MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 135 Brown's breakfast

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Because there are many people picking up the station, Dolly, who has been invisible and followed Auston, is not easy to show.

Fortunately, Mr. Brown was still driving, and after the Browns and Sissy got into the car, Auston also brought Dolly into the car.

The Browns sat in the front seat, and Auston and Sissy sat in the back seat.

Since Dolly was still sitting beside him, Auston sat a little in the middle to avoid pressing her.

"What are you trying to squeeze me for? Go over there." Sissi was so squeezed that she complained and glared at Auston.

Auston giggled and said, "I have a new friend to introduce to you."

Sissi looked disgusted, and pushed Auston to the side again: "You don't need to be so close to introduce new friends."

Despite Sissi's best efforts, Auston still sits firmly like a bell.

Just kidding, the power of the giant dragon is full, how can a child like her be able to shake it?

He snapped his fingers and called softly, "It's time to show up, Dolly."

As soon as he finished speaking, a house-elf suddenly appeared on the seat that had been seen as an empty seat, which suddenly startled Qian Qian.

"This is? A house elf?" Sissy asked, she had never seen it before.

Compared to Qian Qian's shock, the Browns were much calmer. After all, both husband and wife came from a magical family, and there were house-elves at home before marriage.

But Sissi and Auston, who had been growing up in the Muggle world, had never seen a house elf before. Even Auston was curious when he first saw Tony and Dolly at Mr. LeMay's house.

"Hello, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown and Miss Sissy." Dolly greeted politely first.

Mrs. Brown smiled and nodded: "You are the elf of Mr. Lemay's family."

"Well," Dolly introduced herself eagerly: "My name is Dolly. I was originally a house elf in Mr. Lemay's house. Because of the death of Mr., I now belong to Mr. Brown."

Before Auston came back, he also agreed with Dolly that things in France should not be known to the Browns. Sometimes it's safest to know nothing.

Seeing the house-elves, the little girl Qian Qian was the most excited: "Wow! I didn't expect that we also have house-elves in our family!"

She turned her head and said angrily to the LeMay couple: "Mom and Dad, you don't know how capable the pure-blood families of Slytherin can show off, it feels as if they have a house elf and their status is as noble. It's really impossible. Reasoning."

The Browns looked at each other and laughed. This little girl in their family didn't have any pure-blooded family traits, she was almost a complete Gryffindor.

Auston was also happy, he stroked Sissi's little head: "Dolly is not our servant, she is just our friend."

Because Auston also felt that it was inappropriate for one race to be oppressed by another race, even though the house elves were servile, it was not the reason for the wizards to oppress them.

Originally, Dolly was the elf of the Lemay family, and Auston couldn't control it. Now that she belongs to the Brown family, Auston deliberately made a contract with her for three chapters. He can help the family, but he must accept his monthly salary of five Galleons and have at least two days off each week.

Although Dolly was very reluctant at first, it went against the rules of her ancestors wearing it. But due to Oston's insistence, she compromised and became more careful in taking care of Oston's daily life.

Qian Qian is also very sensible: "I know without you telling me."

Then she extended a friendly hand to Dolly: "Hello, Dolly, welcome to our house."

Dolly also stretched out her little dry hand to shake her hand.

The car drove fast, and it took about two hours for them to arrive at home.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Auston was also very tired.

Arranged a guest room for Dolly, and then they went back to their respective rooms to rest.


Early the next morning, Sissi came to smash Auston's door: "Auston, get up quickly, where did you raise the stinky problem, and you won't get up at this time."

Auston also said that he was innocent. When he was at Lemay's house, he didn't often have breakfast with Lemay and his wife. The house-elf service was so good, basically Dolly delivered breakfast to him directly. inside the room.

I don't know when she has been waiting in front of Auston's door. Anyway, no matter if she wakes up early or late, she can see Dolly standing at the door with breakfast.

At this moment, the curtains of Auston's room have not been opened, and the whole room is dark. He is looking around for his clothes with a mess of hair: "You go down first, I'll be right here."

He casually put on his clothes and trousers. When he went downstairs, breakfast at Brown's house had already started.

It's been a long time since he had a meal with his family, and Auston missed it very much. He sat down in his seat and said hello to the Browns: "Good morning, Mom and Dad."

Mrs. Brown put a hard-boiled egg on his plate and taught, "You're up a little late Oss."

Mrs. Brown deliberately lowered her looked at him reproachfully.

"I'm sorry mom. I haven't had a good schedule during this time. I'll try my best to change it back."

The obedient appearance of his son made Mr. Brown very soft-hearted, and he pleaded with his wife: "Well, my dear, it's been so long since Auston came back from France, you shouldn't reprimand him on his first day. "

Mrs. Brown wasn't really angry at first, she just complained about his bad habit, and then she stopped.

The family enjoyed breakfast together with Dolly. Because Dolly was too small, the kind Mr. Brown also slightly modified the high chair that Sissy used when she was a child.

So this table, which contains gratitude to the Brown family, is extraordinarily rich.

Qian Qian put a piece of sausage into her mouth with a fork, her eyes widened in shock: "Delicious!"

"How is this made? I've never had such a delicious breakfast!"

Don't look at Mrs. Brown as a dignified beauty, but her cooking skills are really uncomplimentable. The things she cooks have added two plus signs to the darkness of British food, which is already known for its dark dishes.

Sissi's fussing really hurt Madame Lemay's fragile self-esteem, she gouged out her daughter fiercely.

Dolly was also very embarrassed by her praise: "I didn't make it, this is the sausage brought back from Germany by Mr. Lemay's students. Just before I came here, I brought all the perishable food here. Since you like it, I will make you something even better next time."

Her remarks made Sissi deeply feel the superiority of having a house elf. Next time Slytherin brags about it, she will not let them go.

After breakfast, Dolly made black tea for everyone.