MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 26 Parent Meeting Invitation Sheet

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The crowd was so happy that the box door was knocked suddenly, and before they agreed, the door was pushed open.

The smiles on Ling Chun and Zhang Qian closed, Liang Zhou and Zhao Zhi frowned. Why are the waiters in this restaurant so unqualified, they came in without permission.

It turned out that they were wronged against others. The person who came in was not a waiter, but a beautiful woman.

Zhao Zhi's face was ugly: "Yang Lin, what are you doing here?"

"I met with my friends here. I heard that Brother Liang and General Zhao were eating here, and came over to say hello." Yang Lin said nothing of Zhao Zhi's indifferent attitude, whispered to herself, nodded smiling at Liang Zhou. Eye movement, shyness and timidity: "Hello Brother Liang, I'm Yang Lin, and I will work with a company in the future. Please take care of me."

Zhang Qian hated her hypocrisy the most, and coldly hummed: "Liang Zhou can't afford your brother, he's only 23 years old." The implication is that you, the old woman, are less likely to climb relationships.

Yang Lin smiled stiffly, and concealed the stiffness by raising her hands to sort out her bangs, and continued to smile: "It was my fault, President Liang didn't mind, my friend was still waiting for me, and said goodbye."

No one cares about her.

When the box door was closed, Ling Chun laughed and snarled Zhao Zhi with her elbow: "But she didn't say hello to your ex-boss at all. What do you think?"

"I don't know the so-called." Zhao Zhi Lengheng, unwilling to mention more.

"Isn't she going to climb other big trees? Now that attitude is determined to be glorious?" Ling Chun turned her head and looked at the silent Liang Zhou.

"I want her to stay." Liang Zhou was also very displeased with her temperament. Although entertaining artists like this can't avoid appearing in entertainment companies, she can't help seeing more.

"If she knew that Jiahe's behind-the-scenes boss was Liang Zhou, she didn't know how wonderful her expression would be." Zhang Qian grinned, forgetting the height hit she had suffered before.

Zhao Zhi seemed a bit worried, reminding Liang Zhou sideways: "This woman is so big-hearted, you are not only a film emperor, but also a glorious director. She will inevitably hit your attention. In Jiahe, other artists You all know that I'm married, and it's all right to see me. She's the only one. Every time I stick on it, I can't get rid of it. Pay attention to yourself. "

Liang Zhou nodded, and Zhang Qian laughed even louder. "Hahaha, no wonder the woman ignored you. It turned out that I wanted to be sneaked by you but didn't sneak in. I was so angry and angry, hahaha!"

After laughing and eating, when Liang Zhou arrived home, time had already passed ten o'clock.

He walked upstairs lightly, passing by Yu Shulin's room and seeing that the door was blank, and frowning, without a response, he pushed it open.

"Sparse forest?" There was only one floor lamp in the room, and a small bag was bulging on the bed. He leaned over and saw that the other party was already asleep, his eyebrows were softer, and he reached out to help him softly pinch the quilt.

A few papers fell to the ground, he picked it up gently, and simply put it away and put it on the desk. As soon as he was about to leave, his eyes were attracted by the words "parents' meeting" in the corner list. He picked it up and glanced, glanced over the signatory's column, but saw He Bo's name, Dala, signed there.

How can this be the case, how can a younger brother hold a parent-teacher meeting instead of calling his brother or a housekeeper? Liang Zhou's face turned black. He took out a pen from the pencil bag, crossed out He Bo's name three or two times, and signed himself up. After signing, I squinted and looked still handsome, so I was satisfied, put down the pen, put the list in the middle of the table, and went out meditatively.

In other words, what will be more stable when participating parents?

The next day, Yu Shulin lingered for a long time before coming out of the room. He held the invitation letter of the parent meeting, looked at the signatory's column and looked at it, rubbed his forehead with a bitter face.

Attention, he shouldn't put the list directly on the desk.

Liang Zhou was reading the newspaper and saw that he was grinding down a piece of paper, frowning, "Go to breakfast, the milk must be drunk and no one is left."

"That, brother ..." He took out the invitation letter from his parents' meeting and hesitated: "The signature on it ..."

"I signed it last night." Liang Zhou flipped a page of the newspaper, saying nothing: "I had time that day, so I don't need He Bo to go for me."

"But your injury ..." Yu Shulin frowned, obviously not wanting him to go: "He Bo is the same, there are many and complicated parents, and you are an actor. Find……"

"You're very dissatisfied with my career?" Liang Zhou's face was dark, and his heart was a little depressed. Does Shu Lin feel shame to take himself to school? He moved his body uneasily, trying to let him find his shining point: "I'm not just an actor now, I'm the chairman of Rongguang, and I won't lose you." He said, his tone was a bit tough. ——The younger brother also has his own careful thoughts now ... Will children in adolescence do the same?

How did this weird conclusion come about? Yu Shulin was a little helpless. He is now able to grasp his brother's emotions well. Seeing him frowning on the sofa and not turning a page of newspaper for a long time, he knows that he is secretly unhappy again.

"Not like that, brother." He sat next to Liang Zhou, both of them shoulder-to-shoulder, could feel each other's breath while talking, "I'm too late to be proud of you, how can I be dissatisfied with your profession."

"Then why don't you want me to go to the parents' meeting?" Liang Zhou was comforted a little and finally put the newspaper down.

"Isn't that worried about your injury." Yu Shulin reached out and touched the position of his ribs, worried. "You can't bump and violent exercise with this injury. Parents are so complicated. You are an actor. What if someone finds out and signs around you for a photo? If there are a lot of people and they accidentally hit you, that's not the case. "

The gentle touch on the chest was almost imperceptible for a short time, but Liang Zhou was stiff, and his heart jumped uncontrollably. Sure enough, he still couldn't adapt to this kind of physical contact that may occur anytime, anywhere. ? No, this is the way my younger brother expresses closeness.

"It doesn't matter. The parents' meeting in the city's second middle school is held in a small auditorium. There are a lot of people. I will disguise it a little bit and won't be discovered." .

"But ..." Yu Shulin was still hesitant.

"It's okay, I'll go to the parents' meeting, it's all set." Liang Zhou interrupted him, and simply clapped: "Go to breakfast, remember to let Aunt Liu help you reheat the milk for you. "

"... Okay." Yu Shulin compromised and decided silently in his heart that he must leave early on the day of the parents' meeting! Anyway, Teacher Gao knows his brother, I believe he will understand!

The brothers didn't go anywhere on the weekend. They laid down at home leisurely for two days and the work was delivered by He Long. Ling Chun also came to the door and brought a bunch of snacks to Yu Shulin. The influence caused by Liang Jian's separate portal gradually faded away, and after the rectification, Rong Guang also smoothly operated.

There is no need to film, Zhao Zhi helped set things off in the company, and Liang Zhou lived a very leisurely life. The happiest of all was Aunt Liu. When she saw Liang Zhou at home every day, she thought about his injury again, and gave him three soups a day to drink.

On the day before the holiday, the parents' meeting was held.

Liang Zhou got up early, stood in front of the closet and picked, and finally picked a modest shirt and put it on. After thinking about it, he pulled out a camel-colored sweater coat to wear, and the pants were the most common black. I chose a pair of casual boots. Standing in front of the mirror and looking around, he nodded, grabbed the combed bangs, covered his forehead loosely, flipped in the drawer again, put out a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and put them on.

When he stood in front of the mirror again, he had completely changed.

——Fine, very gentle and friendly, he nodded, and finally satisfied. 2k novel reading network