MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 1026 Mother god

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In the midst of the fog, the city of the sky is still moving slowly, and it is getting closer and closer to the center of the universe.

A ray of light was released around the city of the sky, and the forces of the various departments were intertwined, and the mysterious castle with the existence of the goddess of the creation was firmly guarded.

"The time is really not much." Olsejah's face changed slightly. From the trajectory of the movement of the sky city, I am afraid that it will hit the mainland of the gods after a few decades. Once the gods and continents perish, Those remaining gods will not escape bad luck, without the support of the power of faith, they will lose the mastery of the godhead, and easily be killed by the creation goddess.

"Han Shuo, I will break the enchantment!" Han Shuo, the goddess of water, hated Han Shuo and said: "If you can't break the enchantment, we will kill you first. We have paid so much in our great gods. The price, just wait for today!" "Manrou, when is it your turn to yell at me?" Han Shuo's eyes slanted, and the cold goddess glanced at the goddess of water.

"You," Manrou was angry, and a drop of crystal clear water dripped from her body and went straight to Han Shuo. Two hundred years ago, here, when Manrou suddenly appeared, Han Shuo’s body was incarcerated and humiliated Han Shuo in a mean language. At that time, the body was still in Han Shuo of the Magic Valley, and the strength of the body was not enough to compete with Manrou, and it could only endure.

"Hey!" Han Shuo sighed coldly, and Wan Mo Ding suddenly screamed out from the body. He hadn't waited for a drop of huge water droplets to come close, and Wan Mo Ding swayed gently, and a circle of water ripples fluctuated outside, and Manrou's The drop of water pushed to one side, and the powerful fluctuations pushed to Manrou, hehe!

Manrou was hit hard, and he couldn’t help but fly away. She suddenly dispersed like a running water. After a while, she slowly reunited her body, gnashing her teeth and glaring at Han Shuo, but she could never say threats. Come.

"This is still two hundred years ago. If you dare to speak out to me, you will not be so gentle next time." Han Shuo sneered, reaching for a move, holding Wan Mo Ding. "You, you!" Manrou was furious, but realized that today's Han Shuo is not something she can bully.

"Don't you, me, me, me, Manrou, I tell you, you give me a point." Han Shuo said coldly, squinting at Astinus, Caina, and looking at the wind, fire, thunder and lightning, the earth four God of God, suddenly smiled:

"Oh, I know that there are a lot of people who want to swear against me when I break the enchantment. I will wait for a while to see who can get the benefit!"

After all, Han Shuo no longer said anything, his eyes were cold, and a ray of black light shot from his eyes. All poured into the Wan Ding.

Suddenly, the Thousand Magic Ding released a dark black light, and there was a terrifying horror screaming from it, as if there were countless terrible demons in the Thousand Magic Ding, they were about to break free from it. .

In this process, Wan Mo Ding gradually became bigger, only a moment later turned into a huge black sphere, the ancient esoteric words flowed on the sphere, and a ghost face emerged from it...

An ancient, mysterious, evil, endless force gradually released from the top of the magic, and in an instant, the alternation of the sun, the moon and the stars evolved on the sphere, showing the dryness of the mountains and lakes, many vivid images in the A variety of natural landscapes have evolved above the sphere.

A ray of black screams burst out, and those ray of light have their own lives. They have already uttered a terrifying horror shouting from the inside of the singer, and they swallowed, entangled, and merged with each other. Slowly growing, just a little while will become a huge aperture.


The strange crisp sound came from above the city of the sky, and the powerful enchantment formed by the forces of this universe actually cracked with the sound a little bit.

"The terrible power, actually, the enchantment of the city of the sky has broken!" The goddess of the wind, Belle, was shocked and couldn't help but exhale.

All the gods and gods connected to each other to show a pleasant and mixed look, one by one concentrating on the enchantment of the little torn sky city.

I don't know how many years I have been waiting for, and this enchantment that made them sleepy has finally broken.

At the same time of surprise, they have an unspeakable heart in their hearts. The power released from the top of the magic is so mysterious and vast, so that their so-called **** God has an unmatchable feeling. The enchantment of the city of the sky has not yet Broken, they are already worried about Han Shuo’s hidden danger.

Hey! Hey!

The crisp sound came from the layer of colorful enchantment. As the sound rang, the city of the sky was protected from the enchantment of many years. Finally, it began to burst a little, revealing a trace of the naked eye. The gap comes out.

"Already already gone!"

At this moment, Fernando, the **** of time and space, shouted, and when his voice fell, a space channel appeared in a gap.

However, at this time, the strongest of these gods on the mainland have hesitated one by one. They look at me, I look at you, they are stunned in front of that space tunnel, no one dares to take the lead.

For them, the silent **** of creation in the city of the sky is the most terrifying existence of this universe. In their long years, the shock that the creation goddess brought to them was too strong. Even though they knew that the goddess of creation had been hit hard, they were hesitant when they were at a critical moment.

"She is not dead, you are dead! The opportunity is rare, what are you hesitating?" Han Shuo sneered, his eyes were even more radiant, pouring in the magic of the magic, contributing to the power of the magic, so that the sky city shows a gap in the gap The bigger it is.

Perhaps Han Shuo’s words played a role. The goddess of fate, Orselya, hesitated for a while and finally said: “Yes, she is not dead, we will all be finished. You, waited for so long, there should be a break. The strength of my own is definitely not enough to threaten her. I think we should work together at this time."

"Han Hao's business, I think it should be slowed down. For us, her threat is far greater than anyone. Maybe we should all work together, let her go and talk about other things." Death The main **** Nestor suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Han Shuo’s voice.

If Han Shuo has not shown strong power, blood circulation at this time these so-called **** gods have begun to take Han Shuo. However, after Han Shuo used his own power to shock the goddess Mango, who was too big, they began to face the power of Han Shuo one by one. No one dared to swear Han Shuo as an outsider.

"Yes, it is not appropriate for us to deal with Han Shuo according to the original plan." Light God Astins did not deny the sinister intentions of his words. Shen Sheng said: "With the power of Han Shuo, we want to be safe and sound." It’s unlikely that he will kill him. At this time, all our strength can’t be wasted. Han Shuo, you know, she will never let you go, I think, we will understand her first!”

"Oh, of course, I mean this too." Han Shuo smiled and said: "After she died, we will slowly settle accounts. At that time, whoever we can become the real master of the universe will know."

"Go in together." Or the goddess of fate, Orsiya, spoke. After she dropped this sentence, she sought the opinions of some people. Everyone nodded. At this critical time, the temperament of the various gods and gods in the overall situation is presented.

"Go!" Fernando snorted and took the lead in slowly moving toward time and space. Those gods and gods immediately followed, and walked side by side with the main **** of time and space.

Han Shuo glanced at Xiao Han Han Hao, and the two followed in the end, drilling into the space tunnel after Fernando and their gods.

When Han Shuo entered the space tunnel, Han Shuo’s eyes flashed, and Wan Mo Ding suddenly screamed fiercely.

I heard only a series of bursts of blasting sounds, and the colorful enchantment that enveloped the city of the sky was like a rag that was torn under the power of Wan Mo Ding, and suddenly it drifted away.

"It's all open!" Fernando shouted, and hurriedly and Orsiya, they stepped faster and fell into the city of the sky. Han Shuo, Han Hao and his son followed, stepping into the city of the sky, not forgetting to reach out and hand in the hands of Wan Mo Ding.

The city of the sky does not know what kind of stone slabs are used. At first glance, it is found that a huge city is empty, without a breath of life. Only the rich and horrible elements spread throughout the city. It is not necessary for the twelve great gods to use the elements of the gods to gather together.

Han Shuo unfolds his knowledge and wanders around the empty world of the city of the sky, but he does not feel any fluctuations in life, as if this is a dead city, nothing can be found.

"There is no life, what happened?" Han Shuo was shocked and immediately asked the goddess of life, the goddess of life, and said, "Can you sense her existence?"

"My strength comes from her, even if she is next to it, I can hardly detect her existence." Cai Na smiled, and helplessly spread her hand to Han Shuo.

"You must find her first!" Fernando, the **** of time and space, frowned. After he entered here, he sloshed and swayed. He used the teleportation method to move around in various areas, but did not find a little to create a mother god. The traces of the heart are also extremely horrifying, and I don’t know how to be good for a while.

"You are finally here, my children, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Suddenly a gentle voice floated above the city of the sky and paused. She went on to say, "You are all standing on me, and looking for me, it’s ridiculous..."