MTL - God’s Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation-Chapter 367 Players' thoughts

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Fragrance blows from the side.

Lin Shurou and Lin Ying stood beside him one after another.

Looking at the scene of these 20 levels, both of them were shocked.

"What a beautiful place. Those monsters look so cute." Lin Shu said.

"It's hard to imagine that this is the last level of the main road of the ultimate map." Lin Ying sighed.

Luo Yuan and others also stood on the grassy **** several kilometers long one after another, looking at the last level ahead, they smiled.

"After clearing this level and then defeating the Demon King of the Ultimate Map, you will be able to enter the Great Thousand Spirit Road." Lin Meng said with a little sympathy, feeling that the clearance was much smoother than he imagined.

"Yeah, but I have to wait for Ling Yi to step into the legendary invincible rank, otherwise there is no guarantee at all."

"of course."

At this time, a half-old man with white hair and white beard galloped from a distance with his hands behind his back, stepping on the air, and slowed down when there was still a distance between them, and finally stopped in front of them.

"Huh!? Elder Yun? Is there something wrong?"

Seeing Yun Huihuang, one of the pillars, stop in front of them, Luo Yuan immediately asked.

"Just now, the alliance of other countries approached us to discuss, said"

After listening to Yun Lao's words, both Luo Yuan and Lin Meng felt reasonable, and the former said, "If that's the case, then let's talk to Ling Yi."


The three of them set off together and quickly flew to where Ling Yi was.

Seeing the three people coming, the latter and others around him also cast their attention.

Yun Huihuang looked at Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan looked at Lin Meng, Lin Meng twitched the corners of his mouth and stepped forward helplessly.

He rubbed his hands together and smiled a little embarrassedly: "That, little brother Ling Yi, we have a small request here. That's it."

He kept an eye on Ling Yi's demeanor, and when he saw him looking at him patiently, a ray of confidence surged in his heart, and he continued, "Our alliances of various countries have discussed it for a while, and everyone feels uneasy and feels that we haven't done this yet. Ability to hit here."

"What's the meaning?"

Ling Yi didn't understand.

Luo Yuan on the side patted his forehead, pulled Lin Meng back, stepped forward himself, and said neatly: "That is to say, we hope to challenge this last level ourselves, and we want to see what we can do if you don't take action. To what extent."

"Kinokai and other worlds are all joint challenge levels, and the rest of us can't be too far behind other worlds."

"If we succeed in the challenge, then all the rest of us can feel at ease, at least prove that we have this strength."

Ling Yi understood.

Think about it from another perspective, if he was one of these tens of thousands of strong men, and was brought to the Great Thousand Spirit Road by a super strong man, he would also feel that he was strong from the outside and doing things in the middle.

And if the last level was defeated by the rest of them, it would prove that their strength was not too far behind the outsiders.


Ling Yi is a very talkative person, nodded and said, "Anyway, I won't break through the legendary invincible rank and fight the ultimate map demon king until the 24th. Before that, you can try."

Blue Star couldn't rely on him alone.

If the strength of other people can catch up with the average strength of other players in the same period, it is naturally the best.

"it is good!"

The three Luo Yuan flew away excitedly and wanted to inform the alliance of the nations.

At this time, Lin Shurou, who was beside her, pursed her lower lip and smiled softly: "In this way, today's test will not be over."

"You don't like them so much?"

"It took 40 years for the way of the gods in the world of Kimino to arrive there. How can we achieve that level in 20 years?" Lin Shurou asked with her head tilted.

"It is not absolute to measure strength by time, such as me."

"You are different, you are special."

Lin Shurou smiled sweetly at him, and rubbed her beautiful head against his chest. After a while, she suddenly realized that this was a public place, and stood back calmly.

Lin Ying, who was on the side, saw it, and said with a little surprise: "Sister Rou, do you actually care about other people's eyes?"


Lin Shurou stretched out her white and crystal clear jade hand to the tender earlobe, and spread the brown hair that fell from her shoulders behind her back. Under the slender eyelashes, those delicate aquamarine-like eyes stared at Lin Ying. Her eyes are like a calm spring, which is unpredictable.

She squirmed her thin cherry lips, but she didn't say the last word.

Ling Yi sat down cross-legged on the grassy **** and said with a smile, "No, it's mainly because I don't want to. I don't want to show affection in public."

"Oh! I'll just say it." Lin Ying was taken aback.

She looked at Lin Shurou and saw that she was sitting next to Ling Yi, and she naturally and skillfully lay on his lap. He couldn't help asking, "Sister Rou, aren't you going to help?"

"I'm only here for him." Lin Shurou replied without raising her head.

Lin Ying pursed her lips, tilted her head and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, then let me help?"


Soon, after a simple negotiation, the players took the alliance as a unit, divided into dozens of forces and stepped into the territory of 20 levels.

[Current area: Bright Land (20 off the main road)]

[Monster information: Flash Bubbles (Lv90~Lv100), Light Elements (Lv90~Lv100), Willow of Light (Lv90~Lv100), Light Spirits (Lv99, Boss)]

[Hint: This area is abnormally bright, it will be more beneficial to prepare goggles]

As soon as they entered, everyone saw the level information in front of them.

"The bubbles fly in the sky, the willow tree is the willow of holy light, and those on the ground are the light elements."

Through the simple judgment of the appearance, the players quickly distinguish the monsters.

Sun Tian, ​​Lin Meng and the others looked at the huge flash unit thousands of meters away and frowned, "Is that a light spirit?"

Thousands of meters away, a hundred meters in the air, floating a light yellow dazzling light ball, the light ball is about fifty meters in diameter, and there are eight light beads about five meters in diameter around it that rotate counterclockwise around it.

"Let's go, the others will deal with the monsters, and we will deal with the light spirits!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then no longer hesitated to move forward at full speed.

The distance of several kilometers is too short for a strong player. In the blink of an eye, all the top strong players have reached the bottom of the light spirit.

The yellow light flooded in all directions reflected their figures, and on the bright land, a battle finally started!

And this time.

Ling Yi and Lin Shurou have both returned to the world.

Regardless of whether they can pass this level or not, the Demon King of the Ultimate Map can't beat it now, and staying there is just a waste of time.

At Lin Shurou's suggestion, the two went to the Holy Angel's Spring to take a comfortable bath, and then lay down on the newly prepared water bed in the small cubicle.

Ling Yi rested his head on the head of the bed with both watching the scene of everyone attacking the 20th level in front of him.

On the hanger next to him, apart from his clothes, there was only a thin silk white dress.

A large off-white quilt was laid flat in the center of the water bed, and a delicate outline could be clearly seen under the quilt. She was lying all over under the quilt, only on the other end of the quilt, revealing a pair of delicate snow-white feet.

After a while, Xia Wanqing walked in with an apron hanging around her neck and a dining plate in her hand carrying a sumptuous meal. She walked to the waterbed and stretched out her graceful and straight neck to Ling Yi, waiting for the latter to take off the apron around her neck. After buttoning, she smiled charmingly, holding the dinner plate in one hand and the soft bed surface in the other, slowly and gracefully crawling to the man's side.

After kneeling and sitting down next to the man, she held the food with short chopsticks and fed the man one bite at a time.

The next chapter is blocked, it should be released at night

Added: today is sunday, maybe tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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