MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 386 Chaotic campus

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The Oriental Martial Arts was attacked for the first time since its founding, and now the entire campus has fallen into chaos.

In fact, even if it is not the teacher in the Oriental Martial Arts Hall, the security force of the martial arts hall is already very good. There are dozens of guards, and the lowest level is also the strength of the human rank. The detachment leader of each detachment has reached the ground. They are the most advanced, and they are mostly trained in anti-reconnaissance training. Some of them are special forces. They were first-class players in their respective units.

The enemies of the devil's hand are too strong, and the Eastern Martial Arts has never had a precedent for being attacked for decades. Therefore, these guards usually patrol and go through the game. They never thought that there would be enemies. Attack.

So until the hand of the demon has already been killed at the school gate, they will be able to react. When they want to resist, they are against the powerful enemies. Their strength and weapon configuration are not one level with the other, directly by God. The hand of the devil smashed the ancient squeezing.

In this way, the hand of the demon rushed into the campus almost unimpeded. It has already reached the moment of war, and has completely torn up with China. At this time, what is humanitarian and what the Geneva Conventions are.

Although it is stipulated that non-combatants, including prisoners of war, cannot be killed in war, in many cases, the boundaries between non-combatants and combatants are blurred once they are smashed. In an environment full of killings and deaths, soldiers will Become sensitive, bloodthirsty and crazy.

Especially after the catastrophe, the war in the world has not stopped flying, and the low-latitude countries are still swaying with a tip of smoke. The Geneva Conventions are inevitably repeated again and again.

If it is in the avenue of the century, there may be some countries with human rights defenders who, in the name of justice, send troops to attack the national governments that violate the Geneva Conventions, so as to promote the people who believe in their national ideology. Since the beginning, this situation has disappeared from the existence of the Geneva Conventions.

In fact, the hands of the gods and devils as a non-national organization, did not sign any international conventions at all, and they did not pay attention to the students of the Oriental Armed Forces. It’s hard to say that these students are not non-combatants. They are all good at them. They may be bitten by them if they don’t pay attention, and they are all the elites of China’s future forces. If they kill one, they will not be one. That vain humanitarianism raises the tiger, and that is stupid.

The hands of the gods and devils quickly blocked the main roads of the school and blocked the intersection of the downhill. The students in the districts were also surrounded by yin.

In fact, although the overall strength of the students of the Oriental Martial Arts Hall is not bad, but after all, they have not experienced any actual combat. When they encounter such scenes, they are panic-stricken until they are killed in front of them and they begin to react and flee. Hide or go to the teacher for help, of course, there are some **** and belligerent, and students who have full confidence in their own strength want to resist, but most of the end is a miserable ending.

The strength gap is too big!

The night sè gradually became rich, and only the little sun's glory disappeared into the sky. In the c area, the girl yin, several black shadows wearing black sè battle suits rushed into the machine gun.

The aunt who saw the door saw so many people rushing in and had already turned out from the back window. Obviously, she would have some effort from the skillful figure when she fled, but it was not worthwhile to pay for the salary.

About a dozen members of the hands of the gods, rushed into the girls yin area into the uninhabited. At this time, the explosion and the gun battle began less than ten minutes. Some girls have heard the sounds from the school gate but have not figured out what happened. After all, the terrorist invasion is too far for them. .

At first, some people thought that they were setting off firecrackers, but later it was estimated that they were filming. Some girls even wondered if they would go out to watch the fun, and some still had a bath in the girls’ bathroom if nothing happened.

The Oriental Wushu is located in the north. Most of the students in the north do not have a bathroom, and the Oriental Martial Hall is built on the Wuji Mountain. The water in the water tower needs to be pumped up by several pumps to take water. Very difficult, so there is only a public bath here.

At first, I heard that Huiyin was not used to it. She grew up in Lingnan and was used to taking a bath every day. Because she never used a public bathroom, she always felt embarrassed. However, she later found out that there is a public bath in the bathhouse of the Oriental Martial Arts Hall, and there is also a ** shower room. There is no need to undress in front of other girls, so I can barely accept it.

Wen Huiyin just took a shower and put the clothes on, because before the sound of the water, she did not pay too much attention to the sparse shots outside. After all, the c-street girl yin is far from the main entrance of the school.

Now, because the environment in the locker room is relatively quiet, it is very clear to hear these gunshots.

Her faint feeling, this is not like firecrackers. In fact, the sound of firecrackers is very different from the sound of gunshots. The sound of firecrackers is relatively simple, relatively thin, and the gunshots are dull, and with a metallic texture, Wen Hui University She heard the gunshots when she was shooting in military training. Her memory was very good. She clearly remembered the sound of the semi-automatic rifle.

This makes the people's Huiyin slightly frown, but she does not think that there will be a gun battle in the Oriental Wushu, which seems to her to be a heavenly night, is it a certain gun battle movie here?

Wenming Huiyin is thinking about it, but he hears a series of "squeaky" gunshots. This time the voice is so strong that it seems to be just a wall!

Huge voice shocked her eardrums, and at the same time, a somewhat hoarse voice shouted in blunt Chinese: "Take me out in two minutes! Otherwise, let's go in!"

It’s a bit embarrassing to smell people’s wisdom. What is going on here, is there someone invading the Oriental Martial Arts Hall?

Actually brought a submachine gun! This is by no means a general bandit gang or a gangster murderer. Is it a terrorist attack? ?

When I heard the people’s whispering, I was in a panic. She looked around and her eyes finally fell on the closet in a corner...

The girls are keen to scream, they will scream when they are rushing, they will scream in helplessness and fear, but in many cases, the screams will pick up some men’s beasts, when the guns are heard The girls in the bathroom went through a short sluggishness and then screamed hysterically. They jumped out of the big baths and frantically searched for everything that could cover their bodies. At this time, they also refused to think about who was standing outside. Their first feeling was that there were a bunch of men. I have to rush in to force them to xx.

For a time, the bathroom was in chaos, screaming, shouting, colliding, wearing the wrong clothes, stepping on the shoes, and messing up.

Such a voice full of fragrant feelings, let the members of some of the gods and devils outside the hands of Xing〗 to get up.

"Look at these chicks, it's really exciting!" A bearded white yin smiled mo mo mouth chun, lifting his foot seems to want to go inside.

At this time, a hand on his shoulder, a tall black man said coldly: "Don't do stupid things, we have tasks, and advise you not to squat these girls, they are not small sheep, if your brain flies If you are full of hors, you may be killed by them."

"Oh, I know." The bearded man shook his head with some regret, and replaced the bullet clip that had just been finished, and pulled the bolt again.

Although very reluctant, when the beard hit a bunch of bullets, finally the girl came out.

Headed by a 23-year-old woman who has advanced to the fifth grade. Although these girls are all c-classes, some senior girls also have the strength of the lower ranks. They are not scared when they encounter an enemy. Lost girls, but when they came out, they saw the automatic rifle in the other hand, they still become pale, and in the face of such weapons, they really have no courage to resist, as long as one shot hits the key, It may be their life!

About 30 girls came out and lined up. They were mostly dressed in mess, with water droplets hanging from their hair ends. Some girls simply barefooted or only wore a donkey. In the face of such a group of thugs and the guns of the black hole, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of despair and a big beard licked their heads, indicating a younger brother to look into the bathroom and see if anyone still hides inside. And he himself tiǎn tiǎn mouth chun, pulled out a few photos from behind the buttocks.

"Hey, chicks, lift your face and let me see." The bearded man shook his photo, yin said with a smile, he was looking for a few people on the photo.

However, the girls did not respond to them. The bearded man was angry. Pulling the bolts and watching the night sky was a slap in the air. He shouted: "He lifted his head, otherwise I will kill you immediately. !"

Under the threat of life, the girls finally humiliated and raised their heads. The bearded man was finally satisfied. However, he had not begun to confirm, but he heard the tall black man screaming before: "Someone escaped from behind."

The beard frowned and immediately smiled. "You really aren't jealous, Sam, take the unscrupulous chick back, I will let you know the disobedient end."

The man with the curled hair responded. He put his gun on his back and walked back a few steps. Then he jumped up and jumped on the roof of the bathhouse several meters high. Then he fell into a rabbit. The speed is as strong as a black cat, and the figure disappears into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

About ten seconds later, a girl’s scream came from the dark wood behind the bathhouse!

Hearing this voice, the faces of a group of girls were pale, and the people who were hiding in the closet were equally frightened, and what scared her the most was that two or three people had entered the bathroom and started. Search for a shower! .