MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 381 Trial

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, Basseri! Zhou Jian suddenly said... his voice returned to the dàng in the hall. With a breathtaking pressure!

This sound fell in the ears of Basseri, directly let him play a spirit, he was originally afraid, now feel the deterrent power brought by the blood of the ancestors of Zhou fitness, but also the heart and soul.

However, although he was terrified, he did not have the six gods. He called "the grown-up" and then stood up respectfully.

Zhou Jianpian said indifferently: "Bet your own race, you know sin!?"

"Adult, I swear to my ancestors, I never thought about betraying my own race. I know what the adult is referring to the betrayal of the race. I promised to cooperate with the hands of the gods, for the future of the blood race, now the blood race For a long time, the blood hunters have been hunting our people, but we have to hide in the underground world, like the rats in the sewers, we can’t keep going, we need a war to prove Our own strength, we need to go to the ground to prove the noble blood of my family, we need to let those fools understand..."

Basseri had already prepared the wording. Although he was somewhat breathless by Zhou Jian’s pressure, his voice was still calm and he had to admit that his eloquence was very good and his face was cultivated to a certain level. He insisted that he promised the hand of the gods to develop the blood family, and that the righteous words were justified, as if they were the most loyal warriors of the blood family.

"So, I made this decision. If the adult thinks that I am too reckless, then I am willing to listen to the teachings of the adults. If the adults think that my decision is still a little feasible, then I, Arnold, Basil, willing to rush. The forefront of the war, the last drop of blood for the rise of the blood family!!"

After Bashiri’s words were finished, she thought it was not bad, and Zhou Jian just sneered and said a little: “Yes...,.........”

With a clear ironic voice, as soon as Baserrey heard it, somehow had a feeling of horror, he seemed to realize faintly that he had made a stupid mistake when he said that the excuses had just been made. It is better to admit the crime directly and repent.

At this moment, he felt that the surrounding light seemed to be distorted so much. Then, he looked at Zhou Jian in the field of vision and disappeared like a ghost. At the same moment, he was in front of him, and the space that was originally empty appeared suddenly. A figure, as if a group of black sè was suddenly condensed.

Basseri suddenly felt a chill, and spread to the whole body, he still had any reaction in the future, and his neck was directly caught!

Then he only felt a pain in his neck, and the carotid artery on one side was cut off directly!

The next shot of blood could not be suppressed, and the blood seemed to be summoned and flew directly to his **** ancestor like a demon god!

Zhou Jian opened his mouth and swallowed the blood of Basilui. Although Barcelui had limited strength, Zhou Jian’s blood group was repaired lower. Drinking these blood has a lot of benefits for his **** cultivation. .

"The ancestor of the ancestors, you" Basilui struggled to resist, the blood is the source of energy of the blood family, once a large loss, it means that his strength will decline!

Other kinship members have also stood up. This kind of behavior is excessive in any case. Even if Bashiri’s nose is guilty, it cannot be so against him. This is like a woman who is guilty, but the judge has not sentenced her to imprisonment. Judging her being strong is a similar feeling.

However, due to the pressure from the fitness on the week, several blood members did not know how to do it.

After about ten seconds, Zhou Jian let go of Basseri. He was full of blood at this time, and he looked very embarrassed.

He looked at Basseri and sneered, "Three cups of blood from the first generation of vampires. Is this why you betrayed the blood?"

In a word, let Baserary fall like a hail!

Of course, he wouldn't think that the hand of the demon gave this thing to the blood ancestor, so there was only one possibility. He got this information by smoking his own blood!

To get the memory of the other person by sucking blood, this is a skill that is only available in the legend of the blood family. I am afraid that even the first generation of vampires may not be able to use it!

So in front of this blood ancestor is...

Basseri felt his heart tremble, and he had never had a heart of rebellion!

Zhou Jian continued: "You have raised twelve human girls and used them as slaves to blood collection, while at the same time providing you with fun."

"When Richard was the Speaker of the House, you sent people to rob the fifteen people who had no household registration in the slums and built a so-called blood pool celebration for him!"

"You have committed such a sin! What else to say!?" Every time Zhou Jian said a word, Basil's face was pale. If he had only guessed before, he is now convinced that this blood ancestor Have the ability to read memory!

"Big... adults, I... I..."

"I am now sentenced to death!"

Zhou Jian said that he suddenly pulled out the bones of Chris, and the dark blade seemed to devour the light in the conference room!

"No...Adult, I... give me a chance, I swear allegiance to adults, adults, me..." Basseri pleaded with sè, he knew the strength of this blood ancestor, if he wanted to kill him, he absolutely Can't escape.

However, the bones of Chris have begun to flash the light of the blue sè, Sen Han is like a wildfire in the abyss of the abyss, obviously, Zhou Jian does not intend to let him go!

"Ah!!" Baseri made a stern groan. He leaped from the ground and made a **** secret. The power of blood was soaring and rushed to Zhou Jian!

He did not escape, escape is meaningless, he can not escape, and rushing to Zhou Jian is tantamount to suicide, of course he will not be so stupid, his real goal is the royal girl not far from the fitness week!

Although I don't know what this girl is related to Zhou Jian, she has such a pure royal blood, and she must not ignore her life and death. This is his only chance!

"Looking for death!" Zhou Jian screamed, his mental power was instantly concentrated, and his skills were focused!


For a time, everything that happened around it seemed to be three times slower. Zhou Jian saw the movement track of Basilui, slammed the knife, and took time. In the underground conference room, there seemed to be a black day, a burning flame. Suddenly broke out, the members of the royal family present only felt that a hot air wave was like a stormy wave, and they almost stood still!

In the raging waves, a black dragon composed of black screams roared out, and the sorghum dragon rang through the entire underground conference room!

Devil's Nine Dragons come out to sea! !


Yanlong, like an iron fist, squats on the body of Basilui, directly put him in the huā board, followed by a fierce explosion. In the raging black inflammation, the overwhelming flow of energy is mixed with gravel like a hurricane. Sweeping out, the entire underground conference room's day huā board suddenly appeared a big hole in the black sè!

After a move, Basseri directly turned into coke. After his body stayed on the huā board for a while, he slammed down and broke into a few black ash. The hall suddenly filled with a pungent A burnt smell.

People looked at the ground like a black sè, which seemed to be scattered. It seemed to be unbelievable. The former Viscount of Basil was so dead. Anne frowned at some discomfort, although she experienced many hardships, but she experienced many hardships. After all, it’s just a 19-year-old girl. It’s still a little uncomfortable to see such a scene.

She had already punished the betrayers of these blood races, and let Zhou Jian pronounce the sentence according to her thoughts, but did not expect that Basili was found out more cases by Zhou Jian, so Zhou Jianxuan sentenced him to death.

Although it is a pity that the blood family has lost a member of the royal family, such a person is indeed dead, so Anne did not stop anything.

Zhou Jian took up the bones of Chris and turned to look at Pierre.

These two eyes fell on Pierre, and it was like two lightnings. Pierre rolled down from the chair on the spot. He had prepared a set of rhetoric, but now he has no idea of ​​a little bit of repudiation. Directly crouching on the ground, with a trembling voice said: "First ancestor, I..............., I am guilty..."

In the view of the members of the royal family, the current Zhou Jian is no different from the blood of the gods, reading the other's memory in a blood-sucking way. This is only the skill record in the "Undead Bible". Although they do not know this skill. What is the specific cultivation method, but know that in the legend of the blood family, only the ancestors of the blood family will have this skill, even the first generation of vampires can not be used! !

This proves that this adult has the most pure blood, and may even pass directly to the ancestors of the blood family!

Zhou Jian slowly walked over to Pierre's body. Pierre only felt that his heartbeat seemed to be drawn by the rhythm of this pace, and the blood seemed to break through!

Zhou Jian lifted the bones of Chris, and the dark blade slowly stroked Pierre's neck and pointed his neck artery.

Pierre's breathing is stagnant. He naturally knows what Zhou Jian is going to do. He wants to read his own memories!

He tried hard to recall what sin he had committed. Although he did not commit a heinous crime like he did, he is definitely not a good person.

He didn't know what the bottom line of the ancestor was, and he would kill him directly because of some minor sins.

At this moment, Annie suddenly stood up. She was kneeling on the ground and said, "Adult, give them a chance to live..."

Zhou Jian turned to look at Annie, silent for a while, nodded, indeed, even if these blood members did not sin, he would not be able to judge him. It was only because this person was too scum, not Can't kill fast.

As for the others, it has nothing to do with him. After all, Anne also counts on the members of these royal families to support the **** people who are now at risk.

...a thank you aunt...the starting point of the reward...! .