MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 94 she and her

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After the investigation into the truth of the Beijing Grand Theater attack case became clear, the police arrested the criminal gang of the Xing Group headed by Xing Yujin and brought it to justice, awaiting trial by the court.

Once the incident was announced, public opinion was in an uproar. Those marketing accounts who wanted to take the opportunity to slander Xu Heran and Xin Nuo changed their words one after another, deleting the remarks they had made indiscriminately and made wild guesses, but they didn't know that everything they did was collected by the legal department of Universal Entertainment. , only wait until the main case is over, and then clean up these insects, ants, snakes and rats that are rustling in the dark corners.

Many fans or righteous passers-by saw the official notice and flocked to Xin Nuo, Song Fenghua and Xu Heran's Weibo to encourage them.

"It's really hard to underestimate the maliciousness of people's hearts. It's too terrifying. They even instigated and forced others to intentionally hurt others, just because they lost face three years ago."

"And that time, the crown prince of the Xing family did it to himself! I have forgotten about it. If it weren't for this, who would remember him! This man is too despicable!"

"The police notice said that the prince of the Xing family did not only do this once, no wonder he is so proficient! It is true that people can't just look at the face, knowing the face but not the heart. I think I watched "Heartbeat on the Fingertips" back then and knocked I had so much fun with the CP between him and another female guest, how disgusting I am now! I really vomited!"

"Didn't Xing Yujin's character design collapse three years ago? This kind of appalling thing happened in this era, which made me suddenly wonder if the Xing family used the same method to force their peers before, otherwise how could Xing Yujin be so proficient! I Let me tell you, I am not surprised what happened to the Xing family now!"

"Upstairs, when you said this, I suddenly felt terrible. Think about it this way. In the past, there were many beverage and milk companies in Haicheng. Later, only the Xing family was the only one. In the past two years, Xingyao Drinks has started, but don't Forget, behind Shining Star is Universal."

"I'm not used to drinking Xing's drinks. The milk doesn't taste like milk at all. We all buy fresh milk from the nearby milk factory. It can only be said that the local small business is not well-established. The scale is not in the eyes of the Xing family. to live till now?"

"...Don't make random guesses, we have to trust the police, and believe that the law will investigate clearly."

"Sigh, I still feel shuddering. I can only say that it's a good thing Xing met Huanhuan this time. Huanhuan doesn't want money, people, and people to be bullied by Xing. If it's an ordinary person, hey, he won't be bullied to death. "

"Support Universal to sue Xing Yujin to death! If they dare to bully Xin Nuo, they bully Xu Heran! He must pay the price!"

"Xing Yu would like to go to prison! I stepped on the sewing machine until I was old! I cried and begged for mercy, and I continued to go to prison after crying!"

"Hahaha it's you big wet man!"

"Support Xing Yujin's imprisonment! Support Xing's bankruptcy!"

"Boycott Xing's products, and boycott giving money to the heirs of Xing's criminal case abettors!"

"It must be resisted!"

With the support of public opinion, the case proceeded smoothly. The police investigated all the way, and all the incidents of bullying and bullying in Xing Yujin High School were found out, and they were handed over to the Beijing court, and the case was heard publicly.

The man who had returned to China for half a year and had a great reputation had an unshaven beard, gloomy and bloodshot eyes, and stared coldly at the judge on the stage. When the judge asked him if he pleaded guilty, he kept sneering.

"It's just that the wall is falling and everyone is pushing it. If you want to impose a crime, there is no excuse."

"I don't plead guilty, and I will keep appealing. Your evidence is all fabricated! It's the Universal Group, it's the Xu family who want to slander me!" Xing Yujin roared at the camera, "It's the Xu family who bribed you, the justice is unfair! Father, You want to save me, I refuse to accept the sentence!"

He kept making noises, and even though the judge took out his voice in the recording, he still spoke harshly. All this is slander, the so-called recording is synthetic, the evidence is fabricated, and he is innocent.

Skynet was restored, no matter how much he refuted, his verbal refutation was powerless in the face of irrefutable evidence. In the end, Xing Yujin was sentenced to 20 years in prison and imprisoned in Beijing Prison.

In the past twenty years, he will be engaged in manual labor, just as netizens said, stepping on the sewing machine until his feet smoke, atone for the mistakes he has made.

Xu Heran happily returned to Haicheng after finishing the final exam and attending the graduation ceremony of Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua with other people from SGS. Director Liu has been filming variety shows for the past two years, and wanted to make a TV series when his hands were itchy, so he temporarily handed over the director of "Whatever You Want" to Director Liu, and took the script to find Sister Cui himself.

In Haicheng Forest Villa, a group of people sat around a table with TV drama scripts on the table.

"The Wind Rises from Changyang".

Xu Heran thought of Sister Cui saying that Director Liu wanted Nuonuo to play the heroine, so she snapped her fingers and said happily, "I guess Nuonuo's name is Changyang."

Director Liu chuckled, "Changyang is a place name."

"Oh." Xu Heran lowered his head because of his wit.

"However, Changyang is indeed a person's name in the play."

Xu Heran immediately raised his head, showing an expression of "Let me tell you".

Director Liu continued to laugh, "You are Changyang."

Xu Heran: "Huh?"

Xin Nuo was reading the script, she leaned on the sofa, listened to their chat, and chuckled.

"Uncle, do you really want me to act?" Xu Heran asked, "Don't let me smash the signboard."

"You can." Director Liu stroked his chin, looked up and down at Xu Heran, "You can act in your true colors, at most you can add a pair of colored contact lenses."

Xu Heran's blue-purple eyes blinked and blinked.

"Nuo Nuo, are you interested?" Cui Qi asked Xin Nuo.

Xin Nuo recalled that in her previous life, there was also a "Wind Rises from Changyang", but that drama had a male protagonist, and the plot was completely different from the script in her hand.

Hearing Cui Qi's words, Xu Heran immediately turned his head, "Nuo Nuo?"

Seeing the eagerness in Xu Heran's eyes, Xin Nuo bent his eyes, "Yes."

"choke to death!"

Xu Heran jumped up, clenched his fists, and walked around the table excitedly.

"I'm going to act with Nuonuo!"

Seeing her so happy, Xin Nuo suddenly looked at Cui Qi, she smiled slightly, "Zhuzhu didn't read the script, did she?"

Miss Cui smiled.

If she had read the script, would she still be so happy?

I don't know that the two of them starred in this drama. For the excited fans, it is joy or worry.

Director Liu is now considered to be a well-known director in the world, and naturally he has no worries about funds. The lead actress and second actress are confirmed, and the other roles are auditioned outside. Two weeks later, the leading actors gathered, held a symposium, passed the script, made analysis, and exchanged ideas.

Xu Heran slapped the script, "I said why sister Cui is so kind all of a sudden, I thought it was because I was brave and brave before, and wanted to make it up to me!"

"It doesn't matter, you can also be brave and brave in the play, very handsome and brave."

Xu Heran blew his bangs, put his hands on his thighs, and raised his eyebrows at Xin Nuo.

"I'll play against you tonight, heroine."

The heroine smiled gently, "Yes, Your Royal Highness."

They have already arrived at the film and television base and stayed in a nearby hotel at night. The symposium was held in the director's room of the hotel.

"That line, everyone, get ready, we will try to finish filming the role of Princess Changyang first, so that His Royal Highness can return to the city to study as soon as possible," Director Liu said.

Xu Heran immediately hugged his arms angrily, "But let me go quickly, I don't want to see some people make love to each other in front of my face, and love each other, tsk."

The male protagonist of "The Wind Rises from Changyang", a contracted actor of Universal Entertainment, the boy who once waltzed with Xin Nuo at the idol conference scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Xin Nuo raised the corner of his mouth, casually opened a page of the script, and held the paper with white fingers, dangling it in front of his eyes.

"I searched and searched over and over again, but I really didn't see the words Qingqingwowo, sons and daughters love each other."

Xu Heran bent down and leaned against her ear, "Because I dug it up and ate it, it tastes a bit bitter."

"Isn't it a bit sour?" Xin Nuo deliberately used the script to avoid her face, "Go away, you evil feudal nobles."

"Come on, little oiran, the princess will order you tonight."

"Let me taste how hard it is to love a child." Xu Heran pulled Xin Nuo up with a smile and said goodbye to everyone.

"Farewell, everyone."

"Let's go first, goodbye." Xin Nuo said with a smile.

Seeing their backs chattering and leaving, Director Liu slapped his thigh, "That's how it feels, my little princess, right?"

The screenwriter and other actors smiled and agreed, but their eyes were a little strange.

It's just... well, I feel that Xu Heran and Xin Nuo are really kind of ambiguous.

Hmm... indescribable.

As soon as Xu Heran dragged Xin Nuo into the room, Xin Nuo grabbed her by the collar, "Restrain yourself."

"Well, what?" Xu Heran said blankly.

Xin Nuo looked at her expression carefully, bit his lower lip, and raised his hand to grab Xu Heran's nose, "Just pretend for me."

"No, really not." Xu Heran smiled, put his arms around Xin Nuo's waist, and pulled him into his arms, "I just suddenly saw so many beautiful sisters and handsome boys, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis."

"Hey, whenever I was studying alone at school, You Nuo was soaked in the beauties. Just thinking about it makes Pearl afraid." Xu Heran suddenly raised his hand, propped his forehead, with a sad face, "If my sister gets tired of seeing me This little pearl suddenly felt that I was not attractive..., ah, this fear permeated my heart all night, I must need my sister's treatment!"

She grabbed Xin Nuo's hand and put it on her chest, "Can you bear to hear the sound of my heart breaking?"

Xin Nuo: "..."

She calmly said: "Director Liu chose you, he really did not choose the wrong person."

You are a playboy.

"My sister taught me better."

"No need."

Xin Nuo would never admit that Xu Heran's appearance had something to do with her, she put her hand on Xu Heran's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Isn't it for a play?"

Xu Heran's eyes lit up, "Come."

What they want to do is the scene where the two meet.

Xu Heran was sitting on the sofa in a crooked posture, and Xin Nuo was dancing on the stage. The moment the two looked at each other, Xin Nuo smiled at her.

Xin Nuo's black hair was loose, his face was as big as a palm, and his dark eyes carried an intoxicating smile. The light in his eyes was like water, hiding his gaze at the end of his eyes, and swept across Xu Heran's body without a trace.

The first time Xu Heran played with Xin Nuo, she was completely taken in by Xin Nuo. She watched Xin Nuo walking towards her with a light dance, and the moment her finger fell in front of her, the bewitched person grabbed Xin Nuo's hand, At the moment when Xin Nuo was surprised, he pulled him into his arms.


Xin Nuo fell into Xu Heran's arms.

"Little beauty, you are so pretty, I will order you tonight! Meh!"

Xu Heran hugged Xin Nuo's waist, pouted and kissed Xin Nuo's face.

Xin Nuo stretched out his hand angrily to beat her.

"You are acting as a princess, not a bandit! There is no such scene in the script, you play it well for me!"

While speaking, Xu Heran's hand had already touched Xin Nuo's clothes and walked skillfully. She smiled lightly, her lips pressed against the side of Xin Nuo's face, and approached her mouth.

"The director said, let me act in my true colors."

Little Pearl's eyes were shining, and she pressed Xin Nuo on the sofa, "This is my true color."

"The oiran is so pretty, the princess likes it, I will carry you into the mansion tonight, and warm the bed for the princess!"

"Xu Heran—ah!"

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