MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 1002 Sea of ​​faith

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The Battle of God, the City of the Sky This is Han Shuo’s two most thoughts over the years. It’s the **** of destiny or the **** of light. When I met Han Shuo, I mentioned these two words faintly. For Han Shuo, the battle of the gods and the city of the sky It is a major event concerning the survival of oneself and the place of chaos. These two things involve the twelve gods and the twelve gods. (p_a_o_s_h_u_8.c_o_m)

It is a pity that the gods of light and the goddess of fat have never revealed anything to him in this matter. He has secretly inquired about the secrets in this respect, but he has nothing to gain.

Now the battle of the gods has begun. The six gods of light, life, water, darkness, destruction, and death have also officially confronted. A change that swept the entire gods began. There is no area according to Nestor. Being able to escape this whirlpool, even the most difficult and chaotic land is inevitable.

At this critical moment, Han Shuo knew nothing about the battle of the gods and the city of the sky. This is really a fatal weakness. The reason why the adventures came to the dark gods, Han Shuo is to thoroughly understand the ins and outs of these two things, and when he saw the dark matter to talk about this matter, he naturally could not help but be excited.

"Oh?" Brows a pick, Han Shuo said: "I don't know anything about the battle of the gods, the city of the sky, but also ask the three to explain to me first."

The darkness stunned Ness and sank a bit, and looked at the destruction of the Lord God. When the two men nodded lightly, the darkness said to Han Shuo: "Talk inside."

Stepping out, the dark and fiercely entered: the area where Han Shuo came, the Nestor and the ruined Lord God did not hesitate, followed the dark to the center of the dark elements.

Han Shuo looked up, and now it is still surrounded by infinite darkness. In the vagueness, a huge palace is set up in the sky. The palace is magnificent and ten times bigger than the Magic Valley. A palace is like Several mountain peaks were piled up, and at first glance, Zhongdeng had a kind of admiration.

Seeing the shadow of the three people in the darkness into a huge palace, Han Shuo hesitated and went to the palace.

The mood gradually calmed down, and suddenly he felt that the huge palace was like a horrible whirlpool. Beyond the dark elements of the rich hidden valley, a faint singular power gathered from all directions. Slowly poured into the incomparably huge temple.

A move in my heart. Han Shuo felt it carefully. The faint polar power that is immediately apparent is the power of the faith of the Dark Lord, and the power of these beliefs is endless. The silk is as thin as a stream. I don't know if there are hundreds of millions of shares.

God looked at the dark and made others into the dark temple. The power of the billions of faith began to gather at him. Han Shuo blinked slightly. Suddenly, the power of faith in the eyes of these two incarnations became a hugely colorful light. The dark temple is like a giant. It seems as if the **** mouth is opened to devour the power of faith from believers who believe in the Dark Lord.

Those thin lines are thick and strong like arms. The land is a thousand times smaller than the head. Try to feel it. Han Shuo quickly showed that the power of the beliefs like the arms had a faint upper atmosphere. And even more than a thousand times, the strength of the belief is weak, and Han Shuo is not even aware of it.

Feel for a while. Han Shuo immediately understood that the more powerful the soul, the more powerful the life. The power of faith in the contribution of the Diablo Lord is also stronger, those who are thousands of times more powerful than the head. It is from some civilians with low-level planes.

After the majestic dark temple directly into the sky, Han Shuo entered, and now the dark, Næst, and the destructive Lord Gulado have been waiting for him at the center of the temple. There is a deep and empty void behind the center of the temple. It seems to lead to another plane. The colorful rays lasing inside. An incomparably huge dark whirlpool, like a giant, generally swims.

The power of faith gathered from all planes. Part of it was not in the dark. The larger part is the space that is deep in the sky after the darkness. In that space, the power of faith is everywhere. And it is flowing slowly. As broad as the ocean.

Nestor met Han Shuo and came in, pointing to the space where the deep starry sky was constantly changing after the darkness, and Han Shuo said: "This is the sea of ​​faith, the place to soak the gods."

Upon listening to Nestor’s business, Han Shuo immediately concentrated on his temper and asked: “The sea of ​​faith? Soaking the godhead? The gods need the moisture of the sea of ​​faith?”

"If we want to sway the power of the gods, we must constantly add the power of faith to the gods. Every once in a while, the gods must also be soaked in the sea of ​​faith, so that the gods are washed clean by the sea of ​​faith, can not exist without Clean, only in this way, we can always use the power of the godhead!" Dark looked at Han Shuo, an awe-inspiring explanation.

Han Shuo never knows that Godhead needs such careful care, and once the Lord God has a godhead, he can use the power of Godhead without any binding force. At the time of the Chio continent, Han Shuo is now inferior.

They are all filled with shrines, and each temple collects believers in the Lord God, so that the soul of the soul can provide the power of faith.

It turns out that Han Shuo’s power of faith can increase the power of the field of God. Until today, he realized that faith has such an important role for the Lord God. The reason why they can continue to use the power of the godhead seems to be related to the believers' power of faith. It is no wonder that even in the low-level planes, they are spared no effort for the power of faith.

"If the godhead does not have the addition of faith, if the godhead does not have the washing of the sea of ​​faith, what will happen?" Han Shuo thought for a moment, and asked sharply.

"If this is the case, the soul of the soul will merge with us! It will die! To be exact, our soul will be obliterated by the godhead, and the godhead will still exist, and then wait for the fusion of another person." The dark face was calm and explained.

"That is to say, if all the life of the plane no longer believes in you. When the power of faith in the sea of ​​faith is exhausted, and you are not supplemented by the power of new faith, you will be abandoned by the godhead and be taken by another person. Instead?" Han Shuo looked surprised.

"Not bad.

"Darkly nodded, late, he continued to explain: "And the fragments of the gods are the same special treasures, because they are the artifacts of the gods, once we do not have enough faith to maintain the godhead, it will immediately Abandon us and choose the gods that merge with the fragments of the gods. The gods with the fragments of the gods can obtain the power of new beliefs for the gods after they get the gods, because the fragments of the gods are formed by the fusion of special forces.

The new Lord God only needs to gain enough faith in life during the time before the gods are burned. In this way, even if the fragments of the gods are burned, the gods can be maintained with the support of the endless source of faith. ”

"There is no God-destroyed Lord God, can you have the fragments of the gods after your soul is smothered?" Han Shuo asked, asking again.

"Yes!" The answer is to destroy the Lord God Gulado, grinning and saying: "Unless there is no one in this department who has the fragments of God, only the gods will choose them! Once they merge with the gods, they need a huge faith immediately. Force to maintain the godhead, if they do not have enough power of faith, then the end is also the soul of God is obscured by the gods. Generally speaking, this possibility is not big, we will not allow to practice the pseudo-lord of the same department, can have the belief that threatens us Power."

After hesitating, Gulado 瞥nister glanced at him and said: "This is also why Nestor does not care about Roger, Dagma, the so-called powerful pseudo-god, but has spared no effort to enter the pseudo In the realm of the Lord God, Han Hao, who has the fragments of the gods, started the reason!"

Nestor saw Gulado take himself: the example, not angry, nodded and said: "For us, the gods with the fragments of the gods, even if only the lower gods, are more threatening than the false gods without the gods A hundred times!" Speaking here, Nestor smiled softly and looked at Han Shuo deeply. He said: "If Han Hao suddenly formed a new godhead, even if it is the face of the goddess of fate, I will not give it. , will definitely destroy him!"

Nestor raised the old story, Han Shuo snorted and said: "It seems that the gods who have the fragments of the gods can replace you as long as they can destroy the faith of your believers. You, I still have the godhead. You are not dead!"

"Where there is no life that can't die!" Gulado laughed and shook his head. "Even the powerful existence that brought you from another universe is not annihilated in the hands of the goddess of creation." Is the mother god, known as the eternal existence, not the silence in the city of the sky, just the same soul?"

As soon as this was said, Han Shuo’s face changed slightly. Before today, Han Shuo, the deed of the ancient deities of the devil, was all from Wan Mo Ding. He also understood that he was quite one-sided. Although he secretly guessed that the Twelve Great Gods knew his identity, he was not sure.

Until now, Han Shuo has finally confirmed the twelve great gods, and he has long understood his identity. After ridiculously coming to the mainland of the gods, he has been careful, for fear that he will be revealed by his own secrets. His own existence has always been under the eyes of others.

"So, in the dark gods you used to take care of me, not because of the face of the goddess of fate?" Think of this, Han Shuo could not help but smile at the dark.

The dark corner of the mouth evoked a disdainful smile, and surely said: "Give her face? Hey, her face is not that big!"

"So, I don't owe what the goddess of fate is." Han Shuo stunned and immediately laughed.

Ps: In the last few hours of 2009, I also asked my brother who had a monthly pass, and finally supported Xiaorui for a while. Today, I have a look at it. Now that the book has been over a thousand chapters, it’s not easy. Please, please continue to support, Xiaorui must be thankful! !

Begging for a monthly ticket! !