MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1186 Wind up purple

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"Now, Ben Jun announced! The regional war in the 92nd theater has officially begun! Next, the person who ordered the name of the king, enters!"

"Confucianism, Meng Yuan!"

"White Crane, Xu Liang!"

"Ben Lei Zong, Lei Zhan!"

"Snow Jianzong, Jiannanxian!"


Cang Zizhengjun ordered twenty names in one breath, and all the people who were ordered went to the scene.

There are a total of 124 sects participating in the regional war in this theater. There are more than 2,000 entrants. It is naturally impossible for two or two pairs to compete. What year and month?

Therefore, at the beginning of the regional war, a melee mechanism will be adopted, and after screening some people, it will be a personal war. In the first half of the game, according to the past practice, the Purple Palace will randomly select 20 participants to conduct a time-limited, musk-like battle.

During the melee, the Purple House will send 20 referees at the same time, scoring off the court, and one referee will be responsible for one contestant.

The criteria for scoring include: effective hitting; defensive success; defeat; killing.

If the opponent is a broken monk: effectively hit once, add 2 points; defense success, add 1 point; beat, add 50 points; kill, add 25 points.

If the opponent is a monk, you can get ten times the score.

If the opponent is crossing the truth, it is a hundred times.

If the opponent is empty, it is a thousand times.

Ning Fan is still the first time to see such a regular fighting competition, is it true that it is Beitian? The rules of the law are different from the general place.

And Ning Fan also found that in this game, killing opponents' scores is only half of the opponent's defeat.

Beitian really does not encourage the death of the game, but it is not completely banned...

The 20 people who played in the first round of the melee were all shredded monks. It seems that at the beginning of the regional war, Cang Zizhen did not intend to let the people who were overcrowded too fast to participate in the battle.

"I announced! The first round of the melee, start!" With the order of Cang Zizhen, the 20 broken entrants on the field immediately fought together.

Some people are in a two-on-two matchup, and some are temporarily allied, and the three-five teams are fighting.

The battle was fierce, but the contestants still knew how to stay, and no one killed the opponent after defeating the opponent. At most, he only made the opponent seriously injured.

This is not to be compassionate, but to get more points to kill without defeating the cost-effective, nothing more.

After a musk, only 8 of the 20 contestants stood still on the field.

The remaining 12 people all lost the qualification to continue to participate.

However, the losers will not have no results. As long as there is some effective blow in the melee, you can get some scores more or less.

Most of the losers get one or two and a half, while the few get only single-digit scores.

The eight winners, the scores are not too high, basically more than one hundred points. After all, the first round of melee is just a smashing level of confrontation, even if you defeat the rest of the 19 people alone, and have performed many wonderful offensive and defensive, you can only get more than a thousand points.

More than a thousand points, what is the use? Defeat a life immortal is five percent, defeat the ferry five thousand points, defeat the vacant 50,000 points...

At the end of the first round of melee, Cang Zizhenjun began the second round of the name.

In the second round of melee, another 20 people were playing.

The same is true in the third round.

After a fresh sense, Ning Fan was completely uninterested in the confrontation between a group of broken and juniors.

However, in the fourth round of melee, Cang Zizhen was named to the White Devils, and Ning Fan re-focused on the situation.

"White Mozong, Lu Feng!"

"Tie Jianmen, Zheng Lie!"

"White Mozong, Shen Bingguo!"

"White Mozong, white sky!"


The names of the 20 melee players only reached the 16th person, and there are actually 3 people who are white magicians!

"Can there be more than one competitor in the same round of melee?" Ning Fan frowned.

"The rules are permissible, but since the order of the melee is determined by the Purple Palace, in general, they can artificially avoid this situation; and if this happens, there is only one reason, this is that they deliberately The..." North Glass also frowned.

It is unfair to have three fellow monks in the same melee! These three people can join hands and can trust each other completely, and can cooperate with each other...

Bei Li does not like this unfairness.

But she knows that this world has always been unfair. The People's House of Lacquer is the first place in the last regional competition. People want to arrange this round of competitions. If you disagree, you will win first, and the next time you can control the game.


"The Evergreens, Qingcheng Dao."

"Tianlingmen, Zhou Wei."

"Black Devils, Han XVII."

The name of the four people was also ordered, and the 20 contestants in this round were all finished.

When the last name was sent to the Dark Lord, the whole venue was dead, and then many seats began to whisper.

In the northern days, who does not know the black magic and white magic sorrow!

The Purple House ordered three white magic sects to play on the field, and ordered a black magical smashed and savage heaven, which means it is obvious!

The Purple Palace is just like seeing the white demon squatting with lots of people, swearing to be high, bullying the weak of the Dark Lord!

This is a blatant suppression of the Dark Lord! Don't want the Dark Lord to get good grades!

The black magic sent a group of monks, suddenly all face angrily, stood up!

"Damn! The people in the Purple Palace are deliberate! The last time they arranged the schedule, it hurt us to get only 71 of the 124 sects."

"The White Mozong has three scattered immortals. At the beginning of the melee, they will definitely besiege the seventeenth brother! Seventeen brothers, we don’t want this round of performances, and you will be besieged by three scattered emperors. If you are serious, you will be seriously injured, but you will be killed! White Devils will not care about the difference between the scores of killing and defeating. They will definitely kill you directly to achieve the purpose of weakening my school!"

The other black and white devils, all of them are dissuading Han 17 and giving up the game.

Although Han Xie was very angry about this kind of blatant suppression, he could not do anything about it. If you are daring to fight, this round, he is likely to die.

He is not afraid of death, but he does not want to be in the conspiracy of the White Mozong and the Purple Palace, and die in vain!

So Han Xie listened to the advice of several old brothers and walked to the center of the venue. He was not willing to lift his hand slowly.

He intends to abstain.

But at this moment, he heard the ridicule of the three white magic monks.

"When the Korean won in the first place, it will only escape. So far, we are hiding in the lower bounds and stealing. Your black magic faction is really the same thing, it will only escape, it will only hide, and the Korean won is the same waste!"

"Yangzian dare to humiliate my Lord!" Han Xie has always looked at the old man's eyes, suddenly revealing the murderous machine, he also has the anti-scale can not touch, the old demon who has grace for him, that is the reverse scale!

"What if you want to humiliate your master! If you don't want your master's reputation to be insulted, don't run away, don't give up! Fight with us! If you evade, it will discredit your master, and this will surely be advertised by us. Becoming a laughing stock of the whole northern day!" Three white magic monks deliberately sighed.

This is a conspiracy!

Anyone can see that this is a conspiracy, it is to force the Koreans to fight!

But precisely because this is a conspiracy, with the character of Han XVII, it is impossible to escape! He does not allow himself to smear the old demon, and does not allow others to laugh at the old devil!

So he did stupid things!

In spite of the dissuasion of other black magic monks, holding the heart of mortality on the collapse!

After a fragrant incense, Han Xie was seriously injured and was taken to the downfall.

Ning Fan is always silent, looks as usual, looks like no one is the same, but people who are familiar with him must know that this is the expression that he really has to kill, will have!

He did not stop the stupid battle of Han XVII.

He only secretly protected the Korean 17 when he was supposed to die, and saved the life of Han XVII.

No one noticed his rescue.

Therefore, many people do not understand that Han Xie, who is ruined in the area, has been killed several times, but every time he has been saved, he has been seriously injured and lived to the end.

"Waste! Are you three wastes? Three Sanxian besieged a broken eight-day sky, and one incense can't kill him! He was also hit by 34 points! You are simply smearing the white magic! ”

After the end of this round, the White Mozong seat was sent a reprimand. The monks are the white demon lords, one of the old geeks in the late period of the dynasty; the sly is the three lost sages.

On the other side, the seats of the Dark Lord are dead.

No one spoke, everyone looked red and looked at Han Xie, who was carried down on a stretcher.

Han Xie Mingming suffered a serious injury from sudden death, and his consciousness was about to stun, but he still had a strong breath, and his eyes showed unspeakable glory.

"I didn't... give the lord... shame... wait for me to die... bury me in... Dark Mountain..."

Seeing that Han XVII is going to breathe, all the black magic monks are surrounded by Han XVII, and they want to save Han.

But they don't have that skill, and they save someone who dissipated. Even if the two deputy heads of the immortality are not the same, they can't do this.

"Why did he know that he would die, but he still has to play..." Bei Li’s expression was quite shocking.

In Han Xie, she saw something, something she couldn't understand, and that was what many Northern Heaven monks regarded as stupid.

Rarely, she did not care about the Dark Lord because of Ning Fan, and cares about Han XVII. She took out a nine-turn medicinal herb and wanted to treat Han XVII. Unfortunately, she only had nine turns of lead dan, and that level of medicinal herbs could not save Han VII, who must die.

Instead, I wasted a good medicine...

"Older brother... come to life... goodbye..." Han Xie closed his eyes tiredly.

The breath is cut off.

The black magical old monks who were present were all intolerable, and they were crying.

But weird things have happened.

Han Xie Mingming has died.

But after dying, I don’t know why, and there is a breath again.

The breath was very weak at first, but then it became more powerful and more stable.

Han 17 actually lived again!

The injuries in the body are recovering at an alarming rate!

"How come I didn't die?" Han Xie opened his eyes and couldn't understand.

The other black magical old monks were first glimpsed, and then they cried, and they all thanked the North Glass.

Everyone thought that it was the nine-turn lead dan of Beili, which played a role in killing and healing Han Han!

No one knows that Ning Fan secretly protects and cures Han XVII with black star.

With Ning Fan's current cultivation, the black star technique is secretly protected. Even if Han Xie is crushed by people, as long as the shot is not an ancient blame, he can die and resurrect!

This is because Ning Fan did not repair the black star to the highest level. If it is the highest realm, the person who is illuminated by the black star can stand like the Emperor of the Year and be surrounded by the emperor's siege!

"Hey! That Han 17 is really lucky. It was actually rescued by Miss Three of the Palace of the World!" The news that Han Xie was not dead, the people of Bai Mozong were not happy.

Not only the White Mozong, including the Purple Palace, many people who hate the Dark Lord are secretly regretting: The Dark Lords are not happy, they are happy; the Dark Devils are happy, and they are not likely to be happy.

"Hey! This Han seventeen is really good luck..." Cang Zizhenjun secretly snorted, he ordered three white magic sects to kill the immortal Han XVII, the white magic sects of the group is really waste!

But it doesn't matter! Next, he has the opportunity to continue to suppress the Dark Lord!

In the fifth round of melee, Cang Zizheng ordered three names of Feixianmen.

Feixianmen also has a hatred with the Dark Lord! The person who ordered Feixianmen, of course, he would not miss the Dark Devils, and ordered another Dark Lord of the Dark Devils.

Han 19 of the broken seven heavens!

After coming to the Dark Devils, Ning Fan was only slightly familiar with Han XVII, and he was not familiar with this Korean Nineteen.

He is not familiar with the character of Han Nine.

But I am familiar with the eyes of Han 19 at this moment!

That is a kind of eyes that are invaded against the scales! Not just Han XIX, the entire Black Devils, this is the look at this moment!

Those who don’t need Feixiangmen have to say something more!

With the fact that Han XVII is in the first place, there will be no more black magic school monks to give in and compromise!

Stupid, they won't let Han 17 do it alone!

To be stupid, everyone is stupid!

"If I am killed, I hope that my brothers will converge my bones and bury them back to the Black Devils Mountain! One day the Sovereign Return, and I will say something to me, I have not shame the Sovereign! No death!"

Han Nine only left such a short sentence, then went to the ring and participated in the melee.

Then, he was directly on the ring, and the three gods of Feixianmen were defeated by the gods, and they were killed on the spot!

On the seat of Feixianmen, there were countless laughs, and it seemed that the Elders lost an elder.

But they only laughed a few times and they couldn’t laugh.

Han Xun, who has been smouldering, has been resurrected unscathed!

"What! Who is obviously dead, how can it be resurrected? Could it be that his death is just an illusion... The area is broken and seven heavens, can actually smash me through illusion, how is this possible! What level of illusion? !"

At the time, the entire venue was amazed! And the masters of these horror sounds, all of them are fate, ferry, and even empty!

Actually no one can understand, Han Jiu's "illusion" technique!

"Waste! Three people can't kill a Han nine! You are all waste!" Fei Xianmen's head, also reprimanded his own doorman.

However, this head actually knows that it is replaced by him, and most of them can't kill Han. Because Han XIX's illusion is too strange, illusion, if you can't see it, you can't lift it, no matter how you repair your opponent, you can't kill your opponent.

"The first is Han XVII, and the later is Han XIX. This group of black magic ants ants, luck is also too good..." Cang Zizhenjun frowned.

The two people who suppressed the Black Devils could not do the Black Devils. The mood of Cang Zizhen was obviously not so good.

So in the sixth round of melee, he ordered the Dark Lord.

This time, he directly clicked on the deputy head of the Dark Lord, Han Jiu!

Han Jiu’s opponent is the four immortals of the Purple Palace, among the four, and even a ghost!

Even if Han Jiuquan is full, it will definitely not be the opponent of these four people. And he was not at all prosperous. He had responded to the conscription order and participated in the Battle of the Border River. As a result, he was attacked by the people behind the White Mozong. He was seriously injured and had to withdraw from the battlefield.

Although it is already out of sudden death, the injury is still extremely heavy.

Such a physical condition, he could not be the opponent of the four immortals of the Purple Palace, but he still resolutely fell on the platform and did not choose to escape.

What a fear of death! But you can't smear the reputation of the old devil! Black Devils, no species!


At the beginning of the melee, the four immortals of the Purple Palace were killed.

Only half a fragrant martial arts, will kill the seriously injured Han Jiu!

Something stranger has appeared, Han Jiu can't die, how can I kill it!

Until the time of a musk match was over, Han Jiu still did not die!

"Why! Why is it so difficult to kill a Black Demon monk!" All the enemies of the Dark Devils are puzzled. At this moment, fools can see that this is a big problem!

But no one can figure out the cause of the problem.

The face of Cang Zizhen is even more ugly!

He couldn't kill Han Jiu, and he wanted to kill Han Wu. Similarly, Han Wu was besieged by many strong players, and he did not die.

He also dealt with the remaining Black Devils one by one, but these broken pieces, the same one can not kill!

"The old man doesn't believe that the Dark Lords can't kill one! There isn't there a broken one in the sky, let him try again!"

Therefore, in the next melee, Cang Zizhenjun ordered the name of Ning Fan.

When Ning Fan came here, he talked and laughed with Bei Li, and he had already offended countless days of arrogance. Therefore, even if Cang Zizhen does not point to those who have hatred with the Dark Lord, there are ways to count Ning Fan.

In addition to Ning Fan, the other 19 people he ordered are actually the pursuers of Bei Li, the Taoist and less masters of all major forces!

These people are the successors of the various factions and enjoy the resources that are not comparable to ordinary monks.

They have more powerful magic weapons!

Have a more strange secret!

Cang Zizhenjun does not believe, can Ning Fan also kill? What a joke!

So this round of melee became an interesting one.

Even if the other Dark Lords were besieged, they were only besieged by several people.

Ning Fan is different. When he fell on the stage, he was surrounded by the Tianjiao and Tao of 19 various factions.

These days, Bei Tian Junjie, who is higher than the top in the week, has a rare tacit understanding.

They want to grieve Ning Fan once, but Ning Fan obviously will not give them this opportunity.

In the face of 19 cockroaches, Ning Fan only extended a finger, the index finger flicked, and all 19 cockroaches were flew, one by one spit blood and flew out.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ning Fan defeated 19 broken masters! And these broken, the strength is higher than the same level of broken virtual!

However, Ning Fan did not kill these cockroaches.

冤 have a head, debt has a master!

The coldness in his eyes is not for these boring cockroaches!

"What! This person seems to be only a sinister, but has such a terrible flesh! With just one finger of power, you can instantly defeat 19 broken pieces!"

Everyone was scared by the amazing power that Ning Fan showed!

950 points! This is the score that Ning Fan gets all the time to get!

Defeating these people, Ning Fan should have left the ring immediately and give up the venue to other contestants.

But he did not leave!

Ning Fan’s eyes were cold and he looked at Cang Zizhen, saying, “You don’t want to suppress the Black Devils! Then I will name them, then let people kill me! I will stand here and wait for you to kill!”

"What, what! The broken small juniors, actually dare to be so rude to me! Looking for death!" Cang Zizhenjun was provoked by Ning Fan's provocative words, directly irritated, almost faint!

Even if Ning Fan hits 19 broken seconds in a single shot, Cang Zizhen will not put Ning Fan in his eyes, because the power of the peak of the air is far from being imaginable!

Cang Zizhen is confident that he has this pride and can despise Ning Fan!

But now, he is arrogant, but he is provoked and ridiculed by a broken junior. If he doesn't do anything, he will be laughed at by the whole North afterwards!

"Ning Gongzi, you are coming down! Don't provoke the Purple Palace to teach, or you will..." North Glass is anxious, she wants to discourage Ning Fan's stupid behavior, but it is too late.

That's too late!

Cang Zizhenjun began to name again!

Since Ning Fan still wants to play, he doesn't mind finding more people to play for Ning Fan! In a reasonable way, the last person who has just beaten the next one is not very good.

However, regarding the rules of the scene, the Purple Palace has a considerable degree of arbitrary power. If Cang Zizhen is willing to do so, he has been in contact with dozens of rounds of Ning Fan, no problem!

"Oh! You also saw this, this kid is so despised by the old man, despising the Purple Palace, it is really hateful! But the game is a game, it is impossible because the old man's anger is unfair. The old man will suppress this in a fair and just way within the rules. The arrogance of the child, among the participants, who wants to go to the next round of melee, tell the old man, the old man will point your name, let you have two tricks in the next melee and this!"

The words of Cang Zizhenjun fell. On the spot, hundreds of contestants eagerly signed up and wanted to besiege Ning Fan in the next round of melee.

These people are basically enemies of the Dark Wars in the same theater!

The people of the Dark Devils are all angry!

They have always known that the world is unfair, but I don’t know. The Purple Palace Palace dares to make this unfair, so arrogant and blatant!

Actually want to find another 19 masters, besieged Ning Fan!

I am not afraid of being sinned by the four sects afterwards!

Do not! Si Yizong is also dissatisfied with the Dark Lords. As long as they are suppressing the Dark Devils, they will not ask questions at all, but will secretly support them! Therefore, the Purple Palace will dare to do things! If you switch to other sects, the Purple Palace is absolutely not afraid to bully!

"Let's go together! What kind of bird rules do not rule the bird! Let's go up to protect Ning's younger brother, the Dark Lord's people, can't let outsiders bully! Die to die together!" Has restored the health of the 17th, pick up the sleeves to bring People help Ning Fan.

Can Ningfan only a sleeve of a roll, the mana breeze, which blocked the way of the black magic monks, so that they can not go forward.

The people of the Dark Devils all changed their face. Under the mana block of Ning Fan, they were as strong as Han Wu and Han Jiu. They couldn’t move forward, let alone shred! Why does Ning Fan have such a terrible strength!

At this moment, Ning Fan released all the mana scent that he could send out!

So everyone here has felt the mana atmosphere of the early days of Ning Fanduzhen!

"The beginning of the crossing! This is actually a true fairy! Northern Tianzheng fairy circle, why have never heard of this person!"

"It's actually a fairy, no wonder it can beat 19 broken people!"

"The Dark Lords actually recruited a true elder! They are going to re-emerge!"

It’s all around.

The look of Cang Zizhen was changed. He did not expect that Ning Fan had such a strong cultivation. In his view, the early stage of the crossing was considered to be the strongest in the end of the era!

Unfortunately, how is it really! It’s harder for the old man to kill you than to pinch the ants!

"My Purple Palace has a certain degree of arbitrary power on the spot rules! Now, the old man decided to change the rules of melee. From now on, all the melee does not limit the number of participants! If there are people who are named by the husband, no matter how many People can join the melee!"

Cang Zizhenjun only changed one sentence, and instantly changed the rules of the place!

No longer 19 people besieged Ning Fan one!

Instead, hundreds of people rushed to the ring and surrounded Ningfan!

Among these hundreds of people, including more than 90 immortals, 22 are crossed, and five are empty!

Bei Li scared his face white!

If Ning Fan is besieged by so many powerful people, even if he has been trained in the early days, he will die!

"Haha! Han Yuan's account, the old man can finally find his disciples and grandchildren! The old man waited for this day, waited too long, too long!"

In the middle of a ferry, the old man in the yellow robe holds a group of blue light, and takes the lead and kills Ning Fan.

As the old man of Huangpao waved his hand, Qingguang suddenly turned into a blue-colored gun, and it was everywhere!

When I saw the old man in the yellow robe, the hundreds of masters who had surrounded Ning Fan suddenly withdrew and opened up their strongest defenses. Obviously, the attack on this move was extremely deep, for fear of being waved and in it!

"Damn! The mysterious soldier is too strong! Actually, using such a dangerous ban on the collapse of the district, he wants to let us roll it together!"

"The rumored Xuan Bingzi once used this trick to seriously injure a late stage of the crossing. This move is out, it seems that the kid will die..."


The surrounding arguments were not finished, and Ning Fan had already smashed the sharp gun of Xuan Bingzi; another palm, the entire body of the Xuan Bingzi was photographed as meat, and the gods were directly killed. On the ground of the ring.


Dead silence around!

No one expected that Xuan Bingzi would be killed by Ning Fan, and Ning Fan did not use any supernatural powers. He just took two slaps of the flesh and took the slap in the face. It was like a night. Tan, but it was actually staged!

"This is a terrible flesh!" This time, even the monks who passed through the late stage and peaked, did not dare to sneak out, and all of them regretted rushing to the siege of Ningfan. Now that I have come up, if I go on, I will offend the Purple Palace. Is this the feeling of riding a tiger?

"Afraid of anything! This refining body is stronger, it is only a matter of crossing the truth, the old man will let him know immediately, what is called the early stage of the empty, half step into the medium-term strength!"


An infinite close to the dawn of the air period, from the corner of the ring, burst out and go straight to Ning Fan.


That dawn is slap by Ning Fan...

It was made into meat...

Half-step into the airborne period, still a slap in the second!

"No, impossible! Even if the old man is so empty, he can't do it..." Cang Zizhen was shocked for the first time.

He realized that his suppression of the Dark Lords this time may be an unprecedented mistake!

Because the Dark Lords seem to have gone out of their way, recruiting a real fairy monster that is strong against the sky!

In the early days of the crossing, I was able to kill the existence of the airborne period. This is not what the monster is!

No, no!

This sub-set is to hide the real repair, his repair is likely to be higher than the old man, is that kind of half-step thoughts, even the real broken thoughts!

"Abstain! I am abstaining!" Seeing that the people who are connected to the airborne period are killed by Ning Fan, then the stupid people know that they must escape.

It’s a pity that I’m trying to escape now, but it’s too late!

Ning Fan’s mind is moving, the world’s general trend is moving with the heart, and the whole ring is sealed. No one can leave the ring!

Then, the contestants in the appearance of the battle show witnessed a scene of a rare slaughter in the north!

A few hundred strong, by Ning Fan, there is no left, all shot dead on the ring, above the platform, blood flow into the river!

Killing less than defeating points? Oh, it’s more or less!

Moreover, Ning Fan was not careful, even the white demon lord was slap in the face... Since he accidentally killed the White Mozong lord, the next step is to simply kill the Purple House.

Ning Fan’s killings were locked in the cicadas under the ring.

Cang Zizhen is a cold sweat, and it’s not good!

"Broken! This is a broken thing! He has murdered me, I have to leave this place! This is a devil! A real devil who will not care about the sky! He killed hundreds of people, even his eyes Nothing!"

Cang Zizhenjun at this moment, there is still a gesture of high on the week!

He wants to run!

It’s too late!

Ning Fan grabbed the sky and directly forced Cang Zizheng to grab the ring!

"Oh? You want to kill me on the ring? It's very courageous." Ning Fan ruthlessly said.

"Hu, nonsense! You caught me up, not that I volunteered to come, you can't kill me, you can't! You killed me, my ancestors will not let you go, the sky will not..."

Cang Zizhen was so scared that he was trembling, and he said that it was unfavorable.

But his fear can't attract the sympathy of Ning Fan!

If there is no protection from Ning Fan, Han Xie and others will be at least severely damaged even if they are not killed by the Purple House.

If you dare to suppress the Black Devils, you will have to bear the consequences!


Ning Fan slaps another hand and shoots Cang Zizhen as a meat!

All the participants in the venue lost their voices!

Ning Fan is crazy! He even killed the ruins of the Purple Palace, which presided over this regional war!

This move will surely anger the surviving name of the Sleeping Palace!

The fairy will wake up and will be fair to the purple and true!

"One billion people are embarrassed... Hey, it seems that the old man has not lived for a long time, so that future generations forget the horror of the Purple Palace. Juniors, I will not deceive you, give you a break, escape! After the break Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, the old man will kill you! Don't blame the old man for bullying, blaming, blaming you for offending people who can't afford it!"

Sure enough, in the next moment, there will be a shadow in the depths of the purple clothing star breaking through the ground and rushing out!

There is also a sturdy and immortal scent of scent from the coffin, sweeping the starry sky, making countless people who are unscrupulous, squatting under this fairy glory!

That immortal murder, locked Ning Fan!

The immortal man has not yet appeared, and the heavens and the earth have produced many visions. It can be seen that this person has a very high supernatural power and is not the weak one in the same level.


The coffin has not yet risen to the highest point of the sky, has not opened the cover, has not presented all the vision, just see Ning Fan slamming, flying into the air, flying directly above the coffin.

Then, with the coffin rising to the sky, a slap shot!


Unexpectedly, the giant force slammed down, and some of the sacred priests in the coffin couldn't even show off their faces. Together with the coffin, they were smashed into pieces by Ning Fan.

Who is a billion people?

Who loves who is...

"Where, where did the ancient fairy go? Why did he even avoid the scorpion, leaving only a pile of meat..."

"Imaginary, all this is illusion..."

"Fake! The ancient fairy can not be killed by people, fake!"

The venue was confusing!

The development of the entire regional war has completely deviated from the trajectory.

However, Ning Fan is too lazy to take care of those details.

He only cares about one thing. This time, he has successfully killed all the elite masters of the White Mozong, including even the white demon lord of this generation, and he does not know the quasi-sacredness that sleeps in the bottom of the White Mozong. Will it be angered by this incident? ...

Forget it! How about that kind of thing! The soldiers will block the water from the soil, but he will tear open the seal and release the soul tree. It is not a big deal.

Ok? this is…

Ning Fan looked at the sky and looked at the sky somewhere.

After a slap in the face of the death of the Purple Emperor Gongzun, this place has a chance to appear a fairy goddess.

After discovering that there is a hidden danger in the quantity of Dan, in the heart of Ning Fan, the importance of the fruit rises linearly.

The only trouble is that the molding rate of high-order fruit is too low, but Ning Fan heard that there are many places in Beitian, and there are large-scale fruit fields. Perhaps they have started from this aspect and they have to eat some fruits.

Speaking of it, there seems to be a Xiandi Taoist fruit on his hand, or when he was in the border war, he killed the alien emperor.

In the past, Ning Fan was infinitely Dan Dao and could not see the fruit.

Now that the infinite Dan can't eat it, then the first thing on the hand will be eaten. If the Emperor's Taoist fruit plus some Xianzun Xianwang Daoguo, it should be able to make his mana more than a hundred robbers.

If he is full of mana, it will not be anything more than a few hundred robberies.

But now, his mana only screens the realm of crossing the real world. If he can make a few hundred robberies and no hidden dangers, he can also facilitate many when he is acting...



In the headquarters of Shizongzong, the starry sky crystal of the 92nd star area was suddenly monitored.

The man who guards the crystal is an old man like a skinny monkey. He is still sleepy, but the alarm is so noisy that he can't sleep anyway.

"Is it really troublesome, is the beast wave coming? I don't know which star area has a problem..."

The skinny monkey old man carefully looked at the starry sky crystal, and the color of the back changed greatly.

"A daring boy! I dare to kill in the Purple Palace! Even if the killing is within the scope of the rules, it is too much! And he even killed the "Purple" in the Purple Palace. He wants to do this, want to provoke the Purples! No, before the situation is really serious, I have to find this kid, make things big, small things..."