MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (5)

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Not the same. Bai Qingyan, as the fourth generation of the same Bai family, is the same.

Luo Qi'an, who was peeping outside, was stunned when his son nibbled at someone's mouth. Hearing the content of the other party's words, he felt the world spinning. When I heard the coquettish tone of the other party again, I felt even more... I felt that the whole person was not good!

Is this really his son? Is it really his son? Luo Qi'an's lips trembled, and for a moment he wanted to rush in to interrupt the two inside, but he found that his double Feet can't move much. It was as if it was given in place by something.

At this moment, a scene that stimulated Luo Qi's eyes even more happened. After seeing his son being arrogant, Mo Xixing seemed to have nothing to do with the other party, so he couldn't help saying: "I don't, I don't mean that. It's just, don't you think we're really inappropriate?

Your family wouldn't approve of us being together, would you?

"My family agrees or disagrees, how can you know if you don't work hard? You say you don't agree even if you don't work hard... Well, in fact, I'm more of a lover, the big deal, let's run away! Or are you reluctant to part with this farm? " Bai Qingyan said nonchalantly.

Mo Xixing became even more helpless when he heard the words, "Don't say anything about eloping or not, Qing Yan, you understand what I mean. I'm not worthy of you...

"You're talking nonsense like this again. Didn't I tell you? Be a man, be confident. Although I've never seen my eldest brother, I've seen his photos and shown them to you. His style of acting, what he does is also very popular

Many, you see who doesn't admire him. How can you be so unconfident just because you look ugly? Come on, young master, let me teach you what self-confidence is...

Saying that, Bai Qingyan nibbled on Mo Xixing's mouth again, and began to reach out to pick off the other party's clothes.

Mo Xixing trembled all over, and tried hard to stop Bai Qingyan, but Bai Qingyan would not allow the other party to refuse at all. .

Mo Xixing couldn't bear it any longer, it was like this every time. Bai Qingyan always has the ability to drive him crazy. Mo Xixing put his arms around Bai Qingyan's body and carried him to the sofa in the room. This sofa was specially chosen by Bai Qingyan two days ago and was sent over by someone. After placing the person on it, Mo Xixing couldn't bear it any longer.

Bai Qingyan groaned softly, laughed softly, and wrapped his hands around Mo Xixing's neck. "I also said that I don't like me, huh, don't you like it? Mo Xixing, the person that this young master likes, you can't escape even if you want to.

Mo Xixing's voice was hoarse, and he kissed Bai Qingyan's lips fiercely, "If that's the case, don't regret it. If you provoke me, I won't let you go. If you regret it later, I will Break your legs, break your wings, even if you don't compromise, I will keep you by my side, Bai Qingyan, this is the price you provoke me!"

After all, Mo Xixing started to attack the city hard, and after a while, he entered the opponent fiercely...

"Hiss." Bai Qingyan gasped and slapped Mo Xixing on the shoulder, "You bastard, slow down.

Mo Xixing softened, and really started to slow down. The temperature of the room is rising, and the spring is gorgeous.

Luo Qi'an outside never thought that he would come out with his son to see a live **** palace, or his son's live **** palace. Although he had only watched it at the beginning, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't watch it anymore, but the inside The voice still kept coming.

Luo Qi'an left almost in a hurry, and he almost forgot how to get back to Bai's house after he left. Later, Luo Qi'an took a deep breath and went to the military headquarters to find Bai Li.

During lunch, Bai Li took a rare lunch break and was still busy in the afternoon. The scope of the joint military exercise conducted by the military this time is a bit large, so the things he has to be responsible for have become cumbersome. And because several major military regions are united, this troublesome thing

Love is even more. It would be nice to have a lunch break.

Unexpectedly, just lying down, Luo Qiyan suddenly appeared, and appeared directly in the room.

Although Bai Li wasn't startled, he was almost there. He blinked and looked at Luo Qi'an. Surprised: "Camel, why are you here? What's wrong with you? Your face looks ugly."

Luo Qi'an looked like she wanted to cry but had no tears, "Bai Li, our son... we fell in love early.

Bai Li was stunned for a while, and was also surprised. "what?"

"He, he married himself off. And do you know who he is with? That Mo Xixing is the boss in the southern suburbs.

Bai Li.....

The amount of information in these words is a bit large, and he has to take care of it.

After a while, Bai Licai said with difficulty: "Really? He is only thirteen years old. Luo Qi'an fell silent.

Bai Li wiped his face, "Well, the fourth generation of our Bai family can't look at them with their real age, but this is too...

"I went out and saw a live **** palace." Luo Qi'an squeezed his hands together, "That **** kid, who puts himself in someone else's bed and looks complacent, does he know how old he is!"

Bai Li.....

Bai Li simply didn't know what to say.

Luo Qi'an looked at Bai Li, "Bai Li, what are we going to do now?

Bai Li really didn't know what to do for a while. He felt like his son was still a child. Why did he suddenly fall in love and talk about marriage? Was caught off guard.

After a while, Bai Li finally said softly: "As you know, the fourth generation of our Bai family is relatively mature, and we can't look at them in the same way as ordinary children. Over the years, I have even suspected, Our son didn't grow so fast because of us. He deliberately suppressed his growth, but his mind is already mature.

Luo Qi'an was stunned, "What?"

Bai Li smiled bitterly, "Didn't you find out? Compared to Bai Yun and the others, our son grew up too slowly."

[Extra 3] 003: Bai Li VS Luo Qi eucalyptus

Luo Qi'an couldn't help but stunned again after hearing this.

Bai Li took Luo Qi'an's hand, pulled him and sat down on his camp bed, "You think, our son's talent is not bad, even if it is slightly worse than Bai Yun and Totem's words, but his body is not bad. in your blood, and all these years, right

Didn't Xijiu also say it? In fact, our son's special bloodline has been awakening. Think about it, Baiyun and the others all grow up so fast, why is our son a little faster than ordinary children? I think he suppressed it and deliberately made himself not

grow so fast. He probably knew that we wanted our children to be normal, wanted to experience what it's like to be a parent, and watch his son grow up, so he suppressed himself.

In fact, Bai Li had already guessed these things in his heart. I was just afraid that Luo Qiyan would be sad, so I never said it. And he will say it now because he wants to have a good talk with Luo Qiyan.

Luo Qi'an's face changed slightly, and after a while, he murmured: "No wonder, no wonder, I just said, how can our son be so different from Totem and the others, I thought he was the only child who was close to ordinary people. , So it turned out that he knew our thoughts, so he deliberately suppressed it?

"Camel, I'm not telling you this to make you sad. I'm telling you this to tell you that our son is very sensible. He has been very sensible since he was a child. You can see that he is so big and questionable. Have you ever asked for anything? No, neither do I. He doesn't seem to need anything, and he doesn't care much about anything. What we give him, he will accept. I even sometimes feel that what Lin Xijiu and Xiaoqi gave him He will be really happy. That kid, he will be more concerned about cultivation, and he will be really interested.

Luo Qi was frustrated, "Are we really such a failure?

"No, it's not a question of failure or failure. It's a matter of personal character. Our son has such a character, and he actually sensible too early, but he didn't show it, so let's treat him as a child. Look, but you followed him today, and you should have found that he is very different outside alone than in front of us, right?"

Luo Qi'an's expression changed again. He didn't notice it before, but now that I think about it, isn't it like this? When working with the people from the Celestial Master Association, how could his son be so sophisticated that he looked like a teenager. He was an adult at all. people.

In front of Mo Xixing, it was another look. But no matter what he looks like, his son is different from the one in front of them. He has really grown up, and he has always been disguised in front of them, pretending to be the child they want to see.

Like this, I don't even dare to let myself grow up.

So, did their "want" limit their son's true growth? For a time, Luo Qi's mood was really complicated.

If that's the case, what a shame to let them be parents!

Seeing Luo Qi'an's expression, Bai Li felt a little distressed. Although he had already anticipated these words when he said these words, he couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw the other party like this. He took Luo Qi'an into his arms and said softly: "When the child grows up, he will It's impossible to let go. We're the ones who will spend our lives together."

Luo Qi'an's heart trembled slightly, "Well, I know, I just can't accept it for a while. Is it because of us that Qingyan's child is like this? In fact, he could have grown up long ago. I just saw our minds, that's why this is the case. I feel a little uncomfortable.

"That child is also too thoughtful. In fact, it doesn't matter if he grows up earlier and later. He is our son, and we like him no matter what form he is."

"Yeah." Luo Qiyan nodded sullenly.

"And he was doing things outside in silence, and he didn't tell us when we were in love. Let us worry, that stinky boy will still be punished. During this time, since he wants to hide it, you can ignore him. Act like you don't know anything. Wait for me to come over here again

I'll be all busy in a week, and then we'll go on a trip for a while. I have a week's vacation, just the two of us, without him.

Luo Qi'an blinked, "Okay?

"What's wrong, otherwise, the kid is too ignorant of the sky and the earth, and he is still playing with his family, can he not be punished? It must be punished well!"

"Okay." Luo Qiyan suddenly smiled, feeling much happier.

Next, as Bai Li said, Luo Qiyan deliberately avoided meeting with his son, who always ran outside and never asked.

At the beginning, Bai Qingyan didn't notice anything wrong. But when Luo Qi'an and Bai Li went out to travel silently, the whole Bai family knew it, the servants knew it, but only he knew after they left! Bai Qingyan paused

When I noticed something was wrong. His face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Bai Qingyan called Bai Li and Luo Qi'an, and the call was for Bai Li. Bai Li said lightly: "Don't you have your own business and are very busy? So father and father won't bother you, you can do your own thing, you're going to get on the plane, that's all.

Then, Bai Li hung up the phone. Didn't wait for the son here to say anything. Suddenly, Bai Qingyan's face turned pale, and just now, the coldness in his father's voice was heard. As for his father, Bai Qingyan carefully recalled that the time he went out a week ago, the other party asked him where he was going and why he kept running outside. But he's seen his dad a handful of times since then.

Could it be... Qing Yan suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that his father went out with him and knew what he did when he went out? It was because of this that his father and father behaved in these strange ways. They did something by themselves, and their indifferent reaction simply represented disapproval.

Thinking of this, Bai Qingyan couldn't help biting his lower lip lightly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Xiao Shuanzi came in from outside, saw Bai Qingyan holding the phone and seemed to be in a daze, couldn't help but called out to the other party, "Qingyan, what are you doing?

Bai Qingyan snapped back to her senses and smiled in disguise, "Nothing, brother Xiaoshuanzi, you're back from your mission."

Um. "Little Shuanzi nodded, those dark eyes looked at Bai Qingyan, and then patted the other person's shoulder, "Your face doesn't look very good, you can tell us if you have any concerns. Keep it in your heart, you should learn from that guy Baiyun, those who can't hide things are the happiest.

Bai Qingyan couldn't help laughing a little when he heard this, "Brother Xiaoshuanzi, if Brother Baiyun hears it, he probably won't like your comments. Brother Baiyun likes maturity, and he likes being praised for his maturity."

Xiao Shuan shrugged and sneered, "What's the use of his liking, it's not the case.

Bai Qingyan laughed lightly.

"Well, when you are young, you should smile more. By the way, how has your practice been recently?" Xiao Shuanzi asked.

"It's okay, it's going well, what's wrong?" Bai Qingyan was a little puzzled.

Xiao Shuanzi glanced up and down at Bai Qingyan, "Qingyan, since it's okay, I think you're growing too slowly, is this your deliberate suppression?

Bai Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then didn't know what to think, his face changed, "Brother Xiaoshuanzi, is it obvious? Can you tell?

I think except for Uncle Luo who is a bit of a fan of the authorities, the rest of the Bai family can see it, or can imagine it, but no one interferes. But if you keep suppressing yourself like this, it may not be a good thing for your spiritual path. I won't tell you today

Saying this, Uncle Seven and Uncle Lin will find time to talk to you. I don't understand, why do you suppress yourself?

The little embolus is really puzzled.

Bai Qingyan's face changed suddenly when he heard the words, "What are you talking about? Everyone can see that you said that my father is a fan of the authorities, then, then my father's Bai Qingyan's voice lowered," my father said. Not also seen.

And his father saw it and was unhappy, so he was so indifferent after this incident, and even took his father out to relax, but didn't tell him anything. Don't they know what to say to themselves?

For a while, Bai Qingyan was really flustered.

Compared with his panic, Xiao Shuanzi didn't care much, and patted the other person on the shoulder again, "Uncle Bai Li should be able to guess it? After all, he works in the military and has a delicate mind. Thinking in this direction, but your suppression is too ruthless, if Uncle Bai Li can't guess it, it's impossible, right?

Bai Qingyan didn't know what to say, so she could only stand in place at a loss.

But it's not a big deal, right? It's just the difference between growing faster and slower. You're not all you anyway. What are you worried about? Are you worried that Uncle Bai Li will be unhappy because of this? Possibly? Uncle Bai Li should be too

I respect you, so I didn't say anything to you. "

Bai Qingyan was still at a loss.

Xiao Shuanzi hesitated for a while, and then said: "I heard that you seem to be a lot happier recently, hehe, did you encounter something good outside? I heard Luxi say that you might be in love when I came back yesterday. now, is this true?

Bai Qingyan suddenly looked at Xiao Shuanzi, "What did Brother Luxi say?

He was just guessing. He said that only people who are in love can be so stupid every day and always run outside. Others think it's quite reasonable. Although you were born at a young age, the children of the Bai family are not ordinary children, so they are only in love. It's nothing. If you really have someone you like, everyone will It will only be a blessing, there is no need to hide it.

Bai Qingyan smiled wryly, "Really yes, bless?

What's wrong?" Xiao Shuanzi was really a little surprised at this time, "Could it be that the person you like is very special? But look, in this Bai family, there are many people with special partners, not many goblins and so on. , No matter what you like, it doesn't seem to matter, right?

People from the top and bottom of the Bai family are not generally high in acceptance.

Bai Qingyan thought about Mo Xixing and stopped talking.

If the acceptance is so high, why did your father and father leave without saying a word?

[Extra 3] 004: Bai Li VS Luo Qi eucalyptus

Mo Xixing waited for a day today, but he didn't wait for Bai Qingyan to come over. At night, he couldn't help frowning.

So, wait until night time. Mo Xixing sneaked into Bai's house, he knew where Bai Qingyan's room was. Therefore, he directly found the other party's room.

Bai Qingyan was a little surprised when she saw Mo Xixing, and then slightly raised the corner of her mouth.

I just didn't go to your place for a day, did you actually come here?

Mo Xixing looked at each other. "Then why didn't you go?

Bai Qingyan sighed, slightly worried. "I'm not in a good mood today. My father and dad seem to know about us. They] secretly went out to travel and didn't tell me. Maybe they were angry with me."

When Mo Xixing heard the words, he suddenly became nervous.

Your father and papa know about us? So what? They really don't agree, do they?

This thing is a bit complicated, except for our business. Maybe some of my own actions made them unhappy, so don't say you don't know what to do, I don't know what to do now.

When Mo Xixing heard the words, he became even more nervous. "Where are they traveling? Let's go over there and have a good talk with them.

Bai Qingyan raised his brows slightly, and glanced at Mo Xixing with a half-smile. "What, you're trying to find it? Are you trying to get my father and dad to agree with us? I thought you'd hold back."

Mo Xixing immediately shook his head. "Didn't I say it before? Since you provoke me and don't plan to leave me, then I will never let go. No matter what difficulties you encounter now, even if you plan to let go, I will not let you go. Agree.

Bai Qingyan rolled his eyes. "You can rest assured, I have no plans to let go. It's just that I'm not in a good mood today, so I didn't go to your side. Since you're here. That's fine, just sleep with me."

Mo Xixing blinked and hesitated. "This is not good, I came here secretly, and I disrespect the other people in your family. If they are found, their impression of me will be worse.

Where do you think our Bai family is? Since you can appear here, everyone else must have known it. Otherwise, how could you have appeared here? If the security guards of our Bai family are so poor, Don't we face assassination every day?

When Mo Xixing heard the words, he was really stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't think about this problem. He said that he seemed to have come in too easily, and there were no guards here.

As a first-time visitor, Mo Xixing became at a loss when he heard Bai Qingyan's words. "They know I'm here

What should I do? Am I going out to meet your family now? I don't seem to have brought any gifts. If I go out like this, it's too disrespectful to your family!

Seeing Mo Xixing so helpless, Bai Qingyan burst into laughter. "I never knew how you still have such a side.

Mo Xixing was speechless and looked at Bai Qingyan helplessly. Bai Qingyan patted the other person's shoulder, "Okay, didn't I say that my family is more casual, so you don't have to think about it. It's what you said, let's go to my father and father, this Think about it, and I don't want them to be unhappy."

"Then we'll go tomorrow, do you know where they travel?

I don't know now, but it's pretty easy to find them.

Moxie nodded.

After that, I still didn't stay overnight in Mo Xixing. Of course, he couldn't have acted like this when the Bai family already knew that he was coming, and the impression would be too bad, so he left shortly after and said OK, come over early tomorrow morning.

Regarding the other party's rigid character, Bai Qingyan just shook his head helplessly, but did not force anything.

The next morning, when Bai Qingyan got up, he saw a lot of people at the dining table, and Bai Qingyan understood why. Sure enough, Bai Yunhe smiled. "I didn't expect that the youngest of our Bai family also fell in love. I didn't even talk about it, and you actually ran in front of me!

Bai Qingyan smiled slightly. "If Brother Baiyun wants to talk, if you like Brother Baiyun, you can grab a bunch of them at any time. Brother Baiyun can pick one at will."

Baiyun pouted. "You are quite good at talking, this little mouth, but your aesthetics are really surprising. I didn't expect that you would actually like Mo Xixing! Is it because of your brother's reason?

Bai Qingyan shook his head with a smile, "I haven't seen my big brother, how could it be because of my brother, it's just a coincidence, I just value a person's character more, and I think that Mo Xixing is a person It's very interesting, you'll be able to find out after you've been with him for a long time."

Funny? That's right, at least, I think he's pretty thin-skinned. "Bai Luxi followed along. "Look at him yesterday, all of his own people came here, but he didn't stay here for the night. It's too outlandish. However, anyone who is a bit cheeky will not leave yesterday.

"Yeah, our family is so open-minded, we just stayed overnight, what's the point." Bai Yun laughed again.

Bai Qingyan smiled. "So I said, his character is quite interesting.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi glanced at Bai Qingyan and felt that this person seemed to have figured out something, which was a little different from before, but that was a good thing.

Bai Qi smiled and said: 'Qingyan seems to be in a good mood today. "

Bai Qingyan nodded, "Indeed, I used to be a little blind, but now I figure it out.

Bai Qi said: "Just figure it out, it's a good thing."

Moxie's guild will come over in a while, and we're going to find father and papa. "White said softly.

Huh? Going to them?" Bai Yun was puzzled, "What are you going to do with them? They went on a trip, is there anything important? If it's not important, just wait for them to come back."

Bai Luxi also said: "Yeah, they finally have a world of two, you and Mo Xixing are looking for it, this is too ignorant.

Bai Qingyan said indifferently: "It's a bit important, but after we finish talking, Mo Xixing and I can come back, and they can continue their two-person world.

All right.

Not long after, Mo Xixing really came, and this time he brought a lot of gifts in large and small bags. This was the first time he came to the door, and the Bai family had a large population. Mo Xixing did not dare to drop any of them, so the things were really different. Most of them are generally more than just not towed by a truck.

Bailuxi and Baiyun watched and giggled.

Lin Xijiu, Bai Qi and the others were dumbfounded.

This is the first time for Mo Xixing to meet his parents. He is very nervous. Fortunately, Mr. Bai and others are not people who embarrass the younger generation, and they can see the tension of the other party, so they deliberately behave more kindly. Therefore, after a period of time, Mo Xixing finally became less nervous.

Everyone was happy this time. Mo Xixing was relieved to see that others didn't embarrass him at all, and he didn't mean to look down on him.

On the other side, Luo Qiyan hung up the phone with a complicated look, and Bai Li came up from behind and wrapped around the other's waist. "What's the matter? Is it the phone from home?

Well, it was called from the house. Mo Xixing came to the door. He and Qingyan planned to come over to find us.

Hearing this, Bai Li raised his brows, and then couldn't help but smile, "Then you should feel happy, it means that the sky won't go away.

"Yeah, our family is so open-minded, we just stayed overnight, what's the point." Bai Yun laughed again.

Bai Qingyan smiled. "So I said, his character is quite interesting.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi glanced at Bai Qingyan and felt that this person seemed to have figured out something, which was a little different from before, but that was a good thing.

Bai Qi smiled and said: 'Qingyan seems to be in a good mood today. "

Bai Qingyan nodded, "Indeed, I used to be a little blind, but now I figure it out.

Bai Qi said: "Just figure it out, it's a good thing."

Moxie's guild will come over in a while, and we're going to find father and papa. "White said softly.

Huh? Going to them?" Bai Yun was puzzled, "What are you going to do with them? They went on a trip, is there anything important? If it's not important, just wait for them to come back."

Bai Luxi also said: "Yeah, they finally have a world of two, you and Mo Xixing are looking for it, this is too ignorant.

Bai Qingyan said indifferently: "It's a bit important, but after we finish talking, Mo Xixing and I can come back, and they can continue their two-person world.

All right.

Not long after, Mo Xixing really came, and this time he brought a lot of gifts in large and small bags. This was the first time he came to the door, and the Bai family had a large population. Mo Xixing did not dare to drop any of them, so the things were really different. Most of them are generally more than just not towed by a truck.

Bailuxi and Baiyun watched and giggled.

Lin Xijiu, Bai Qi and the others were dumbfounded.

This is the first time for Mo Xixing to meet his parents. He is very nervous. Fortunately, Mr. Bai and others are not people who embarrass the younger generation, and they can see the tension of the other party, so they deliberately behave more kindly. Therefore, after a period of time, Mo Xixing finally became less nervous.

Everyone was happy this time. Mo Xixing was relieved to see that others didn't embarrass him at all, and he didn't mean to look down on him.

On the other side, Luo Qiyan hung up the phone with a complicated look, and Bai Li came up from behind and wrapped around the other's waist. "What's the matter? Is it the phone from home?

Well, it was called from the house. Mo Xixing came to the door. He and Qingyan planned to come over to find us.

Hearing this, Bai Li raised his brows, then couldn't help laughing, "Then you should feel happy. This means that Bai Li kissed Luo Qi'an on the forehead. "We will be fine in the future. So does our son.

Bai Li... You said, we, can we see Guoguo again?

Bailey paused for a while, and then said with certainty: "Yes, we will definitely see Guoguo again. It is definitely possible!

Bai Li said decisively, Luo Qi'an finally smiled slightly.

[Extra 4] 001: Bai Heng VS Group Letter

Qunhan was not very happy recently, and the two old guys at home told him to go back. I thought they had something important to do, but I didn't expect that the two old antiques would say that he and Bai Heng are both men and can't have children. But their unicorn family can't break the inheritance.

So, let him leave a child with a woman chosen by the two old guys, and then be with whomever he likes, and they don't care.

These two old guys are really stubborn, what age are they, and they are still in the blood. If they want blood, they won't give birth by themselves! Why do they want him to give birth! Really!

The phone on his body rang, and the group letter looked at the number and picked it up listlessly. The call was from Bai Heng to ask him about his situation here, and it took several days for the group letter to come back.

I'm still here, things haven't been settled yet, so I can't go back for the time being. "The group is weak.

Have you encountered any difficulties? Do you need help here? If you need it, don't be embarrassed to speak. "Bai Heng said over there.

No need, it can be done, just annoying. "Quanhan pursed her lips, "What are you doing over there?

Tomorrow, the military is on vacation. I can rest at home for three days. Do I want to visit you?

Of course, Qunhan really hoped that Bai Heng would come over, but he couldn't! At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded, very delicate, "Brother Qunhan, I made some soup for you, try it.

Qunhan's face suddenly sank, "Who allowed you to come in without knocking on the door!

When the woman heard this, she was immediately aggrieved and at a loss, "I'm sorry, Brother Qunhan, I, I didn't mean it. I just made the soup and I desperately want you to taste it. I'm sorry, Brother Qunhan, please don't. be mad at me, okay?

The woman looked like she was about to cry, which made Qunhan really depressed, so he really didn't have any interest in women at all. Look, he didn't say anything at all, and he made such a face when he did something. As if something happened to her, it was really depressing.

"Okay, I have something to do here, you go out first."

"But, this soup is still hot, if it's cold, it won't taste good. Brother Qunhan, this is what I've worked so hard for for a long time.

"I said I told you to go out, you don't have ears?" Qunhan's face became cold, "Did I tell you to make soup? What does your hard work have to do with me! Go out!"

Brother Qunhan, no, you can't do this to me, I, I'm your fiancee!" The woman cried in a low voice.

Qun Letter's face darkened immediately, "What nonsense are you talking about, what is your unmarried wife, has this been approved by me? Since it was the idea of ​​those two old guys, why don't you marry them! Dare to be my fiancée, you

What a face!"

"Brother Qunhan... woo woo, brother Qunhan, you can't treat me like this. You can't... Ming... The woman cried and finally ran out uncontrollably...

"Yo, after a trip back, I have an extra fiancée, tsk tsk, what a blessing." Bai Heng said over there, raising his brows. i

"Um...the group letter was suddenly speechless, he forgot that he was still talking to Bai Heng, and suddenly felt guilty, "This, this is none of my business, and I don't know it will be such a mess when I come back. .

Bai Heng sighed over there, "What the **** is going on here, tell me carefully."

Qunhan was still aggrieved, and he immediately started talking, saying that he had been tricked into coming back. He didn't know what it was about coming back before. He thought that the two old guys had something important, but he didn't expect it to The so-called issue of offspring.

When he and Bai Heng were together more than ten years ago, these two old guys didn't talk about it, but now they come to talk about it! Isn't it too late?

Well, maybe a decade or so is nothing for the two old guys!

"That's it, those two old guys don't know what to think, just find a woman like a white lotus who can only cry all day long, and they also set up layers of barriers around my house to limit my freedom. I can't even run away now, so depressed to death me?"

"I'll find you." Bai Heng said.

"However, with your current cultivation, I'm afraid you won't be able to come to our clan. If you bring Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, you might be able to come in." Qunhan said hesitantly.

"Then take them, you wait for me to go. "After that, Bai Heng didn't say any more, just hung up the phone.

The group let out a long sigh of relief.

With Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi leading the way, Bai Heng came very fast