MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 286 Who can fight best in Shacheng?

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  Chapter 286 Who can fight best in Shacheng?

  Lu Shan looked at the tall figure in front of him, feeling uneasy.

  Before this, he couldn't imagine that a foreigner from another kingdom of God would come to the bamboo and reed country to help the bamboo and reed people improve their planting level.

  Knowledge does not lie.

  An ambassador from the Yao nationality, a plantation scholar named Yugu, taught Lu people how to make fertilizer, how to maintain soil fertility, how to dig canals, cultivate border fields, keep water and eliminate insects.

  He not only talked, but also loosened the soil, fertilized, made fertilizer and observed the growth of a large number of bamboo shoots.

   Lushan knew at a glance that the other party was experienced and definitely professional.

  After improving the cultivation method according to Yugu's method, the bamboo forest on the mountain entered an unprecedented crazy period.

  A large bamboo forest grows wildly, and the rate of bamboo people born in it has increased significantly, and the newborn bamboo people are even more physically strong, far better than any time in the past.

  Even the apostle Takeo-sama made a special trip to express his sincere thanks to the murloc with the most formal etiquette.

  Mr. Yugu just said: "You are welcome, I am here to do this."

   "This is not only the mission entrusted to me by God Yao, but also my own will."

   "Seeing that there are so many fertile and high-quality soils in Zhulu Country, but they are not fully utilized, it makes me feel sad and uncomfortable. These soils are natural wealth."

   "You don't know, God's Valley, who worked before me, spent a lot of energy in order to turn the soil into what it looks like here... Zhulu Kingdom naturally has such a huge advantage, which is simply enviable."

   "There are still too few bamboo forests in the Bamboo Reed Country, which is far from realizing its original potential. I want to strive to increase the population here! I want everyone to live a better life!"

  Zhu Nan felt ashamed when he heard it: "Thanks for your hard work."

  Mr. Yugu is such a pure murloc.

  He has a deep love for soil and fertilizer.

  When he was free, Yugu focused on improving fertilizers. He tasted the taste and toxicity of various plants with his mouth, collected dead leaves, silt and excrement, and wanted to find a better formula for fertilizer raw materials.

  Lu Shan saw a dazzling and shining halo in him, which is a noble character that is free from laziness and low-level hobbies, just like a leader looking for the way ahead.

  Seeing that Yugu is still trying to explore, Lu Shan keeps admonishing himself.

  Lushan, ah Lushan, you must not be lazy and degenerate.

  Scholars who are so knowledgeable and knowledgeable never stop, what right do you have to be complacent?

Go forward!

   You gotta move on!

  Lu Shan followed Yu Gu silently, and unconsciously began to learn and imitate this scholar.

  During this process, he has benefited a lot, and further realized that there is a huge gap in planting technology between the Zhulu country and the world where the Yao people live.

  He often wonders what kind of life the Yao people live in another world far away.

  Everyone probably has a plantation where they grow all kinds of things. After all, the products of the Yao people far exceed those of the bamboo and reed country, and the Yao people have a deep understanding of the soil, water, weather and all kinds of things that grow in the soil.

  After hearing Lu Shan's thoughts, Yu Gu shook his head reluctantly.


   "In the Yao people, land is very precious. Not everyone can have such a luxurious large piece of fertile land like Lu Min, and they can live easily no matter whether they plant it or not."

"There are dedicated farmers over there who are responsible for planting, mainly wheat, potatoes and soybeans. There are also fruit farmers who tend the orchards and improve the taste of berries and sour raspberries. And of course there are herders who herd cattle, sheep and Pigs, keep pacers..."

  This description made Lushan even more fascinated.

   "But in the Yao nationality, the competition is quite fierce."

  Yu Gu seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on his face became a bit sad: "Although I don't want to admit it, I am just an ordinary gardener in the garden of the Valley of Gods."

   "My good brother Shaq, that's what is called genius. There are also rose angels, they are naturally close to nature and flowers, these are incomparable to us."

  Lu Shan was secretly surprised.

  Mr. Yanjiu, the sand walker of Zhuzhishan, said that his level is also rare among the Yao people. Another sand walker, Nong Lei, was even more direct, saying that he could no longer get along in the Yao tribe, so he came here to look for further opportunities to practice.

   Whenever he thinks that any passer-by of the Yao nationality is at the level of Yugu, Lu Shan only feels that it is difficult to breathe.


  Lu Shan cut off the chaotic thoughts in his head, and mustered up the courage to step forward: "Mr. Yugu, I would like to ask, is there anything that needs attention when going to the world of the Yao people?"

  Yugu, who was stirring the fertilizer, put down his work: "By the way, you are one of the two people sent by Zhulu Kingdom to communicate this time, right? Who is the other one?"

   "It's Bamboo Tiger."

   "Oh, I remember, it's the very strong guy, okay, one man and one man, I'll see more in the past, it will be helpful to you."

Yugu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Don't be nervous, the place you are going this time is not the world of the Yao people, but Yunzhong Temple, which is the place where the martial monks of the Yao people practice. But Shacheng is said to be based on Yaocheng and Those built in Yancheng can be regarded as passed down in one continuous line.”

   "I want to say things to pay attention to..."

  He thought for a while: "It doesn't seem to be a problem. Lord Yao is very tolerant to ordinary people. Read more and learn more."

   "By the way, you are going to Shacheng, so help me bring something to my good brother Shaq, and say hello to him for me. Help me see how that guy is doing now."


  Lu Shan stood outside Shacheng, looking at the city surrounded by tall metal roses in front of him, feeling a little weak under his feet.

  There are no so-called cities in Zhulu Country, only scattered hills. Each mountain is shared by several bamboo people, and they also rely on the mountain to build bamboo houses and bamboo houses, but there has never been such a concentrated and majestic settlement before them.

  The dry and desolate desert has a breath of death, thick white clouds linger in the sky, and flower-shaped clouds float in the clouds from time to time. It is said that they are cloud roses, and they are also a strange life from the Yao race.

Beside them are two long, straight and wide roads, with white stone piers paved on both sides of the roads, from time to time, flying shuttles pass through the sand, like some kind of large stone snakes, dragging out the sky full of yellow sand behind them .

   "The Shacheng is ahead, and you will spend three days here."

  The guide who leads the way has a body shaped like a hill, and its huge head protrudes from the sand.

  This identity is very unusual.

  It is the apostle of God Yao and one of the two managers of this world, Zhike monk.

  The Zhike monk slowly turned his huge head, his wide mouth opened up and down, and the strong wind he exhaled made Lu Shan almost unsteady, but Zhuhu caught him.

   "The city of Shacheng is governed by another apostle, Slymore. Don't be afraid to trouble him, he is everywhere. Go in, he will guide you."

  The Zhike monk sank slowly into the sand and quickly disappeared.

  Lushan and Zhuhu looked at each other, and they could see the tension in each other's eyes.

  Zhuhu forced his mouth shut and said, "It's nothing special, it's just a city."

  A sneer came from beside him.

   "Just a city? Really ignorant and fearless."

   "Brother Poison, don't be like this..."

   The voices were two tall, gray-skinned undertakers, who came from the world of ghosts. This time Shacheng invites, each of the two major kingdoms of God gets two places.

  Lu Shan only knows that of the two funeral clansmen, the one with the barb in their words is called Funeral Poison, and the other one who persuades them is called Funeral Season.

  Zhuhu stared at the funeral poison fiercely: "You deliberately found fault, didn't you?"

   "Hey, what do you want?" Funeral smiled.

  Lu Shan and Funeral Ji quickly persuaded the two fellow clansmen.

   At this moment, a man in green suddenly appeared out of thin air.

  He was dressed in a bright green overcoat, carried a cane, was tall and tall, and wore a wide-brimmed hat that completely obscured his face.

   "Welcome, friends from foreign countries, I am the mayor of this city, Slymore. Now please follow me, and I will show you around this city."

  The four immediately fell silent.

  The person in front of me is also an apostle of God Yao, with a high status.

  God Yao actually sent two apostles as guides, which made them somewhat flattered. At the same time, they were even more disturbed. There were actually two apostles in one city... The Yao tribe is really a powerful tribe.

  The apostle in green led the way and introduced Shacheng to them easily.

   "This city was established for a short time, so it is relatively simple. However, because it is an emerging city, it has many possibilities and there are not so many rules."

   "Oh, by the way, if you drink some of this [Blast Furnace Honey Wine], you will be able to understand the various languages ​​​​of Shacheng people."

   Slymode handed each of them a pottery flagon, and all four of them drank a little wine.

   "There are ghost lighthouses, rose gardens, mining areas, martial arts arenas, and forest areas...Where do you want to start?"

   "Ghost Lighthouse!"

"rose Garden."

  The envoys from the two parties gave different answers, and neither side made any concessions.

   This is what the apostles told them before they left the Kingdom of God. Regardless of the foreign cooperation between the Ghost Realm and the Zhulu Kingdom, the two sides are still competing secretly, which is related to the right to speak and the dignity of all parties in the future.

  Slimmode snapped his fingers: "Simple."

  His body was split into two, and he led the two parties towards different areas.

  The rose garden is behind the temple in Shacheng, surrounded by wooden fences. Roses of different colors grow in the few soils. They are small, short and dry, standing tenaciously.

  Lushan met Yugu's friend, the superhuman named Shaq.

   It's just like Yugu said.

  —That guy is big, you can see him as soon as you get to the Rose Garden, he's always in the Rose Garden.

  Shaq is a huge sand monster, shaped like a big snake with rough and tough skin. It has no muzzle, only a maw full of sharp teeth shaped like a whirlpool.

  However, its huge mouth of the abyss, which is enough to tear any flesh and blood, spews out fine mist, artificially creating a gentle drizzle, bringing moisture to the flower fields.

  A ferocious and strong monster is taking good care of the fragile flowers. This scene is unspeakably weird, but it makes Lu Shan feel inexplicably touched.

  Zhuhu was so nervous that his body was crackling.

   "Do you still want to challenge it? It looks so strong... the sense of oppression is similar to that of Mr. Shiojiu." Lu Shan whispered.

  Zhuhu gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

  As if to prove his courage, Zhuhu roared: "I want to challenge you! Shaq...Mr.!"

   Sand King, who was observing Rose, finally turned his head, and pointed his deep and ferocious mouthparts in this direction, causing both Lu Shan and Zhuhu to shiver.

"You are…"

  As if thinking of something, Shaq’s mouth opened further, revealing the sharp teeth that look like countless blades inside: “Visitor from the Bamboo Reed Kingdom, right? I heard from the mayor.”

   "By the way, how is Yugoo over there? Is it doing well?"

  Under the terrifying and vicious image, there is a gentle and friendly voice.

   This eased Lu Shan's tension.

He took out a few bamboo shoots wrapped with vines from the bamboo basket behind his back, offered them with both hands, and stammered a little: "Mr. Shaq, Mr. Yugu asked me to bring these to you, and said you would like them. "

   "Thank you for your hard work... What is this?"

  Talking about this, Lu Shan couldn’t help straightening his chest: “This is a special bamboo shoot in Zhulu country, which can be used to grow bamboo. Bamboo can not only be used as a material, but also shelter from wind and rain.”

  Bamboo shoots that leave the bamboo reed country cannot grow into bamboo people, so this is just a small gift.

   Shaq sucked lightly, and the bamboo shoots were blown into the flowerbed and planted in the soil.

   "Is this the right kind? The tip of the sword should be a sprout?"

  Lu Shan nodded: "Yes."

   "It's really an interesting novelty plant, I've never seen it before."

  Beside Zhuhu couldn't help emphasizing again: "Mr. Shaq, I want to challenge you!"

  Lushan was helpless.

  Before coming here, Zhuhu, the number one warrior of the Zhulu Kingdom, wanted to challenge the extraordinary of the Yao tribe. In the Zhulu Kingdom, Zhuhu is a powerful warrior second only to the apostle Zhunan.

   According to Yugu, Shaq once had an astonishing record of one against one hundred, and Zhuhu was eager to try before he came.

   Facing the bamboo man's challenge, Shaq said: "This...I am a gardener, not a combat member. You have found the wrong person."

   Both Lushan and Zhuhu couldn't help but slander.

  A gardener who hits a hundred? This is also called a gardener?

  But they changed their minds.

  The master planter Yugu is also a gardener.

  The gardener of the Yao nationality is really a magical profession, able to plant and cultivate.

   "There are quite a few superhumans in Shacheng who are good at fighting. I just had better luck before." Shaq said casually.

  Zhuhu refused to give up: "Who can fight the best in Shacheng?"

  Shaq thought for a while: "The cave-dwelling monster in the north of the city is small, and the ice and snow giant Ice Fist in the south of the city is very good at fighting. You can try it."

  Zhuhu cupped his hands: "Thank you."

  He said to Lu Shan: "Wait for my good news."

  That night, Lu Shan waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for Zhuhu to come back.

  Lushan searched and searched, and finally found him in the corner of the city wall of Shacheng.

  Zhuhu sat in the corner with his knees hugged, his eyes glazed over.

   It was a long time before he said, "I want to go home."

  Lu Shan didn't know what happened to him, so he could only pat the bamboo man's strong shoulder: "Mr. Yanjiu also said that there are strong Yao people everywhere, and he is just a very ordinary member."

  He looked beyond the low wall, and the brass-like sand rose shone with golden luster, shining brightly under the moonlight.

  The whole city is lit up like an iron and sand forest full of fireflies.

   There is another kind of beauty here.

Thanks: skskst supports 5,000 starting coins, Lost Storm supports 1,500 starting coins, Yechen Wang supports 500 starting coins, Lan Haiyue supports 500 starting coins, Cosmic Star Ape supports 500 starting coins, Moon l Moon Y supports 200 starting coins, by Bi Bin He also supports 100 starting coins, witnessing the unknown end at the moment of life and death supports 100 starting coins, book friend 33021206235650 supports 100 starting coins, and book friend 20210625212109042 supports 100 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)