MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 40 Group night (including additions for no other reason)

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Meteor strode onto the stage and waved to the audience.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!" Haya looked at Lin Weining with red eyes, raised her microphone, and said with a smile, "The song we performed is "Fire and Meteor".

The audience in the audience applauded wildly, and the fans in the live broadcast room waved their flags and shouted.

It's not easy, Xingyao Girls, choose a girl group program, and finally have another serious girl group song!

The most wonderful thing is that this song is a song of a very senior girl group. Everyone in the girl group at that time had their own characteristics, cute, sexy, charming, gentle...everyone has their own part.

Xu Heran stood on the side of the stage, applauding hard.

Sevens, awesome!

So, now, only she and Xin Nuo are left.

"Dream set sail, Xingyao Girl's last stage, the last two trainees and preparations are complete! Applause, Xin Nuo, Xu Heran!"


"Little Pearl!!"

"Sinno! Nono! The Knights will always protect you!"

"Heming Jiugao, magnificent!" The pearl shell's voice was like a bell.

"One piece of Danxin, one call of Bainuo!" The knights' momentum was like a rainbow.

The two major fan groups, you and me, combined with the dense barrage of the live broadcast room, seemed to be tens of thousands of people.

At this time, a girl in a red dress walked out of the backstage with a slight smile on her lips. Her long black hair was scattered behind her back, like a cut-out night. She gently waved to the audience, her dark eyes shining like sparks , one eye ignited the fire in the hearts of fans.


Another girl came out briskly. She was wearing a goose-yellow skirt, her pink hair was tied up, and on her pretty face, her blue-purple eyes were illusory and strange, like a galaxy flowing in the universe.

"Ah, ah, little pearl."

"Hi, good evening everyone, did you vote for me?" Xu Heran said with a smile, she took Xin Nuo's hand, and walked down amidst screams.

"Please protect your throat, although support is good, don't overdo it~" Xu Heran smiled, and Xin Nuo squeezed his palm.

The two girls looked at each other and sat facing each other in two silver high chairs.

"Do you know what song we're going to sing?" Xin Nuo asked in a cold voice, the tails of his eyes were raised slightly, and the rolling eyes fell on the audience, with a flowing smile.

At that moment, the faces of the fans of Pearl Oyster and the Knights under the stage were slightly distorted, filled with horror.

The fans who saw this scene in the live broadcast laughed, "What's wrong?"

"Is there anyone who doesn't know that Little Pearl said that she will sing "When Love Is A Past"?"

"Little Pearl! You still have a chance now! Put down your weapons! You still have a chance to turn back!"

"Hee hee." Xu Heran laughed, and blinked at the camera, "Since everyone already knows, then we don't need to introduce more, do we?"

She looked at Xin Nuo.

Xin Nuo nodded with a smile, and tilted her head. Her black hair drooped around her ears, and her silver earrings were like planetary rings revolving around the stars, reflecting the bright silver light. The black-haired girl's eyes were bright, and she looked at Xu Heran. .

"Then come on."

Xu Heran's eyes seemed to be scalded by the light, she lowered her head, and smiled lightly, her ears were slightly warmed.

At the moment when the fans were clutching their hearts tightly, the piano sounded.

Xu Heran and Xin Nuo lifted the wheat at the same time.

"You'reanightskygetaway, (You are the night sky that is hard to control) You'rethestarthatIcan'treplace,

(Irreplaceable like a morning star) ③"

At this moment, the hearts of everyone under the stage and in the live broadcast room fell to the ground with a "plop", and then lifted up with a "swish", because—

"I'm super shocked! What a lingering song!!"

"Thumping hard! What else can I say! Thumping hard szd!"


The beautiful and cool voices blend together, like two flower vines with soft flowers, because they are tightly intertwined, so they have strong strength, the vines grow windingly, upward, upward, climbing up the blue-black night, climbing a little bit Stars, around the round moon, until it stops in front of the brightest star.

There are clusters of flowers and stars.

She plucked the brightest star and put it in her palm.

"I'm ready for you."

At the end of the song, the two girls looked at each other and looked at each other. Xin Nuo suddenly looked away, and raised his hand to touch his ears.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Everyone off the stage woke up like a dream.

“Nono is awesome!”

"Pearl Xu! I love you!"

Xu Heran sat on the stool, twisted his buttocks, "Thank you, I love myself too."

Pearl Oyster: "!!"

Zhazhu started to deceive our feelings again! !

At the end of the three stage performances, Xu Heran took a deep breath, stood up, looked at Xin Nuo, the two looked at each other, and bowed to the audience.

The host Ning Yunfei stepped onto the stage, and asked ten trainees to return to the stage and stand beside her.

From the beginning of the show to the present, the seven debut seats who have accompanied the show for nearly half a year have been moved to the high steps behind the stage.

The first throne is shining with golden light, followed by the second and third, and the four silver seats with four, five, six, and seven are written one level down.

"Dreams set sail, stars shine, here is the final stage of Xingyao Girls! Now the performances of the ten Xingyao Girls are over, thank you for your continuous support! All our voting channels will be closed soon!"

Ning Yunfei shouted: "Countdown, ten!"

In the ring hall, the golden numbers began to count down.





"One! The voting is over! The voting channel is closed!" Ning Yunfei shouted, "During our final counting of votes, I will announce important matters during this short counting time!"

"Xingyao Girls, 140 trainees, 7 people form a group! They will debut live on Haicheng Music Night in two weeks! The debut song is still being collected, and the final debut song will be shared with the girls who formed the group. Let's meet everyone!"

"The group name of our seven girls has been decided, and they will carry out two-year activities under the group name of S.G.S!" Ning Yunfei slipped, and Xu Heran immediately wrote three letters on the palm of his hand.

The fans in the audience quickly recited the group name silently.

"May I ask our ten trainees, does anyone know the meaning of SGS?" Ning Yunfei asked with a smile.

Xu Heran's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands, "SGS, sevengirls! Seven girls!"

Ning Yunfei: "..."

Fans in the audience: "..."

As expected of you.

Jiang Qiong Haya nodded in agreement and gave Xu Heran a high five.

Xu Heran immediately showed an expression of "Look, they all think I'm right".

Xin Nuo turned his head and bit his lip.

"Not bad, good name, easy to remember!" Xu Heran gave a thumbs up.

Jian Yueyin said helplessly, "It's stargirls."

"Shining girls?"

Ning Yunfei asked herself in her heart why she had to ask more questions, why!

She held back the Daozhuxin in her heart and smiled, "That's right, it means shining girls."

Xu Heran smiled, "It's better to remember Seven Fairies."

"Hmm..." Xin Nuo responded in a low voice.

Under the stage, think of the echo.

Ning Yunfei almost lost her expression, she finally received the director's prompt and immediately turned to the camera.

"Our voting has ended, and now, the ranking will be announced in reverse order from sixth!"

At this moment, all thoughts of joking dissipated, on and off the stage, people from major companies sitting in the front row, and the eliminated trainees who came to watch the scene, everyone took a deep breath.

Cui Qi clasped his hands together.

Outside the live broadcast room, in the quiet ward, the distant Languo Manor, and many families, countless pairs of eyes were fixed on the stage.

"The trainee who won the sixth place on the final stage and debuted as an SGS idol is!"

In the hall of the ring hall, a huge golden crown appeared on the incomparably high-definition screen.

On the stage, the hearts of the ten girls were beating, and they watched the crown closely, watching it spin and freeze.

A photo appears.


On the bank of the river, a woman smoking a cigarette with trembling hands covered her face. Behind her, three boys ran out of the platform howling, laughing loudly.

"Unique voice Laurel: 10324845 votes."


Xu Heran turned her head and saw transparent tears falling down Laurel's expressionless face. She clenched her fists tightly and walked towards the center of the stage.

"Thank you to all the star makers who have always believed in me and supported me, thank you to all the stages, support me and encourage my teammates, thank you for protecting me and protecting my family over the years, thank you for the friends you can meet in this place, thank you." Laurel With a expressionless face and a crying voice, she raised her hand and wiped her face vigorously, "My name is Laurel, which means laurel and laurel crown. I want to win, and we will all win."


After Laurel finished speaking, he buried his body deeply and bowed at ninety degrees.

"Congratulations Laurel, please sit in your seat and enjoy your moment of stardom!"

Ning Yunfei took a deep breath, "The trainee who won the final stage, the fifth place, and the last debut, please announce!"

The music played, and the expression of the rebellious girl appeared.

blast (Fengfeng Entertainment) Haya: 10982177 votes

Haya took a breath, opened her hands, and embraced the left and right respectively.

"It's okay, you know, it will be fine, right?" Haya said in a low voice, patting Lin Weining's shoulder.

The always gentle girl wiped away her tears and tried her best to smile, "Well, I know, congratulations, Haya."

Haya nodded and walked to the stage.

"When I came to this stage, apart from all the star-maker friends who supported me, the most important thing to thank is that Xin Nuo just pointed at me three months ago. Without the stage at that time, I would not be who I am now. Thanks to everyone My friend who stands here, thank you!"

Haya smiled, turned around and walked up the steps, taking the debut seat.

"Final stage, fourth place, debut trainee—"

Song Fenghua from Long Time Studio: 11,274,578 votes.

In the corner of the stage, an elegant and beautiful woman squatted on the ground crying, covering her face tightly.

The girl who had always been indifferent had red eyes, and crystal tears slowly fell down.

"Thank you, I really, really wanted to say thank you. Thank you all, thank you all, thank you!"

Trembling, Song Fenghua put down the microphone, turned around, and exchanged a glance with Xu Heran. She showed the brightest smile ever.

Ning Yunfei was affected by the atmosphere of the stage, and her eyes were slightly hot. She suppressed her emotions and said loudly: "The final stage, the third trainee!"

All the remaining trainees tightly grasped the hands of those around them.


Angel Entertainment Jian Yueyin: 14568938 votes.

"Ha." Jian Yueyin shook her head suddenly, she hugged everyone else, hugged Lin Weining heavily, and wiped away the tears on her face.

"Sister Yueyin, take my share and come on." Lin Weining bit her lip and said with all her strength.

"Wei Ning, you still have a chance, don't give up." Jian Yueyin patted Lin Wei Ning's head, "Come on together."

Jian Yueyin walked to the stage and raised the microphone.

"During this period of time, many things happened. I used to be used to the darkness, but since I met you, I feel that it is more important to turn yourself into a star than to endure the darkness. When you are shining, the darkness will shine. Can't get close."

"Thank you for your willingness to support me and my singing, thank you! Thank you to everyone who voted for me, thank you to my friends, they are all the best stars."

Ning Yunfei took a deep breath and looked at the remaining six people. Three of them will make their debut in the end.

"The final stage, the seventh place, the last trainee!" Ning Yunfei shouted, "Please announce!"

Xu Heran grabbed Xin Nuo and Jiang Qiong's hands, except for her and Xin Nuo, Jiang Qiong, Lin Weining, Mu Yue, and Sun Lingxi were silent and weeping. Xu Heran felt that his hand was being held firmly by Jiang Qiong.

"Jiang Qiong, look up." Xin Nuo whispered.

The red-haired girl trembled, raised her head, gritted her teeth, and looked at the rotating crown.

Three seconds later, she met her own eyes.


Jiang Qiong burst into tears.

"I thought it wasn't mine! I thought I couldn't keep it this time! Aww! I, Jiang Xiaoqiong, I can still have today! Xu Zhenzhu! Xin Nuonuo!" Jiang Qiong cried and hugged Xu Heran, and went to Baoxinuo.

Xu Heran rubbed her head with red eyes, "Don't wipe your nose on Nuonuo's skirt!"

"Shut up!" Jiang Qiong shouted, "I, Jiang Xiaoqiong, stand up from now on!"

"I, tough!" After Jiang Qiong finished speaking, tears rushed out again. She couldn't even say thank you, and was rushed down by Haya and dragged to the seat.

"Tonight's atmosphere group must not be me." Xu Heran shook his hand.

Shino took a breath.

"The final stage, the two trainees!" Ning Yunfei's voice fell, and the fans in the audience suddenly became excited, and the moment everyone was looking forward to finally arrived.

Two cameras were facing Xu Heran and Xin Nuo.

Ning Yunfei looked at Xu Heran, just about to say something, she immediately turned her head, "The star girl who won the second place! Please announce."

At this moment, Xu Heran suddenly raised his hand and pressed his heart violently.

Xin Nuo raised his head, and the two stared straight at each other, neither of them willing to take the lead to look away.

"Come together, run to the sun."

"No matter how big the wind and rain, no matter how tired the journey is, don't give up the dream of shining"

In the theme song that has been played countless times tonight, the huge golden crown stopped.


"Little Pearl!!"

"Let's congratulate Little Pearl!!"


Xu Heran's pricked ears twitched suddenly, and she turned her head "swish" to look at the central screen of the large screen in the ring hall.

On the screen, the black-haired girl smiled softly, as if all the tenderness in the world was contained in her casual smile.

Individual trainee Xin Nuo: 18311651 votes.

"Hahahaha!" Xu Heran hugged Xin Nuo suddenly, and ran towards the center of the stage with her in his arms.

"Xu Heran!" The audience Cui Qi couldn't help shouting, shouting and clapping their hands happily.

"A trainee." Ning Yunfei said directly.

Universal Entertainment Xu Heran: 21238483 votes.

"It must be you!" The audience, as if they had rehearsed, shouted in unison. Xu Heran hadn't cried yet, and they wiped away their tears excitedly.

"Then we must invite Nuonuo first." Xu Heran smiled and hugged Xin Nuo tightly in front of countless people.

Xin Nuo chuckled, "Okay, let Little Pearl succeed."


"Thank you to everyone who supported me. It is you who made the girl named Xin Nuo stand here. Thank you to the program team, thank you to all your teammates, friends, and of course, thank you to our little Pearl." Xin Nuo slightly raised his eyebrows , "This is not the end, we will fight another day."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"Thumping hard!"

Xu Heran calmly said, "But I am number one now."


Xu Heran opened his hands, buried his head deeply, and bent down towards the audience and the camera.

"Thank you to everyone who voted for me, kid did it hahaha!"

Xu Heran straightened up, grabbed Xin Nuo's hand, and approached the wheat in her hand, his blue-purple eyes were shining brightly, and the galaxy was brilliant.

"The number one belongs to me, and it also belongs to you."

"To all of you."

The author has something to say:

[Wake up too early in the morning and start coding when I can’t fall asleep. I want to write the grouped part, so this chapter is so long hahahahaha, it’s exciting to get stuck at 00.00 yards. If there is an update tomorrow, I will catch the bug What to modify! The outline of the seven members of the group was decided before I wrote the article, and I was going to send red envelopes to Baozi who had a brainwave match with me at that time! As well as this song, I think the lyrics are very beautiful. It was also when I didn’t start the article that I decided to use this song in the end. I finally wrote it here! applaud! 】

①The farthest place I can see: Angela Chang ②The sea and sky: beyond

You'rea night sky getaway,

You are the night sky that is hard to control


Irreplaceable like a morning star

All the lights, but it's not the same,

Thousands of stars, none of them are the same

Without you, without you,

It's all because of you, because without you

Many miles, got no where to go,

Thousands of miles in the wilderness, but I have nowhere to find

Pull the break on my merry go,

The merry-go-round can't last

Interstate, feeling all alone,

The endless road makes me feel deeply lonely

Without you, without you,

It's all because of you, without you

And I'm sure that my fingertips,

look at my fingertips

could bedancing upon yourlips,

flying on your lips


That's paradise


But now my mind is lost

Don't know if I'm ready for, ready for you,

I don't know if there is a place for you in my heart

Don't know if I'm ready for, ready for you,

do i make you sad

Don't know if I'm ready for, ready for you,

Will I leave you covered in bruises

But I know I'm feeling somberand,

But I know I'm depressed right now

Ican'tpullthrough, Ican'tpull,

I can't extricate myself, it's like a broken soul

Yellowlights, it'sunavailable,

The traffic lights in front of you are flashing yellow

In the summer, I'm driving home,

In the middle of summer, I drive on the road

Feel the love ' slike amiracle,

I feel that love is like a miracle, which makes people confused

Isittrue? Isittrue?

Is this love? Only hurt?


Just then, I saw your face in the distance

I know it's right but I have my way,

You're the one, but I don't know if I should stop

Understand that my heart two on't break,

But since then I know my heart won't break anymore

Without you, without you,

all because of you, without you

And I'm sure that my fingertips,

look at my fingertips

Could bedancing upon yourlips,

flying on your lips


That's paradise


But now my mind is lost

Don't know if I'm ready for, ready for you,

I don't know if there is a place for you in my heart

Don't know if I'm ready for, ready for you,

do i make you sad

Don't know if I'm ready for, ready for you,

Will I leave you covered in bruises

But I know I'm feeling somberand,

But I know I'm depressed right now

Ican'tpullthrough, Ican'tpull,

I can't extricate myself, it's like a broken soul

I know I'mfeelingsomberand,

But I know I'm depressed right now

Ican't pull through,

like a broken soul

Ready for, ready for you,

I'm ready for you

Let you know when I'm ready for you,

You have to know that my heart has long been open for you

Let you know when I'm ready for you,

I won't make you feel sad

Let you know when I'm ready for you,

won't hurt you

Let you know when I'm ready for you,

i will make you unforgettable

Ilet you know when I'm ready for you,

so put me in my arms

Ilet you know when I'm ready for you,

I won't make you feel sad

Ilet you know when I'm ready for you,

won't hurt you

SoI'm ready for, ready for you

I'm ready for you

I'm ready for, ready for you,

I won't make you feel sad

I'm ready for, ready for you,

won't hurt you

I know I'mfeelingsomberand,

Even if I am melancholy now

Ican't pull through,

Even now I feel as if my soul is dying

I'm ready for, ready for you,

I wish my thoughts could reach your heart

I'm ready for, ready for you,

How can I bear to let you hesitate

I'm ready for, ready for you,

How can I bear to let you wander

I'm ready for,

i'm ready

I'm ready for you.

From now on, you will never regret the vicissitudes of time

Volume 2 S.G.Sx Mega Evolution Bead