MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 2 Egg fried rice for **** dog

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The screams echoed in the ears of the steps, but the steps were not panic, still lying in the chair, and the eyes were empty. It turned out that he was watching the system panel in his mind.

System goal: to help the host become the kitchen **** standing at the top of the fantasy world food chain.

Host: step

Sex: Male

Age: twenty

Infuriating is: No (as the kitchen **** of the fantasy world, the future food must use the infuriating, juvenile, work hard.)

Culinary talent: unknown

Skill: None

Props: None

Kitchen God Comprehensive Rating: The rookie (the kitchen of the gods is just beginning, follow the footsteps of the system, become the man at the top of the fantasy world food chain.)


"Hey! Have you been listening to me?! Are you the owner of this restaurant?" Jun Qiao Xiaosheng stared at the steps and shouted angrily.

Step by step to recover the mind, calmly stunned this handsome little student, lazily stood up from the chair and yawned.

"The price of the dish in this store is like that. If you can't accept it, you can leave. This store has always been operating in good faith, never forcing customers, never buying and selling."

Jun Qiao Xiaosheng was given a stagnation by the attitude of the step, and he stayed a bit. Afterwards, a white face rose red, and his eyes seemed to be spurting fire. Are you doing business?

" look at the price tag! I also operate in good faith. I think you are planning to find a big head to do a hammer sale! You are this insidious person! Don't justify, I Xiao Xiaolong has already seen your true face!"

"Do you think I am like a fool?" The step is also a bit angry. As an ideal and ambitious chef, he hates others to say that he is insidious.

"I naturally have a reason for my pricing. If you don't eat, you can leave, and I have not forced you."

In the heart of the step, I felt a sigh of relief. I didn’t wait for the customer early in the morning. I was waiting for a slap in the face. How could this business be so difficult?

Jun Qiao Xiaosheng is more depressed. He holds his chest in his hands and stares at the steps coldly. "Hey! Is it true? You must think that I will be stimulated by you, then order the same dish to prove it? Then you I finished a hammer sale and took me to the top! Right?"

Step by step to this handsome little girl can not say anything, facelessly walked toward the kitchen, intends to start his daily cooking practice.

"Don't talk! It's guilty, right?! I was exposed to you with sinister intentions, nothing to say! Tell you, Xiao Xiaolong is a big hater in the emperor, and hates you insidious people." Jun Qiao Xiaosheng still sneered and mocked there, but after waiting for a long time, he did not hear the step counter.

"I will tell the whole Emperor's people, let this store close! Oh... maybe I don't need me, whoever sees your food price will think you are a fool!"

Xiao Xiaolong felt that he was ignored, and he was annoyed and continued to threaten.

Quiet... The small restaurant became very quiet, but soon there was a scent from the kitchen.

Xiao Xiaolong waited for a long time, staring at the price of the dish on the recipe and looked at it. Finally, he pulled his head and shook his head and was planning to leave.

A plate of fried vegetables can sell a hundred gold coins, which is simply... mad!

In the Qingfeng Empire, the smallest currency unit is the copper coin, and the copper coin is the silver coin. The silver coin is the gold coin. One gold coin is enough for the average family in the emperor's house for one month. One hundred gold coins...that is not ordinary people. Can eat!

In particular, egg fried rice actually wants a Yuanjing, what is Yuanjing? That is the necessities of the monk, a Yuan Jing is equivalent to a thousand gold coins!

It is definitely a madman to set this price!

The angry Xiao Xiaolong turned to the door of the small restaurant. Suddenly, the nose shook a little.

"Good fragrance!"

A scent fluttered out of the kitchen and wandered around Xiao Xiaolong's nose. The scent seemed to become a substance, like a supple silk, gently sliding over Xiao Xiaolong's face, like a caress between lovers, let Xiao Xiaolong is a shackle.

Finally, Xiao Xiaolong knew where the smell came from. He turned his head and looked at the kitchen. He saw a thin figure coming out of the kitchen. The long white fingers still held a porcelain bowl, and the rich fragrance Constantly drifting out of the porcelain bowl.

"Are you going to seduce me? Hey! Even if you cook it better, I won't pay for your treacherous!"

Xiao Xiaolong saw the step toward him, and he proudly raised his head and said coldly. Of course, if his nose is not always swaying, the step may really think that he is a man of great perseverance that is not for the food.

Finally, Xiao Xiaolong still couldn't stand the temptation of the scent, and his voice screamed.

"Since you sincerely want me to taste it, then... I will take a hard time to taste it."

Xiao Xiaolong turned his head and said to the step, but his tone was still high, as if he had given the face a big face.

But the next moment, Xiao Xiaolong's body froze, because the step did not stop in front of him, but directly ignored him and went straight to the door.

The arrogant Xiao Xiaolong was so angry that he turned his head and glared at the steps, but he saw a scene that made him more angry.

Because the step was actually lying next to the **** dog lying at the door, the food carrying the rich fragrance was placed in front of a dog.

"Little black, have a meal."

Stepping down, he touched the black and soft, non-stained dusty hair and chuckled.

Looking at the slouched black, suddenly, the spirit of the bowl of porcelain, eating the food he made, and the corners of the mouth of the step raised a curve.

Xiao Xiaolong feels like a blue sky, and he feels that the step has insulted his personality!

"you you……"

Xiao Xiaolong extended his long white hair like a woman's finger, trembled and pointed at the steps, his lips stunned.

"Hey? You haven't gone yet?"

The exaggerated expression made Xiao Xiaolong feel that there was an invisible arrow in his heart, oh, it hurts!

Xiao Xiaolong licked his lips and screamed in anger. One of his ankles squatted on the ground, as if... the spoiled head turned out to be a small restaurant.

Step by step, looking at this lame Xiao Xiaolong with a blank expression.

"This little girl cannon... stupid."

Xiao Xiaolong walked to the door, originally intended to leave, but the nose was swaying again, subconsciously turned to look at the food in the **** dog porcelain bowl, the golden scrambled eggs wrapped with pearl-like rice The beauty is like art.

But at the moment, I am eating a piece of art and fried rice with a **** dog... black dog... dog!

"Well?!" The **** dog that was eating was suddenly stagnation. It seemed to feel a sense of heart. When I looked up, I found a mother-gun who was staring at its rice bowl and suddenly burst into the dog’s eyes. Be wary of color.

So in Xiao Xiaolong's gaze, the dog's paws of the **** dog pulled the porcelain bowl into his arms, and stunned his teeth toward Xiao Xiaolong, which was still stained with unswallowed rice grains that were like pearls. .

Is this being despised by a dog...

Xiao Xiaolong was confused for almost two seconds, and then suddenly fried hair.

Da da da!

Xiao Xiaolong's face was flushed, and his eyes seemed to be able to spurt out the flames and walked back to the store.

Step by step, still expressionless, took a look at Xiao Xiaolong.

"Give me a bowl of fried rice! Hey! I decided to test the poison, if it is not good! Tomorrow I will let the government to seal your shop!"

Xiao Xiaolong grinned and threatened.