MTL - Hail the King-~ 1085, the former knight

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In the past three days, the Barcelona attack has suffered huge losses.

At least 30,000 elite troops were buried in the Zu Lijiang River and within two kilometers of the city wall.

The Chambords did not even send any troops from beginning to end, and all the battles were completed by more than twenty magical scorpions.

Buskers and other four semi-god-level powerhouses once personally entered the 2,000-meter range, trying to **** a magical scorpion and come back to crack the study.

But after trying many times, I failed to return and almost fell into it.

The fighting power of the shampoo city magic is absolutely true to the semi-god level, and it is the body of steel, the body is tough to the extreme, even if it is shattered, it is still able to fight, the same style of play, let Barcelona's four The majority of the gods have suffered a lot and suffered minor injuries.

If it is not magic, it does not have fighting thinking and wisdom, and the moves are fixed and old-fashioned, and there are two kilometers of limited scope. I am afraid that more than 200,000 Barcelona troops will only be able to survive in less than one day.

After the first day of the exploratory attack, for the next long time, Barcelona people can only look for opportunities by resisting the temper.

They soon discovered that it was far more difficult to break the city of Chambord than to capture St. Petersburg.

The only good news is that, fortunately, Chambord seems to be really only a dozen secrets. If there is a little more, there is really no way to fight.

Time passes by and day by day.

More and more Barcelona troops gathered in the south bank of the Lijiang River in the city of Chambord.

In addition, there are more than 100,000 people who have organized the puppet army organized by the four emperors Christopher's royal family. Chen Bing is on the south bank of the river and assists the Barcelona people.

At this time, the entire Zenit Empire, in addition to the ancient city of Chambord, has completely fallen.

Chambord City is like the last nail house, doing the final struggle.

"Hey, the area of ​​shampoo city is just a small city with a small area. The area is limited and the food and grass are scarce. Now the city gathers the army and civilians of dozens of affiliated countries in northern Xinjiang. Together with the original population, the daily consumption is extremely amazing. I have to see how long they can hold on."

Busker can't attack for a long time, and there is no progress in the plan to capture the secret money. Only the war of attrition can be taken.

In the next ten days, the puppet army organized by the Zenit became the main force of the attack, and was forced to rush into the death range of two kilometers, against the compatriots who defended the city. The attack.

In the face of this situation, Brooke and Best did not have the slightest kindness.

Any enemy who enters the two-kilometer range will be killed by twenty secret funds.

Some people have suggested to attack these puppet troops. After all, there are still many people among them who are forced to fight on the front line.

However, this proposal was quickly overturned.

The tragedy of the St. Petersburg city has been a foregone conclusion. Who knows whether these people are hiding the spies of the Barcelona people. Any fortress is easily broken from the inside. It is absolutely impossible to allow anyone to enter the Chambord fortress at this time.

The long battle of nearly 20 days has become a process of fighting between the two coaches.

The shampoo's decision made Busske finally give up the intention to force the puppet offensive.

After all, the puppet army is also one of its own. It needs to maintain the royal power of the four emperors and help the Barcelona people to suppress the rebellious organizations behind them. Moreover, such a plan has not played any role.

In the meantime, the Barcelona people sent a lot of messengers to Perk City to persuade.

"Now the four emperors have become kings, become the new imperial empire, and rule the land of visiting the giant bears. The city of Chambord is only a small subsidiary country. How dare not return to the four emperors and block the new emperor army? Is it to seek rebellion?" The aristocratic messengers from the royal family stood at the moral high ground and entered the city of Chambord with arrogance, facing Best and Brooke, threatening to persuade.

Then, the head of the messenger was hung in the city of Chambord after twenty seconds.

By the twentieth day, the former hot springs of the Guancheng Lord and the Ptolemy family patriarchs had already turned to the old Ptolemy who became the puppet commander because of the inzaghi and the shrine of the city of Chambord. There is a poison meter.

They forced a large number of Zenit refugees to enter the area within two kilometers, cut off the water and food of these refugees, and let them stay under the city of Chambord, trying to use this method to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the city's shampoo.

If the shampoo people ignore it, it will be the heart of the Zenit.

And if the Chambords open the city to introduce the refugees, it would be best. The more people enter the city, the more chaotic, the more scarce the food and the various supplies, how much supply can such a small town, sooner or later. Will be consumed.

Moreover, among these refugees, there are naturally many Barcelona spies.

Ptolemy's poison meter worked.

In the face of the heavily armed puppet army, the shampoo people can ruthlessly kill, but in the face of the old women and children under the city, facing these peasant briefs with eager eyes, watching them freeze and hungry under the city, life is dying The shampoo people could not show the previous decision, and finally opened the gate and tens of thousands of refugees into the city.

In the process, the Barcelona and the puppet army launched an offensive.

It is a pity that under the counterattack of the demigod of the demigod, five or six thousand bodies were left, and they returned without success.

The same strategy is constantly being staged.

The poison meter has been intensified.

The Barcelona people and the puppet army, from a large number of refugees from all over the place, most of them were severely wounded or disabled. When they were hungry, they stripped their clothes and were driven into the two-kilometer area. People are cumbersome and thrown to Chambord City, trying to consume the food, medicine, and clothing of Chambord City and drag the city of Chambord.

Even every day and every day, you can see that outside the two-kilometer range opposite Zu Lijiang, Barcelona people are arbitrarily tormenting the captured refugees.

However, it is incredible for Barcelona people. In the past, Chambord City has received more than 200,000 refugees, including thousands of elite Barcelona spies, but has never been dragged down.

Moreover, the city did not explode and fire as they expected, and thousands of spies went without a trace.

Things started to reveal strangeness.


"The time is almost the same, Zu Lijiang is opposite, has gathered more than 400,000 Barcelona army, there are more than 300,000 puppet troops, maybe we can launch a sudden attack, hundreds of secret scorpions, only need to disappear within one They can make them all over the army."

Best suppressed the anger in his heart and proposed.

In the enemy building of Nanchengmen, a new round of Champa City military conference is being held.

In addition to Best, Brooke and Old Arjan, the military generals of all sizes in the city participated in the meeting.

Think about what Barcelona people have done to Zenit civilians these days. Every shampoo is burning with raging anger, and wants to rush out to clean up the general demon.

Although Best is a civil servant, he is also bloody.

His proposal has been endorsed by many generals.

Brooke also has some intentions in his heart.

The eyes of everyone are concentrated on the army of the old Al Yang.

These days, the old Aryang’s judgment and calm command on the battlefield completely conquered everyone. Before the return of His Majesty the King, he has become the first person in the military battle of the whole kingdom. Showing strength is also the strategy of the old Aryang.

"Not yet."

Old Al-Yan was slightly meditated and shook his head slightly.

"Although as long as five hundred secret funds are released, they can defeat the strength of the opposing army in one fell swoop, but they cannot kill the semi-god-level powerhouses and other masters in the opponent camp. The Barcelona army plus the puppet army, almost eighty Wan Dajun, once they are defeated, will undoubtedly become a troop, lose their restraint, and will certainly kill the civilians and bring unimaginable disasters to those compatriots who are still struggling to survive. Moreover, Miujin is subject to the scope of attack. It’s impossible to pursue, and our army, after all, has a limited number of people. For the time being, we don’t have the ability to face up with the Barcelona people. When they retreat to St. Petersburg, they can regroup their strengths, and then they can figure out the number and the number of crickets. Killing the scope, our situation will be difficult."

The analysis of the second son Yang has been recognized by most people.

"Then what should we do? Is it so like to watch the group of Barcelona smashing the imperial people across the bank, insulting the imperial women in front of us, has it been consumed?"

Best is angry and more resentful than anyone else.

"You don't have to wait for a long time." Old Al Yang smiled slightly: "To calculate the time, Fernando has returned to [the place of exile] to sue everything to Alexander Wang, and it is time to return to the king's return, as long as the king squats, It is the moment we fight back."

Will His Majesty return?

Thinking of this matter, everyone in the room is full of energy and full of expectation and excitement.

Yes, as long as the omnipotent Alexander returns, all the problems will be solved.

Do not say anything else, His Majesty the King can command the army to attack, completely independent of the scope, can kill the Barcelona people to the end of the world in one breath, completely kill those half-god-level powerhouses, and completely drive the Barcelona people out of Zeni. In the field of special empire, it is only a matter of time before the entire empire is restored.

Forbearing for a moment, can reverse the world.


In the camp of Barcelona.

Tens of thousands of refugees were locked in a penfold-like fence and shivered.

Not far from the refugee fence, it is an extremely expensive magic tent.

The handsome boy in the Barcelona uniform, with a smile on his face, slowly walked out.

He turned out to be the tenth ruling knight of the former Zenit Knights Palace [Silver Knight] Piasson -

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