MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 7 : fast racing

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Chapter Word Count: 1314 Update Time: 17-04-0908:03

The reason why we set off at nine o'clock in the evening is because, at eight o'clock, Lin Xijiu still has a hexagram.

At 8:30 in the evening, the Queen Mother and Wang Jingxian had already packed up and were at home, waiting for Lin Xijiu to come to the door. This was what they had agreed upon.

"Jingxian, that Lin Tianshi, will you come?" The Queen Mother asked a little uneasy.

Wang Jingxian quickly comforted and said, "Mom, don't worry, Lin Tianshi will definitely come. Lin Tianshi is a very capable person, and he can definitely solve our problems."

"Oh, oh." The Queen Mother replied naively, her eyes always drifting to the door unconsciously.

Seeing her mother like this, Wang Jingxian went to pour a glass of water for her. "Mom, drink some water to moisten your throat."

The Queen Mother shook her head and did not move. "I'll be in the car right now, I have to sit for a few hours, I drink too much water, and I have to go to the toilet. It's annoying."

"Drink less, it's fine, besides, when we leave, we can go to the toilet first."

The Queen Mother still didn't drink, so Wang Jingxian didn't persuade her anymore.

The clock ticks forward a little, finally. The hands of the clock are aligned with nine, and the minute hand is aligned with twelve. At this time, the door of the Wang family was finally knocked. .

Both mother and daughter breathed a sigh of relief, and then Wang Jingxian hurried to open the door. "Lin Tianshi, you are here."

Lin Xijiu nodded lightly, "Let's go."

Wang Jingxian naturally owns a car, but Lin Xijiu said to take his car. Naturally, Wang Jingxian didn't disagree, she supported the Queen Mother and got into the car.

Lin Xijiu's car was just an ordinary Volkswagen. There is nothing peculiar in it. This Lin Tianshi, Wang Jingxian feels that from the first glance, this person is different from others. But I didn't expect that as soon as the car started, it seemed that it was not so different from others.

Is this what it feels like to become a man?

But soon, Wang Jingxian discovered that people are still people, and gods are really gods! This Lin Tianshi is driving, is this called driving? This is simply drag racing! Maybe even drag racing is not enough to describe the speed!

But it is surprising that, in such a fast racing, the passengers don't feel too uncomfortable!

But even so, at such a fast speed, especially above the high speed, among the many vehicles, the S-shaped travels. Even just looking at it, it's a scary thing, okay?

This Lin Tianshi looks young, even with a gentle face, but he didn't expect that driving is so scary!

When the car arrived at Linnan City and got off the car, the Queen Mother's face was white, and Wang Jingxian's face was green. She couldn't help thinking that when the matter here was resolved and she was sure that her mother was safe, when they went back, their mother and daughter could call a car back by themselves! No need to hitch a ride with Lin Tianshi!

After taking a few deep breaths and calming herself down, Wang Jingxian invited Lin Xijiu to their home.

This hometown has not been back for a while. There was already some ash in the house. When I left, all the headlights were broken, so I had someone reinstall them. Now, when Wang Jingxian turned on the light, the light bulb turned on and off, at night, near midnight. If it was only their mother and daughter, and Lin Tianshi was not there, I'm afraid, I would be really panicked.

Lin Xijiu walked directly into the original Queen Mother's bedroom. He sealed a talisman on the window and pasted another on the door of the bedroom. Then he turned to Wang Jingxian and the others: "I'm looking at the room, and there is a bathroom. It's getting late, so you can rest here. If you want to drink water, bring the kettle to this room and boil it. I'll make it later. Leave, neither of you will leave this room until the sun rises tomorrow morning, regardless of what's going on outside. Do you understand?"

"Lin Tianshi is leaving?" The Queen Mother was a little anxious, but Wang Jingxian didn't say anything, just looked at Lin Xijiu.

"You don't have to worry about what I want to do. You can do what I want you to do." Lin Xijiu didn't mean to explain, but said lightly.

The Queen Mother hesitated and wanted to say something, but Wang Jingxian pulled her arm and closed her mouth immediately.

"Tianshi Lin, thank you very much. I'll go get a kettle first. Before tomorrow morning, my mother and I will never leave this room. Tianshi Lin, please rest assured."

Lin Xijiu nodded and said nothing more.