MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 152 Ancient farmer's son (9)

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Li Lanlan was so flattered that she was so big, not to mention that she had gold jewelry. She had never seen it before. When she was married to her mother-in-law jewelry, she was envious, but never thought she could get a copy.

Now that Lin Mu wants to give one of them to her, Li Lanlan is grateful and fearful. She subconsciously refuses to say: "If you don't have a mother, this is what you bought for me. How can you give it to me?"

Staring at the pair of gold earrings, the big housewives who stared at the green eyes could hardly believe what they had heard.

That's a gold earring.


Is Li Lanlan stupid? Gold earrings are coming to the door, she didn’t even want to

If it is replaced by herself, let alone the gold earrings, that is, silver, she can immediately pick up and wear it on her own ears.

Lin Shiheng, who came out from the house, also strongly agreed with his wife's statement. They advised: "Yes, mother, Lan Lan does not have to wear these things, and then said, this is for you."

Envying hatred and suspicion that Li Lanlan is a big housewife with a problem in his mind, listening to Lin Shiheng’s words is a bit better.

She said, how could someone be so stupid and so lucky.

The public is not considerate, what is the use of the mother-in-law?

The Lin Mu here is a little happy after hearing the words of his son.

If he agrees to give the gold earrings to Li Lanlan, although Lin Mu offered it, he still feels a little unhappy. This and other facial features are simply because they have lost two sons, and the rest of the son is even more Pay attention to it.

If Lin Shiheng wants to give Li Lanlan, she will not show anything on her face, but there will be an unhappy person in her heart who has been taken away by her daughter-in-law.

However, Lin Shiheng did not agree, and Lin Mu was not only not unhappy, but also stood in the perspective of Li Lanlan.

"Which women don't love these things. After Lan Lan married, they have to go to the ground, and they have to take care of the family. They don't stop for a moment. In the past, we had no conditions. Now we have conditions. Of course, let her dress up. It is."

Li Lanlan really felt that she was deserved. Although she didn't want to be dowry, she could eat eggs almost every day after she got married. She also ate fish yesterday. Although she was working, she didn't marry before because of Li. The father is always busy with the help of people running around, and she can do more work than it is now.

That is a gift from Xiang Gong to her mother. How can she ask for it?

"Mother, I don't really need it. I bought it for you. You can wear it yourself."

The big housewife who leaned on the small short wall almost had to smash her eyes out.

She didn't understand, how was her daughter-in-law, and her mother-in-law was cold-faced to her, and she wanted to drive her out of Lin's house. She was gentle and amiable to Li Lanlan, and even the gold earrings could be let out.

What's more, what makes her most embarrassing is that she can't ask for something that Li Lanlan can reach out, but she doesn't.

This is how the first big fool of the day.

Lin Mu didn't feel that the child was stupid. On the contrary, she felt that her little girl was smart, filial, sensible and caring. Try it, such a gold earring, which mother-in-law said in the village to give her daughter-in-law, who is sure It was too long to wait.

Only the daughter-in-law of her family can be like the constant, not care about the money, filial to the elderly, and put their needs first.

Lin Mu himself made up a lot of brains in her heart. She looked more at Li Lanlan's eyes. Even the tone was gentle. She extended her hand with a gold bracelet and took Li Lanlan's hand and patted it.

"Look at your child, my mother is old, and I am so good at dressing up. Time is a big skill. You are his wife. Of course, you have to dress up beautifully, not to mention, this gold earring, originally. It is to be passed on to the daughter-in-law, and the mother has given it to you. Later, you will have a son with Shiheng, and the son will marry the wife again, and you will give it to her."

"Come on, come on, let me look good."

Li Lanlan still hesitated, but Lin Shiheng on the side seemed to be convinced by Lin Mu. "Mother is right, you are my wife, and I have to wear some jewelry. Since the mother gave this earring to you, you will continue."

She used to listen to her husband's words. Upon hearing this, she was hesitant to see him immediately. She took the earrings seriously. "Thank you."

I can't wait to jump over the earth wall and go to the big mother in front of the mother. I grabbed the earrings and looked at Li Lanlan. I didn't want to take it like that. Instead, I took the earrings very happily and grabbed my chest. My heart hurt and suffocated.

She didn't want it before, but now it's so refreshing.

Installed, definitely loaded

That's a gold earring.

Lin Mu did not feel that her filial piety was loaded. She felt that Li Lanlan was more happy when she listened to her son.

This is right, husband and wife, can give her a fat grandson earlier, and open the branches for the Lin family.

As for the grandchildren in the big room and the second room next door, the old lady pretended not to remember this.

They are all separated and still want to do something.

Lin Shiheng saw Li Lanlan holding gold jewelry, but he was flattered and overwhelmed. He smiled and took the earrings. He whispered: "I will wear it for you."

His life is handsome and white, because love is clean, and his body always has a scent of scent, not like the scent of Li’s father who was used to Li Lanlan. He stood in front of her at this moment, listening to his magnetic voice talking. Inexplicable, Li Lanlan's earlobe is hot red.

She didn't say anything, only a slight sideways silence, revealing the earlobe.

Lin Shiheng reached out and took out the straw stems of Li Lanlan's ears, which were originally used as earrings, and gently put the earrings in.

His movements were light and fast, as if for a moment, he took back his hand.

Li Lanlan grabbed the corner of the clothes with some helplessness, quietly raised his eyes and watched him carefully, feeling the earrings that were shaking because of his movements, and even the voice of the voice was not consciously reduced.

"how about it"

Her husband stood there and smiled at her.

"very nice."

Li Lanlan suddenly burst into an emotion, making her feel weird, and it seems to be very sweet. The original hot red earlobe has not cooled down, and the white cheeks are also stained with red.

Lin mother looked at the little girl because she was ashamed of being praised by her son, and her eyes were nostalgic and kind.

"Lan Lan is wearing it to look good, and it is not worse than the girls in the town."

She has never been to the village several times in her life. Where does she know what the girl in the town looks like, but it does not prevent her from imagining it.

Before Lin’s son, Lin’s daughter’s choice of daughter-in-law’s favorite is that she’s white, thin, thin and weak, and she’s still pretty. In her eyes, this means that it’s not good for the work, but it’s small. After the son was admitted to the show, and repeatedly said that he did not look at the women in the village who were black and strong and still not recognized, Lin’s aesthetic was inevitably affected.

For example, now, the more she looks at Li Lanlan, the more she likes it, because Li Lanlan looks good and filial.

The more she looks at the big house, the more she hates it, because she is ugly and does not always say that she always loves to be a demon.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu looked at the big room and saw that the thick and sturdy woman was staring at Li Lanlan’s ear with a sly look. It seemed like she couldn’t wait to rush to grab the earrings and wear herself. On the ear.

Oh, I have never seen the world.

The Lin Mu, who just gave a pair of gold earrings to her daughter-in-law, has a feeling of sublimation and taste.

When she saw the big house wife, she thought about how she had been patiently for her sons, let her daughter-in-law ride on her head, and when her husband was sick, the daughter-in-law couldn’t wait to take the family to drive away the in-laws’ faces.

The more she wanted to get angry, the more she always listened to her husband and her son's words. Suddenly, she had a magical flash and thought of a way to get rid of it.

She squatted and deliberately magnified the voice, facing Li Lanlan: "It is also a blessing to Lanlan. According to the rules of the Lin family, this gold earring has always been passed on to the wife of the boss. If it is not divided, my old man and the old man When the time is over, this gold earring can't reach you."

Lin Shiheng knew what she wanted to do when she saw her mother's appearance. She didn't mention that the gold earrings were originally bought by him. It was very helpful to remind his wife: "Mother said, Lan Lan, don't thank Daxie."

Li Lanlan was also clever. She glanced at her mother-in-law and deliberately shouted loudly. She also squinted to see the big sister next door, and she knew what she wanted to do.

I remembered that when she said to her, when she said that she was separated from the room and her father-in-law was so sad when she was sad, Li Lanlan had no good feelings about the big room and the second room.

She immediately turned around and cried aloud to the big house wife: "Thank you for your big brother. If you don't want to yell at yourself, I can't get a pair of gold earrings."

Said, Li Lanlan also deliberately reached out and touched the left earrings, dialed, smiled and asked the big house wife: "Da, you see I wear this earring is not good to see"

Big house wife: ""

She was mad at the time, and now she was reminded by her mother-in-law that the earrings should have been passed to her, and I saw Li Lanlan’s smug look, almost no anger.

She was originally a stingy person. Of course, she wouldn’t think that this earring was bought by Lin Shiheng. Even if she hadn’t separated her family, she couldn’t fall into her hands. It’s just a word:

If it is not for the family, the person wearing the gold earrings is her.

Her daughter-in-law was doing a good job, and as soon as she looked up, she saw her mother-in-law looking at her chest and couldn’t breathe. She was shocked and quickly came forward to help.

"Mother, how are you pregnant?"

"I, I am fine"

The big house wife did not fall down.

She stood up strong.

What happened to the gold earrings, sooner or later, it is not to be handed over to the daughter-in-law.

Li Lanlan wearing gold earrings will make the village paralyzed, but it will also let others see how rich she is.

If she saw it, could she borrow money from the door?

This is the person who used to borrow money from the wife’s family to sever the severance. Can he let Lin Shiheng pass?

Absolutely not

She waited, waiting to see Li's father come to borrow money, and then angered her mother.

The next day, Li’s father came.

Lin Shiheng just had to meet, Li Lanlan took him, she looked at the relatives who were coming to the front of Lin’s door, and the other hand was rubbed on her eyes until she was red, with a look Poor phase.

Poor, but the eyes are full of fighting spirits on the battlefield.

"People, you are resting, I am coming"