MTL - Great Slaughter System-v2 Chapter 624 City break

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"Smiley face 阎王" He Guoming did not look at Tianma Zhenjun, but slowly turned around and looked at the Heavenly Snake Zhenjun, faintly said, "In front of me, some useless means, don't use it, waste energy, There will be no achievements. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones."

He Guoming’s words were very domineering. Although his body and face made him arrogant, he declined slightly, but it did not affect the fear of everyone.

He Guoming is too strong, but the wind and the light of the palm of the hand and a punch, the Tianshen Zhenjun and Tianma Zhenjun hit back, an injury.

Hey! ! !

Just as Tianshen Zhenjun and Tianma Zhenjun were ready to shoot again, there were two more figures, rushing up from the ground.

One of the two, the pointed monkey, the slender fingers, wearing a tight suit, the other person's face is ordinary, only a set of sharp spiked gloves on top of the ten fingers.

These two people are the Tianji Zhenjun and Tianji Zhenjun among the twelve true monarchs.

Although the strength of Tianji Zhenjun and Tianji Zhenjun is not called backward, but after all, it is a strong master, how much can add some combat power to the two snakes.

Seeing that the monkeys Zhenjun and Tianji Zhenjun joined in preparation for the siege of He Guoming, the great Zhou Zongshi strongmen and generals on the wall were ready to rush out to help He Guoming.

But before those people moved, Shenwei’s general said faintly, “You don’t have to shoot, but the great man is not so easy to lose. Even if the four masters are shot, they may not be able to suppress him. If they can’t kill him, Adults, I am afraid that the momentum of the rebels will plummet."

When I heard the generals of Shenwei, the strong men of the big week stopped and did not rush out.

The military minister He Guoming did not let them down.

I saw the name of He Guo at this time, and the use of boxing and palms, even if the four major kings fully shot, can not take the slightest advantage.

If it wasn't for the name of the country, he had always focused most of his attention on Tianzhen Zhenjun and Tianma Zhenjun. Tianji Zhenjun and Tianji Zhenjun had already lost.

The strength of the twelve true kings is also strong and weak, strong like Tianhu Zhenjun, Tianshen Zhenjun, Tianniu Zhenjun are the best in the realm of the guru, and Tianma Zhenjun, Tianji Zhenjun, Tianji Zhenjun, etc. People, just ordinary masters, and Tianhu Zhenjun, are not a level at all.

Of course, although their strength is very different, it is not too far, but relatively speaking, it is worse.

boom! ! !

The volatility of a stock treacherously spreads around, and He Guoming is under the siege of four people, but the stronger the war, the more he has gradually gained the upper hand.

Looking at the sky, the five people who are constantly staggered, all the people watching, are full of blood, and the power of He Guoming is too shocking.

Twelve Zhenjun is also a figure on the whole side of the Megatron, each of whom is a famous master of the masters, but the four great kings joined forces and even was suppressed by He Guoming. How strong is He Guoming?

As the battle continued, some people couldn’t help but attack the name of the country. The monkey was really not a good move. He was hit in the chest by He Guoming, the sternum was sunken, and a blood spurted out and flew out. Among the blood spurted by Zhenjun, there is a faint visceral scum in it.

The defeat of the Tianji Zhenjun led to the formation of the four men, and instantly collapsed.

In just a few strokes, the three snakes of the Heavenly Snake have retreated, and Tianma Zhenjun was seriously injured by He Guoming.

He Guoming took a deep breath and spit out a suffocating gas. His consumption was not small. Although he defeated the siege of the four snakes, he was also very expensive.

With the defeat of the four gods of the Heavenly Snake, the rebel forces have plummeted, and the rebel soldiers are languid, as if they are not awake.

The big Zhou soldiers in the Great Zhou Emperor City shouted loudly and raised their momentum.

"Give me kill."

Tianmo Zhenjun did not want to continue to give the big week time, but a big drink, the first to rush to the big Zhouhuangcheng.


The voice of more than 100,000 people, screaming straight into the Han, chilling, shocking.

Boom! ! !

The huge siege car, driven by the rebels, slammed into the gates of the Great Zhou Emperor City, like thunder, echoing in the battlefield.

Since ancient times, wars have been cruel, and human life has been nothing. Under the arrows, the rebel soldiers died in pieces, and the bodies were piled up in the blink of an eye.

However, the death of those soldiers, but also some effects, like a behemoth-like siege car, came to the city gate, in the roar of the soldiers, slammed into the city gate.

Hey! ! !

The gates made by the steel, in the impact of the siege car, appeared a wire crack.

In the sky, there are also people fighting. The strong men of the big week and the twelve true monarchs also have some weapons of the two sides, and they are fiercely fighting.

In the fierce battle, from time to time, there will be people, falling from the sky, just fell to the ground, the body was trampled into meat.

Bloody gas, filled the entire battlefield, smells, makes people sick.

boom! ! !

In a huge roar, the gates of the Great Zhou Emperor City were smashed by the siege car, and a burst of shouting sounded, and the soldiers on both sides began to meet each other.

The battle between the big week and the rebel soldiers is even more tragic than the ancient battles of Shen Lang's past lives. Because the soldiers also have martial arts in their bodies, they are killing and the scene is even more shocking.

The sword and the shadow of the sword, the broken limbs of the broken limbs, filled the gate of the city gate in the blink of an eye, the blood flowed into the river, and slowly flowed through the ground cracks in the bluestone paving.


In the sky, Shen Lang’s body shape flew into the city and flew around the imperial city.

In the Grand Palace, a palace woman, graceful, sitting in a hall, listening to the accusation of a waiter.

"The maiden, the rebels have already smashed into the city, and the rest of the retreat, there is no movement yet, the maiden, now the situation is chaotic, you still hide with us."

This woman is very beautiful, like a fairy who walks out of the painting. It is full of gentleness, and people can't help but pity.

When the woman heard the words of the insider, she shook her head gently. "The national hardship is the head. Although I am a woman, I can’t retreat. You pass on orders, and all the harems are in charge. All the weapons are taken, as long as the front line is tight. I will rush to me and I will block the rebels."

The look of the insider changed slightly, but because of the identity of the woman, he could only retreat and execute orders.

These servants are all masters of martial arts. Although the number is small, they can all be used in ten.

This woman is the favorite nephew of Eternal Life, and the only one with emotions. Both of them love each other deeply. Unlike other nephews, they are just forms.

Just in the palace, when a large number of servants fell to the front line, a figure, like a ghost, sneaked into the palace quietly.

The figure is very familiar to the palace. If you swim, you will continue to walk through the palace.

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