MTL - Great World of Magic Cube-v3 Chapter 2173 The Avengers

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"Get out of the way!"


A metal sword was slashed on the weapon system at the front end of the aircraft and was deeply immersed in it. Then, the electric light flashed and the weapon system became fragmented in the explosion of the "bang".

The person who caused the attack was the female soldier who had previously kicked the Iron Man.

"Let's go down," said the captain of the United States.

Immediately after standing up, I quickly walked over to the tail of the shuttle. The black panther and the ant were keeping up. As for the Hornets, they still have to stay in the driver's seat because they have to control the shuttle. move.

Then the abdomen of the tail opened, and the small ant flew out of the flying ants and quickly flew over to the Stark building.

The captain of the United States jumped with the panther and jumped to the top of the Stark building.

The female warrior quickly flew in the air and flew to the captain of the United States.

The captain of the United States who saw the arrival of the enemy did not dare to hesitate, and quickly lifted the shield to the side.

Then I only heard the sound of "铛", and the captain's body fell to the top of the Stark building at a faster rate.


The Captain America, who fell to the ground, instinctively rolled on the spot and removed the momentum. Then the panther gently stepped on the ground and crouched on the ground.

"Give me a stop!" Amora said loudly. At the same time, it was also stretched out of the arm, and released the restraint magic against the captain of the United States. The latter only felt that his body was tight, and a circle of light appeared on his body, holding his hands tightly on his body. Do not move.

Then the executioner and the female warrior who got the order also took the shot and rushed to the captain and the panther.

The black panther jumped. Flashed the sword of the female warrior. The captain of the United States, the blessing of the ant who had grown up, escaped the attack. But then the ants who were shot because they did not anticipate the giant force of the executioner crashed out.


"Wow, it’s really confusing." Daisy looked at the Avengers fighting together and Amora and others muttered to himself.

"Hey, why are you helping them?" At this time, because the armor was small and damaged, Tony, who was temporarily unable to move because of restraint magic, turned to see Jane Foster and others who had already assembled the instrument in half.

"To save her boyfriend." Seeing Jane. Foster and Eric did not answer ** Daisy shrugged and said, "Jane's boyfriend was taken away by a hateful guy, she and they are the men who come to save Jane. Friends, but it seems that the manpower is not enough, so we need to call more powerful guys."

"Amount... Are you sure?" Tony asked.

Daisy shrugged and handed the things in her hand to Jane.

"Right. How is your armor feeling? Squeeze it?" Then, Daisy asked with interest.

"It’s too crowded, it fits well," Tony replied casually.

"Then you usually wear it like this?" Daisy then asked.

"Yes," Tony replied.

"Then how do you solve personal hygiene? I mean, when you are fighting, you suddenly think about what to do." Daisy asked with curiosity.

"Amount... I haven't met this kind of thing yet," Tony replied with a black line. However, Daisy’s question did give him a little inspiration. Although he has not encountered it yet, in the future, what if he really encountered that situation in the future? Do you have to endure?

Thinking of this, Tony's subconscious thinking in the brain has come up with a solution.

And when Tony was introduced into a certain state of thinking by Daisy’s few lines of thought. A tiny yellow energy beam of light ignited around Amora's body.

"Where the little flies come from, it's really annoying." Amora irritated with his arm blocking the 'bee'. Then she reached out and grabbed the little wasp that was flying around her.

But the next moment, with a yellow light on. The shape of the little wasp immediately changed from the original three-inch size to the adult size, the right fist waved and punched on Amora's cheek.


Eat pain. Amora stepped in a footstep and flashed back.

"Damn!" Amora hated. A magical light ball was sent to the little wasp, and the latter flashed. Once again, the size of the original was reduced, and the body rushed to the side, flashed the attack, and then launched a harassment attack on Amora again as before.

Amora, screamed by the little wasp, screamed, and the body spurted a powerful magical light, forming a green and demon flame, burning to the little wasp. The little wasps, which were not in a hurry, were shocked and quickly flew back, but they were immediately caught in the palm of the hand by Amora's magical flame.

"Ah!" The little wasp, who felt the pain in his body, screamed and his head fainted.

"Zhen!" Hank, who tried to resist the executioner of the executioner, exclaimed.

Originally, he couldn’t compare with the executioner’s real melee technique, let alone distracted in the battle, so he was immediately unprepared, and the executioner who was deadlocked with him seized the opportunity and slammed it in a punch. On his cheek.


In the meantime, Hank only felt that his head was dizzy and his body flew out uncontrollably.

Hank’s face of the executioner smirked and walked over to Hank with a heavy pace.


With a gold and iron symphony, the female warrior's attack was immediately resisted by the black panther. Then the panthers swept down and swept the female warrior's ankle.


The female warrior slammed and fell to the ground.

However, the Panthers who took the lead did not immediately chase, but immediately swayed and assembled a number of instruments that were assembled not far away.

"Don't think about it!" Amora said loudly.

At the same time, the palm of the hand stretched out, and a green-green energy shield was placed under the outer cover of the instrument and Jane.


The Panthers attacked and fell onto the shield. Then the female soldier on the side climbed up from the ground and quickly rushed to the black panther. A wave of swaying forced him back to avoid, and had to fight again with the female soldier.

At this time, Armora continued to maintain the arm of the armor, and the small wasp that was fainted on the ground was inhaled in the hand and held tightly, and slowly retreated into the energy she had opened. In the shield.

"If you don't want her to go out, let me stop!" Amora said loudly.

When this statement came out, everyone immediately looked at Amora subconsciously.

"Zhen!" Hank yelled out from the attacker's attack by the Pim particle freely controlling the body to shrink and zoom in.

"What are you doing!?" asked the American captain who fell to the ground.

"Nothing, I only hope that you can be honest before I finish what I have to do." Amora, who looks like a winner, whispers softly.

"The executioner, grab the guy over there." Then Amora looked at the black panther.

The executioner smiled and walked to the black panther. The Panther looked at the other Avengers and the little wasp that was caught in the hand by Amora. He relaxed his body silently and disarmed, letting the executioner hit him on the cheek and knocked him down. Ground.

At this time, Amora stretched out his hand and made a bound magic against the black panther.

In an instant, the Panthers are also the same as the American captain and the steel. The body is tightly restrained by the green magic aperture, and it is impossible to move.

"You, go and watch him." Amora, who had solved the panther, told the female soldier.

The latter did not speak, and silently walked to Hank, who was in a normal posture, and put the sword in his hand on his neck, clinging tightly, and a slight change made you feel different. The posture.

As a result, all members of the Avengers League were taken by Amora.

"I listened to the girl over there and said, "You are going to save a friend of yours. Can you tell us what is going on? Maybe we can help you." Tony, who saw all his companions, began to become a justice warrior. Road.

"No, wait until all this is done, we can save him by myself." Without waiting for some hearty Jane Foster to speak, Amora has said to the soft interface.

"That can be said, who is your enemy?" Tony asked again.

"It was the last guy." Amora twitched his mouth and replied.

"You mean Chen?" Tony and others couldn't help but look at each other and look different.

“Yes,” Amora confirmed.

"Your friend is not a criminal," Tony said strangely. In his cognition with the captain of the United States, although Ito’s style has been somewhat embarrassing, not quite like a hero of justice, but so far, at least nothing has been done, but it has been saved. The two worlds can be said to be standard justice people, so after hearing that Amora’s enemies are Chen, Tony immediately subconsciously gave Sor, who was still unsuccessful, to sex.

"Sor is not a prisoner!" Jane Foster argued. "After he came here, we have been together. He has never done anything. The guy named Chen suddenly attacked him and took him. With his friend, the Chen is a true criminal!"

"Amount, don't be excited, don't be excited, miss, can you tell us what is going on?" Tony heard the words again with the captain of the United States and asked.

"Don't ignore them, let's do our things first," Amora reminded.

Jane Foster nodded suspiciously, turned and was busy with Eric.

"For me, I am." But when Jane turned to be busy, Daisy, who was on the side of the soy sauce, was excited to run among the crowds, and began to tell the story of Sol for a few people who painted and painted for the Avengers. (To be continued.)