MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 11 star girl

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"Ding Dong" is a youth crush song with a pure style, which is even more moving when performed by young trainees.

With the sound of the door, girls in school uniforms in white skirts rushed out from behind the door, dancing lightly.

"Wow." The redness on Xu Heran's face faded, and he sighed in a low voice. He couldn't help but put his hands together, and clapped with his fingertips, "They look so good."

The others nodded quickly.

The two songs were sung by one team. The first team completely copied the purity of the song, while the second team took a different approach. The pink dress, while showing the tension of the secret love, brought out some ambiguity, as if the thoughts of one's secret love were discovered, and the secret love The subject secretly responded.

"It's a bit sweet, I'll choose 2." Haya said.

"Me too."

"I like the first one."

"Excuse me, can we vote?" Xin Nuo made a scissors motion to the photographer.

Xu Heran immediately understood. She cleared her throat and said, "Both teams performed well. I don't know which team to choose!"

Haya said with a guilty conscience: "Yes, yes, they are all styles that I can't control, it's too powerful!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xin Nuo. Xin Nuo had a half-smile, and stroked his hair.

The first group of performances ended, and the host Ning Yunfei invited the two teams to come on stage. She interviewed the two teams separately and asked them to take this opportunity to solicit votes.

"The 10,000 star makers at the scene, did you get the voting tickets from the staff when you entered?" Ning Yunfei raised a piece of colored paper in her hand, "After watching all the stages, after leaving the stage, the There is a ballot box in the aisle, where you fill in the team of your choice and put it into the ballot box, the team with the highest votes among the ten teams wins, and the 100,000 votes will be shared equally!"

"Of course, this does not affect your SMS voting. You can still vote for your favorite trainee." After Ning Yunfei finished speaking, she raised her voice, "Then, let us welcome the second group of teams. The song they competed in is , "snow"

Xu Heran saw that when the sound of "snow" fell, the cheers at the scene suddenly increased, and the camera of the live broadcast changed, sweeping across the auditorium, and many people shouted the name "Lin Weining" in the crowd with support lights on, Raise her banner and lamp.

"Ah... number one." Xu Heran exclaimed, "It's amazing."

Xin Nuo glanced at her, his lips moved slightly, and finally turned into a shallow smile.

"Lin Weining's ranking has always been very good, except for the second place when he first entered the camp, and he has won the first place twice in a row, which is amazing." Jian Yueyin said in a low voice. On a big brother, the big brother was very supportive, his face was red and his neck was thick, and the little girls next to him and the trainees in the background laughed.

A group of girls in fluttering white clothes came onto the stage, wearing white corollas on their heads, with sweet smiles on their faces, like angels who descended into the world.

Haya suddenly asked, "Is this the second time Lin Weining has performed this style?"

Song Fenghua, who has always been silent, nodded, "She is very suitable."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xin Nuo, and the eyes of others fell on Xin Nuo's face. Xu Heran was sitting next to Xin Nuo. She didn't know why, and followed Song Fenghua's gaze and turned her head slowly, looking at Xin Nuo together.

Xin Nuo:?

"See what I do?" Xin Nuo smiled slightly.

"Hey." Haya touched her face, she hadn't gotten used to the makeup on her face, "Actually, I thought you would choose this song."

Xin Nuo tilted his head, "Hmm, I want to try a few more styles."

Xu Heran deliberately asked: "Really, isn't it because you lost the game?"

She suddenly reached out and took out a rope from her pocket, and she didn't know when she put it in the pocket.

"Anyway, it's still early when it's our turn to take the stage, why don't you all know how to turn flower ropes and calm down?"

Xu Heran bit the tip of his tongue and smiled badly, while the others shook their heads, focusing on the stage that was about to start, leaving this naive ghost alone to face the "storm" he had provoked.

A gleam of light flashed across Xin Nuo's black eyes, she raised her eyebrows, her eyelashes drooped, her eyes fell on Xu Heran's fingertips holding the rope, she raised the corners of her mouth, and said slowly: "What is this?"


Her pronunciation was very standard, but Xu Heran had a feeling that another name would come out of her red lips in the next moment.

The other teammates looked at the screen, but their ears were pricked up.

"This hand is too disobedient!" Xu Heran said suddenly, she threw the rope on the dressing table, stretched out her hand, and slapped the hand that was pulling the rope hard.

"I'll help you teach it a lesson, say, do you still dare to bully our Nuonuo?"

Xin Nuo watched her perform with a smile.

Xu Heran's throat was itchy, she cleared her throat, and put her palm next to Xin Nuo's fair ear.

"Listen." Xu Heran raised his index finger to cover his lips, "it said,"

"When the snow falls, it will tell me that I miss you..." On the stage, seven girls in white skirts danced, and the singing echoed over the gymnasium.

In the cold singing, Xu Heran leaned over, approached Xin Nuo, and raised his eyes.

"I will never bully you again."

"elder sister."

Xin Nuo kept leaning on the stool with a smile on her face. She stared at the screen, but her mind drifted away unknowingly, until Jian Yueyin reached out and patted the table in front of her.

"Let's go, we're in our group."

Xin Nuo suddenly came back to his senses, subconsciously raised a smile.

Jian Yueyin glanced at Xin Nuo with gentle eyes.

In the center of the stage, Ning Yunfei showed an intriguing smile.

"Below, are our last two groups of trainees." She looked towards the stage on her left. Sun Lingxi exhaled, with a bright smile on his face, and ran out first.

"Hi everyone~"

She was wearing a cherry blossom-colored tutu dress, and she looked like a cute doll, with pink bunny ears on her head. The same is true for the girl behind her. When standing in a row with a smile, the hearts of the audience below will melt.

"Wow~" Xu Heran sighed for an unknown number of times.

Ning Yunfei waited for the sound off the stage to subside before raising the microphone, "It's very amazing. This group is the most watched group since the show was broadcast. I want to say something for our director. It's really not It was deliberately arranged, but they were the last group drawn."

She laughed and raised her hand to the stage right, "Let's welcome—"


Suddenly there was a loud call from under the stage.

Jian Yueyin, who was the first to step forward, froze for a moment, and wanted to give way to Xin Nuo who was behind her, but Xin Nuo gently pushed her shoulder through the clothes.




Backstage, the trainees who had gathered opened their mouths wide open, startled by this unprecedented shout. Lin Weining smiled and shook her head, applauding and thinking, Xin Nuo is too strong, next time she should be ranked above her.

"Xu Heran! It's Xu Heran! My God, is the real person so good-looking? Is the color of the eyes real?"

"I've got goosebumps. There's still a gap between TV and real people. Really, it's worthy of taking the first place based on face!"


"Oh my god, what do I think of their group, their appearance... so high! Immortal appearance!"

"Who is that girl? Haya?! How could she be Haya! Plastic surgery?"

Backstage, it was also the first time to see the trainees on stage after the makeup of the ten teams were more excited than the audience.

"Eh?" Ning Yunfei deliberately took a step forward, exclaiming, "Really, the tallest one, are you Haya?"

Haya blushed and waved her hands, "I'm really, 1.73 meters!"


There were boos from the audience, and her height had become a meme.

Ning Yunfei raised her head and smiled, and continued to host, "Now that the teams from both sides have arrived, do you have anything to say to each other?"

Every time the two teams came on stage, Ning Yunfei would ask this question. Xu Heran couldn't help but raised the microphone and asked, "Why does our talent show have a pre-match trash talk session?"

Xin Nuo raised his hand and secretly poked her waist.

"Hey, are you scared?" Sun Lingxi who got the wheat asked back.

"Oh!" Xu Heran deliberately played his head, "Are we afraid?"

In the auditorium in front, a group of people immediately shouted: "Fuck her!"

Laurel, who was standing with his arms behind his back, was stunned, and Jiang Qiong patted his shoulder with a smile. Laurel gave them a thumbs up and raised his eyebrows.

Sun Lingxi felt that her own momentum was suppressed, and she immediately said, "Then let you feel our charm! Please remember, we are the No. 9 team! The No. 9 team is the cutest!"

"No. 9, No. 9!" The team members behind her raised their hands, pretending to be cute.

Xu Heran raised her chin and winked at the people behind her. She suddenly raised her hand and pressed on the front button of her coat. Team 10 teammates understood and raised their hands.

Each of them was wearing a black windbreaker that hung down to their calves.


Xu Heran chuckled, and threw the torn coat behind him, "It's cute, it's not worth mentioning in front of sexy."

A whole row of long legs were bundled up on the stage.

Xu Heran was wearing a black and red elemental one-piece leather jacket, the leather jacket only reached her thighs, and her black boots were wrapped up to her knees. The exposed skin was so white that it glowed. The fabric on her flat and slender waist was hollowed out, revealing her snow-white skin. Beside Xu Heran, Xin Nuo raised his hand, and put his bright and clean arms on Xu Heran's shoulders. The bright red leather dress reached her thighs, wrapping her tight figure. Her originally black and straight hair was specially curled into waves to accentuate her cold expression.

Xin Nuo raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled disdainfully at the sweeping camera, which drew wild shouts from the audience.

Except for Xu Heran, the six people, three with black elements and three with red elements, are distinct but complement each other, promoting sexiness and beauty to the extreme.

The call from the scene became more and more enthusiastic every time.

Xu Heran smiled proudly at the camera, his blue-purple eyes reflecting the light in the sea of ​​people.

After changing into her stage costume, she was thrilled to find that it turned out better than she thought! Everyone in the tenth team looks good, with long legs, not to mention other things, the stage effect is full.

Even Ning Yunfei was shocked by their sudden actions for two seconds. She exclaimed, and seeing Sun Lingxi's expression turned a little off from the corner of her eye, she quickly smiled and said, "Do you want to perform in advance?"

Xu Heran smiled "hehe", and hurriedly bent over to pick up the clothes, throwing clothes was originally a part of their stage.

"Then I put it on?"

"Crack." Xin Nuo couldn't help but raised his hand, patted the back of her head, grabbed her wrist and led her off the stage amidst the audience's laughter.

"Impulsive." Xu Heran apologized to everyone.

"It's okay, it's too hot to wear a windbreaker this day, and I wanted to take it off a long time ago." Laurel said, she moved her shoulders, "It's still as good as it is."

Xin Nuo leaned against the wall at the edge of the stage, glanced at the stage, and shook his head slightly.

"What's wrong?" Jian Yueyin asked in a low voice.

Xin Nuo looked at the girls bouncing around in the song, "The choreography is wrong."

For a sweet song, Sun Lingxi's team gave up the original choreography and re-choreographed it, but this stage halved the sweetness of the song itself, but it was a little more... childish.

The scene of the June 1 cultural performance appeared in Xin Nuo's mind.

"Didn't the dance teacher give them any advice?" The program group has three instructors of music, dance and rap, all mature and well-known artists, who will give advice to the trainees.

Jian Yueyin said in a low voice: "This is after the changes."

Xin Nuo shook his head slightly.

The pressure of the competition is high, and it is very likely that they will not be able to get out of the dead end. Sun Lingxi is probably betting that after their team decides to change the song.

"Love you love you love you, myhoney~" Next to him, Xu Heran clenched his hands and placed them next to his face, bouncing around and twisting.

Xin Nuo's eyes drifted to Xu Heran, and he suddenly raised his hand and made a gesture above his head.

"Maybe this is their strategy to attract younger audiences with cute choreography." She said while covering Mai and Jian Yueyin.

Jian Yueyin laughed, then looked at Xu Heran, and raised an eyebrow at Xin Nuo.

Xin Nuo shrugged, "I didn't say that."

"You say yes." Jian Yueyin had a forgiving expression.

Xu Heran was still jumping, but Haya held her down and begged her to be quiet, "I made you frown when you danced, it shouldn't be that you can't stop you from jumping."

Xu Heran argued: "This feels different!"

"Please, save some effort, let's go back to sweet, okay?"

Xu Heran patted her hand off and sneered, "Whoever wants to be sweet with you, go away."

Haya rolled her eyes angrily.

The performance on the stage had come to an end. The seven girls stood together, and each of them was cuter than the other, but the reaction of the audience was not as excited as they imagined. Sun Lingxi's eyes turned red all of a sudden, but she gritted her teeth and was still smiling at the camera until the last second.

Another shot fell on the face of a young girl. She was petite, with petite features, her face was very white, her hands were behind her back, and she smiled sweetly at the camera obediently.

The camera pans down and lands on her name.

"29 Xu Yanran"

Xu Heran: "..."

She frowned, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

Xin Nuo didn't know when she approached. She stood behind Xu Heran, glanced at her expression, then raised her hand and pinched her hair.

"Does it itch on your head?"

"It doesn't itch?" Xu Heran looked away from Xu Yanran, suppressing the complex and irritable feelings in his heart, and replied.

"I see." Xin Nuo sighed regretfully, "I thought someone was starting to grow brains."

"That's right, little pearl is just a pearl, so cute, how can it have a head?

The author has something to say:

Hey, why is my head itchy, is it necessary to grow my brain.jpg

It's that emoji, hehe

[The original name is "Steal the heroine and run is really exciting" because the title of the text cannot be used as exciting, so let's use this name first... (silence)]