MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 16 The history of the demise of the barbarian tribes

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  Chapter 16 History of the Extinction of the Barbarian Tribe

   "My lord, this is a sacrifice offered by the devil."

  Isabel opened her hands and presented three items.

  Lu Yao first picked up one of the pitch-black statues.

  This statue is about the size of a seal, and it looks like a mass of soft black mud, with a touch between rubber and clay. There are many eyes growing in the black mud, and these eyes all present a gloomy dark red color, looking a bit evil.


  [Statue of the Skinner LV3]: Faith +3/hour, Attack +2, you can start the animalization ceremony to gain the power of faith.

  A treasure crafted by the flayers. The Beastization Ceremony can be started, and by gazing at the sanity, cognition and memory of the living sacrifice, it can be reduced to a powerful skinned beast in exchange for the power of faith given by the skinner.


  Lu Yao thought he was a good guy.

   No wonder Lisa says she makes extra money practicing her faith.

  She is selling players to this mysterious skinner in exchange for faith, similar to being a human trafficker.

  [Statue of the Skinner] is a bit like the gaze of Medusa in mythology, which belongs to a special concept attack. When the two players were attacked before, they would never have thought that the real threat was not the beast skin man or the blood curse, but this humble statue.

   In addition, this treasure is actually marked with a grade symbol.

  It seems that it can continuously improve its level and has growth attributes. This is a feature that other props did not have before, which shows its value.

  Lu Yao put down the statue and picked up another item.

   This is a whistle made of unknown bones. The surface is yellowed, and it looks like it has been around for quite a while.


  [Evil Bone Whistle]: Faith +2/hour.

  A treasure made by the Whistleblower. Control monsters and beasts that lose their minds by whistling.


  The ability of the bone whistle is concise and concise, and it is a specific functional prop.

  [Statue of the Skinner] plus [Evil Bone Whistle], the ability combination and compatibility is a typical 1+1>2.

   Both form a simple combo.

  [Statue of the Skinner] Turns a person or a specific creature into a beast, and [Evil Bone Whistle] further tames this animalized individual for his own use.

   No wonder Lisa said before, when her dog.

  She wasn't joking, she was just stating the facts.

  Lu Yao looked at the last sacrifice.

  This is a letter. The letter was sealed with sealant, but it opened with a slight tear.

   Inside are two pieces of yellowed letter paper.


  [Drifting Letter Paper]: Faith +1/hour, 2/5 letter paper can be used.

  Write in the letter, and through the gift, the letter can be sent to a specific individual in the lower dimension. The recipient must be able to recognize the information in the letter.


  Before the black bear attacked the tribe, the letter dropped from the corpse was the effect of this item.

  Barbarian tribes have well-developed muscles per capita, but their intelligence is hard to describe.

  The barbarian hero transformed by [Statue of the Skinner] has a stronger body, but is also closer to a beast without intelligence.

  So even if he could recognize the letter, he ended up looking for the wrong place to attack.

   Lu Yao thought about it in his mind.

  【Statue of the Skinner】The animalization ritual mode created by [Statue of the Skinner] is completely opposite to its own development strategy. This thing may come to faith faster, but it is essentially working for the skinner and spreading hatred everywhere, which will only provoke anger and resentment. It is most suitable as a pendant, at least it can add two points of strength.

   "Isabel, this thing is for you to use. Try not to use the animalization ceremony as an ornament." Lu Yao directly arranged for his apostles.

   "Yes, my lord." Isabel took the statue with both hands.

  As for 【Evil Bone Whistle】, this thing can control beasts and monsters...

   "It's for you too."

  Lu Yao directly equipped Isabel with all the equipment. Bone Whistle and Statue are a set of combinations, and the combination of the two is more powerful. This is also Lisa's well-matched skill set.

   "Yes, my lord." Isabel took the bone whistle again.

  Lu Yao asked her: "By the way, if the props are not used, is there any other way to deal with them?"

"My lord, some specific treasures will also be exchanged between the gods, but if they are really not needed, or the characteristics of the treasures themselves will bring negative can directly throw them into the bonfire of the temple, which is the fire of faith, and burn them to gain a certain amount. faith."

"I see."

  Among the three trophies, only [Floating Letterhead] Lu Yao survived.

   This thing is useless in Lisa's hands, because the barbarian tribe has no wise men and does not engage in civilization development, but it is a useful consumable item for me.

  The two wise men of the garlic tribe, the prophet and the shaman, originally Lu Yao could only let them understand his own meaning through indirect guidance.

  There is [Drifting Letterhead], which can be regarded as a supplement.

  Lu Yao is in a good mood.

  First of all, I found out the devil Lisa lurking in the dark, watched the police arrest her, and eliminated the safety hazard I was most worried about.

  Even if she uses some tricks to escape, she will know Lisa's true identity, but she doesn't know her true identity.

  In the past, the enemy was in the dark and we were in the dark, but now the enemy is in the dark. The roles of the two sides were reversed, and the advantage was on Lu Yao's side.

   Then also harvested three pieces of very valuable loot.

   Lu Yao couldn't help laughing just because of their daily fixed income of +6/hour.

  Adding [Prickly Prickly Follower] and [Energy Cane], a total of 8 faith points will be produced every hour, 24 hours a day, that is 192 points!

  In the past, I was short of saving for beliefs, and I had to think and think again and again to use miracles. Now you can be relatively comfortable, and when it rains, you can electrify whoever needs to be electrified.

   But before returning to "God Simulator", Lu Yao still has a key question.

   "Isabel, why are you totally useless?"

   "My lord, using the last prayer will consume mana. Mana is very precious, and it is not worth it to deal with weak enemies of that level."

   "What about the sword of the forest?"

   "Because the combat object is too weak, the effect of the Sword of the Forest cannot be triggered."

   Lu Yao felt a little regretful, and returned his eyes to Isabel.

  Isabel took the eyeballs and skillfully stuffed them into the eye sockets under the sunglasses.

  Lu Yao returned his attention to the simulator.


  Although Lu Yao couldn't kill a human player like Lisa, he still had the courage to attack Lisa's barbarian tribe, and he was very courageous.

   At this time, I guess Lisa is still drinking tea at the police station and cannot operate the simulator.

  Lu Yao directly clicked on [Miracle] and selected [Earthquake].

  Earthquake needs to consume 40 Faith.

  Currently there are only 20 faith points in the upper right corner, which is useless.

  Soldiers are expensive and fast, and they cannot be delayed.

  Lu Yao directly took out the signature pen and wrote a paragraph in [Floating Letter Paper].

   "The demons believed by the barbarian tribes have been defeated. Don't miss the opportunity to immediately conquer and integrate the barbarian tribes to eliminate the threat."

   Then, he put the letterhead on the mouse.

  —May I ask you to give 【Floating Letterhead】to your believers?


  Different from before, the villains of the tribe did not realize this time that a gift from the gods had come.

  [Floating Letterhead] After entering the pixel game world, it floats in the air.

  Lu Yao tried to click, and sure enough, he could drag.

  He dragged the letter directly onto the Prophet.

   An exclamation point appeared above the Prophet's head.

   "God inspired!"

   "The demons of the barbarian tribe are defeated... Chance, good chance!"

  The seers and shamans took immediate action.

  The Garlic tribe sent 30 elite hunters, led by Brother Zhuyu, into the mountains.

   Soon they found the location of the barbarian tribe.

   "Discover the barbarian tribe!"

   "Attack, attack!"

  A small tribe appeared in the mountains. There were only about 20 people left in this tribe. They lived outside a large cave. It's just that the barbarians were lying on the ground at this time, unconscious, and gray ghost figures appeared above their heads.

  They looked extremely weak, even if the garlic tribe didn't attack, they couldn't last a few days.

  Brother Pigfish easily captured all the barbarians.

   There is a statue next to the tribe cave, which is very similar to the statue of the skinner. They chose to destroy it without hesitation.

  The statue collapsed into pieces under Lu Yao's operation, and no traces of the past can be seen anymore.

  【The garlic tribe and the barbarian tribe have completed the integration, and their faith has been improved. 】

  Integrating the barbarian tribes has increased the faith by 51 points in total, and now has a total of 71 points of faith.

  Lu Yao looked at the cave next to the former site of the barbarian tribe.

  The hole is suspicious, but he's not going to risk the pixel people in it.

  Lu Yao clicked [Miracle], selected [Earthquake], and directly selected the entrance of the cave and its surroundings.

  As Faith consumes 40 points, the selected area begins to crack.

  The boulder kept rolling down, and the entrance of the cave collapsed rapidly. Amidst the dust, a large amount of rubble soon completely buried the vicinity.

  In this way, if there is any abnormality in the collapsed cave, Lu Yao will be able to detect it immediately and respond accordingly.

   A line of prompts appears on the screen.

  【The faith of the **** Jack has completely disappeared nearby, and his believers will start looking for new gods. 】

  (end of this chapter)