MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 207 shadow

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Qin Weijie has been human for two generations, and the strength of his soul is different from that of ordinary people, nearly twice as much as others.

Now, with the help of "taboo", Qin Weijie found that his soul strength has skyrocketed again. Qin Weijie estimated that his soul strength at this time should be about three times that of a normal person.

As for the benefits of having a higher soul strength, Qin Weijie is not too sure about it. You still need to ask Tom, who is a professional Tom such as soul and mental power.

For example, Qin Weijie always felt that the stronger the power of the soul, the stronger the spiritual power, but Tom told Qin Weijie after he practiced the "spiritual master"'s notes.

Soul power and spiritual power are completely two things. Although soul power will increase spiritual power to a certain extent, the two are not equal.

While Qin Weijie was trying to calm down the fusion energy in his body, Tom and Emma in the mirror space were finally relieved.

"The energy in his body is slowly dissipating, and the erosion of his vitality is gradually decreasing." Emma breathed a sigh of relief.

Tom frowned slightly: "Can his vitality last until that energy is completely dissipated? Most of his huge vitality has been consumed."

Emma shook her head: "I don't know, I can only take one step at a time... By the way, where is the mirror image?"

"Looking for the 'Mirror Essence', Vijay's life force was consumed by half the last time he was in the Burial Ground. Although Kraken has a lot of life force, he can't stand his current consumption.

I plan to use a lot of 'mirror essence' to make a life magic circle. If his own vitality is insufficient, I can use the magic circle to help him recover. "

"It's a good idea, I was planning to set up a 'Nandou Blessing Array' just now, which is similar to what you call a 'Life Magic Array'. You can also inject vitality into Vijay, but foreign objects are foreign objects after all, so using them is more beneficial to him. My body is also affected, so I'm still hesitating."

Emma was talking when Tom and Emma suddenly heard the sound of heavy objects falling downstairs.

Looking at each other, they all became vigilant. Emma held a talisman between her fingers and her sword, and Tom also drew his wand from the inside of the wizard's robe.

The two walked downstairs one after another, and as soon as they walked down the stairs, Tom and Emma saw the mirror image lying on the ground and convulsing in pain.

"What's the situation? Epilepsy? Vijay shouldn't have such a problem, right?" Emma asked curiously.

Tom nodded. "I'm sure Vijay never imagined this situation... Mirror, mirror! What's wrong with you?"

"Ah! Ahhhh...outside the realm...taboo! So strong...the old god?!? He's looking at the mirror space..."

Speaking of the mirror shadow, he fainted, and the mirror shadow did not forget to hand a pocket to Tom a second before the fainting.

Tom opened his pocket and saw that there was a bag full of 'mirror essence' with extremely strong magic power.

"What happened to the mirror space? Look, all the mirror creatures outside have fainted, and the sky is full of yellow sand? But I didn't feel the pressure change from the storm..."

Emma leaned against the window and looked out the window. At this time, the entire mirror space was turned upside down, the space scene was inexplicably distorted, and all the mirror creatures fainted and fell to the ground.

The sky turned into a dim yellow, like a doomsday storm, the yellow sand was extremely oppressive, but there was no wind blowing.

Tom stepped forward quickly, leaned against the window lattice and looked out, looking at the dusky sky, Tom couldn't help frowning.

"There is someone in the yellow sand..."


Tom's sudden remark made Emma a little flustered.

Emma looked out the window again: "Who is it? No!"

Tom's face turned pale, and he stared straight at the sky: "A...a shadow, a huge shadow...a figure hundreds of meters high...wearing a hooded robe and the yellow sand in the sky..."

The more Emma listened, the more panicked she felt, and she looked at Tom nervously: "Tom, don't scare me, there is nothing in the yellow sand!"

"Yes... I can see him, I can hear him... His babble... He is communicating with me, the law of immortality... Horcrux..."

Tom seemed to be talking to himself and talking to Emma, ​​but the voice became more and more strange, the tone was low and there was no fluctuation, and his eyes were a little dull and dull.

Seeing Tom's expression, Emma could be sure that Tom was affected by something. At this time, she no longer looked out of the window, but pulled Tom back and away from the window.

"Arriving, soldiers, fighting, people, all, array, column, in, in front!"

Emma stepped on the seven-star formation, chanted words in her mouth, and printed the secret blessing of the six armors on her hands. In an instant, the nine runes of Qingguang Dasheng were suspended in mid-air to guard the Quartet.

At the same time, Emma rolled up her sleeves, revealing a pair of silver bracelets on her right wrist.

Emma made a seal, and UU Reading took off the bracelet, and two silver bracelets were interlocked, one was engraved with the pattern of the Big Dipper, and the other was engraved with the six-star formation of the South Dipper.

This is the magic weapon of Emma, ​​the magic weapon of Huaxia Daomen, and the Qiankun circle.

The Qiankun Circle, also known as the Yin-Yang Ring, looks like two circles connected together, which can be rotated back and forth in the hand, representing the meaning of "Yin-Yang cycle, cycle again and again".

The Qiankun Circle belongs to the top existence among the Taoist instruments, seeking good luck and avoiding evil, keeping the spirit and guarding the soul.

Emma sacrificed the Qiankun Circle, and the Qiankun Circle instantly suspended in mid-air and leveled with the Liujia Secret Blessing. With the addition of the magical instrument, the Liujia Secret Blessing was flourishing, and the nine runes gradually moved and fell onto the Qiankun Circle. Nine spells.

Emma moved the seal at will, and saw a streamer flashing through the universe circle and flying out of the window and suspended on the roof, guarding the entire room.

A little bit of fluorescent light scattered, forming an invisible barrier shield. For a while, the distortion of the space in the room and various uneasy emotions finally subsided, and the inside and outside of the room were like two worlds at this time.

After all this was done, Emma breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to see that Tom was in some trouble at this time.

Tom still murmured something, but Emma couldn't hear what he was saying now, and the sound was like a hissing sound.

Tom hissed as he struggled toward the window like a walking corpse, intending to rush out of the room to embrace the yellow sand.

Emma narrowed her eyes slightly, turned over and jumped, and came to Tom.

With **** in his right hand, he picked up a talisman and pointed his sword directly at Tom's eyebrows.

The next second, Tom's eyes went dark, and he couldn't hear any sound in his ears. It took a long time for Tom to come back to his senses: "What happened to me? Why can't I hear, can't see! Vijay? Emma? Where are you?"