MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 184 Black Sea town coffin (23)

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Guanyin Temple.

Incense of the day. Above the steps, the main hall of the Guanyin Temple is open, and the lights inside are constantly on. The three-story-high golden statue of Guanyin stood quietly in the center.

Song Chengan and others were originally guests of the Guanyin Temple. They stayed in the temple in the middle of the night, saying that they wanted to study Buddhism all night. The monks in the temple also? No doubt, will? This? The main hall was left to them.

Yu Zhengqing crossed the threshold and walked into the hall: "There is no whereabouts or traces of Jiang Jingyun's ghost body. I used the legendary props of seeking ghosts, and she never showed ghosts in the Guanyin Temple. , Unless she has a way to deceive the legendary props, otherwise, she seems to have no direct connection with the Guanyin Temple."

Song Chengan was standing in front of the golden statue of Guanyin, raised his head slightly, and looked at the Guanyin who looked at all beings.

"But? The more I look at it, the more I think it's not a righteous thing." Song Chengan said.

Lin Qingzheng was sitting cross-legged on the futon beside him, holding a pen and paper from this era, not knowing what he was drawing.

Yu Zhengqing walked behind Song Chengan, also looked up at the golden statue of Guanyin, and said, "Although I haven't found the ghost, you are right, this is a big temple. something wrong."

Song Chengan looked back at him and motioned for him to continue.

"The main hall of the Guanyin Temple is surrounded by the thirty-three Guanyin Faxiang side halls, which are wrapped in a circle around the main hall, and the arching trend faces the main hall and the Quartet of Guanyin Town. A typical shape to ward off evil spirits. But these dharma pictures and the golden statue of the main Guanyin seem to be moistened with evil spirits." Yu Zhengqing's face was solemn, "I couldn't see it clearly a few days ago. We live in Here, I only feel strange evil spirits occasionally, but now, when I walk around the Guanyin Temple, I can clearly feel that the thirty-three Avalokitesvara features are close to evil spirits."

Song Chengan took out the town hall formation from Mr. Bai, and said, "Lao Lin, are you ready?"

Lin Qing looked as usual, stood up calmly with a pen and paper, and said, "Okay."

Yu Zhengqing didn't know what medicine Song Chengan sold in the gourd. He glanced at what Lin Qing had just drawn, and said in surprise, "The topographic map of Guanyin Town? What are you painting this thing for?"

Song Chengan moved his brows slightly, and placed the array map used in the town hall on the ground. He took the topographic map of Guanyin Town from Lin Qinghua and placed it next to the array map. He took out a red pen out of nowhere, first clicked on the four corners of the array diagram, and said, "This array method to suppress Jiang Jingyun's coffin is to use Guanyin bottled water to dispel grievances around the coffin, and then put us These props are placed in the four corners of the coffin, and the thousand-year-old agarwood stands in the center to suppress the formation..."

He lifted the red pen in his hand and landed it on the topographic map of Guanyin Town. Wide waist and narrow-"

"It's a coffin." Lin Qing said indifferently.

"It's a large coffin that has been weighed in all directions. And this is the center..." Song Chengan slowly drew the prototype of the Guanyin Temple in the center of the topographic map.

This time, without him saying it, Yu Zhengqing understood: "This can't be a thousand-year-old agarwood that takes the entire Guanyin Town as the scope and the Guanyin Temple as the suppression of the needle's eye. One of the great suppression formations!?"

This? The entire Guanyin Town is just a big coffin integrated into the great formation!

Song Chengan did not show joy because of this conclusion, his face became more solemn, and his eyes swept back and forth between the two pictures.

"The method Mr. Bai gave us to suppress Jiang Jingyun's body is just a miniature version of the big formation of Guanyin Town. He said that it was collected over many years, and Guanyin Town has existed for a long time. This repressive formation should have lasted for a long time, and it has been suppressing evil spirits, why..."

Why is the Guanyin Temple getting more and more weird now?

Song Chengan raised his head, looked at the golden statue of Guanyin several dozen feet high, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Yu Zhengqing was about to speak, when Lin Qing raised his hand to stop him, and whispered to him, "He's using his skills, don't disturb him."

Song Chengan's skill is the formation.

Lin Qing and Song Chengan are both veteran super high-level players, Yu Zhengqing didn't dare to put a note in front of these two, he took a step back, lowered his voice and said, "We are here. With progress, don't lose the chain on your brother's side."

Lin Qing glanced at him: "We have to be careful not to hold them back."

Yu Zhengqing choked, feeling more and more that the atmosphere of their camp was too strange. Song Chengan seems to be leading the players in the entire camp, but in fact, major decisions are never made, but Yan Wei, whoever says what everyone does. There is also Yan Mingguang, who usually doesn't say a word. When he takes action, he can't even hold it in the blink of an eye, but such strength is hidden behind Yan Wei.

Lin Qing is even more strange, this? People in the building world are notorious for being ruthless and crazy, looking calm, once a decision is made, no matter what you do, you must do it .

Such a person would actually say something like "you can't hold them back".

As if…

It's like that Yan Wei is an old monster like Zhuo Xidong.

Yu Zhengqing can gradually feel that Yan Wei seems to have a mysterious past and untraceable strength, but the other party is so young and his face is not seen before, what could it be? What about the old monster?

Ahead, Song Chengan suddenly opened his eyes.

He threw the red pen in his hand, jumped up in place, stepped on the clothes of the golden statue of Guanyin, and jumped on the crown of the golden statue of Guanyin in an instant.

The moment he stood firm, Song Chengan's normally calm expression suddenly changed drastically!

Lin Qing asked him: "What did you see?"

"...a Array."


"No, the Guanyin Temple itself is the eye of the formation to suppress the great formation, and its function is similar to the thousand-year-old agarwood. This is a new formation method."

"You mean, in addition to Guanyin Town itself being a great formation to suppress, there is also a reversal formation on the golden statue of Guanyin?"

Yan Wei followed behind Zhong Bufan, followed by Yan Mingguang to ensure that they would not be discovered.

Zhong Bufan led the way according to his memory and walked towards the east of the Shen residence. Yan Mingguang kept in touch with Lin Zhen at all times to ensure that Lin Zhen would not be discovered by players in the Shen house when he was "haunted" by Jiang Jingyun because of some negligence.

This job was originally done by Yan Wei, but just now Song Chengan strongly requested contact, Yan Wei had to let Yan Mingguang use the black ring to keep in touch with Lin Zhen, he connected Song Chengan communication request.

The three of them were running around the Shen mansion in the dark night, and the black ring conveyed Song Chengan's voice: "Yes, I'm sure, the effect of this formation is reversal. But I can't break it for the time being, The time of this formation is not short, and the effect is very strong, it reversed the repressive formation of the entire Guanyin Town, and reversed this formation to suppress evil and eliminate evil into something that encourages evil and resentment!"

So the golden statue of Guanyin is more and more evil, and the whole town of Guanyin is more and more treacherous.

Yan Wei frowned: "Could the Black Sea have anything to do with the reversal of this repressive formation?"


"What does Jiang Jingyun have to do with this great formation?" Yan Wei still felt that something was wrong.

The Great Array of Repression is an ancient method, left by the ancestors. But this reversal formation method can only be the handwriting of later people, who is it? That's so much, it doesn't do any good at all except to be sneaky, what's the purpose of that later person?

He originally thought that it was Jiang Jingyun's resentment that led to the greed, anger, anger and resentment of all the people who were buried under the sea, so the sea became darker and darker, and Guanyin Town? There is a phenomenon brought about by excessive grievances such as corpses.

But if there is such a reversal formation that promotes life and evil, is Jiang Jingyun bringing the great resentment, or is the great evil fueled by Jiang Jingyun? Who is the cause and who is the effect?

There seemed to be screams in the distance, and there were several shouting in panic? "Haunted", "Help" and the like. These several calls for help completely broke the calm of Shen's house at night, the surrounding lights were lit, and the sound of footsteps came from all directions.

They have already arrived near the two small courtyards in the east, and Yan Wei can clearly feel that many people with fluctuating data are rushing out.

The fish is hooked.

"Song Chengan," Yan Wei said, "you first figure out the reversal formation, I want to know how the formation is formed, you can only see it if you know the formation diagram, this? It's been around for a few years."

"Okay, I'll try now? Can I restore this?"

Yan Wei cut off the communication.

In front of him, Zhong Bufan stopped abruptly and looked at him with a ghostly expression.

Yan Wei: "...what?"

"You just sent Song Chengan?"

Yan Wei: "..." He thought something was wrong.

Behind him, Yan Mingguang stepped forward and said, "Lin Zhen has done a good job. He is now leading Zhuo Xidong to stay away from here as much as possible."

At the same time, Yan Wei also received news from Geng Liang—all the players in the Shen Zhai camp went after "Jiang Jingyun's ghost body", and Geng Liang felt that he needed someone to stay, as if he had moved away from the mountain. The reason is to stay in the small courtyard.

On the gate of the courtyard in front of me, there are two corpses that are obviously players. Obviously, they are what the players of the Shen Zhai camp said before. Zhuo Xidong killed the two same camps to deter others. player.

Yan Wei walked directly to the courtyard gate in front of him and said, "We still have to hurry up. Although Lin Zhen is quick and easy, there are more than a dozen big foxes behind him. Definitely can't stand it."

Geng Liang had come out of the small courtyard and met Yan Wei and the three of them.

Zhong Bufan was startled and was about to start, but Yan Wei stopped him and said, "My own."


"Why do you use this desperate method? Zhuo Xidong and the others will come back in a while, and we add up to a total of five people? We may not be able to retreat completely," Geng Liang hurriedly walked to Yanwei In front of him, "Furthermore, Zhuo Xidong will definitely be able to find out what's wrong."

Geng Liang was so conscientious in doing things that Zhong Bufan felt that there was no reason to doubt it, he was stunned: "No, you are really your own? Then there are nine of us."

Yan Wei: "Fight the grass and startle the snake. Anyway, we can leave temporarily after we get the Guanyin bottle of water. When we catch Jiang Jingyun's ghost body? Bring everyone back to kill."

As he spoke, he had already spread out his senses, feeling the situation of the two small courtyards in front of him.

Besides, Geng Liang and Zhong Bufan had already explained that he was an undercover agent. In the current situation, he directly helped Yan Wei to attack the east and west, and he didn't have any position to stand in the other camp at all. There was really no reason to doubt.

Zhong Bufan is not stupid, and after thinking about it for a moment, he will not doubt.

But the fact that there are nine people in their camp now is on the surface.

"What's going on here? I'd like to believe you're my own, but? If so, we'll only have one more hostile faction but go undercover. But? Everyone here is very dependable Spectrum, which hostile faction came to us and helped us so actively, wishing that the Shen Zhai faction would be destroyed?"

Yan Wei raised her eyebrows and glanced at Yan Mingguang.

Yan Mingguang narrowed his eyes, showing no guilt.

Yan Wei chuckled and said, "Maybe he's a fool."

Yan Mingguang: “…”

Yan Wei understood the priority in his heart, and made fun of Yan Mingguang, and walked to the small courtyard full of evil spirits.

Geng Liang hurriedly stopped him: "That small courtyard is Jiang Jingyun's mortuary! It is full of monstrous grievances and evil spirits, and if you touch it, you will die. His players were killed in anger."

Yan Wei smiled: "That's it, if it's not like this, I won't go."

Geng Liang was stunned, Zhong Bufan clapped his hands and said hello: "What you can't find even if you dig three feet in the ground is naturally under your nose, and it is absolutely impossible to go!"

Yan Mingguang had already grabbed Yan Wei's hand and crossed his fingers with Yan Wei. The man said indifferently, "I'll go in and get it."

Yan Wei turned her head and blinked quickly, the eyes of those peach petals were full of smiles.

"Care for trouble, Mr. Yan," he said, "You forgot, I went in today, are these grievances killing me, or am I running after these grievances, not necessarily? ."