MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 19 Breakthrough True Power (for collection)

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  Chapter 19 Breakthrough True Power (for collection)

   "Great Cool Qi and Blood Martial Arts, before the three transformations of Qi and blood, they all thicken their own Qi and blood, so they can be called warriors..."

   "Wait until the peak of the three transformations of qi and blood, then you can comprehend the intention of God, integrate your true power, and step into the realm of a true martial artist!"

   "This is also the limit of most martial arts masters!"

   Fangfu backyard.

  Fang Xi grasped that hard-won inspiration for a breakthrough, and the power of qi and blood in his body, which had reached its peak, traveled through his limbs, faintly trying to combine to form a brand new force.

  He calmed down, comprehended the two gods' intentions, and his spiritual consciousness merged into one thousand and one, looking for a certain opportunity.

  ‘Cultivators possess spiritual knowledge, and seem to have an advantage over ordinary warriors in understanding God’s intentions...’

  An idea inexplicably emerged in Fang Xi's mind.

  The next moment, twisted snake shadows suddenly appeared in his mind.

   Red Snake Leg God's Intent!

   "I didn't was Red Snake Legs who broke through first?"

   "Sure enough, comprehending God's intention is a matter of chance, changing..."

  The mountains, rivers and waters in the original picture, as well as the shadows of snakes, in Fang Xi's eyes at this time, are the laws of the power of Qi and blood...

  Even, when he was unconscious, the violent energy and blood in his body began to operate by itself according to some mysterious route.

  Countless qi and blood forces are twisted and entangled... just like filaments condensed into steel ropes.


  As if some kind of shackles were broken!

  Fang Xi looked inside herself and discovered a brand new power!


  This power is completely different from the 'inner breath' that is commonly referred to in the world of cultivating immortals. It relies on the limbs and bones, moves between the bones and muscles, and strengthens the internal organs.

  Because it is true, it is called 'Zhenli'!

   Once the true strength was 10%, the surging energy and blood in Fang Xi's body quickly transformed into true strength.

   Then, he let out a long and joyful roar, feeling the hardness of the membranes, hands, and main torso all over his body increasing rapidly! Especially the position of the legs, the degree of strengthening far exceeds that of other places.

   After all, the breakthrough was achieved with red snake legs!

  This is also the disadvantage of third-rate martial arts. It focuses on one area. Although the other positions are also strengthened, they are weaker than those secret transmission skills.


  Fang Xi stomped subconsciously.


   At the bottom of his feet, the bluestone slab was sunken into a big pit as if it had been hammered heavily. Numerous deep cracks spread densely around like spider webs.

  Before the replacement, Fang Xi would never be able to achieve such destructive power in such an understatement!

   "Sure enough... There is a natural gap between true strength and ordinary blood warriors."

   "No wonder Mu Canglong beat She Lei so easily and comfortably before, and it's the same for me."

  Fang Xi estimated that at this time, his martial arts had at least two or three times stronger, and he could beat himself before the breakthrough by more than a dozen.

  Switching to She Lei is nothing more than a kick.

   Paused, as if he remembered something, suddenly there was a flying sword as thin as a green leaf in his hand!

  —Qinghe Sword!

  Fang Xi held the hilt of the sword, with the blade facing her finger.

   After thinking about it, he still lifted his trousers and pressed the sword point against his skin.

  A weak resistance came.

  He continued to exert force, the flying sword was blocked for a while, and then it stabbed into the skin smoothly, oozing a trace of blood...

   "This defensive power is indeed comparable to the physical training of the first level of body training..."

  Fang Xi nodded.

  Physical training in the first level of body training is comparable to a monk in the early stage of Qi training!

  But this does not mean that the opponent's body can be stronger than a low-grade magic weapon!

  Comparing flesh and blood with metal is a very stupid thing.

"To be truly immune to low-grade magical artifacts, or to say that the body is comparable to the strength of magical artifacts, it must be above the fourth level of body training, which is equivalent to the level of foundation-building physical training. Not even a single hair falls out..."

"Physical training at the first level of body refinement can provide a momentary resistance when facing a low-grade magic weapon... and the muscles and bones are stronger, which may get stuck with a low-grade magic weapon. It has stronger survivability and greater strength... that's all gone."

  With these advantages, in close combat, physical training will have the upper hand against ordinary monks.

   "Because of this, my magic weapon, the flying sword, is quite threatening to the martial arts master, and even the guard Linghu!"

   "Besides, this is equivalent to prostitution of dozens of spirit stones for free, achieving the first level of body training, great joy, great joy..."

  Fang Xi flicked the Qinghe Sword, making the blade hum like a dragon chant.

   "Today's breakthrough is great, I should kill a few people to relax..."

  He looked in the direction of the Red Snake Martial Art Museum.

  Lu She and She Lei have always been in his little notebook, but they just endured it and didn't do anything.

   After all, She Lei is nothing more than that, and Lu Snake is still a bit threatening.

   Now after the breakthrough, the opponent is not enough to see.

  'And...killing Lu She and others can also make the masters behind Yuanheshan think that I only found out what they wanted me to find out, haha...don't you want me to fall into a trap? I will let you know that the same trap is completely different for different people. '


That night.

  Red Snake Dojo!

   "The owner of the hall doesn't know what's going on recently, and often talks with several elders all night."

  A disciple in charge of late night patrol yawned, looking at the still dimly lit house, muttering to himself.

  Bosses are so curt, he can't help but go to sleep if he wants to be lazy.

   While sleepy, something suddenly seemed to flash by.


  He quickly lifted the lantern, rubbed his eyes again, and found that the surroundings were quiet, except for the occasional cry of insects.

   "Could it be a bat?"

  The disciple muttered and continued to watch the night.

  In the study.

Lu She looked at a roll of maps, with a very ugly expression on his face: "This time I went out to hunt monsters... At first, it was said that everything was going well, but suddenly Lao Feng and the others fell down. It is said that there are no dead or alive. It's..."

   In front of Lu Snake, only the elders of the Red Snake Martial Arts Academy were teaching, all of whom had reached the point where their qi and blood had undergone three changes, and She Lei was among them.

   "The owner... Could it be that Yuan Heshan didn't find out?" She Lei asked.

   "Hmph, Yuanheshan Linghuyang is a stick!" Lu She cursed angrily.

   But after cursing, he fell into deep thought again.

   Although Yuan Heshan's guard in Black Rock City is unreasonable, he is not stupid.

  The performance at that time was indeed a bit strange.

  Could it be... have you found any clues?

   "If it's really that... Black Rock City, I'm afraid I can't stay here anymore."

  Lu She held the lamp holder with candles inserted, looked at the map back and forth, thoughtful.

   Puff puff!

   At this moment, there were a few soft sounds in the void.


  Before an elder of the Red Snake Martial Arts finished his sentence, an invisible sword qi cut his throat, making him clutch his throat, and fell into a pool of blood, but could not make a sound.

   "What kind of martial arts is this?"

   Lu Snake was shocked and angry!

  This kind of invisible sword energy is almost like a myth.

  Perhaps, only the rumored first-class master can do it.

   But if it is really a master, why sneak attack?

   Just a word, and the entire Red Snake Martial Arts Hall will be razed to the ground.


   Just as he was shocked and angry, a figure rushed into the room, with legs flying across the room.


  Amidst several muffled grunts, several elders who were barely intact flew out at the same time, as if all the bones in their bodies were rotten.

   Especially She Lei, with her sternum sunken, obviously dead.

"This is…"

   "Red snake legs!"

  The corner of Lu She's eyes twitched, and he recognized the legwork of the attacker.

   That kind of soft and boneless legwork in mid-air, which is unpredictable, he will never admit it!

   "True warrior, who are you?"

   Lu Snake shouted.


  Fang Xi was masked in black clothes. At this time, with a movement of his right leg, real power poured into his thigh, making the muscles bulge up one by one, as hard as iron, and swept away thousands of troops.


  Lu Snake is also the master of martial arts, and the golden rooster is independent, kicking out with one kick.

  The two leg shadows were entangled like a python, and then separated quickly.

  In the void, there was only a muffled sound.


  Fang Xi stood with her hands behind her back, and suddenly sighed full of melancholy.

   "Why is it a pity?" Lu She glanced at her calf indifferently, and a feeling of numbness had already begun to spread from the position where the two sides were in contact.

  Although he was very reluctant, he had to admit that he was afraid of being young!

   Moreover, the rage of the opponent's energy and blood completely exceeded his expectations, which put the master of the martial arts gym at a disadvantage.

   "It's a pity that the red snake leg fruit has nowhere to go."

  Fang Xi answered truthfully.

  The owner of the Red Snake Pavilion has only this strength, not even a secret skill, so weak.

   It can be seen from this that after the master of the martial arts gym, Red Snake Leg really has no other way of cultivation.

   Regarding this, Fang Xi felt very helpless.

  He also wants to improve his martial arts realm faster!

  After all, the realm of the martial arts master is equivalent to one body training, so if you break through the big realm, is it equivalent to the second body training?

   You know, in Qingzhushanfang City, the cost of one body refinement is about tens of spirit stones, and the cost of spirit stones for the second body refinement is at least over a hundred!

  Once successful, it will definitely be comparable to a monk in the middle stage of Qi refining!

  If she reaches that level, Fang Xi will dare to let go of her hands and feet in the world of cultivating immortals.

   "Your Excellency used to be an apprentice in this museum, and came here for the follow-up of Red Snake Legs?"

  Lu She's pupils shrank into needle eyes, and said loudly: "It's a pity...the red snake's legs have reached the limit of their true strength, and they can't exercise the whole body, nor can they transform their true strength into true strength, and step into a higher realm of martial arts!"

   "Oh? After the martial arts master, is it to exercise the whole body to transform the real power?"

  Fang Xi's eyes lit up.

   "Hey...Your Excellency is extremely talented, but it's a pity that you have gone astray. The red snake legs are great, and the blood will inevitably conflict with other martial arts. You can't practice real skills, and your future achievements will be limited, haha!"

  Lu She laughed heartily.

   But after laughing, it feels wrong.

  His laughter gradually became lower, and his expression became more and more puzzled.

   "Are you wondering why you yelled loudly on purpose, but the people outside seemed to be dead and didn't come to save you?" Fang Xi teased: "Unfortunately... I just didn't tell you!"

  Outside the door, a talisman was quietly stuck in the corner.

   No matter how thunder and explosions in the house, the outside world is silent...

  (end of this chapter)