MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 31 Master

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The sound insulation of the doors and windows of the Kensney Manor is very good, but the knocker's voice is close to his ear, which only shows that ... the person has very high internal force.

Among the people Mo Zhen knew, it was only his master who could possess these internal forces.

But what did he just say? If he doesn't open the door, will he come in by himself?

Since he can come in by himself, why should he go down and open the door?

Mo Zhen felt very reasonable to think about this, so he lay down comfortably and continued to sleep.

Master outside Yemen: "..."

Wu Ayao has lived in Mo Zhen's home for so long, but this is the first time that someone other than Tang Qiang came to the door. He wandered around the living room for a few times, and Ayao went on the second floor again.

"Hazel hazel hazel, is n’t the master here!" A Yao's quilt stunt came back out of the rivers and lakes. Unlike in the past, Mo Zhen was suddenly lifted in this season, and Mo Zhen had no sleepiness.

Wrapped the quilt back on, Mo Zhen opened his eyes and gave A Yao a glance, "I know, you help him open the door, I will get down immediately."

"I?" Ayao put his hands behind his back and twisted uneasily twice, "Master won't take me directly, right?"

不会 "No, but if you don't open the door for him again, I'm not sure what he will do in one go."

Ayao: "..."

Her wind disappeared in the same place.

Because A Yao is a spiritual body, she usually passes through obstacles such as doors, so she is not very skilled at opening doors.

I carefully studied the door lock of Mo Zhen's house, and Aya nodded suddenly. "Sesame opens!"

The door opened in response.

Master outside Yemen: "..."

突然 He suddenly felt that the wind at the door was a little strong, and his hairstyle was a little messy.

Aya in the door looked at the people outside the door, and then he consciously walked away.

She hasn't seen Heaven Master before, and she doesn't know what Heaven Master should look like. But even if Tianshi does n’t have long hair and robes like the TV show, Xianfengdao bone is extraordinarily popular, it should n’t be like this ...

The wine-red shirt with dark gray tie, black suit trousers, and soles of polished black leather shoes, this elegant aristocratic temperament will not be a little unexpected even if you go to the high-level ball immediately.

Not to mention those half-squinted eyes under his frizzy bangs, they can instantly kill all the ladies at the prom!

Hey, wait, wait, isn't that right? This person is really a master? But he looks almost as big as Hazel!

"Are you satisfied with what you see?" Master ticked the corner of his mouth, and his low magnetic voice was mixed with a slight smile.

Ayao: "..."

Master, have you gone to the wrong set?

A Yao disappeared in the wind again.

"Hazel Harlan Hazel, the one at the door doesn't seem to be a master, he looks like a liar!"

Mo Zhen's hands were wearing stagnation because of Aya ’s sudden intrusion. After a pause, he calmly pulled the zipper, "That should be the master, right."

Ayao: "..."

She looked at the pants that Mo Zhen had just put on, and covered her face with shame.

She was so ashamed that she was one step too late.

Mo Mozhen simply washed and walked to the first floor. A Yao followed him, still inquisitively asking about Master, "Zhanzhen, what's Master's name? He looks so handsome, why don't you tell me earlier!"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

"Master, he is so young, how old is he this year?"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

"Master ..."

"Master, he didn't come to date with you." This time, Mo Yao interrupted her without waiting for A Yao to finish his speech.

Ayao: "..."

Humph! How stingy!

When Tong Ayao followed Mo Zhen down to the first floor, Master had already prepared a cup of coffee and sat elegantly on the sofa in the living room.

Mo Mozhen drew a corner of her mouth and stepped down from the last step. "Master, you really don't take this place as someone else's house at all."

Master Tong took the white mug on the table and took a sip of coffee. "You know, I've always been around the world."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

不过 "But your little female ghost is quite cute, no wonder you are so reluctant to bear her."

After Master Yun's remarks were finished, the living room fell into a weird silence.

Mo Zhen's complexion changed a little. If he said at this time that he didn't want to bear her, wouldn't he look a little embarrassed?

"Master, Master, you are also handsome ~" Ayao said shamefully.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

So her focus is only on the first half!

I ca n’t speak of Master ’s appearance. When Mo Zhenxiao Er first met him that year, he was like this. In the blink of an eye for so many years, my grandmother has passed away, but Master's appearance has not changed in the slightest.

He really is an old monster who has practiced for thousands of years.

What's so handsome? !!

"Introduce yourself, I'm Master Mo Zhen. My current name is Changxin." The master stood up from the sofa, and smiled at Ya Yao with a corner of his mouth.

Ayao stood upright nervously, so he had no military salute to Master, "Hello Master! My and my current name is Ayao!"

Master Yun's eyebrows moved almost invisibly, and he turned his head to look at Mo Zhen, "What name did you give her?"

"Uh ... um." Mo Zhen's eyes flickered a bit, straying from Master's eyes.

Master Niao narrowed his lips and said nothing.

He didn't speak, and Aya didn't dare to speak rashly. The living room was quiet for a little while, then Master turned to Ayao and said, "You are not dead, do you know?"

Master Yun was very calm when she said this, and the indifferent tone was like saying, "Today is Wednesday, do you know?"

Ye Ke's sentence to Ayao is as important as the court's final decision.

I stayed there for a while, and then Aya slowly raised his head and looked at Master, "If I didn't die, why would this look like this?"

Master leaned to the side, facing Ayao, "You are a living being, which is fundamentally different from the dead. Although I do n’t know why you get out of your soul, since you are a living being, you can return to your body in."

Mo Mozhen frowned, standing still without speaking.

A Yao seems to be digesting Master ’s words. She glanced at Mo Zhen before turning to Master and saying, "How do you get back to your body?"

"This ..." Master paused for a distressed moment. He also glanced at Mo Zhen, who had been silent for a while, before continuing, "The time has not yet come."

"Timing?" A Yao looked at Master and blinked puzzledly, "What is the timing? When will it arrive?"

Master Qi laughed a chuckle, but the mysterious appearance of the **** really has the appearance of an excellent man, "the secret cannot be revealed."

Ayao: "..."

Why do these fortune tellers always say this? !! Since it can't be leaked, don't say it at the beginning!

Ayao was angry and upset, but the master abandoned Ayao and talked with Mo Zhen about the people ’s livelihood. "I heard that Carlisle ’s steak is delicious. I just have n’t had breakfast."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

I eat steak early in the morning, right? Has the western restaurant opened?

However, this reminded Ayao, her eyes brightened biu, and said to Master Amway, "Master, I have white porridge!" The wicked white porridge No. 2 Mo Zhen who boiled last night did not eat a bite. It's in the refrigerator, and it's hot right now.

I didn't wait for Master to respond, the refrigerator door popped open, a small iron pot floated out of it, and I ran to the gas hood that suddenly ignited.

Master Tong raised her eyebrows and looked at Yao Yao quite unexpectedly. "It's still a hard-working little female ghost. No wonder Mo Zhen is so reluctant to you."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Does he have to emphasize this repeatedly? But this time he is not tangled, he believes that Aya must have heard only the first sentence.

"Is it? Hazel is very reluctant to me?" Ayao floated to Mo Zhen and looked at him with her face.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

I said yes, just listen to the first half!

Mo Mozhen bypassed Ayao and went to the kitchen to guard the white porridge. After the white porridge was boiled, he didn't wait for A Yao to do anything, took the initiative to raise two bowls, and turned out a few dishes, and put them on the table.

Master Yun came to the table, examined the dishes on the table, and nodded, "It looks pretty good, it would be better if this white porridge is boiled now."

Gao Yaoyao said her eyes were lowered, and she lowered her head and whispered in a loss: "It was originally boiled last night, but Hazel didn't eat it."

The sullen tone and aggrieved expression was like Mo Zhen's unscrupulous man.

The most terrible thing is that even Mo Zhen feels that way.

拉 He opened the chair without a word and sat down to drink porridge silently. At this time he just wanted to be a beautiful man drinking quietly, although he felt that Ayao was acting again.

Master Yun looked at the corners of Mo Zhen ’s mouth, but he lifted the chair beside Mo Zhen and sat down quietly to drink porridge.

Breakfast is simple and fast. Only five minutes before and after, Master's bowl has bottomed out.

He wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel on the table, and stood up from the chair. "In order to thank you for the bowl of white porridge, this bracelet is a gift for you." He looked at Ah Yao and said with a personable attitude.

As soon as the chanting voice fell, a bracelet was added to the right hand. I can't see the thin ring of material, carved with complicated and delicate patterns, with two small bells in the middle, and a slight bell sound with the movement of Master's right hand, crisp and sweet.

"Wow, Master, you are so good!" Aya looked bright, "How can I wear this thing on my hand?" She had no substance, and even her clothes were changed by using fluttering methods.

"This is very simple." Master smiled and motioned for A Yao to extend his hand. A Yao obediently did it, watching the master put the bracelet on his wrist, followed by a flash of light on the bracelet, the master slowly released his hand, and the bracelet dangled a few times on A Yao's wrist, but did not fall .

"Wow!" A Yao shook his left hand in excitement, and the bell rang a few times, "Zhanzhan, you really put it on!"

Mo Mozhen glanced at A Yao's hand and turned to the master and asked, "What's the use of this bracelet?"

"Her soul is too far away from the body, which will damage her soul. This bracelet can help her to keep her spirit and protect her spirit. However," said Master for a moment, "do not touch the popularity within today, otherwise it will affect The magic of bracelets. "

"Oh." Aya nodded, seemingly understandable, "how can I not touch the popularity?"

"Just stay at home." Master finished, looking down at Mo Zhen, "Let's go eat steak."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Ayao: "..."

I always think Master is playing a big game.