MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 34 in love

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上帝 "God Forbidden Zone 3" rushed to kill on time before the end of the month, after which the film will enter post-production and is expected to be released nationwide next April.

It took one year and three months from the preliminary preparation to the end of the shooting. Now that the shooting is finally over, Mo Zhen is finally relieved. As the starring role in the "God Forbidden Zone" series, he has devoted almost all his time and energy to this film over the past year, and the company is also waiting for him to win the film again with the role of Gao Sen.

Originally according to the company's arrangement, after the filming, Mo Zhen should enter the album recording non-stop, and then release a new album at the end of the year-King Huang of the Emperor also specially picked a Zodiac Day, December 25, Christmas Section.

However, this plan was eventually disrupted by a sentence from Mo Zhen.

As a gold medal nanny, Tang Qiangyu persuaded President Jin with his three-inch tongue, and pushed the album's release date to next year. He also provided the company with a Zodiac Day, February 14, Valentine's Day.

On the company's side, Tang Qiang helped Mo Zhen stabilize Jin Zong, but the fans had to rely on Mo Zhen himself.

此时 At this time, the initiator of the incident is sitting on the large sofa in the living room leisurely while eating imported butter cookies while brushing Weibo.

The company has not announced the release of the album, and in the words of Mr. Jin, of course, this hatred must be pulled by Mo Zhen himself. When he stabilizes everyone's hatred, the company will make another official statement.

榛 Mo Zhen has no objection to the company's decision. After all, this is because he was wrong. Just how to explain to the fans ... must be made reasonable and tears.

"Hazel hazel hazel, is it cold in Turkey, do you need a down jacket?" A Yao floated down from the second floor, followed by a men's down jacket, Mo Zhen's.

The corner of his eyes couldn't help but jump twice. Mo Zhen pulled the down jacket floating in the air with a look of impatience. "No, I checked. It will be sunny in the next week and the weather will be fine."

"Oh." Aya nodded, thought again and said, "Then what else do you need to bring to change the clothes? Such as that or something." Aya said, bowing his head shamefully.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

What, what, what!

Rubbing her down jacket vigorously, Mo Zhen tried not to let himself growl: "Don't turn my closet, I will pack my things by myself."

"... Oh, okay." Ayao floated to the sofa aside and lay down. Mo Zhen put down his down jacket and glanced at A Yao lying upright on the sofa, and edited Weibo again.

"I'm very sorry, the album" LOSTHEA.VEN "originally planned to be released on December 25 will be postponed. Mainly because the theme song that should be completed by me, I am still not satisfied with it. This album company and I I have put in a lot of effort and everyone has waited a long time. I do n’t want to use a semi-finished product to fool everyone, so I made a decision to delay the release. I will go out in a few days and hope to find new inspiration. I hope everyone can understand . "

Exactly 140 words. This is definitely the one with the most words since Mo Zhen opened Weibo.

Mo Mozhen read it a few times and found that the language was sincere and sincere. Shouldn't it be a big problem? Staring at Weibo for a while, Mo Zhen decided to pass on his selfie again, this effect may be better.

After he picked a 45-degree angle to look up at the sky, he finally sent those 140 words together with his selfie and sent them out.

Then he waited nervously for everyone's response.

Everyone responded very quickly, just like Mo Zhen's Weibo F5. In a few seconds, there was the first repost and comment. After that, the number went up like the house price.

"This must be the biggest bad news Hao hazel hazelnuts I have heard this year. You can't just abuse me."

虽然 "Although the male **** typed so many words, I was very excited, but I still can't help but want to say ... Wo Chu is not April Fool's Day today, right ?!"

"When will hazelnuts be delayed? QAQ"

理解 "Understanding hazelnuts, I have saved the money, I will buy it whenever you are out ^ _ ^"

"Oh, if you ca n’t write, just say 呗, what kind of inspiration. Mo Zhen had to eat on one face, and he did n’t want to sing, he did n’t want to act.”

Mo Zhen's eyelids jumped, and from time to time on his Weibo, this kind of yin and yang man brushed out the presence of a strange person. Although that person was quickly forked out by everyone, but Mo Zhen couldn't help but want to hehe He looked.

刷新 Refreshed the page again, and Mo Zhen was somewhat surprised to find that the boiled lemon also reposted her Weibo.

"I was very angry when I saw the content, but after seeing the picture, it seemed suddenly not so angry. Am I alone?"

On the left is a bunch of you are not alone.

Mo Mozhen was satisfied, and sure enough, this world of looking at the face is relatively simple and cute.

榛 "Hazel, what are you doing?" Aya floated off the sofa and reached Mo Zhen. Mo Zhenyan quickly shut down the computer and unplugged the power again.

Ayao: "..."

She pursed her lips and said a little bit hardly: "Hazel, you are a normal boy, it is also normal to visit Xiaohuang. I will not despise you."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

角 The corner of his mouth moved, and finally decided to let everything go with the wind.

Within a few hours of the posting of this Mobo by Wei Mo, the official website of Kaiser also announced that the album would be delayed, and the tentative release date was changed to February 14 next year.

Fans who were still lucky are now completely desperate, and there is a lot of sadness on the Internet. This incident rushed to the tail of this year and squeezed into the top ten tragedies of the year.

Chen Qingyang switched off the phone and walked into Li Yan's ward.

He turned to Yunze and saw Chen Qingyang's listlessness, unable to help but asked, "What's wrong?"

"There has just been a tragedy." Chen Qingyang sat down beside Xiang Yunze with a bag, and also sucked his nose, "Mo Tianwang's album will be postponed."

He blinked at Yunze, "Why?"

"He said he was going out for inspiration." Oh, this **** inspiration.

He frowned slightly towards Yunze and went for a walk? Why didn't he hear Mo Zhen mention that he was going to travel? Ah no, the point is, who is he going with?

He Xiang Yunze hesitated for a moment, but eventually he did not call to confirm this with Mo Zhen, and Mo Zhen embarked on the journey to Turkey on time, oh no, it was a journey.

Before going out, Mo Zhen and A Yao first experimented with the magic weapon Master gave him to see if it really worked. That magic weapon is actually a tail ring, which is quite delicate and can be resized according to the thickness of Mo Zhen's fingers.

A Yao drilled into the tail ring with interest, came out, drilled in, and came out again and again three times. She excitedly said to Mo Zhen: "Hazel, I feel like Aladdin's magic lamp!"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Although the destination was Goreme, Mo Zhen's first stop was Selcuk. After ten hours of flying, it was already dusk when Ayao came out of the tail ring. The western-style building has a strong religious mystery, and flowers and kittens everywhere can add a strong touch to this exotic atmosphere.

Mo Zhen took out the camera and took pictures of the kittens on the street, and Ayao excitedly floated aside and tried to communicate with the kittens. The streets at dusk were light orange, and Mo Zhen was facing the sunset, standing in the corner of a white-walled cottage, pressing the shutter to himself.

I didn't stop outside, Mo Zhen took Ayao back to the hotel. The balcony of the hotel is opposite to St. John's Church. As soon as Aya entered the house, he couldn't wait to float to the balcony. Mo Zhen took the computer out of his bag and connected to the hotel's wifi.

This is a task entrusted to him by Tang Qiang, asking him to post a Weibo every stop to show his safety. Mo Zhen feels that this is all it takes. To make sure he is not safe, isn't it faster to call?

In the end, he concluded that Tang Qiang's mobile phone did not open international long-distance services.

I picked two photos I just took and posted them on Weibo. Mo Zhen didn't wait for everyone to reply, and turned off the computer to lie on the bed.

I took a day's flight, and now he just wants to save energy for tomorrow's trip.

And on Weibo, the two photos of Mo Zhen have exploded.

"Going out said that going out and walking meant traveling? Alone?"

"Honeymoon ... travel?"

"Who did the male **** go out with? Ah, but the photos are taken by myself!"

微 This Weibo was quickly moved to the Cape Forum, and Chen Qingyang, a moderator, saw this post the first time.

The landlord posted a high-resolution screenshot of Mo Zhen's Weibo, and made a comment—seeing that the male **** is in love.

I followed the whole forum and went crazy.

"It's rude to fall in love!"

"How could my male **** fall in love."

"Can I crook a building, crying QAQ by Hazelnut handsome"

"The landlord is so distraught, how hazelnuts are hot and handsome, how can someone travel with him! He must be alone!"

"I feel more upstairs ..."

"You don't have to fight, is there anything more ill than love?"

It turns out that there is indeed something more mourning than love.

清 Chen Qingyang blocked the landlord's IP.

How dare you say that King Mo is in love? Block your family believe it or not!

Yunxiang Yunze looked at Chen Qingyang, who was sitting angrily outside the hospital corridor, couldn't help but hooked his mouth and went up: "What happened to your family, Mo Tianwang?"

Chen Qingyang was silent for a moment, then looked up at Xiang Yunze: "Xiang Xiang, they said that Mo Tianwang was in love with QAQ."

Yunxiang Yunze: "..."

He didn't know whether it was the sound of Tucao or the big watery eyes of Tucao.

I sat down beside Chen Qingyang and patted Yun Ze gently on her head: "Mo Zhen is also a normal man, and it is normal to be in love."

Uh ...

神 # 神 补 刀 #

Chen Qingyang let go of the big hand above his head in indignation, a pair of red eyes glared at Yunze without blinking, "You are in love now, your whole community is in love!"

Yunxiang Yunze: "..."

When did love become a curse?

清 Chen Qingyang gave a kick to Yunze after speaking, and then ran out of the hospital without looking back. Xiang Yunze watched Chen Qingyang's back disappear at the corner and smiled helplessly.

姑娘 This girl is so funny.

Not to mention, Mo Zhen is in love? Why didn't he know?