MTL - Great World of Magic Cube-v3 Chapter 2178 Force extraction

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Ps: Thanks to the rewards given by "Zhang Xiaozhong" students, and thanked the "aaaaaaaadf" students for their valuable monthly votes.

“All personnel noticed that the first human experiment was about to begin, and all the staff immediately returned to their posts. Duplicate, the first human experiment is about to begin, and all the staff immediately returned to their posts.” Scarlett Ohara The doctor used the internal communication of the big laboratory to tell everyone.

Immediately after all the staff in the lab looked shocked, they put down their hands and returned to their posts.

After about five minutes, Scarlett Ohara turned to the energy management Nina on the side and said, "Get started."

"Yes." Nina said.

The next moment, along with her operation, the chamber-type instrument consisting of a rectangular metal plate with a length of about two meters and a width of about half a meter, which is about two meters wide and half a meter wide, is immediately shocked and slowed down. Only a pair of boxers were worn around the center, and the unconscious hangman turned.

Then the metal plate began to emit a strange energy light, covering the executioner at the center.

"Energy is stable!" Nina Hui reported.

"Increase the value." Scullet. Da Yuan did not return to the command.

"Yes." Nina gently pushes the palm to increase the frequency of energy output.

At the same time, the instrument of the executioner released a brighter brilliance, like a light, completely wrapped the executioner inside.

“How is the state of the experiment?” At this time, Scarlett Ohara asked.

“The metabolic rate of the experimental body is accelerating, and it is still within the scope of permission.” Akagi Riko looked at the instrument that represents the physical state of the executioner. Speak quietly.

"Continue to increase the energy output, and at the same time open the impact program." Scarlett said with a blank expression.

Nina on the side is not hesitating. Immediately and slowly, the benchmark that controls the intensity of the energy output is pushed, while the left hand is linked. Several buttons were pressed on the instrument in front of you.

In the blink of an eye, I only heard the muffled sound of "嗡", and the body of the executioner in the light package was shocked and blurred.

"The soul body began to separate!" At this time, Yi Biao Moye loudly reported.

As a proof, one is exactly the same as the executioner, but the body shape composed entirely of energy flies out of the body of the executioner, floating like a ghost above the executioner, receiving the golden golden energy of the rush.

“Turn on the soul capture system!” A blue-eyed Lan Island opened his mouth.

On the other side, Nie Yin dreamed to operate the instrument in a silent manner.

Then, one of the four strange steel plates of the high-speed flying spine of the scorpion hand is bright. A large and strange pattern was printed, and then the soul of the executioner seemed to be attracted by a certain force. It suddenly projected onto the steel plate and was sealed.

Next, the steel plate that sealed the soul of the executioner slowly separated from the whole, did not participate in the energy maintenance, and flew to another instrument next to it, and finally stopped at the core of the group of instruments.

"The experimental body mental activity is silent." Yi Biao Moyehui reported.

"Turn on the instrument." Lan Island immediately ordered a loud voice.

Then, I saw the plate around the body of the scorpion in the body room slightly bright. An energy reticle is excited from the circular generator present on the upper and lower sides of the steel plate to form an energy-tight column that is tightly sealed, and the steel plate is tightly wrapped in the middle.

"Enter the second stage." Scarlett, who did not pay attention to the behavior of Lan Island and others, whispered.


Immediately, the instrument lying on the body of the executioner was slightly shaken, and it was erected from the original inclined position. Next, open several openings in the top of the instrument, and explore a dozen soft tentacles of different thickness and thickness. Pierced into the body of the executioner.

In the blink of an eye, the appearance of the executioner becomes like the human body specimens that are treated extremely in the movie.

"Start the energy extraction program." Then Scarlett said.

next moment. The tentacles on the executioner surface are flush, and a smoke-like substance is sucked from the body of the executioner. It is transported by pipe to a 30-centimeter-high, ten-centimeter-wide, cylinder with a white transparent crystal suspended inside, and the original transparent cylinder is gradually smashed.

Only as these substances were extracted, the body of the executioner was thinned at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it were the hungry in the famine era, and there was no longer a burly posture.

"How is the physical characteristics of the entity?" Scarlett's expression was unchanged, and the tone was plain and abnormal.

"It's still alive, but if you don't hurry to supplement the nutrients, you will probably starve to death because of undernutrition," Hiroshi said.

“Turn on the vitamin program and infuse the body with nutrient solution and nutrient solution,” Scullet ordered.

Yi Biao Moye, who was on the side, did not hesitate, and immediately acted according to the instructions of Scullet.

Then I saw the ground beneath the instrument where the scorpion hand was in vain, revealing two rectangular openings, and stretching a number of transparent pipes with different thicknesses, but the front end all had slender needles, and then there was no interest. Pierced into the exposed legs of the executioner.

Then, the greenish fluorescent material began to flow out of the pipe, and along the needle, flowed into the extremely thin body of the executioner. Just like a play, the body of the executioner became healthy at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although it still did not return to the previous burly appearance, it did not look like it might die at any time.

"The vital signs of the experimental body are recovering, no abnormalities are reflected." Yi Biao Moyehui reported.

"Pay attention," said Scarlett. Then turned around and said to Ito Cheng, who was watching the whole process, "As long as the experiment is not dead until the end of the energy extraction, the whole experiment is basically half successful. As for the rest. It depends on the situation on the island of Lan Island." ”

At the end of the day, Scarlett turned his eyes to Lan Island and others who are playing with the soul of the executioner.

"Do not worry. In other ways, perhaps they will be worse for you in the island, but when it comes to understanding the soul. There is no more authoritative person than the **** of death." Also put their eyes on the island, Nie Yin Ito Cheng smiled on the busy figure of the dream and the members of some of the technical development bureaus who assisted them.

And Lan Island did not live up to the expectations of Ito, but after less than half an hour, Landao and others analyzed the strange substances in the soul of the executioner different from the ordinary human soul, and designed the corresponding extraction plan. . Then it took another two hours to transform the required instruments, and in the third hour, the special substances present in the hands of the scorpion were separated from the soul, and the soul of the hangman was ordinary.

In the process, Scarlett and others also smoothly extracted all the energy in the executioner's body, and sealed it into a special crystal made by Nina and Pleasant.

"Good job." Looking at the two crystals of the executioner's energy and the special material of the soul, Ito became praised by everyone.

Then the palm of your hand turned over. The two crystals were taken up, and then the mind was moved, and the unconscious witch Amora and the Valkyrie, who was sealed by him, and Brynhild and Princess Hev, got into the lab.

"Take her to verify the test steps. If there are no problems, I will take the No. 1 target." Ito Satoshi pointed to the witch Amora on the ground.

In this regard, the people naturally had no opinion. Immediately, according to the instructions of Ito, they brought Amora into the body room and replaced the executioner who has now become an ordinary person. Fix her in the instrument.

"What are you going to do!?" asked Sifu.

"Let you witness some things." Ito Cheng whispered.

"What?" Xifu frowned and asked.

"God, how to become a person." Ito became smiling.

Shiv and Brenhild heard a change in expression and looked at Amora, who was tied to the instrument.

"Get started." Ito Cheng did not pay attention to Shifu and Brunnhilde, and turned to the side of Scarlett.

"Start the instrument!" Scareit Ohara, who was instructed, immediately made a sound.

Suddenly. The previous scene is in the present, and the entire extraction work has been carried out in an orderly manner on Amora.

Separate the soul...

Extracting energy...

Separating the soul material...

And the final melted soul fits.

Although I don’t understand these things in terms of technology, the changes in Amora’s body can be clearly felt. I know that Amora has completely changed from the original horrible witch and the Asgar the Protoss to an ordinary person like these mortals. There is no magic or power. No extraordinary physical abilities...

At the time, Shiv and Brenhilde had changed their expressions of abnormality. Looking at the eyes of Ito and others, there is a faint expression of fear.

"What do you want to do!?" Huff asked.

"When you are a woman, and you are still a beautiful woman, I will give you two choices. First, surrender to me, and then I will leave Asgard and become my men." Ito Cheng looked at Brenchi. Deer and Shif smiled.

"Don't think about it!" However, half of his words, Brunnhilde immediately refused with a firm voice. The Xifu next to him did not speak, but the expression on his face was the same.

"In this case, then I can only take Amorana like, but also extract your power and let you become a mortal." Ito Cheng sighed with regret.

Although the results of their own refusal of surrender, Brunnhild and Hev, have a feeling of faintness, but after hearing it, they still feel a shock, and their minds are faintly fluctuating. However, in the end, the two are legendary great gods and warriors, and the minds of the mind are not lost to the savage warriors. They almost regain their firmness in a flash, and look straight into the eyes of Ito.

Ito shrug, who saw the change of the two people's expressions, shook his shoulders, and the dynasty was transferred to the experiment by the special technique that sealed the power and physical mobility.

"Sol!" cried Scif.

"Xifu." As the same corpse, Sol looked helpless and smiled.

"Get started." Ito turned his head and said to Scarlett.

The latter nodded, calling people to move Sol, moving into the body room separated by a wall, replacing Amora, fixed on the instrument.

"Odin is not going to let you go!" Hev said staringly at Ito Cheng.

"At least his son is still alive?" Ito Cheng smiled and asked.

"But your actions have provoked the majesty of Odin, Odin will definitely punish you, use his thunder!" Brunnhild interface.

"That's the best." Ito became a light smile, then slightly converged his expression, and his face was full of whispers, "I want to see if his god, the god, really has the legendary As strong as it is."

"You are a madman, you won't have a good end!" Shiv said in a rogue voice.

Ito Cheng smiled lightly, did not speak, turned his head to look at the physical room opposite the transparent wall, and looked at Raytheon Sol, who was blurred under the instrument that started.

"Quake of Quake! Where are you, I need you!" Sol said loudly.

And Sol is not a Sol, unlike the non-God of Amora, the energy contained in the body is extremely majestic, even if it is the highest intensity of energy extraction, it takes a full dozen hours. All the power contained in Thor's body was extracted and sealed in a special crystal made by Nina and Previa.

The same is true of the material in the soul. Even because the material and Sol are too tightly connected, almost the entire soul is completely filled with that material, and when the mysterious soul material is extracted, the soul of Sol is almost destroyed. Fortunately, there is the presence of Ito. In an emergency, the lack of energy energy that constitutes an ordinary person can be used to preserve the soul of Sol.

However, because of Sol's lesson, it took a lot of time to extract the energy of Shiv and Brenhild. In the absence of something like Sol, almost the soul collapsed.

After using it for about two days and one night, Ito’s hands caught all the members of the Asgard Protoss who were extracted from the power and power, from the original Protoss to a mortal like the ordinary.

Of course, after completing all of this, Ito is still not letting them go, but staying in the Rubik's Cube world, on the one hand to observe their follow-up situation, so as to avoid some accidents, and on the other hand to avoid Odin. After being seen, they were stimulated too much and went straight to him to fight.

After all, for the current Ito, he still needs to stay in the world for a while, but he doesn't want to leave early because of Odin's relationship. (To be continued.)