MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1171 Turmoil

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  Chapter 1171 Agitation

   "Jia Ping'an is the great enemy of our gentry."

   Wang is finished.

   Cui Jing convened the meeting.

   "The new learning has reduced the gentry classics to a laughingstock."

  After losing the monopoly of high-end education, the foundation of the gentry was shaken.

   "What does he want to do now? He wants to clean up Yintian and Yinhu." Cui Jing said calmly, "If Yintian and Yinhu are lost, what will our gentry become?"

  Without the high-end education monopoly and population fields, the nobles are left with only themselves.

   "I seem to have seen the moment when the gentry collapsed." Cui Jing glanced at the representative of the Boling Cui family, "What can the gentry with only human beings do?"

  Cannot do anything.

Cui Chen said: "We have already made preparations. Every family has sent out their staff. Now there are calls to crusade against Jia Pingan everywhere in Chang'an. Those powerful and high-ranking officials also have hidden fields and households, and the big families in various places also have these. They will not sit idly by. The emperor Faced with such pressure, if he still dares to take risks, what can I say?"

  Everyone laughed.

   That smile is cold.


  The temperature in Chang'an is very high.

   "Ma'am, Cao Er went shopping in the morning, and was scolded by others, and almost moved his hands."

  Early in the morning, Wei Wushuang got bad news.

   "Why did you do it?" Wei Wushuang put down the account book.

  Yunzhang said: "Those people scolded and said that Mr. Lang is ambitious, and they said something about hidden fields and hidden households."

  Soho is here.

   "Originally someone invited DouDou to play today, but that person repented, and said that it would be a mess to break up with DouDou in the future."

  Wei Wushuang said indifferently: "Our family has only two farms, and the people on the farms can be seen at a glance. Except for the food grown by the family, all the food is donated to the nursing home."

  Yunzhang said: "Ma'am, Mr. Lang took all Qinghe Cui's in-laws and family in Beizhou. Those people said that Mr. Lang is going to be an eagle dog for the emperor, and offended all the people in the world."

  Su Ho sneered, "Why didn't anyone say anything about the killing of Yinhu? The Wang family was destroyed, but one after another came out. One word is still a guilty conscience..."

  Yunzhang smiled wryly, "Ma'am, this matter is big or small, and Mr. Lang didn't write a letter..."

   "Because he trusted at home."

  Wei Wushuang said: "The Jia family has two Zhuangzi..."


   "Jia Ping'an in Beizhou is like a mad dog, and Cui's is furious..."

  Lu Shunzai felt that this matter was really weird, "The hidden fields and hidden households have existed since ancient times. What is Jia Ping'an trying to do? Unconventional?"

  Lu Shungui said quietly: "With Yintian Yinhu, the gentry will be feared by the emperor. With Yintian Yinhu, the taxation of the household department will only decrease...In the end, there will be no money and food available in the court. How do you feel?"

  Lu Shunzai said subconsciously: "What does that have to do with us?"

  Lu Shungui said lightly: "If you weren't the old man's brother, a cup of tea at this moment would be your farewell!"

  A cup of tea was spilled on the ground by Lu Shungui.

  Lu Shunzai just remembered the elder brother's maverick back then, and said embarrassingly: "Nowadays, Chang'an's calls to crusade against the Jia family are getting louder and louder. Jia family stays behind closed doors, which shows that he has a guilty conscience..."

  Lu Shungui sneered, "When Jia Pingan led the army to fight, you were still reciting poems and fuss, talking high-spirited."


  Lu Shungui's old servant came in, "Someone from the Jia family went to the household department, and said that Jia's family has only two small farms, and now all of them are handed over to the household department... The household department officials are going crazy."


  Lu Shungui was stunned.

   "Return the field... Isn't that a reward from the emperor?"

"Yes, people from the Jia family said that Zhao Guogong has a salary, which is enough for the family's expenses, and asking for land is just icing on the cake. But many people in the folk suffer from having no land to cultivate... Jia's icing on the cake is someone else's help, so, Jia What face does Shi have to keep those fields? Hand them all in."

  Lu Shungui: "..."

   After a long time, he said, "This is a drudgery!"


  The empress also got the news.

"That lady of Ping'an is really decisive in killing and attacking. When encountering such things, she doesn't mean to ask for help everywhere, but to act decisively..." Empress Wu smiled contemptuously, "Jia's icing on the cake is the help of the common people. Who is shameless? How dare you stand up and be filled with righteous indignation?"

  The emperor said flatly: "This is a public opinion war."

   Empress Wu was puzzled.

   "This is what your younger brother taught Wulang." The emperor said quietly: "I was thinking... What will happen to those courtiers facing an emperor like Wulang in a hundred years? Would they want to vomit blood?"

  An emperor who is proficient in public opinion warfare, an emperor who sits on the side of the people...

  Wang Zhongliang felt that the sky was about to change.


  The turmoil in Chang'an City seemed to have been pressed by the pause button, and it was quiet all at once.

  Du He came back from the household department with his people, but was blocked on the road.

   "Who is shameless?"

   "My family's food is full of fat, but I don't feel enough. I wish I could **** the bones and **** the marrow, and squeeze the people dry. Come on, if you have the ability, come to Yeye's forehead."

  A dozen or so furious men in front silently avoided.

  The old man actually has such power?

   He found that those people were all looking behind him, so he looked back.

   A troop of cavalry is watching the men.


  The cavalry went towards the city gate.

   Someone said: "This is the direction to Hebei Road."

   Immediately a thunderstorm struck.

  In the court hall, the emperor appeared after a long absence.

   "I heard that Yinhu was beaten to death and no one cares about it, and I feel uneasy. Yinhu is also a commoner in the Tang Dynasty, why should he be tortured like this?"

  The emperor's eyes were piercing, which was rare and sharp.

   "The imperial edict is drawn up. From today onwards, the hidden households can be re-registered and become good citizens. They can be granted land and join the army!"

  Chang'an City was stunned by the bombing.

  In the Jia family, Wei Wushuang's mother is nagging.

   "Look at you, you seem to be out of anger by returning the land to the household department, but how many people outside hate you to death, the emperor didn't say anything, just looked at Jia's standing in front..."


  Yunzhang came in, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty has just issued an edict. From today onwards, hermits in the world can re-register their household registration, and they can divide their land for good citizens..."

  I don’t know how many people in Chang’an City are cursing and shouting.

   "That person should have died long ago!"

   "The disease hasn't yet flared up. If you talk about a tumor, it will explode!"

   "He is trying to break our roots!"

   This is a group of people who cursed the emperor.

Someone said: "The sound of long live in Chang'an City resounds through the sky! The emperor's prestige has never been so high. Earlier, I heard the people in Dongshi say that the emperor only needs to call, no matter where he wants to go, he will go wherever the emperor directs." , whoever wants to touch the emperor will fight desperately."


  Hebei Road shook.

  This is the base camp of the gentry, and there are dozens of gentry families.

   "The gentry in Hebei became officials one after another after the Hu people went south. It's not that they didn't want to run away, but they couldn't." Jia Pingan analyzed the situation of the gentry in Hebei.

   "The Hebei gentry were not prominent in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The truly prominent gentry all followed the Sima family to the south. Why did the Hebei gentry follow? To be excluded?"

Jia Pingan said with a smile: "But the gentry and the Sima family are muddy, but the result is that the Hu people in the north are getting bigger and bigger, so the Hebei gentry who became Hu people became more and more powerful... If the Sima family could counterattack at that time, then the Hebei gentry Today is a dog in the water, everyone shouts and beats, but in the end it is... the prince, don't curl your lips."

  Li Hong couldn't help curling his lips, "Uncle, what you family is also a barbarian."

   "Huh, let's be Hu." Jia Pingan said: "The Hebei gentry became prominent in the world because of the Hu people. Their abilities are naturally first-class in the world, but the appearance of them holding orthodox signs makes people laugh."

Li Hong didn't want to talk to him, so he changed the subject, "Uncle, Cui's hermits are not easy to deal with. Those people are now gathering in Qinghe, if they forcibly investigate the hermits, Beizhou will be chaotic, and Hebei Road will also be messed up." It will be chaotic."

   At that time, it will not be as simple as A Niang hanging and beating, Aye will be furious.

"I'm waiting."

   "Waiting for what?"

   "Wait for the wind and cloud to move."


  There are so many hidden fields and hidden households in Hebei Road.

   There are many debates about the number of hidden households in the Tang Dynasty in later generations. The most common statement is that 30% of the hidden households are hidden households, which means that 300,000 out of a million people are hidden households. These people are not in the household registration of Datang, and the wealth they create belongs to those superior people.

  Wu Chong is a member of Cui's hermit family.

  One day he was working in the field when two men passed by begging for water.


   Wu Chong took out the clay pot.

   As for the water bladder...he can't afford that.

  The two men drank water, sat down to rest, and talked to Wu Chong about the field.

   "The days are bad, and I can only eat my stomach."

   Wu Chong sighed.

A man said: "My family is also in trouble, but recently the government issued an edict, saying that immigrants can go to Anxi and the South, and they will be exempted from tax for five years! They have also built schools, more than those in Guanzhong, and the governments in various places have to give priority to hiring immigrants. son..."

  Wu Chong's envious eyes glowed, "But I'm a hermit, and I don't have a household registration."

  The man was surprised and said: "Don't you know? Your Majesty took pity on Yinhu's hardships, so he issued an edict. Yinhu only needs to report to the official to re-register and become a good citizen..."

  Wuchong: "..."

   "Also, becoming a good citizen can not only emigrate, but also divide land..."

   "Can you become a good citizen?" Wu Chong was stunned.

   "Yes, that's right."

  Wu Chong murmured: "You can still be a good citizen? Being a good citizen can distribute the land and emigrate. How good is Anxi? They say that there are good fields everywhere in the south..."

  On the vast field, those men wandered around in twos and threes, spreading their words everywhere.


   "Jia Ping'an remains silent."

Cui Jing took a sip of tea comfortably, "Hebei Dao is waiting for him to make a move, as long as he dares to move, our people will make him unable to eat! Don't underestimate the gentry, there are dozens of gentry in Hebei Dao Joining forces can make Datang tremble, this force can destroy everything."


   "I'm going shopping in the city."

   Wu Chong went home early today, and then explained a few words, saying that he went to the city to buy some things.

  He was about to go into the city to inquire about the hidden house, but just outside the city gate, he saw a group of people around there, and someone was shouting loudly.

"...What does this mean? That is to say, His Majesty felt that the hermits were pitiful, so he ordered the world that if the hermits take the initiative to report their identities to the government and want their family to become good citizens, then the officials in all places must do so. Anyone who dares to stop... will be exiled for three thousand miles, and will not be pardoned!"

   Exile for three thousand miles for a lifetime?

  Who is willing to bear this price?

   A group of people were dumbfounded.

  Wu Chong hid behind, bent over and asked in a low voice: "What if the master blocks it?"

   "Would the master's house stop you from sneaking away? Could the master's house keep an eye on you all day? Or lock your family in the village all day long."


   Quietly took the whole family to the government... then became a good citizen, and then immigrated away from the master's house.


   Wu Chong quietly turned and went back, and at the same time, more than ten people did the same.

  Wuchong's family disappeared that day.

   "What about people?"

  Cui's steward kicked the door angrily.

   "Wu Chong!"

   "The person is gone, and the valuables at home are gone."

   A group of slaves looked at each other.

   "Is this...escape?"

  At first, there was only one family, but on the second day, there were more than ten families.

   Then it got out of hand.

   Cui Jing received the news.

   "Ah Lang, those farmers in the family have fled."

   "The old man knows." Cui Jing narrowed his eyes, and three wrinkles crowded together on his forehead.

   "The emperor made an edict, which gave hermits a chance to become good citizens and divide their fields... This is a soft knife!"

Cui Chen said angrily: "How can those hidden households not be tempted when they hear such news? Immigrants are exempted from taxes for five years, and their descendants are given priority in hiring. , why come here? Isn’t it for the children and grandchildren?”

   This move hit Qicun directly.

"what to do?"

   This question is urgent.

   "Those hermits wanted to flee. They fled. Who will cultivate Cui's fields? There is no harvest, no population, where is Cui?"

  An old man coughed, "Stop it, kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey!"

  Cui Jing nodded, "Send your family to stop it!"

   Someone said: "No wonder Guan Long wanted to hold the military power back then. Without an army in hand, the emperor would take risks."


   "Wu Chong's family is in the city! I saw it the day before yesterday, and the whole family followed to Anxi, laughing... I have never seen Wu Chong smiling so happily in my life."

   "Is it really done?"

"It's done, I chased after him and asked, Wu Chong said that his family quietly ran to the government, and then someone took him to question, register for household registration, and then talked about the places where Datang can still divide the land, many places... Wu Chong chose Anxi, saying that he could stay away from the Cui family."

   "What about us?"

  A group of people hid in a house and talked in a low voice. It was so dark at night that they couldn't even see the people on the opposite side clearly.

   Someone is coughing, and then covers his mouth.

   "Many people from the Cui family came today, saying that anyone who dares to run will have their legs broken, and the legs of the whole family will be broken."

   "But... But last time, the people from the Wang family were clamoring like this, but in the end they were ransacked by Zhao Guogong, and all the members of the family involved in Feng Wu's case were broken."

   "By the way, all the hidden households of the Wang family have become good citizens, and most of the Wang family's fields have been distributed to them."

   "Tsk tsk!"

   "Master Cui is a god, don't be delusional."

   "Then let's run."

   "Yes, run."

   "Now that there are schools outside, the children of ordinary people can also go to school and take the imperial examination. Even for the sake of the children, we can't bear it any longer."


   "Then run tomorrow."


   On the second day, the smoke in the village rose very early.

  Every household has prepared breakfast.

   "Eat more!"

  The mother who used to cook in the past is so majestic today, she even put in the long-lost grease, and the children ate with smiles.

  After eating, the adults carry the burden on their backs and carry the hoes and shovels, while the older children carry the kitchen knives and carry the small burdens.

   A child asks, "Aye, where are we going?"

  The man turned his head and smiled and said, "Aye will take you to find a place where you can behave in an upright manner."

  A ray of sunlight appeared in front, illuminating the faces of the family.

  The family went out, only to see all the neighbors came out.

  Everyone smiled when they met, and everyone's face was full of longing.

  Everyone slowly went to the entrance of the village.

   "Where is this going?"

   A group of people blocked the front.

  The leader is Cui's steward.

  Behind him were more than a dozen big men, each carrying a big stick in his hand.

  The steward took a step forward, "Go back."

  The hermits panicked and retreated one after another.

   "Auntie! Auntie!"


  Children are howling, women are weeping.

   "Go back!" the old man shouted.

   "This is Mrs. Cui, we can't afford to offend you!"

  The steward grinned and said, "Who won't get out?"

  A man backed away a little slower, and the manager pointed at him, "Hit!"

   Several slaves rushed up, grabbed the man, and then beat him severely.

"stop fighting!"

  The man's family members were afraid at first, but when they saw the slaves whipping them hard with sticks, they rushed up to stop him.

   "Let's fight together!"

  The steward squinted at those people.

  He needs a chicken, and a man's family is just right.

   After hitting a chicken, do those monkeys still dare to run around?

   "Break... broken leg!"

  At first he wanted to shout to be beaten to death, but suddenly he twitched and changed to breaking his leg.

   Jia Ping'an was in Qinghe County, and if he killed Yinhu at this time, would the killing star use this to make trouble?

  The slaves picked up their sticks and grinned grinningly.

"help me!"

  The woman lay on top of the children, and the old man stretched out his hand to stop it...

   Adults howl, children howl...

   "Who dares to take the lead?"

  The steward said coldly: "This is Mrs. Cui. To crush your family to death is like crushing a group of ants!"

  Who dares to take the lead?

  A group of hermits, some shrank timidly, some clenched their hoes tightly, but they dared not go up...

  A howling child suddenly shouted: "Aye, I want to study!"


  The scene suddenly fell silent, and the miserable howls of the family seemed to be blocked.

   "I want to read!"

  The child yelled a few times, then hid behind his mother in fright.

  His father was panting, his eyes were red.

   "I...I can be a slave all my life, but my child can't, I want him to study, go to the imperial examination, go to walk side by side with those people..."

  He held up his hoe, "I want to get out!"

  The steward grinned, "There's another one here, hit it!"

  Those big men charged over with sticks in hand.

  An old man shouted tremblingly: "If you beat me to death, nothing will happen. Protect the children and get out!"

  In an instant, all the adults moved.

  Hoes, shovels, sticks…

   Various weapons are flying.

  The slaves were full of confidence at the beginning, but they were beaten and screamed as soon as they touched them.

  Even women are gnashing their teeth and brandishing sticks or shovels.

"Give Way!"

  They only want to make a way for their children and grandchildren, even if they fall at the intersection of this road.


  A slave had his leg broken, limping and jumping outside, shouting with a pale face.

"help me!"

  Those big men were knocked down to the ground, and the steward even saw a five or six-year-old child carrying a stone and patting Hao Nu on the head, crying and cursing, "I told you to beat my mother!"

   A group of big men were wiped out in just a moment.

   These hermits supported their injured relatives and slowly approached the steward.

  The steward took a step back, "What are you waiting for? What are you going to do? This is Mrs. Cui, report back to the officer to kill you!"

  The hermits did not speak, but the manager found something was wrong.

  These hermits who used to nod and bow when they saw themselves, now straightened their backs.

   "If they don't give us a way to survive, then we will fight!"

   After a cry, the steward was knocked down with a stick.

   "It's on fire."

  The whole village was set on fire, and the slaves who heard the news were beaten to pieces by the hermits.

  Scenes like this can be seen everywhere in Qinghe.

  Cui is in a mess.

  Those powerful slaves rushed to suppress batch after batch, and then batch after batch went without returning.

   "Those **** slaves are crazy, they are coming here."

   Cui ran away.

  The entire Cui family's mansion was empty.

   "Don't set fire, it's against the law, we are justified, arson and looting will become thieves! If you lose your household registration, your children and grandchildren will become sinners!"

   Greed was pulled at the last minute.

   Groups of hermits gathered outside the city.


  The shouts tore through the sky and stirred up the wind and clouds.

   Jia Ping'an and the prince were watching all this from the top of the city.

   "When the people are willing to do something, nothing can stop it, the army can't stop it, and the power can't stop it." Jia Ping'an was very pleased.

  Li Hong said: "The only way to stop them is to stand by their side."


   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)