MTL - He Became a Salted Fish After Inheriting Millions of Secret Arts-Chapter 43 ether disease

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"Okay, let's not just stand here. Why don't we start working?" Ms. Q clapped her hands kindly, like a grandma urging her grandchildren to do their homework.

Duan Feizhuo doesn’t want to start working at all—after all, most people in the world think the same as him. Workaholics like Miss Acheson are rare among human beings and should be kept in the “Museum of Humanity” Admired by all.

He went into the office and sat down behind the desk he sat on last time - the one opposite Z. Miss Acheson got up and came towards him with a stack of papers in her hand.

"Since you are a clerk, then help organize the files." She put the file as thick as a dictionary on the corner of the table. Duan Feizhuo felt the table tremble. "Can you use a typewriter?"

"Not really." Duan Feizhuo said honestly.

"I'll teach you. You play a few cards first to practice."

Miss Acheson moved the typewriter on the desk to Duan Feizhuo as she spoke, and began to demonstrate how to use it. Typewriters in this era were extremely cumbersome to use, and the carriage had to be manually pushed back to the starting position after typing a line. Fortunately, the distribution of keys on the keyboard is the most common "QERTY" style in modern times, and Duan Feizhuo, who is used to computers, can easily adapt to it.

Once those inconveniences are overcome, operating a typewriter is not much trouble. Seeing that Duan Feizhuo has evolved from being clumsy at first to a master who can quickly touch type, Miss Acheson's surprise is beyond words.

"You went to typing school before?" she asked uncertainly.

"Typist" is a respected profession in this era, and there are even schools dedicated to training typists.

"Uh, no." Duan Feizhuo said.

He had to find a reason why he was so familiar with typewriters.

"My uncle who passed away was a typist," he said. "He left a typewriter. I don't know how to use it, but sometimes I type it and play with it."

Miss Acheson was in awe, "Then you are really a genius who can learn without a teacher."

Duan Feizhuo was a little ashamed by her praise.

"You just type out these handwritten files, and organize them according to the labels." Miss Acheson patted the hill-like files, "It may take a long time, but they are all old files, so don't worry .If you have any questions, you can always ask me.”

After she finished speaking, she walked back to her work station.

I don't know if it was Duan Feizhuo's illusion, but he felt that Ms. Acheson's typing speed seemed to be faster. Maybe it was because Duan Feizhuo aroused her competitive spirit, or maybe it was because she was afraid that he would be wiped out by the insider in the industry. .

Duan Feizhuo took out the top file, replaced the typewriter with a new sheet of paper, and started working hard.

Ms. Q and Mr. R also buried their heads in the papers. Mr. R also went to the blackboard hanging on the wall and wrote several new names on it.

Duan Feizhuo had just typed two pieces of paper when he heard something banging on the window.

He looked out of the window, and saw a crow sitting at the window, constantly pecking at the glass with its beak.

Needless to say, it must be Xenophon. Duan Feizhuo got up and opened the window, and the crow jumped into the office, turning into a man with black hair and yellow eyes.

"You're late!" Ms. Q looked at Xenophon reproachfully.

"We are police detectives, we need flexible working hours." Xenophon said earnestly. This guy's work concept is very advanced, and he even knows "flexible working hours".

He turned to Duan Feizhuo, as if he had just noticed that there was an extra person here.

"Well, you're at work at last?" he said joyfully. "Miss Acheson's burden is lightened at last, isn't it?"

Miss Acheson ignored him and continued typing.

"Why did you turn into a crow to go to work?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"Because it's so fast. It can also avoid traffic jams."

Xenophon swayed to his own seat, sat down, and put his feet up on the desk, with an attitude of "I just want to fish openly today".

The office door was suddenly pushed open with a "bang". Z stood at the door and said to the corridor outside, "Then you go slowly, Your Excellency the Secretary."

His tone was indifferent, and he wished that Secretary Carter could get away as quickly as possible.

"I hope you can produce results as soon as possible." Carter said in an official tone, "don't let Her Majesty down."

Z snorted, walked into the office, and slammed the door behind him.

"Why is Carter here?" Xenophon asked lazily.

Z said nothing, his face livid.

Ms. Q answered Xenophon's question instead of him, "He asked to use secret techniques to control Jack the Ripper, and asked him to find the suspicious body restorer in Aberdeen—Duncan McLean."

"...Is Carter finally crazy?" Xenophon was not at all surprised by the secretary's request. As if Carter's madness was a thing that happened sooner or later.

Sitting at his desk, Z angrily took out the humidor and shook out a cigar, "Then we'll be led by a lunatic."

"He? Lead us?"

"He brought the queen's order, and we must obey him." Z gritted his teeth, "I really want to wring his head off, and our troubles will be cut in half."

He was about to light the cigar, but immediately realized that Duan Feizhuo was sitting opposite him, so he put down the match resentfully.

"Will you be disappointed to witness the dark side of the Abnormal Case Investigation Division on the first day of work?" He raised the corner of his mouth.

Duan Feizhuo feels that this question is really a proposition, and it is not acceptable to answer "yes", nor is it acceptable to answer "no".

He had no choice but to change the subject, "Isn't that secretary, Mr. Carter, the man in the photo you showed me?"

"That's right." Z said.

Duan Feizhuo was really surprised that he was so calm.

"He may be behind the incident at Perilla Manor!" he shouted.

"It is true. But we have no evidence." Z said lightly.

"Let such a suspicious guy order us?" Duan Feizhuo was very dissatisfied.

Wait, "we"? Since when did he subtly consider himself a member of the Night Watchmen?

Xenophon pressed Duan Feizhuo's shoulder and pushed him back onto the chair with all his strength.

"We know he's suspicious, but he doesn't know we know." Xenophon seemed to be saying a tongue twister, "It's a good opportunity to spy on him, isn't it?"

Z nodded, "As long as he is a fox, sooner or later he will show his tail. We might as well obey his instructions and let him relax his vigilance."

Duan Feizhuo pretended to understand.

Good guy. he thinks. Are you guys going to play Infernal Affairs in front of Secretary Carter? Is Infernal Affairs a tradition of The Nightmare? Looking at it this way, the self lurking inside the night policeman seems to have integrated into the group immediately!

Z turns to Ms. Q. "I have to trouble you to perform the mind control illusion on Jack the Ripper."

"It's too dangerous, do we really need to do this?" Ms. Q was worried.

"Your Excellency the Secretary ordered so." Z was unhappy, "R, you go and protect Ms. Q."

R saluted hastily.

Duan Feizhuo's eyes widened, "Ms. Q is also..."

"Also a mystic. Same as me." Xenophon said proudly, "She is good at spirit seance and illusion."

Although this guy keeps talking about "mystic philosophy is not for learning", but Duan Feizhuo can see that he is still very proud of his status as a mystic.

Ms. Q and Mr. R leave the office and go to the dungeon. Duan Feizhuo had never seen the dungeon of the night policeman before, and he sincerely prayed that he would never see it in his life.

The first day of being a night vigilante was spent typing, typing, typing. The typewriters of this era are too strenuous to type, and Duan Feizhuo's fingers are almost broken. He never knew typing was such a tiring job.

Ms. Q and Mr. R went to prepare the secret and never came back. Duan Feizhuo didn't want to know what kind of secret technique they planned to use. Just thinking about it makes my hair stand on end.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, they all left work on time (except Miss Acheson). Xenophon turned into a raven and flew away with flapping wings. Duan Feizhuo was a little jealous of his Animagus ability anytime and anywhere.

So, again, he and Z walked side by side through the dark corridor to the gate of Scotland Yard.

"Are you still getting used to the first day at work?" Z asked in the tone of an old leader.

"It's just typing, nothing else." Duan Feizhuo moved his sore shoulder.

"If you just type all day and night, you should be grateful. Such days when nothing happens are rare for the Abnormal Case Investigation Division."

"What are the common situations?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"Sit in your office and worry about your colleagues who are away. If they come back, write their reports. If they don't, write their obituaries."

Z's tone was flat, as if this phenomenon was commonplace. Duan Feizhuo was terrified when he heard it.

"Do you need me to take you back?" Z asked.

Duan Feizhuo wanted to answer "need". He was happy from the bottom of his heart to be able to stay with Z for a while longer and talk about things unrelated to work. But he thought about it, and finally said, "No need, I'm not a child, I need my parents to pick me up every day."

Z laughed. When he laughed, even the hazy London sky lit up instantly.

"Then be careful on the road." He waved his hand and boarded a carriage.

Duan Feizhuo also took the carriage back to No. 49, Francise Square. After a hard day, he urgently needs Al's cooking to replenish his energy.

But before he entered the house, he heard eager conversations coming from the house.

Are there any guests? Is that Mr. Yeats?

Duan Feizhuo pushed the door open and entered, and what he saw was a huge figure—it was Mr. Lin En, a lawyer whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Oh, I was talking about you with Al, kid!" Mr. Lynn ran towards Duan Feizhuo cheerfully.

"Why are you here?" Duan Feizhuo was surprised. The last time I met Mr. Lynn was the day I went to his house to enjoy the "delicacy of mountains and seas". He will never forget that meal.

"If the mountain doesn't come, it's me, so I have to go to the mountain." Mr. Lin En quoted the scriptures, "I came to see you several times, but you have traveled far away. You have been really busy recently!"

"I'm sorry, something has happened lately. I meant to call on you as soon as I got back to London, but I haven't had time..."

Duan Feizhuo handed the coat to Al, but the boy smiled and did not reach out to take it.

"I know, I know." Mr. Lynn waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care about those details. "Al told me. You were hired by Scotland Yard, didn't you? It's amazing! Scotland Yard! Help the people of London to clean up the violence The great organization of your uncle! If your uncle’s spirit in heaven knew about this, he would be moved to tears!”

Duan Feizhuo believed that if Joseph Chester found out that his nephew had entered Scotland Yard, he would indeed cry, but he would not cry out of emotion, but out of anger.

He smiled embarrassingly, "It's just a clerk, and it's not full-time. I only work three days a week."

"That's amazing! That's your first step into society!" Mr. Lynn beamed, "To celebrate this great event, you must come to our house for dinner!"

For a moment, Duan Feizhuo seemed to see Joseph Chester on the cloud, accompanied by a group of little angels, waving at him.

"Then there's no need for it!" he screamed.

He understood now why Al hadn't taken his coat. Because he is about to go out again.

It's a pity that Al only knows one thing and doesn't know the other. If he had tasted Mrs. Lynn's "masterpieces", he might have stolen all the clothes from Duan Feizhuo's family overnight, so that his master could not go out, so that he would not have to suffer from those "masterpieces".

"I know my wife's cooking skills are really..." Mr. Lynn coughed twice embarrassedly, "But the food is not the most important thing, it's who you have dinner with that is the most important thing, isn't it?"

...What, the dinner at Lynn's is so bad that the guests would rather eat other guests?

Mr. Lin En pushed Duan Feizhuo out the door, and blocked his retreat with his own body. Duan Feizhuo had no choice but to go downstairs, and walked towards Lynn's mansion with a tragic expression on his face, as if he was not going to dinner, but to the guillotine.

Al locked the door and followed them, but kept his distance. As a well-trained personal servant, he must be at the command of the master at any time, but he must not disturb the conversation between the master and other people.

Mr. Lynn said cheerfully, "My daughter Luisa is coming home today, and this meal should be her cleansing."

"Miss Lin En is on vacation?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"Oh, no, no, she's just come back from her aunt in Derbyshire," Mr Lynn explained. "Her aunt took her on a trip on a steamship! She's so excited! Would love to hear her My travel experience!"

Lynn's house is not far away, and they will be there soon. Like last time, Mrs. Lynn came to answer the door herself. She passionately kissed Duan Feizhuo on both cheeks, and greeted Al again.

"Is your mother all right?" she said. "How's business at the tailor?"

"Thanks to you, the business is booming, ma'am." Arke said politely. Mrs. Lynn was a regular customer at his mother's tailor.

"Since the social season is coming, I think it's time to take Louisa to order some new clothes."

"I look forward to seeing you and the lady at any time. We have added new fashion designs to our store, and you are sure to like them."

Mrs. Lynn smiled, and said to Duan Feizhuo, "Al, this kid has become much smarter. When I saw him before, he was always dull and didn't like to talk. Now he can speak well. He must have become a boy for you." Servant, have you learned how to behave in the world?"

Duan Feizhuo didn't think Al was dull before. The kid was always chattering in front of him, and the parrot paled in comparison.

Mrs Lynn led them into the drawing-room, where the maid served tea. As a servant, Al was not qualified to sit at the same table with his master, so he went to the kitchen. There was special food for the servants. Everyone except Duan Feizhuo is used to this. Duan Feizhuo deeply felt the gap between being a modern person and them.

They munched on rock-hard biscuits while they waited for Louisa to return. Mr. Lynn couldn't wait to tell his wife about Duan Feizhuo's new job.

"I didn't expect this young man to be so promising!" Mr. Lin En said happily, "How lucky the woman who will become his wife in the future! What an honor to be his father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Duan Feizhuo stared at the teacup with a tense face, pretending not to understand his hint.

Mrs. Lynn disagreed. On the issue of her daughter's marriage, she and her husband have completely opposite attitudes. "Wouldn't it be honorable to be a husband and wife without a son-in-law?" She glared at her husband.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to turn into an awkward direction again, Duan Feizhuo was rescued by a doorbell.

Lynn's maid went to open the door. "Welcome back, miss."

Everyone rose at the same time to welcome Luisa home.

Wearing her blue girls' school uniform and carrying a leather suitcase, she staggered into the home. The maid held out her hand and asked her to pass her the suitcase, but Luisa walked past the maid, undecided.

"Ah, Louisa! Look who's coming to your clean-up party!" Mr. Lynn greeted his daughter cheerfully.

Luisa staggered towards her parents. Her staggering gait seemed to be drunk or seriously ill.

"You probably don't know, Leo, he's at Scotland Yard..."

Mr. Lynn's voice trailed off. Even the most optimistic he could sense something was wrong with his daughter.

The girl gave a weak, hollow smile.

Then she fell straight up.

The maid screamed.

"Miss! What's the matter with you, miss?"

The Lynns rushed to their daughter in panic. Mr Lynn picked up Louisa and transferred her to the sofa. Mrs. Lynn hurriedly ordered the maid to find emergency medicines such as smelling salts.

"Can I have a look?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

Mr. Lynn was sweating profusely, and then he remembered that he also studied medicine. Although he did not have a license, he was better than those who knew nothing about medicine.

"S-Of course! Please..." He moved away from the sofa.

Duan Feizhuo knelt on the carpet, feeling the girl's pulse and breathing. Her heart was beating extremely fast and her breathing was short of breath. At the same time, his skin was as hot as a soldering iron, and Duan Feizhuo couldn't help but withdraw his hand after touching it a few times, for fear of being burned.

This is no ordinary fever. How can human body temperature be so high?

What was even more frightening was that the veins in Luisa's arm turned a strange crimson red, as if what flowed in her blood vessels was no longer blood, but hot magma. Duan Feizhuo opened her eyelids and found that the whites of her eyes had also turned red, and the congestion was extremely serious.

The maid brought smelling salts. She swung the smelling salts in front of Louisa's nose, and Louisa's eyelids twitched, but they did not open.

Mrs. Lynn let out a loud howl. "What's wrong with her, Leo? Can you diagnose it?"

Duan Feizhuo shook his head with a solemn expression. He had never seen such a disease. Not only did he not see it when he was an unlicensed black doctor, but he also didn't see it in modern medical textbooks.

It stands to reason that such a special symptom should be a rare but well-known disease, but Duan Feizhuo searched and thought for a long time, and recalled every textbook he had read, but could not find the answer.

"I think it's better to rush to the hospital." He said apologetically.

The noise in the living room alarmed Al in the kitchen. He leaned over curiously, wanting to watch the excitement, but when he saw the bright red veins on Luisa's arm, he gasped.

"I've seen this disease!"

Everyone looked at him at the same time. The young man's face was pale, and even his lips lost their color. This scene seemed to remind him of some horrible and painful past.

"What is the disease, Al?" Duan Feizhuo was impatient.

The boy's lips trembled. "Ether disease!" He trembled, "Absolutely! My father died of this disease!"

late at night. Hospital. Internal medicine ward.

Miss Louisa was lying in a hospital bed, still unconscious. A doctor and two night nurses were examining her.

It was not convenient for the men to be present at this scene, so Duan Feizhuo gathered outside the ward with Al and Mr. Lynn.

After Miss Louisa fell into a coma, Mr. Lynn rushed her to the hospital immediately. When the doctor saw the bright red lines on her arm, she was hospitalized immediately.

When Lin En and his wife heard the word "hospitalized", they were terrified on the spot. Perhaps influenced by Al's sentence "My father died of this disease", they thought that Louisa was hopeless.

Mrs. Lynn covered her face with her handkerchief, sobbing and crying, "My poor daughter, why is she so miserable?"

Mr. Lynn recited all the prayers and hymns he knew. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he prayed, Luisa did not wake up.

In the end, it was Duan Feizhuo who made the decision and arranged for Louisa to be hospitalized, and asked Al and Lynn's maid to pack and buy some personal items needed for hospitalization. When they came back with towels, washbasins, a change of clothes, etc., the Lynn couple just calmed down.

"I don't understand. I had a telegram with her aunt the day before Louisa came home," said Mrs. Lynn with tears on her face. "She said that Louisa was in good health and the fresh air in the country was very good for her body." Help, she sleeps well at night, is also energetic during the day, and has never suffered from sleepwalking again. But why did she...just..."

She uttered a loud howl, flung herself on her husband's shoulder, and could no longer speak but sob.

Al's face was serious, "Ether disease is like this. There is no sign before the disease. I remember the day my father fell ill. He was fine when he went out in the morning. He said he was going to visit customers and promised to bring me my favorite when he came back. The toast…”

The boy's eyes dimmed, and tears filled his blue eyes. Even though his father had passed away for a long time, he still couldn't help crying when he thought of the situation at that time.

"...But when he came back in the afternoon, that symptom appeared on his body. His body temperature was frighteningly high, and all the blood vessels turned red, as if magma was flowing in his body." The boy shuddered, "My mother also Immediately sent him to the hospital, but he stayed in the hospital for a long time, took a lot of medicine, and had a lot of injections, but he didn’t get better. Later, our family didn’t even have the money for hospitalization, and my mother had to borrow money everywhere. I can't even borrow money, so I can only take my father home..."

Al bit his lip and stared at the ground motionless.

Duan Feizhuo patted the boy on the shoulder, hoping to comfort him. The boy's eyes were red, but he tried his best not to shed tears.

At that time, Al's mother also borrowed money from Mrs. Lynn, but because she couldn't pay, she had to use her pearl necklace to pay off the debt. But she didn't know that the necklace was tampered with by the mystic Smith, and at some point it would strangle the wearer. Smith wanted to use the necklace to hurt Al's mother, but accidentally killed Louisa. Fortunately, Duan Feizhuo was present and saved her.

Duan Feizhuo couldn't help wondering, could it be his fault? Was it his unintentional behavior that led to a series of results later? Like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a storm?

Or, no matter what he did at the time, Louisa's illness was an unalterable fact? Will Louisa get too sick even if she stays in London?

After the doctor examined Louisa, he led the nurse out of the ward and closed the door gently.

"Patient's family?" He glanced at a large group of people outside.

Lynn and his wife rushed to meet them.

"We are the parents of that child." Mr. Lynn said with a sad face, "how is she?"

"Hospitalization is required," the doctor said calmly. "We'll give her some medicine and see how it works."

Mrs. Lynn hurriedly asked, "As long as those medicines are effective for ether disease, you can take them, we can afford them!"

The doctor frowned unhappily when he heard the words "ether disease". "Madam, please don't use the unprofessional term 'ether disease'." He said in a persuasive tone, "at present, the medical profession does not recognize the disease name 'ether disease' at all. From the perspective of our professionals, it is a new type of disease. It is produced inside the human body, just like cancer. It has nothing to do with ether crystallization or anything. We call this disease "ether disease" and it will cause huge misunderstanding."

"But..." Mrs. Lynn glanced at Al, not knowing who to believe.

The doctor said righteously, "Ma'am, in the past when medicine was not well developed, didn't people think that diseases such as cholera and dysentery were transmitted through miasma? Later, when medicine developed, everyone knew that it was caused by germs. If there are still people who hold the 'miasma theory', wouldn't that be ridiculous? In the same way, since there is no evidence to prove that this new disease is caused by ether crystals, how can it be called ether disease? Council of Science Advancement Many experts and scholars have unanimously demonstrated that ether crystals are crystals of pure energy, how can it spread diseases?"

Mrs. Lynn was rendered speechless by the doctor's words, so she could only nod in agreement.

Duan Feizhuo didn't think so. Council for the Advancement of Science? In his eyes, that organization has no credibility at all. Secretary Carter is also a member of that organization, but he may be behind the Perilla Manor incident. Now Duan Feizhuo doesn't believe a single word that the Science Progress Committee says.

Al stared at the doctor angrily, as if he really wanted to reason with him. Duan Feizhuo pressed the young man's shoulder, shook his head, and signaled him to be calm.

The boy had no choice but to clenched his fists, "hummed", turned his face away and stopped talking.

"Okay, don't disturb the patient's rest." The doctor waved his hand to signal them to leave, "You can leave one person to take care of it. Everyone else should go back. If you always gather here, it will also affect other patients."

He glanced back at the ward. Louisa is not alone in the ward. Duan Feizhuo counted, there were six beds in total, except for one that was empty, the curtains were drawn around the other beds, leaving privacy for the patients. In other words, including Luisa, there are five patients in total.

The Lynns left the maid to look after the patient. Mrs. Lynn looked at the ward reluctantly, wanting to be with her daughter, but Mr. Lynn put his arms around her shoulders, "Okay, go back, and change shifts tomorrow during the day. What if you are exhausted ?”

Mrs. Lynn burst into tears, "Then I might as well go with Louisa..."

"Don't be silly! Louisa will be fine! Didn't you hear the doctor say that the disease is not called 'ether disease'! The doctor must have a way to cure it..."

Al interrupted Mr. Lynn, "When my father was hospitalized, the doctor said the same thing. But what happened?"

He seemed to sense that it was impolite to contradict a gentleman in this way, and added, "I don't blame you, sir. But I don't think you can listen to what the doctor says. After all, I have seen the ether disease with my own eyes. What kind of people are you..."

Mr. Lynn's lips turned pale. "You mean, Louisa is hopeless?"

"Miss Louisa's current state should not be too serious." Al glanced at the ward. "Those people with serious illnesses not only turn red all over, but also talk nonsense. At that time, they will be terminally ill, and they will not die at all." save."

Mrs. Lynn's body swayed, but thanks to her husband's support, she didn't fall down.

At this moment, a mournful howl suddenly sounded in the ward. Everyone couldn't help covering their ears. The sound was like scratching a blackboard with nails. Can human vocal cords make such a terrifying sound?

The doctor who had just left heard the wailing and hurried back again. Buzzing voices came from other wards, and the inpatients were woken up by howling.

Duan Feizhuo thought it was Luisa who was crying at first, but the doctor opened the curtain of another hospital bed. Duan Feizhuo only took a quick glance and saw a middle-aged woman lying on the bed.

The woman's symptoms were more serious than Luisa's. Not only the veins on her body, but also the capillaries turned bright red, and her whole body seemed to be covered by a red net. She struggled and twisted on the bed, kept screaming, scratched the air with her hands, and almost poked the doctor in the eye several times.

"Hold her!" ordered the doctor.

Two nurses grabbed the female patient's hands from left to right, pulled out a belt from under the bed, and tied her tightly.

"Give her a sedative!" the doctor ordered again.

A nurse hurried to get the medicine.

Lynn and his wife hugged each other nervously, while Al hugged Duan Feizhu's waist in fear. Duan Feizhuo himself was also terrified, he had never seen such a severe seizure, it was even scarier than epilepsy.

The screaming of the female patient stopped without warning.

She opened her eyes suddenly. The bloodshot eyes had turned completely red, and even the irises could not be seen clearly.

"...he was betrayed by his own apostles and killed by his own people."

The female patient said quietly.

"...He was torn apart, falling from the highest point of the sky to the deepest part of the earth."

What is she talking about? Poetry readings?

Duan Feizhuo felt Al's arms holding him gradually tightened. The boy stared in horror, as if he had witnessed the end of the world.

The female patient continued, "...He cursed those rebels so that they would never be able to feel His grace forever."

The nurse came back pushing a cart full of medicines and medical equipment. The doctor picked out the sedative and pumped it into the needle tube, while the nurses were trained to rub alcohol on the arm of the female patient to disinfect it.

Looking at the needle tube, the female patient inexplicably showed a reassuring smile.

"...But there are still people who are looking forward to His return."

After saying this, she tilted her head and stopped moving.

That smile froze on her face, like an eternal and strange mask.

The doctor put the needle tube back on the trolley, felt the woman's pulse, and took out the pocket watch to check the time.

"Tuesday, May 16th at 0:14 am." He reported the time of death of the female patient in a tone that was so calm that it was almost cold.

When he walked out of the hospital, Duan Feizhuo's legs felt weak. He didn't even know how he kept going down the stairs.

The horrifying appearance of the female patient before she died has been lingering in his mind, like a lingering nightmare. No, Duan Feizhuo has seen many more terrifying scenes than that female patient's attack - he is an unlicensed black doctor who doesn't even change his face when he amputates a limb. But as soon as he recalled the appearance of the female patient, he felt a nameless chill hit his heart.

That's not the fear of disease, it's the fear of the unknown.

"Al," Duan Feizhuo called out the servant's name, "you said that the late stage symptoms of people suffering from ether disease are nonsense. The lady who passed away just now... She also said a lot of strange things. You mean her Is that what it looked like before it died?"

The boy nodded slowly. "My dad died the same way." He choked up. "We don't understand what he means at all. It's a bit like reciting poetry. After he finished speaking, he died."

The Lynns were shocked when they heard the words. Mrs. Lynn began to cry again.

"My poor daughter, how could this happen..." Her handkerchief was already soaked.

Mr. Lynn, who had been so confident in the doctor just now, was now a doubter too. Witnessing the death of an etheric patient had a huge impact on his worldview.

"What if the doctors can't cure Louisa?" he murmured. "If they can, the lady won't die!"

Mrs. Lynn grabbed Al, as if treating the boy as a life-saving straw.

"Son, you know more about ether disease than we do. Is Luisa really hopeless? As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we all want to try! Which doctors has your father seen? What medicines have you taken? We are not afraid to spend money , as long as it is effective, we are willing to pay even gold and silver mountains..."

"Ma'am, if I knew, my father wouldn't be dead," said Al darkly.

He turned to Duan Feizhuo, and gave a look of pleading help, as if asking you are a great mystic, an omnipotent trading house owner, can you even do anything?