MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 809 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (35) Parliamentary purge

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The army that was controlled by the reformers and rushed into the market of Batyros was the new third army, namely the reform army. At this time, many of the aristocratic private soldiers who rushed out were composed of the former third army that had been disbanded. It was Brodoff, the former commander of the Third Army, and the conflict became a confrontation between the new Third Army and the old Third Army.

"This early morning will turn Batiros into a city that never sleeps because of the sound of gunfire," Shiaire turned around in the sound of gunfire, barely opened his eyes swollen from exhaustion, and said to Ji Weiluo, "The way forward It's still a long time."

The advantage of the reformers is that they have the support of the people of Batiros. Due to the large outflow of lingering guns, many people in each block hold weapons. They hide in the buildings and shoot cold guns at the noble private soldiers from time to time. The Reformed Legion pushed the psionic cannon into Batyros, and the battle became more intense.

Brodoff has a wealth of military experience, and after weighing it, it is determined that although the two sides are still evenly matched, this situation will not last for long. If no new factors are added, it will eventually end in the failure of the nobles.

However, the nobles have already contributed a lot of their own troops, and the rest are the troops to defend their mansion, which cannot be diverted, so Xiao Li Xiani thought of another way, since he can't rely on the armed forces Overwhelm the opponent in strength, then use mental strength to win.

Therefore, during the short ceasefire interval, Xiao Li Xi'an's envoy was ordered to stand in front of the team and shout to the opposite: "Soldiers, you who have been concealed must not know that Hades has made a decision to abandon the puppet government and support it. Justice, that's why the pseudo-parliament hastily staged a coup d'etat."

Hades here naturally does not refer to Hades, the heroic spirit of Athena, but the same name as Hades, Linna Province Overview Hades, his attitude can be said to represent the decision of the three western provinces.

This news was like a bomb exploding on the water. Immediately, many reformed legions fell into a panic. They hung their weapons and didn't know what to do. You must know that Quiberon in the east could still use Naluo Tianxian to comfort himself, but if the enemy came from the west If so, then Batyros is completely safe.

Xiao Li Xini's envoy saw that his words had such a huge effect, and immediately raised his eyebrows proudly, and when he wanted to continue to break out some violent news, his head was shattered with a roar, and the person who shot was The commander standing at the forefront of the team is Maher, the reformer.

The three western provinces want to betray, let alone Maer, even Ji Weiluo and the others don't know, because they are almost confused about the three western provinces, but ignorance does not prevent Maer from taking the first action.

"Why do you waver? Isn't it a good thing that the hidden enemies jump out one by one? How can we be victorious in every battle? We have the most advanced systems, concepts, and factories, and these things are still known. Uncle? What if the army is lost? As long as the people are still supporting us, we can use our factories to recruit the army again!"

"And don't forget the warning from the God Realm, 'People are swords and I'm fish', so what if we surrender? Do you think Lorraine's stubborn character will really forgive us? You want us to, The only way for our children and grandchildren to stand upright is to take up the weapons in our hands and fire at the enemy!"

Maher's encouragement restored the Reform Corps' fighting spirit, so they once again engaged the private soldiers, and the subsequent engagement was as Brodoff had expected, with the balance of victory tilted in favor of the Reformers.

Therefore, the final result is unbelievable but natural. The private soldiers of the nobles were defeated by the Reformed Legion. The nobles such as Xiao Lixian and Butler had to rush before the National Assembly blocked Batyros, escorted by Brodoff, and complicit The commanding force of the noble alliance can be said to have been swept away by the embarrassed escape on the yacht.

As for Celiti III, Lorraine and others, they once again abandoned the Royal Guard and tried to escape again with only a few entourages. However, this time the captain of the Royal Guard remembered, and some soldiers who were dissatisfied with Celiti III were at any time. Paying attention to the bedroom, he shouted loudly after discovering that Celiti III was missing, causing most of the Praetorian Guards to lose their fighting spirit, so they were easily disarmed by the insurgent army.

After the uprising army took control of the palace, it took a long time to search for the magic circle where Celiti III escaped. It can only be said that it was the life-saving magic left by the Parson Dynasty to the descendants. This time was enough for Celiti III to escape a considerable distance. .

At first, Seliti III thought so too. He was safely teleported to a cave outside the mountain through teleportation magic. He saw a glimmer of light along the way, and realized that when he finally wanted to leave the cave and run towards freedom, a group was at the entrance of the cave. The dark shadow blocked the shimmering light, ah, that was Zhong Ming.

Celiti III almost cried, the feeling of going from heaven to **** was quite uncomfortable, he asked with a frustrated face in disbelief: "Why you!"

Zhong Ming was actually a little confused about this. Even if he had an eagle eye to search for Seliti III, it was a job of chance.

Zhong Ming, who was puzzled, spared his head, saying that it might be predestined by God, and immediately ordered the Anzales Religion to disarm Celiti III. The entourage was almost slaughtered, and only a few survived temporarily.

"How dare you, how dare you..." Seeing the entourage who got along with each other in the morning and evening fell in a pool of blood, the maid couldn't even die, and had to be dragged down, Luo Lin was already pale with anger, and Zhong Ming sneered without answering, ordering Followers tied the two together and escorted them to the city.

The National Assembly was so moved that it was about to cry. Celiti III escaped twice in total, all of which were caught by Zhong Ming. This probability is really rare.

So there was not much debate. The National Assembly passed a resolution with a high vote, commending Zhong Ming as a hero of "rebuilding the republic", and unanimously approved him to become a member of parliament. Contributions made to the improvement business.

The armed conflict that will last from December 15th to 16th will be called the "December Uprising" in later generations. As a result, Seliti III and his wife were arrested and suspended from the presidency of the United States. Less than one was established. Butler's cabinet in January was forcibly disbanded, and an emergency cabinet was formed by Shiairi as the executive body during the emergency period.

Under the guidance of the emergency cabinet, a major purge was carried out on the National Assembly. The first is the members of the Honorable Alliance. Two-thirds of these members have already participated in the riot. At this moment, they have fled with Xiao Li Xini and others, so they are deprived of seat, then was tried in absentia for treason and issued a warrant.

The nobles who did not run also ushered in the trial, and even the nobles who did not participate in the noble alliance but showed a tendency to support the noble alliance also suffered. They were all interrogated and investigated, and countless nobles were imprisoned. The second in the National Assembly The Grand Alliance and the Honorable Alliance disintegrated in such a purge and ceased to exist.

In the process of cleaning the noble alliance, the alliance of order was also punished, which was requested by Warner. He even acted as the vanguard of the cleaning and expelled all the members who opposed him, so that there was no Warner in the alliance of order. enemy, and he was able to become the leader of the League of Order again.

December 16th was the day of the victory of the "December Uprising" and the establishment of the emergency cabinet, followed by the purge of the National Assembly. By the 18th, although the purge had not yet ended, Shiairi ordered an emergency election to be vacant. The vacancies will be filled.

This emergency election was extremely hasty. The results were announced on the 18th until the 20th, which made the candidates basically limited to Batiros City, and they were all people who favored reformers. It was precisely because of such a hasty election that Zhong Ming such a person who has never been insulated from improvement can also become a member of parliament.

In this round of elections, the number of seats held by the Civil Rights League, whose leader is Shiaire, jumped from 25% to 55%, while the seats of the League of Order dropped from 34% to 15%. It was vacated by the leader Warner, and the remaining 30% of the seats were occupied by other minor leagues.

After all these things were done, Shiairi delivered a speech on December 21, declaring that after more than a year of practice, the "Mother Law of 2923" has an undeniable role in promoting the progress of Shibo, but four years a year. The Cabinet also proved that the mother law is still flawed to some extent.

Therefore, the next most important thing for the National Assembly is to complete three things. These three things can actually be attributed to one thing, that is, to quell the rebellion, revise the mother law, and judge Celiti III.

On December 22, after a vote by the National Assembly, Chiari announced that the six-day emergency cabinet had been cancelled, with the Standing Committee serving as an alternative to the emergency cabinet until the new mother law was promulgated.

It is said that there is no rule without rules, and then the National Assembly began to discuss the new mother law. Due to the "2923 Mother Law" as a model The progress of the discussion of the new mother law has become very fast, and most of the content is not. In need of revision, the hardest hit area to revise is the issue of the power of the President of the Union, and the law that compromises the old aristocracy in the old mother law.

In fact, Shiaire didn't dare to revise the mother law now, because you must know that Phoebe Boke is still eyeing the east, but with the latest information from the east, Shiaire made a decisive decision to give these three things to the Go to the end, and solve the most important internal problems of Xibo before the things in the east are understood.

With the foundation of the "Mother Law of 2923" and the crisis of the situation, the discussion of the new mother law this time is quite fast. By January of the following year, the "Mother Law of 2925" will be confirmed and will be published in Released on January 14th.

According to the "Mother Law of 2925", Shibo will abolish the hereditary system of the Parson Dynasty to the President of the United States, and all people who meet Shibo's citizenship can run for president. In addition, the property of the right to vote and the right to be elected will also be greatly reduced Limits, bridging the conflict between the reformers.

As early as when the mother law was still being discussed, the National Assembly's rectification of the army was also carried out simultaneously, and reformers with military experience such as Ji Weiluo and Maher were urgently appointed as generals, and they learned from the aristocratic officers who had been betrayed several times before. The lesson of , will limit the use of unstable noble generals.

So what information did Shiaire get from the east that made him dare to make these changes during the war? In fact, it's the same sentence that Leng Yi mentioned before, you don't need to be better than others, you just need others to be worse than you.

The news that prompted Shielle to modify her mother's strength was that there was an infighting in Phoebe, which came from the infighting between Kiberon and Dofan. in this way.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju