MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 317

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He couldn't say how many hardships Nami would suffer after following that **** Luffy, and how many times would she be drawn into dangerous situations by Luffy's stunned young man.

Originally, using Belmer as a shield could still hold the big reason to prevent Nami from jumping into the deep pit of Luffy, but Belmer's sudden enlightenment caught Liu Ye by surprise.

"Liu Ye, what's your opinion?" Belmer looked at Liu Ye with a smile.

In fact, he has already agreed to Nami's pursuit, because in the past, any choice Liu Ye made to Nami was doting on her with all her might.

Asking is just a passing scene.

But Liu Ye's answer made Bellemer a little stunned.

"I still can't agree." Strong against Nami's unbelievable gaze......

Liu Ye's face was full of awe: "Being a pirate is not the same as taking an adventure! Even if you want to realize your dream, you don't have to be a pirate."

"But Luffy and the others are very nice to me!" Nami retorted loudly.

"So have you forgotten the experience of being deceived by your good friend?" Liu Ye sneered, and mercilessly uncovered Nami's forgotten scar: "Before you were just deceived, but those guys are not. Pirates, who can understand where their moral bottom line is? What's more, they will be hunted down by the navy. I don't want to see you in the advance city one day!"

"No, Luffy and the others are different from ordinary pirates!" Nami still didn't give up.

"It seems that you recognize them?" Liu Ye was aroused by anger. Nami in the plot did not have such a deep bond with Luffy and the others at this time.

"That's right! I just want to be their companion!"

In fact, he was arguing with Liu Ye, not really looking for Nami, who was Luffy and the others as partners, and also contradicted him.

"Fuck, this is what you said, I'll find someone to kill them now! If you want to be a partner, let's talk about being a ghost!" Liu Ye, who was once again relied on his sister to contradict, broke his defense and shouted. Find someone to kill Luffy.

"You dare! If you dare to hurt Luffy..."

"What about 3.2? Threat me?"

"You are unreasonable!"

"The Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce has never been reasonable in the East China Sea!"

"This world is not just the East China Sea! You frog in the well! What can you do if you leave the East China Sea?"

"What can I do? Haha, you underestimate me too, let me tell you, it's the Lord's world out of the East China Sea!!"

"Huh? There is a limit to bragging, right? Willow Ye who wants to be a strong man!!"



Looking at Liu Ye and Nami who were scolding inexplicably with a headache.

Belle Meyer only felt that the veins on his forehead were sticking out. The good temper he had managed to cultivate in recent years was on the verge of collapse.


PS: Ask for fresh... flowers. . .

Chapter 328 Try not to cause trouble in Rogge Town!!

In the end, the quarrelling siblings calmed down a little under Bellmer's unbearable iron fist.

"It seems that you are going to follow that rubber monkey with all his heart." He touched the bulge on the top of his head expressionlessly.

Liu Ye calmly said to Nami, who was also not much better: "Then do as you wish, but before that, they still need to pass my test."

"What do you mean?" Nami's eyes widened.

But Liu Ye didn't mean to answer, she waved her hand with her back to Nami, then turned and left.


Liu Ye has no doubts about the possibility that Monkey D. Luffy chased after the town of Cocoyashi to take Nami away.

After all, that is the child of destiny who regards 'partner' as being a million times more important than life! When Nami was still jokingly saying that she was Luffy's partner, she had already had a lot of trouble with this guy Luffy.

If Nami is unwilling to continue sailing with Luffy, it is okay to say that there are 10,000 ways in Liuye, so that Luffy, the child of destiny, can never touch Nami with a single hair.

It's a pity that, looking at Nami's current attitude, Liu Ye feels that Nami may not be able to escape Luffy's clutches17.

"Forget it." He looked up at the bright moon hanging above the sky.

Liu Ye, who was sitting alone in the port, shook his head and opened the system panel directly.

"Sixteen nights."

"Yes, Master." A cold voice quickly responded from the space.

"Finally, I have to ask you to help me take care of Nami." Liu Ye said.

"I understand, please rest assured.


Silent night..

Early the next morning.

Liu Ye, who had been staying at the port, heard Luffy's familiar voice as expected.

Without speaking, Liu Ye was not in a good mood, and when he mentioned the golden stick, he killed him.


Beaches outside Cocoa West Town.

The Straw Hat gang, who had just arrived at Cocoyashi Town and were confidently preparing for the operation to 'take back' Nami, were suddenly attacked by Liu Ye.

"Tell me! What are you using to protect Nami?"

One kick knocked Luffy, who was rushing up, to the ground.

Liu Ye, who didn't even look back, opened his right palm back, accompanied by a flash of lightning, and the curly-haired cook who had tried to take the opportunity to attack a second ago fell straight to the ground.

After the three-man battlefield.

Luffy's other two companions, the injured pirate hunter Zoro and Usopp, who raised his hand, looked at the center of the arena in cold sweat. Just one face to face beat Luffy and Sanji, who couldn't get up. Liu Ye, in his heart, the waves are surging!

It is too strong!

Even if they didn't fight directly, they couldn't be more clear about Luffy's strength!