MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 249 This product is not prepared

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The latest website: Hogwarts campus life is less adventurous and more leisurely.

There are not many classes scheduled on Tuesday. The transformation class in the first session in the morning is still Elena's home field. Elena has fully mastered the Animagus Transfiguration technique, and can transform into a black cat at will.

In the first transformation class, Elena won the favor of Professor McGonagall because of her super high Animagus skills, and she added 30 points to Ravenclaw.

As for Qin Weijie, he didn't think he had much talent in the field of transfiguration, and his only talent might be to fine-tune his appearance and height.

Of course, it has to be said that the means of fine-tuning the appearance is not pure magic, but the magic created by Qin Weijie based on the magic theory combined with the disguise technique in the deception.

Originally, Qin Weijie was complacent about this, but the slap in the face was that when Professor McGonagall learned of Qin Weijie's method, he couldn't help not looking at him differently. Instead, he looked angry and said coldly.

"Mr. Vijay Chin, haven't you learned about 'Compound Potion' in Professor Slughorn's class? Don't waste your energy on such meaningless things."

Qin Weijie was embarrassed, but he didn't care. In his opinion, his method of fine-tuning his appearance and height was much more subtle than the 'compound decoction'.

The 'compound decoction' will be exposed if it is splashed by the manifesting water or recognized by the manifesting spell, but this kind of deformation ability of oneself can actually change one's appearance, which cannot be detected by the manifesting water or the manifesting spell.

Although now he can only fine-tune his appearance and change his height within three centimeters, Qin Weijie firmly believes that with his own research, one day he will be able to look like someone else.

No longer entangled in this matter, Qin Weijie turned his head and lay down on the table to watch Yi Lianna show the operation.

Elena's Animagus transforms into a black cat with a black body.

Although the appearance is different from that of 'Madago' cheese, for some reason Elena has inexplicably mastered Madago's splitting technique. Cooperating with cheese, coupled with the speed of elusiveness and terrifying claws after transformation, now Elena's Combat strength can also be regarded as entering the room.

The second class is Potions taught by Professor Slughorn. The Potions course in the third grade mainly focuses on the mastery of medicinal properties of herbs and the cultivation experience of related herbs. There are not many medicines.

In the first class of Potions class, most people sat drowsy for nearly two hours. This drowsy feeling was finally taught on six-inch parchment by Professor Slughorn on "The Medicinal Properties of Sobering Potions Related Herbs". "Experience" after-school homework, the shock was swept away, and the classroom was full of complaints from students.

Before get out of class ended, Professor Slughorn stopped Qin Weijie.

"Vijay stay here, other students can leave!"

Qin Weijie sat obediently in his seat, and waited for the others to leave before stepping up to the podium: "Professor, are you looking for me?"

Since this semester, Qin Weijie has disrespected Professor Slughorn.

Although this professor is a bit snobbish and likes to show off, Qin Weijie still gives him a thumbs up in terms of character.

Especially Professor Slughorn was in the Boneyard last year. For the promise of "I will take my students out safely", Professor Slughorn did not hesitate to get into a dangerous situation and dared to face the domain-breaking powerhouse , Dare to challenge the Ability God.

What moved Qin Weijie the most was that after last year's adventure, when Professor Slughorn learned that two students had died in an accident, the normally snobby, funny, timid professor fell on the ground and lost his voice Crying bitterly was obviously not his responsibility, yet he fell into self-blame.

People's hearts are complicated, and everyone has their own shortcomings, but Qin Weijie is more willing to believe that no matter how bad a person is, there must be a shining point in his heart that makes people move.

"I promised Tom that I will teach you the basic theory of magic every Tuesday night. I heard from Tom that you are lacking in this aspect, which has caused you to encounter a bottleneck now!

Don't be too hasty when you encounter a bottleneck. You are only thirteen years old. I believe the teacher will help you. You and Tom will come to my office to find me at 7:30 tonight. "

Hearing Professor Slughorn's words, Qin Weijie withdrew his divergent thoughts and nodded quickly: "Good professor, thank you!"

Hearing Qin Weijie's thanks, Professor Slughorn was flattered, but he still put on an indifferent look, looking a little funny: "Haha, don't thank me! I have taught too many little guys from the welfare family, one by one Difficult to deal with, but have to say, you are all gifted kids...

You have a distant cousin who is now working in the Ministry of Magic. His name is Connors Foley. He is my student. He was the most mischievous when he was in school, but he became very mature and stable after graduation. Some time ago he even sent me A large jar of Turkish preserves arrived. "

Seeing that Professor Slughorn was about to show off his students again, Qin Weijie nodded with a smile, and then said at the right time: "Hey, Professor, I will treat you to Huaxia Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot in a while, it is much better than candied fruit Yes. Eat too much candied fruit and be careful of diabetes. I’m going to the auditorium for dinner first. There are two classes left in the afternoon! Goodbye, professor!”

There are two classes in the afternoon, one is Professor Spencer's history of magic, and the other is the new professor Quixote's herbology.

There is nothing to say about the history of magic. It is still about some history that has been whitewashed by the victors. Most of the students are still lethargic, and Qin Weijie listens very carefully.

It's not that he likes the history of magic, Qin Weijie regards the history of magic as a weekly story meeting.

Professor Quixote's herbalism, UU reading Irina did not go with Qin Weijie, in view of Yilena's evaluation of Professor Quixote, Qin Weijie knew that she would not choose Professor Quixote's herbal medicine study.

Facts have proved that Elena's choice is correct.

After listening to Professor Jixote's section on herbal medicine, Qin Weijie has learned a lot.

A professor of herbal medicine was able to confuse aconitum with bitter-headed grass, and misremember the efficacy of devil's web rhizome powder and spider web powder.

As long as you flip through the book five minutes before class, you won't make these jokes! Co-authoring this product, Nima has never prepared lessons.

Fortunately, Professor Quixote's requirements for the students are not strict, as long as he doesn't miss classes, he can turn a blind eye to other things.

And Professor Quixote also promised that as long as there is no unexcused absence in his class, he will not fail this class at the end of the semester.

"It's kind of good news..." Qin Weijie comforted himself.