zhou missed him.

This kiss didn't make Li Zhou happy, but considering that this was in Xavier's office, he still let Xavier go.

After leaving a sentence in Xavier's ear "Wait for you, give me back this month's share", Li Zhou let go of the shy Xavier and opened himself up Well-prepared food box.

There are all Chevy's favorite things in there, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, ribs and beans, salad lettuce, Kung Pao shrimp balls, angelica ginseng chicken soup and some after-dinner soup for Cheville to replenish qi and blood Fruits and desserts.

Xavier looked at the table full of his favorite food, and from behind Li Zhou, wrapped Li Zhou tightly in his arms, and said: "It's hard work."

Li Zhou patted the coquettish Cheville and said, "Come and eat, I'll check how your wound is recovering after eating."

Sheville nodded obediently, sat on a chair and had lunch with Li Zhou, during which he whispered to Li Zhou about his security deployment.

He told Li Zhou to keep a good time, and safely sent the "gift" that Marshal Amos gave them three months ago to the Imperial Capital Star.

The author has this to say:

On the day of eating the beef hot pot;

After taking a sip, Duke immediately fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth: What kind of dark food is this! Brian why didn't you come back!

Morey, who was also recruited, silently wiped away tears and ate three bowls in a row under the eyes of his teacher "Love".

Cherville: ..scared, I'll just eat my sick meal.

Li Zhou: (^^);

The new dungeon grand meeting has opened, recruiting talented people from all walks of life to beat the hateful emperor Clyde, and the registered partners will be given small red envelopes.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!