MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 998 not see

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The big family suddenly changed their attitude, and honestly accepted Andre’s dispatch, and bargained on the festival. [`Super Speed" first haircut] The problem of Andre’s irritability for so long, solved overnight, the change is too fast.

Others don't know the selfishness and insidiousness of the three family leaders. And Andrea, who has been dealing with them for so many years, will not know?

"Go on!" Andre waved his hand, and when he was alone in the secret room, he whispered: "Brian, Brian, your deterrence is really big. After so many years, The three big family chiefs still sell your account..."

The annoyance that plagued Andre was of course solved by Han Shuo. He only let the three people meet with him in the dark, and they showed their attitudes with the nephew of the three old people. The three family members suddenly changed their colors and went back. Immediately after sending people to the family of the game, honestly accepted the scheduling of the family.

Not to mention how powerful Han Shuo today is. More than a decade ago, Han Shuo returned to the dark gods alone. He was so angry that he swallowed the city and even killed the story of Wallace and Hoff. Spread throughout the dark gods.

In the eyes of the dark gods, killing Wallace and Hoffs can also calmly leave Han Shuo in the dark gods, with a layer of powerful and mysterious care.

There are few people who dare not like this kind of face: face!

"Qinglin, Black Sky, I have been in Shadow City for a few more days. Oh, I have been really happy in the past few days, but I still have something to do. I went to the curtain city today." The dense forest outside the city. Han Shuo smiled and said goodbye.

In these few days, Han Shuo and the two of them talked and laughed at the site of the Tianzhu agent. Some powerful people in the city vaguely knew his trace, but no one dared to find him trouble.

Han Shuo deliberately let Qinglin and Hetian people spread some news. There was a chat with the two people. However, Andrei and Camelita never came. Han Shuo’s heart is more or less lost. So I planned to leave early.

"You don't think too much. Andre is busy doing things in the city. There is no time. Carmelita is still retreating in the training ground. Maybe I don't know you are in Shadow City." Black day explained.

Han Shuo certainly knows that Black Heaven is not true. Laughter did not say anything on this issue. Waving a good hand. Road: "You two take care. When you have time, you will come to the chaos. Oh. I am always welcome."

Then Han Shuo stepped out. People are already hundreds of miles away. A blink of an eye. There is no trace of the figure.

after awhile. Melalta came from the dense bushes to the black sand and green forest. Watching Han Shuo disappear in the direction. Camelita said: "I think he should not come to Shadow City again in the future."

"No time, he will come to the ground." Qinglin stepped forward to pull up Carmelita's little hand. The corner of the mouth evokes a shallow smile. Road: "With his strength, you must know that you are nearby. Oh, although you did not meet up, but he should be clear that you are coming to him."

"I didn't come to send him, just pass the road!" Camerita snorted and snorted.

"Let's pass by, let's go, let's go back. Well, I have a lot of good things here. It's very useful for you to increase the strength of the city owners for a while..." Qinglin took the small hand of Camelita and slowly moved toward Return to the Shadow City.

As Carmelita said, Han Shuo’s knowledge has long been a Camerita, but since Carmelita has not taken the initiative to meet, she can only pretend that she does not know.

For Carmelita, he still has some embarrassment in his heart. In any case, he killed her own father, and Wallace is poisonous to himself. He is very fond of the daughter of Carmelita, in the heart of Camelita. The mustard is certainly not so easy to eliminate.

However, Camerita can come, Han Shuo has been very pleased, I feel that this time Shadow City is not a glimpse. Even if you can't be acquainted with Andre and Camerita as before, at least you don't need hatred to meet each other.

A stone fell in the heart, Han Shuo relaxed a lot, quietly going in the direction of the curtain city, Donna's figure of Yanna gradually reflected in Han Shuo's mind, Han Shuo's mouth could not help but evoke a strange smile.

Indulge in galloping, staring at the moon.

Only one night, Han Shuo’s figure quietly fell into the curtain city, and the so-called defensive power in the city was ineffective for him.

The Levers family took over the curtain city under the direction of the Diablo Lord. Field was blessed by misfortune, which not only saved the Rivers family, but also got one of the Seven Cities of the Dark Gods. He went away, and now he is taking care of the curtain city.

Unlike Andrei, Field may have suffered a lot of setbacks and bitterness, and the state of mind has made a breakthrough in a short time. It is not long before returning to the secluded city to take over the position of the city owner, and actually broke through to the upper realm of the last god.

There is a strong strength of the field, there is the existence of the Lord God imprint in the soul, the strength is really leaps and bounds, over the city's several family patriarchs. Under the support of his powerful forces, the Revers family show is fast, plus Field is more sleek, and the major families

In order to be harmonious, the curtain city is unprecedentedly united.

The Revers family completely replaced the Huofu family and became the new owner of the curtain city. Today the Raffles family is in the middle of the most prosperous neighborhood of the Curtain City, better than when they were in Shadow City. More than the original address.

The moonlight is cold and the breeze is gentle. Han Shuo wanders in the Levers family. A nearby energy tower seems to be unaware of him. There is no vigilance.

With a smile in his mouth, Han Shuo went to a room without hesitation, and he waited for his own drinking.

Not long after, the footsteps of Donna, who was called by Field to discuss the important things in the city, sounded slowly and went to this side.

Field pays special attention to Donna. In recent years, Wallace has almost listened to Donna's words. In the city, he has to consult Donna for some difficult things he can't decide.

Many years ago, because Field did not propose from Donna, the Lovers family and Han Shuo caused a gap, so that the Levers family had left their homes, and they almost fell into a state of ruin. With this foresight, Field has a lingering fear that truly recognizes Donna’s vision.

Donna, who was about to open the door, suddenly heard the sound of "咕唧咕唧" in her house, and her face suddenly changed. Donna did everything in a hurry and took a breath and slammed the room. The door retreated and coldly said: "Who!"

"Ah..." Donna suddenly saw the person who was leisurely drinking, and snorted, and Donna glared at Han Shuo, biting her teeth.

I squandered the wine in the bottle and looked at Donna with a smile. "Why? Not welcome?"

Hate a bit, Donna slammed the door, and several enchantments were placed outside the door. This was the first step in front of Han Shuo, stopping in front of Han Shuo, whispering: "How come you?"

Grabbing Donna's soft white hands, Han Shuo laughed: "I can't come?"

The joyful look overflowed in Donna's face and seemed to spread Donna's body. Her tender body trembled and her face flushed. She touched Han Shuo's cheek and whispered in a nightmare. "I thought that you would never come to me." I originally intended to wait for things here to be busy, I went to see you, I didn't expect... I didn't expect you to come... I actually came..."

"Isn't this coming..." Helping Donna sit down, Han Shuo whispered: "How, how are you in the curtain city?"

"It's very good, my father broke through to the end of the last god, and the father got the Lord God, there is no family to dare to confuse. Although the curtain city can not be compared with other cities, but according to this trend, it will definitely be able to show Ok..." Donna smiled and let Han Shuo grab her little hand and delighted to tell him some trivia of the curtain city.

Han Shuo listened to Tang Na’s remarks, and inserted a few words from time to time. With Tangna’s remarks, he had a deeper understanding of the situation of the Curtain City.

Suddenly, Donna was not talking. She looked at Han Shuo and grabbed her little hand. It seemed to be complaining about something.

Han Shuo stunned and saw Donna look at him with a look of resentment. For a time, she did not understand why. She smiled bitterly: "What is it, according to what you said, no one in the secluded city should dare to bully you?"

"You are holding in the middle of the chaos, and you are surrounded by beautiful people. I am here alone, there is no conscience guy." Donna frowned, and glanced at Han Shuo holding her little hand, the eyes of the woman The grudges are a bit heavier.

"Oh... you know, I am a little busy. I have been fighting in the chaotic land all these years. I have participated in almost every major battle. Where is the time left and right?" Han Shuo smiled and complained. Dao: "If you practice the road like a boat, you can't go backwards. I am either calculating with the big monarchs all day. I have a little free time to break through the mood, and I am busy than you..."

"I don't care, anyway, you are left and right, don't come to see me!" Donna suddenly came up with a little temper, and Han Shuo grabbed her hand and took a look.

It is obvious that Donna is angry, but this gas is somewhat inexplicable. It has just been so good, but suddenly it has become like this. Even the so-called masters such as Han Shuo, who are quite familiar with women, can’t grasp it for a time. Donna’s mind was quietly looking at Donna.

Donna slightly and Han Shuo opened a distance, seems to be still angry, eyes do not look at him.

Han Shuo, who didn’t know what Donna was thinking, smiled and stepped forward. In the past, she grabbed Donna and waited for her to struggle and hugged her. Hug is the best solution when you don't know what women think and are angry. This is Han Shuo's many years of experience.

Sure enough, Donna was struggling for a while, and she did not move. Her head was buried on Han Shuo’s shoulder and hated: "This time, why is it so rules? How suddenly is the hands and feet honest?"

Han Shuo stunned, immediately reacted, and smiled in the heart, the secret said that Donna was blaming herself for not having to use her hands and feet, the style is too honest.