MTL - Great World of Magic Cube-v3 Chapter 2181 Fusion completed X major event X Dum

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After a long time, I didn’t know how long it took, all the integration work was completed, and the results obtained also made Ito Cheng very excited.

The best effect is not beyond the expectations of Ito, which is the fusion of Shirmi, because it is a heavenly protoss of the Earth's Protoss, and the nature and strength of the soul are far beyond others, so after obtaining the power of Sol, It was a smooth one that broke through the current obstacles, made the gods, evolved the spirit, and condensed the divine and divine power that belonged to oneself and became an official Raytheon.

The second is the fusion of Elika and Liliana. Even the good is somewhat unexpected. After accepting the power of Brunnhilde and Hev, respectively, Elika and Lilyana have their own bodies. The extraordinary blood is actually activated. One of the ancestors is the relationship between the gods and the gods. It directly fulfills the gods and condenses the divinity. The soul also breaks through the genius and enters the extraordinary field. As long as the stamina is enough, it can be completely transformed. A new god.

One is directly condensed by the strength of the blood of the mother **** in the body. The spirit raises the soul, and in the body condenses the original material similar to the crystal of the gods. It is also complete as long as there is enough power to supply it. The transition from man to God.

And ito will not be embarrassed to see this situation, immediately imagining one of the two ancestors who were suppressed in the Rubik's Cube world, using the power of the Rubik's Cube to refine it into the most pure divine power, instilling Into the body of Elika and Lilyana. Help them complete the final transformation.

The results were not unexpected, after completely exhausting the power of a god. Elika and Lilyana each complemented their missing parts and became a ‘god.’ It is just because there is no crystallization of the power that has condensed for itself - the rule of the power in the gods, or the relationship of the power rules that belong to oneself, can not be a true god.

However, since the ancestor has been used, Ito Satoshi is not hesitant, but also a thought, and refining another ancestor into the purest divine power, and then blending the witches for Klein Kyla. After the power of Amora became the ancestor of the gods and gods, it also merged with another witch, Wan Ligu.

Under the infusion of the power of an entire ancestor, Wan Li Gu Yu Li, who has a very high blood purity, does not bear the expectations of Ito. Smoothly broke through the ranks, and evolved into the same ancestor as Klein.

In this way, Ito’s side is in the real night, Helibel, Xirihong, Duoyou, Yu Zhibo, and the big sister Ito, and the Athena, who is not very good, and the power of winter, can be regarded as a false god. After the Palace of Athena, there are six more god-level masters.

At this time, his hands still have the gossip **** and the Jianbiliang bird god, and the gods of the sleeping gods Hempnos and Hades, and the small part of the dream gods that existed in the last fusion. If you make good use of it. There is no problem in recreating a four or five god-level masters.

When I thought of it, Ito Satoshi did not hesitate, and immediately thought of it, and I decided to call the singer of the Gossip God and the Confucius. Start the next fusion.

As for the rest of the sleeping gods, Hepnos and Hades, the former is too dangerous because of the form of power, and there is no one around them who matches the power of the sleeping god. Not good to use. The latter is because the power is too strong, and a single human body can't bear it. Dispersed use is too wasteful, and it is not good to decide how to use it. So I decided to keep the storage on hold and wait until I think about it later or use it when I need it.

The result of the fusion naturally does not need to be said. After exhausting the gossip god, building the gods and the remaining gods, and even the power of the world, even a little world power, the mortal And Cornelia successfully replaced the priesthood and divine power of the two gods and became the new **** of bow and conservation and the **** of military power.

Of course, in the integration of this flail, Ito Cheng did not forget that there are still a lot of events waiting for himself to destroy and change. It is impossible for him to spend too much time in the Rubik's Cube world. Initially, Ito Satoshi used the power of the Rubik's Cube world to change the time flow rate of the central area and surrounding areas, separating the time of the two worlds.

So even if the fusion here took a long time, the time outside the central area and the outside of the Marvel world was only a short period of more than half a month.

Then, after the hard work, Ito Cheng stayed in the Rubik's Cube for a few days, accompanied the newly-elected Elika and others, and so on. He and everyone quit, and broke out of the Rubik's Cube world and returned to the outside. The world of Marvel.


**After that, the palm of your hand gently whispered on the back of Emma's smooth back. Ito said, "Let's talk about it, what happened outside when I left."

"A lot, but the most important thing is only three." Emma replied softly on the chest with the headrest on Ito's chest.

"The first is that just five days after you left, after the joint consultations of the Congress, the United States officially promulgated the Superhuman Registration Act, requiring every superhero and mutant to register, accepting state supervision and dispatch. ""

When it came to this, Emma’s face showed a sneer full of disdain.

For Emma's expression, Ito can understand that since ancient times, except for some guys, who has extraordinary ability is willing to be bound? Some geniuses in modern society are still the same, not to mention the arrogant guys in the Marvel world who have the extraordinary power and self-confessed superiority. They will never accept this new decree, or even because of The government’s decree intensified the various contradictions that existed in the past, causing chaos in larger scenes.

At least in the original, because of this relationship. The superheroes of the United States have had a very large-scale civil war, and even a lot of people have died.

"The second one is. Just three days ago, the director of the SHIELD. The only 10th-level agent in the United States, Nick Fury, was ambushed in New York's No.1 Street, and finally died because the rescue was invalid." Emma continued. .

"Oh? Nick Frye is dead?" Ito Cheng heard a slap in the face and asked one.

It is said that Nick Fury was attacked and even seriously injured Ito Shinsuke, but it is said that it is so dead. Ito is absolutely unbelievable. In the world of Captain America 2, you can live with that degree of persecution. Not to mention the Marvel world, where the technology is more developed and the equipment is more abundant. Now he must be a cat in a secret stronghold, watching the outside world with a cold eye.

"Yes, the current SHIELD is temporarily replaced by Nick Fury's assistant, Mariah Hill's temporary commander. As for the official fate, the upper US seems to be still discussing, and there is no correct attitude for the time being." Ma confirmed.

"The politicians' faces are always like this." Ito Cheng said with a sneer.

"What is the third thing?" Ito Cheng asked again.

“Recently, the government officially put into production a kind of robot called Sentinel, which can search for certain mutants. It is catching mutants around. It will be killed if it is rebellious. So far, there are already hundreds of people. The mutants have lost their lives. Now the rest of the variants are all in danger. I am afraid that the next time I will be picked up by the sentinel robot and lose my life." Emma faintly found her anger. The face was cold and stated.

"What is the reaction between Wanwang Wang and X-Men?" Ito Cheng asked softly.

"The two have now united and are organizing variants to fight together. But the effect is not great, but it has also ruined the lives of many mutants." Emma replied.

Then, Emma turned her head and looked up at the face of Ito, and continued. "In addition, Wan Wang has been to the Hellfire Club to find me, I hope we can join their team."

"We?" Ito Cheng repeated his eyebrows.

"Yes, the variants of the Hellfire Club," Emma explained.

"You promised?" Ito Cheng asked.

"Not yet, and the Black Queen does not agree," Emma replied. Then the wind turned and continued. "But I used the power of the club a little, and traced the head and tail of the Sentinel Robot Project. I found that there were traces of Xiao in the original proponents."

Once again, Xiao said that Emma’s face had a look of resentment. It is estimated that she did not think that Xiao, who is one of the mutants, would agree with this weapon development plan that would allow the mutants to become extinct.

"More than Shaw." Ito Cheng said loudly.

"Yes, there are some original core members." Emma sure.

The so-called original core members are the old members who have been squeezed out and suppressed since Ito’s appointment. These guys can be said to be the most uncooperative group in the entire club, but the guys are still stunned. Even if Ito Cheng wants to clear them, it won't work.

"Well, it is impossible to understand participation, no matter what the gang, but in the end it is still a member of the club, and the interests behind this sentinel robot are not simple, and there are no members of the club that we have not found, If you directly clarify that the war between the horse and the horse is on the side of the mutant, it will make the most ordinary members of the club feel uncomfortable, so we need to start in the dark." Ito Cheng whispered.

"You can arrange a few people, or use mental control, or other, to give the information about the sentinel to the King of the Kings, so that they can grasp some opportunities and avoid more casualties."

"Okay." Emma nodded and promised.


The next day, once again, it became calm and calm.

However, Ito Seki was not idle. On this day, I saw him flashing, suddenly disappeared from Emma’s room, and appeared in the sky above the small European country Latvia, leaning over Lat Vigny. A strangely shaped castle in the southwestern part of Asia flew past.

At the super high flight speed of Ito Cheng, which was several times the speed of sound, it was almost instantaneous that Ito became the sky over the castle.

However, he stopped his body and dozens of laser beams immediately rushed toward him.

In the midair, Ito became a figure and appeared inside the castle.

This is a huge stone room, the size of a semi-formal blue course, but the height of the space is very high, about four or five meters, the room is filled with a variety of unique shapes, unclear metal instruments . In the middle of the room, a whole body wrapped in a metal armor with an iron mask showing only eyes, and a man with a green sleeveless hooded cloak outside the armor is standing there in front of him. Instrument.

"I found the intruder, the danger level: s level, start the annihilation procedure." At the same time, the robotic female robot around the armored eyes flashed, and looked at Ito Cheng.

Then raise his hands, ten metal fingers point to Ito, and shoot out the energy laser.

Ito became unmoving, but in the next second, the lasers that flew into front of him seemed to be pulled by a certain force. They spontaneously slid from his front and flew from both sides of Ito’s body. Go out.


The lost laser bombardment was on the side of the instrument, creating a small explosion.

Then, Ito’s eyes brightened, and the female-looking robot immediately hit the big truck that was being sprinted at a high speed. The “call” slammed out and crashed into the wall not far away, disappearing instantly in Ito Into the sight of the armor geek.

“Is there anything I want to say?” Ito Cheng looked at the armored geek – Victor von Dum, who had the title of Destruction Doctor, whispered.

Victor von Dum, one of the **oss in the Fantastic Four, was born in a small country in Central Europe, Latovinia, the mother is a gypsy witch, when the magic power is sought, it is taken by the devil head Memphis He left the soul, so he decided to liberate his mother's soul from Mephisto's hands from an early age. To this end, he taught himself various kinds of magic and was very proficient in science.

Also benefiting from this, he received a scholarship from the State University of New York, was able to leave Latovinia, still under feudal rule, and met his lifelong enemies, Richard Reid, in nysu. It was the magical gentleman later.

In his college career, he deliberately maintained a competitive relationship with Mr. Magic. He invented an instrument to liberate the soul of the mother in hell, but was discovered by the miracle, and thought that Dum’s calculation was wrong, but Dum’s intention to go his own way, and finally an explosion, leaving a few on his face. The scar, at the same time, was expelled from school because of the explosion.

After this, Dum personally went to Tibet to find strength, where he became the leader of a group of monks who built the first suit for Dum. After that, Dum succeeded and returned to Latvia, killing the lords here and becoming dictators. (To be continued.)