MTL - Great World of Magic Cube-v3 Chapter 2151 Skati's Hammer

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Ps: Thanks to the "blood war three circles" and "ak56" two valuable people voted. . .

"Knock, bang..."

A sudden burst of thunder, a large cloud of clouds quickly enveloped the night sky, covering the research facilities beneath the white light.

At this time, a dark figure, through the cover of the dark clouds, quickly ran to the barbed wire fence on the southwest side of the temporary research facility, squatting down, and pushing the shape of the barbed wire with his fingers.

This is not a black shadow, it is the tall man who claims to be Sol!

Under his powerful toss, soon, a small mouth full of adult men crawling through was made, and then Saul squatted down, like the iron mesh training in military training, and moved through the barbed wire. , entered the realm of the temporary research facilities, and then climbed up again, hiding in the shadow of the side.

Almost at the next moment when Sol was hiding, a military jeep quickly drove to the gap, stopped, and walked down two heavily armed US soldiers.

"Where." One of the soldiers spoke at the side of the fence with a flashlight.

However, his voice fell, and Sol’s figure suddenly appeared next to another soldier behind him, grabbing the man’s rifle with one hand and hitting the other’s cheek with an elbow. .


The latter turned his eyes and immediately fainted.

Sol, who solved a soldier, did not hesitate. He quickly waved the cloth gun that he had grabbed. He slammed on the face of the soldier who turned his head and looked at it because he heard the sound. He also hit him. Stunned the past.

Then Sol picked up the other's black rain cloak and put it on himself. As ‘self-person’, it has gone to the temporary research facility.

It’s just that he hasn’t waited for a few steps, and the noisy warnings rang in the entire temporary research facility. The people began to patrol and searched for strangers who did not belong to the team.


At this time. Just listening to another thunder blast, just like covering Sol, the sky suddenly burst into heavy rain.

I also think that this is God's help in his own Sol, not hiding, trotting to the nearest channel ran over.

"Enter the south side of the channel!" A specially discovered agent of his behavior was reported by radio.

During the time, a large number of security personnel began to rush to the south side of the passage.

But at this time, Sol is like a blue Bo, and the Marines are on the body, showing a very high-end close combat technology. The agents of the Aegis squad that have come to the scenes have been knocked over to the ground, and they have rushed to the thunder hammer stored at the center of the setting with a superman posture of riding thousands.

“Do you need me to go?” asked the bird.

"Wait, I want to see." The radio walkie-talkie arranged for the man to arm the Corsente and said softly.

"What to see? See how he defeated those agents?" asked the bird.

"Everything." Colson turned his head and looked at the bird of sound, smiling.

And just as the two of them spoke, Sol had already broken through many obstacles and came to the core of the temporary research facility, standing next to Quake.

"All stop first." Coulson, who took Sol's expression and action through the monitor, picked up the intercom and told him.

"Do you think he can pick up the hammer?"

"I don't know." Colson replied, "But don't lose anything if you try it, isn't it?"

The imitation bird heard shrugs and shrugged, like Colson. Seriously stared at the monitor in front of me.

So in the eyes of everyone, Sol reached out and took the handle of Quake's hammer, and lifted his hammer with joy and self-satisfaction... but the next moment. The expression on Saul's face changed, because like other people who want to take a hammer, no matter how hard he pulls. The hammer is like a tight connection with the ground, and it doesn't move. Not at all did he show what he expected.

Saul, who was unwilling and stunned, screamed up in the air like a vent, and then fell to the side of Quake's hammer. The agents who received the command from Coulsen took him down.

"Hammer... It sounds like there is a hammer-type artifact on the earth." Standing on the high ground somewhere outside the temporary research facility, Ito Cheng whispered down to the scene below the facility.

"If you have time, you can go to the South Pole and find it."

Thinking of this, Ito Shun did not hesitate, and immediately became a move, disappeared from the original place, and appeared in the sky above the Antarctic continent in the next moment. Then, the spirit was released and the entire Antarctic continent was explored.

Under the meticulous exploration of Ito’s majestic spirit covering the entire Antarctic continent, it was almost instantaneous that a cement castle resembling a Nazi castle during the Second World War was presented in his mind through perception.

"It has to be said that the human black technology in the Marvel world is powerful and more terrible than the World War II legend in the main world. At that time, it was directly capable of building a house near the center of the Antarctic continent." Ito Cheng, who left a part of the idea to lock the position of the castle, whispered. Then another figure flashed and appeared in front of the castle.

The shape of the castle is similar to the bunker of World War II, but it has the feeling of some western castles. The whole body is made of cement. The wall is about 30 meters high and 20 meters wide. The entire castle has only one alloy door in front. It is a normal access channel. However, in the extremely cold environment of the Antarctic, the entire castle has been frozen, and the surface is frozen with thick ice, so that the whole castle looks like a huge ice amber.

Around the castle, a wooden frame resembling a cross is placed in a radius of several tens of meters. Although it is frozen by the ice shell, it is also vaguely visible to their former role - as a defense. The fulcrum of the barbed wire, not the tombstone of the dead.

At this time, Ito became a step forward and reached out to the ice wall in front of him. I did not see any movements, and the whole ice wall melted at a speed visible to the naked eye. The inner alloy door is exposed.

Followed by, Ito Sat again stepped forward. Pressing the hand on the alloy door, there is still no movement, the whole door is followed by melting, and a pile of molten iron flows to the ground, and the space behind the door is dark and cold.

It is a wide hall. In terms of area, there is a blue court size. There is no decoration inside. The empty is filled with ice crystals. A golden handle sledgehammer with a height of about half a person stands on the ground. Exudes a faint glory.

Ito, who saw the big hammer, smiled and walked to the front of the hammer.

The overall length of the hammer is about one meter or two. It is made of a round bar with a thick arm. The first and last ends are wrapped with a golden round head, one straight for twenty-seven or eight centimeters, and the widest at a diameter of fifteen centimeters. Left and right, it looks like an oversized solid scale-like hammer face worn on a round wooden handle, a golden ring like a Western-style stab-hand guard, supporting a part of the hammer in the hammer. And for the holder to take advantage of.

On the golden ring at the end of the hammer's handle, a secret piece written in Lun's rune shimmered with magic light, reminding the identity of the hammer.

"Only the true Savior can wave the Sturdy Hammer."

Skatti, one of the goddesses in Norse mythology. Its main priesthoods are: hunting, skiing, winter and mountains, but the best known is the identity of the goddess of winter.

"The artifact hammer in the world of Marvel. I love these messy conditions." Ito became the secret of the Nordic gods.

But if you want to think about it, he really didn't reach for the hammer. Because Ito Sung still remembers clearly, the female of the red dragonfly in the original book, the female red dragonfly, got the power of the goddess of winter because she picked up the hammer. It became the goddess of winter... Although Ito is considered unlikely in the last point, considering the Marvel's multi-universe **** urine, Ito Cheng still keeps Ning's credibility and has no credibility. Give this rare opportunity to your own women.

Immediately after Ito’s mind, he began to recall the candidate for the woman who was inherited the goddess of winter and became the goddess of winter.

Just thinking about it for a long time, Ito Satoshi finally selected only five unqualified people. One of them was the sleeper who was originally prepared to be absorbed by Herriot - also attacked by the Emperor Poseidon. Serafina. The second is the Saint Seiya Jean Ye who is born in the same world as her, the third is Athena from the world of kof, the fourth is the Eight Gods blast from the magical girl Naiye World, and finally the Pope of the Sacred Church under the name of Ito Ossola.

Among them, Seferana is the most suitable attribute because of her relationship with her origin. Let Ye and Athena are more suitable because they feel better, and both of them are masters. It should be relatively simple to adapt to the hammer. The Eight Gods blast is because of the help of the night book, it should be able to inherit better, and the extensive attacking magic that she will have is also the skills of the frozen system. The hammer and the power of the goddess of winter are more complementary. Sola is purely giving her a chance to become a god.

Of course, in addition to them, prostitutes who have cultivated Tianbaojian in the legendary world of the Son of Heaven can do it, but the difference in strength attribute and system is too great, so it is shot outside.

As for the others, Ito Cheng is really thinking that they have a **** hammer that matches the goddess of winter. This is also an inevitable limitation brought by such special items of tangible artifacts. Although it is simple, it can gain powerful power when it is picked up, but it is not as good as the captured **** itself. Even if you can't find a suitable person, you can use it. The gods and spirits temper the refined forces to transform everyone.

Then Ito Cheng thought for a moment, still can't decide who to hand over the hammer to him, and he will summon Ye, Ma Gong Athena, Bashin blast and Ossola to the side.

As for Sophiana, because she had not been treated for her relationship at this time, she was still in a state of sleep, so she was not called together.


"grown ups."

"to make."

Several people of the Eight Gods blast that just appeared greeted Ito Satoshi with their unique names.

"Hey~, it’s so cold." Then, the Eight Gods hurriedly hugged their hands and shouted. Then it was like a chain reaction. Mae Athena and Ossola also started to shake. On the contrary, let Ye, because of the relationship with the support of small cosmic forces, has not been greatly affected, but it feels a little cold.

"I was negligent." Ito Cheng, who saw the state of several people, was apologetic, and immediately thought of a move, enchanted a field in the body, and excluded the cold outside of the cold.

"Big brother, where is this?" When I set the time, I felt that I was so much better that I was curious and looked around and asked.

"The depth of the Earth's Antarctic continent is a certain universe." Ito Cheng explained, then looked up at the Skati Hammer in front and continued to say "Is this hammer?"

The Eight Gods blast and other people heard the words and turned to look at the hammer of Sturti.

"This is the sledgehammer of the winter goddess Scarti in the mythology of the Nordic mythology. In this world, its internal seal is the goddess of the goddess of winter. As long as anyone can pick it up, he can inherit the power of the winter. Become the new goddess of winter. Although I have reservations about this last article, in order to prevent accidental damage, I will call you several people who are most likely to mention this hammer in my heart. Come out."

"Look at your luck now." Ito Cheng finally said.

After listening to the Eight Gods blast explained by Ito Sat, several people subconsciously looked at each other and saw a horror and incredible from the other's eyes.

"I will forget it. I just need to serve the adults and help the adults to manage his church. I am very satisfied with what is going to be a god." Ozola shook his head slightly and smiled. Said the Eight Gods blast and others.

"I am the holy warrior of the goddess. Although I long for strength, I will not seek external strength, and I am not accustomed to using a hammer like this weapon. I quit." After Ossola, let Ye also follow.

"Amount... I am a superpower, it seems to be inconsistent with the power of God? And like this sister, I will not use a hammer like this weapon, this sister, you still have to take it." Then, Aegina, a palace, is also a push-off, but in terms of the tone of the look, it is somewhat unsettled. It is not that she wants to be a god, the power of God. After all, in the world of kof, the palace Athena is less There is a pure person, but it is more like being curious about what Ichio said, trying to try something, and embarrassed.

"Is this really okay?" The Eight Gods gust looked at the three strange sisters, screaming at the eyes, and then turned to look at Yi Tengcheng who looked at the side of the scene. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!