MTL - He Became a Salted Fish After Inheriting Millions of Secret Arts-Chapter 64 knighted (1)

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The violent vibration of the airship made Duan Feizhuo almost bump into the cylindrical container.

His intuition told him that something must have happened to Colonel Freeman. He hoped very much that the colonel had taken control of the bridge. Because in order to destroy the mind control circle, the liquid in the cylindrical container must be drained, and the engine will stop running accordingly. Before that, the Wellington must land to safety.

The vibration became more intense, and Duan Feizhuo could clearly feel that the ship was tilting. This is not normal flight, but a downward dive.

The animals panicked, and the two parrots were chirping non-stop, which made people's brain hurt. The fox and the squirrel ran around restlessly. The snake swam behind Duan Feizhuo, hissing dangerously.

Suddenly, a majestic voice resounded through the fuel tank.

"Attention all departments, I am Captain Henry Freeman. I have taken control of the bridge and quelled the mutiny. The Wellington is temporarily out of order. All personnel remain calm, do not panic, return to their posts, continue to work, and wait for the next step Instructions! Repeat..."

Duan Feizhuo's eyes lit up. Well done Colonel Freeman! I didn't expect to recover the Wellington so soon!

He looked around, looking for the source of the sound, and finally found the microphone in the corner of the fuel tank. In the days before radio was invented, sound could only be transmitted to various parts of the ship through copper pipes. The advantage is that as long as the pipe is not blocked, commands can always be delivered unimpeded. The downside is that someone has to be in front of the megaphone at all times. After all, the megaphone doesn't have a telephone ring.

He ran over and grabbed the microphone: "Colonel Freeman, I'm in the fuel room. What's the situation with the airship?"

After a while, the Colonel's voice came back: "Have you found 'that'?"

"Yes. I need to stop the etheric crystallization power engine for a while. Can the airship land on the sea?"

"Not now. The ship's differential engine has been tampered with. We can't control the airship ourselves. Let alone shut down the engine or let the airship land...Warrant Officer Levy, what are you going to say?"

Duan Feizhuo was at a loss, who was Warrant Officer Li Wei? The colonel's subordinates?

Another voice came from the microphone: "Hi, sir, I'm Levi from the maintenance team. If you want to stop the engine, you can directly drain the liquid in the ether crystal decomposer. If the crystal does not decompose, the engine will have no power. .Although there is a very low probability of engine failure, it is worth a try."

Duan Feizhuo thought for a while, is emptying the decomposer the same as taking the coal out of the coal stove?

"But in this way, the airship will not fall?" he asked.

Colonel Freeman switched back to the megaphone: "Not yet. We are now..." He stopped talking for a long time before saying in an unbelievable tone, "That monster is carrying the Wellington."

Duan Feizhuo was taken aback, thinking he had heard wrongly, so he plucked his ears vigorously. "You mean, the Leviathan? It's carrying... the Wellington?"

The colonel was silent for a moment, and said: "I know it sounds outrageous, but it is the truth. You will know it when you see it with your own eyes. I am not sure how long it can last, please complete the task as soon as possible."

Duan Feizhuo has encountered many strange things in his life, and this one probably ranks among the top three. Leviathan, who was still on a killing spree before, suddenly changed his character, and the building was about to collapse, and the spaceship was about to fall?

Monsters and animals save human beings, but human beings are killing each other. How does this reverse the era of chaos?

He didn't have time to think about this philosophical conundrum. Regardless of Leviathan's motivation to help them, he must race against time to destroy the mind control circle. The operation of the Wellington is inseparable from the control of the senior crew and technicians. If they do not cooperate, the others will have to be trapped in the North Pole for a lifetime and never return to London.

Duan Feizhuo returned to the cylindrical container—now he knew that it was originally called a disassembler.

The buttons on the panel are marked with functions. He presses the "Empty" button. A pair of mechanical arms hung down from above the disintegrator, clamping the ether crystals, and then the liquid level in the container dropped slowly, and finally emptied.

He opened the glass cover of the disassembler, jumped into the base, and directly absorbed energy to smooth the magic circle.

Meanwhile, the bridge.

Many senior crew members who were suppressed held their heads and groaned. The cold look faded from their faces as if the ice and snow had melted. Now they are more at a loss and puzzled, as if wondering why they are here and why they are pushed to the ground by soldiers.

Colonel Freeman crouched before the navigator. The latter blinked vigorously and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

"Are you awake?" the colonel asked with a smile.

"What's wrong with me?" The navigator frowned, "I seem to have had a long, long dream, dreaming that I did a lot of unreasonable things..."

"Since you are awake, please go and modify the shipboard difference engine."

"Why modify it? Isn't it good?"

Colonel Freeman sighed: "...I will explain to you later."

He ordered the soldiers to let go of the senior crew. The soldiers were at first reluctant, and even the dullest among them realized that it was this gang of senior officers who had banded together to entrap the Colonel and ordered an attack on those who resisted. What if they started to be demons again after they were freed?

But who dares to disobey the captain's order? They couldn't trust this group of senior crew members, but they were convinced by the captain.

The weight on the navigator disappeared. The captain held out his hand to him. The navigator hesitated. As his will gradually became clearer, he suddenly had a terrible idea: maybe his "dream" was real, he secretly tampered with the program of the shipboard differential engine, and this alone was enough for him to go to a military court and sit down. Imprisoned forever.

But the captain held out his hand to him. The captain's expression seemed to say: It's not your fault, I don't care, with me, all of you will be fine.

The navigator held the captain's hand and was pulled up. He immediately went to work and began to modify the difference engine program. He fed the punched paper strips into the difference engine. The other senior crew members also gradually recovered their sanity. Although they are still a little dazed, the habits they have developed through years of training allowed them to quickly enter the state, helping the navigator to modify the balance parameters of the hull and adjust the route.

The vibrating hull finally stabilized. The moment the vibrating hum completely disappeared, the entire airship fell into absolute silence. The crew looked at me, I looked at you, and then burst into earth-shattering cheers.

On the other side, in the fuel room.

After destroying the magic circle, Duan Feizhuo put down the glass cover and re-injected the solution into the decomposer. The etheric crystal power engine restarted, and he could clearly feel that the hull had not only regained its balance, but was still rising slowly, which showed that the Wellington was at least out of the risk of crashing.

The animals stopped restless, but clung to him. The parrot flew onto his shoulder, rubbed against his cheek, and nibbled his earlobe with its pointed beak. The squirrel got into his collar, only a big fluffy tail was exposed, and the fluff scratched him so much that he just wanted to laugh. The fox jumped up and down in front of him, pulling at his clothes with its front paws. The snake was very cold, but it just swam to his feet and coiled itself like a mosquito coil.

They are safe. I can finally go home.

But there are some people who stay at the end of this cold world forever.

Duan Feizhuo choked up, and decided not to think about those who died. He will mourn them, but not now. He wants to give priority to leaving time for those who are still alive.

He turned away from the fuel tank and followed the map in his mind to the bridge. The animals followed him step by step. Happy soldiers can be seen along the way. They hugged each other's shoulders, some sang songs, and some wept with joy for the rest of their lives. Many people have died, but they have no intention to heal. Some had sided with the "rebels" in the previous "crackdown", while others had attacked them as suppressors. But at this moment, all the barriers between them have disappeared. There were no more suppressors, no rebels, they were all part of the Wellington.

Many people cast surprised and puzzled looks at Duan Feizhuo, as if they were asking why this person was on our boat. Then they remembered that this man was one of the scholars on board. They remember that there are obviously two scholars, why is there only one left now? What about the other one?

Duan Feizhuo boarded the bridge while enjoying their gaze. There are still traces of the battle here, and a dark red bloodstain extends from the console to the door. But order has been restored. Everyone sat at the console and went about their work. He heard them report parameters, order subordinates, pass messages...

Captain Freeman stood at the forefront of the bridge. Seeing Duan Feizhuo, he warmly greeted him.

"Thank you, sir, without you the Wellington would not exist now!"

Duan Feizhuo smiled stiffly: "It's nothing, I just made a small contribution."

He looked around, but did not see the adjutant. He already knew who the bloodstain on the bridge belonged to.

"I've given the order to return," Colonel Freeman said. "This time we're going to make no detours and go straight to London. I think we should be able to arrive in a few hours."

"But what about your mission? You escorted Simon here, but he died and the Leviathan was not tamed. You just returned?"

Colonel Freeman smiled regretfully: "I will take full responsibility for this failure. It is all due to my negligence that led to this result. However, I don't think we are a complete failure."

"Leviathan has not been tamed." Duan Feizhuo reminded him.

"Yes, but..." Colonel Freeman hesitated to speak, and looked out of the porthole.

Duan Feizhuo didn't understand what he was looking at. There was nothing beyond the portholes but the unchanging sky and sea.

Then, it got dark.

It's not dark anymore. The Arctic day is long, and it is still far from sunset. It was some kind of monstrosity that blocked the light.

He also followed Colonel Freeman to look out the window.

A large, blood-red eye filled the window.

He gasped, subconsciously extracting energy to protect himself.

Colonel Freeman laughed. "Don't worry, it won't attack us."

"That's the Leviathan." Duan Feizhuo reminded him, "It's the one that killed Simon, and it also fought the Wellington."

"Look carefully."

Duan Feizhuo walked to the window and looked at the blood-red eye across the air.

The Wellington is sailing between the sea and the sky, and the Leviathan is flying shoulder to shoulder with it.

The blood-red eyes blinked, and moved slightly away from the Wellington. The whole picture of the giant beast was revealed. It was a bit like the dragon that Duan Feizhuo had seen in fantasy movies, but it was more terrifying than the dragon, with sharp teeth, spikes on the back, and pitch-black scales, like a flying nightmare.

There was a smear of frost on the top of the pitch-black giant beast's head.

Duan Feizhuo pressed against the glass, unable to believe his eyes.

The man crouching on top of the giant beast's head also turned his head to look at him, and with his remaining hand, he brushed aside the silver hair covering his eyes, while the empty sleeves on the other side fluttered in the wind.

how can that be…

"Colonel Freeman, am I dazzled?" He asked carefully, "Is there someone on Leviathan?"

Colonel Freeman walked up to him, folded his hands behind his back, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

"There is one. The navigator told me it was Mr. Sinnia, a scholar of the Royal Academy. Eh? Isn't he your companion?"

Duan Feizhuo forgot how to breathe.

He clearly watched that person fall into the ice sea. Is it possible to survive falling into the sea from that height?

Ordinary people may not be able to, but maybe a modified body can withstand the impact of a fall?

His mind raced to analyze the possibility of surviving the fall into the water. Strange how his mind is preoccupied with physics at times like this, instead of...not...

He dared not think about anything else. It seems that once he imagines something and expects something, what he expects will be far away and disappear forever.

Leviathan suddenly flew upwards. Duan Feizhuo let out a cry of surprise and raised his head, but the white figure was no longer visible from below.

Then he realized it wasn't the Leviathan that was going up, but the Wellington was going down.

"There is a harbor on the island over there. Moor for a while." Colonel Freeman ordered, "Let Mr. Sinia board."

The return of Z won the applause of the entire crew. They regarded him as a hero who tamed the monster and gave him the highest courtesy. From the moment he set foot on the Wellington, people kept rushing to shake his hand, pat him on the shoulder, and even asked for his autograph. If they had flowers in their hands, there would be a flower road under Z's feet now.

He didn't say anything, just kept a polite indifferent smile, and walked among the cheering crew members. Even Colonel Freeman came to greet him in person.

The two actually met for the first time. Long before Z boarded the ship, Colonel Freeman was imprisoned in the hold by the fake colonel. He shook hands with Z like old friends who have known each other for many years, praised each other's courage, and couldn't help but look at his empty sleeves.

Finally it was Duan Feizhuo's turn. He intentionally put himself at the end of the queue to delay the time to meet Z, but he was finally in the queue.

After exchanging pleasantries with Colonel Freeman, Z's gaze inevitably met him.

Their eyes met, and the two quickly looked away.

"Colonel, excuse me." Z said, "I'm going to fix my prosthetic."

"Of course, of course, please do." Colonel Freeman smiled, "Will you come to our celebration dinner?"

"It depends." Z was noncommittal.

A few minutes later, Z was sitting in his cabin. The animals squatted at his feet, looking at the man whose half body was made of metal with curious eyes. Z looked a little uncomfortable.

"Can you get them out?" he asked.

"They don't listen to me." Duan Feizhuo pouted.

He took out his prosthetic leg and stared at Z.

"I'll do it myself," Z said.

Duan Feizhuo handed him the prosthesis. He held his hand and looked up at the young man in front of him, indifferent.

"What's wrong? Do you want me to turn around?" Duan Feizhuo asked teasingly.

"That's really a thank you." Z said jokingly.

It's not that I haven't seen his body, so I don't know what he is struggling with. Duan Feizhuo turned his back to Z, folded his arms, and tapped his toes impatiently on the floor.

Z took off his coat slowly, and unbuttoned his shirt awkwardly with one hand.

"How did you survive?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"You don't necessarily die if you fall into the sea." Z waved his shirt away.

"What about the Leviathan? Have you tamed it?"

"No. I just... I found that I could communicate with it. It said we all have ether crystals in us. Maybe we can communicate because of that."

Z's heart is driven by ether crystals, Duan Feizhuo knew about it, but it was the first time he heard that there were crystals in Leviathan's body.

"What about you? What's going on on the Wellington?"

Duan Feizhuo succinctly explained everything that happened. Z listened and checked the interface of the prosthesis. After confirming that there was no problem, he pointed the interface at his shoulder and pressed hard.

He grunted.

Duan Feizhuo turned around with concern, and then turned his head quickly. Z can't tell him to read it, so he doesn't want to read it.

Z moved his arm, trying to flex and stretch his fingers.

"Why do I think this hand is weird?"

"Uh... probably because I stored energy in it. You know, my ring was confiscated by the fake colonel, and your prosthetic just happens to be brass."


"If you don't like it, I'll draw out the energy."

"No need." Z said, "It's nothing uncomfortable. And if you run out of energy in the future, you can take it directly from me..."

He stopped and refused to speak any more.

Further down, it is tantamount to acquiescing that they will continue to be together in the future.

Z's eyes lingered in the cabin, and finally fell on his suitcase. The box was originally placed under the bed, but now it was pulled out.

A faint anxiety floated in his heart.

"Have you read my suicide note?" he asked in a low voice.


"...Then what do you think of the writing?"

Duan Feizhuo burst out laughing. How could there be such a person in the world who actually asked others to evaluate his suicide note? Do you want him to praise the suicide note for its beautiful rhetoric, sincere and moving emotion, and then give it a score?

Z definitely didn't mean to ask this.

He knew what Z wanted to ask.

His toes kicked the ground intermittently. Give him enough time and he can kick the metal floor out of a pit.

After hesitating for a while, he asked, "Why Miss Acheson?"

Z raised his head in astonishment: "Huh?"

"Why did you appoint Ms. Acheson to be the next leader of the Night Vigilante? I know that every generation of leaders is held by non-mystics, but Miss Acheson is too young, right? Isn't Mr. R more suitable?"

"R's character is not suitable for being a leader, he is too unstable. Miss Acheson is more suitable. Besides, her father was the leader of the previous night police, and he is highly regarded by everyone."

Duan Feizhuo asked again: "Then who is Mr. N? Why did you appoint him to assist Miss Acheson?"

"You haven't seen him, he's on a long vacation now... No, that's all you want to ask after reading my suicide note?"

Z's voice became a little shrill.

Duan Feizhuo stared at his toes.

Z said nothing, and he followed suit.

The animals looked at Z for a while, and Duan Feizhuo for a while, turning their heads left and right.

After a long time, Duan Feizhuo couldn't bear the awkward and weird atmosphere anymore. "I really didn't mean to deceive you."


"I was going to close the trading house forever. Who would have thought that there would be a theater soon. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Yeats. He will testify for me."


"I had no choice but to run a trading company back then. I just wanted to help others sell things to earn some life-saving money."


"I didn't expect that selling that doll to Mrs. Boyle would harm Miss Madeleine. In fact, I have known for a long time that the customers of the trading house are mixed, and some people will use the goods they bought to do evil. But I..."


"I don't know what to do. It's like it's not right to run it, and it's not right not to run it."


"Why do not you speak?"

Duan Feizhuo turned around and faced Z, green eyes staring at red eyes.

Z's shirt was only half covered, revealing half of his bruised body.

"...That's what I think. Don't forget the celebration banquet tonight."

Duan Feizhuo opened the cabin door and let the animals file out first.

He had just raised one leg when suddenly a hand stretched out behind his back and pushed the door shut again.

Z hugged his body from behind, his mechanical prosthetics tightly clasped his waist, and buried his head in the socket of his neck.

Duan Feizhuo was petrified as if struck by lightning.

"I believe in you." Z's deep and hoarse voice rang in his ears.

He is willing to believe every word this man says.

It doesn't matter if it's a lie or a scam. He was willing to be cheated.

What a sweet lie that was.

And he knew that from now on, this young man would never lie to him again.

How sweet is the true fruit.

Can't taste enough.

Z held Duan Feizhuo's shoulders, forcing him to turn around and face him.


Before Z finished speaking, his lips were sealed.

Z's eyes widened slightly.

Duan Feizhuo stood on tiptoe and kissed him fiercely, biting him like a wild beast. It was as if he wanted to pay back all the suffering he had suffered these days.

He wrapped his arms around Z's back, his fingers running down the metal spine.

The animals shut out were scratching at the door.

Soon they will not dare to scratch. Because there was a strange banging sound behind the door. They looked at each other, frightened by the noise made by humans, and decided to flee to the Colonel for refuge. The colonel was kind to them, and fed them fresh corn and meatloaf.

No one attended the celebration banquet that night.

Duan Feizhuo figured out a question that had puzzled him for a long time.

That is how much of Z's body has been modified, and how much is left of the original.

At the same time, he also deeply realized one thing: Z's mechanical prosthesis is hard, but some other parts are even harder, which can pin his whole body to the bed and cannot move.

At the same time, London. Somewhere in a luxurious mansion.

Secretary Carter stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding a glass of Bordeaux red wine. He shook the glass slowly, savoring the fragrance of the wine.

"Just received a telegram from the Wellington. Simon's mission has failed. He has no bones left." When Carter mentioned Simon, his tone was cold and without ups and downs, as if he was not a real boy, but just a name. , "Naturally, Leviathan couldn't bring it back. We can't get the ether crystals in it."

In the shadows at the back of the room sat a young woman, half of her body hidden in the darkness.

"That's a pity." The woman said softly, "According to your calculations, wouldn't you be able to 'complete the plan' by consuming about one ton of ether crystals? Isn't the underground mine in Perilla Manor just enough? Why bother to find something?" Arctic monster?"

"When we made the plan, we didn't know that there were so many mineral deposits underground in Perilla Manor." Carter was a little impatient, "That's why we focused on Leviathan, and specially trained a Simon for this. Who knew he was so wrong. use."

"Oh, that kid adores you. It hurts."

"Hmph, it's just a dog I raised. Worshiping the owner is the entry standard for a good dog." Carter changed the subject, "Lord Perilla has always refused to sell me the mine, so I will take the risk of sending Simon. But , it doesn’t matter if he fails. Our other **** succeeds.”

The woman tilted her head: "Is that the foreign spy who sneaked into the airship you mentioned earlier?"

"Yeah. Actually, I found him a long time ago, but I deliberately didn't say so, and transferred him to the Wellington. He must have thought that he was selected to be on the Wellington because of his undercover skills. Yes."

"Isn't it dangerous to let a foreign spy into the Wellington?"

"I just want it to be dangerous. It would be better if the ship is destroyed. It would be fine if the entire ship is taken away. You said, if Her Majesty the Queen learns that her fleet has been mixed with mystic spies from other countries, it is almost Destroying her state-of-the-art flagship, how do you think she will react?"

The woman thought for a while: "Probably you will be very panicked?"

"She will be afraid of the power of foreign countries, and then hope that her country's army can not lose to others. At this time, if I ask her to build an immortal army for her, do you think she will agree?"

The woman laughed like a silver bell: "Great, Your Excellency Carter. Your Majesty has always disagreed with the plan of the undead army, but now her mind is about to change. If she comes forward and buys the Perilla Mine in the name of the royal family, The lord will definitely not refuse, right? It’s all for sale anyway, why not sell it to the biggest customer.”

"Then we can quickly consume that ton of mineral deposits and release that one..."

Carter took a sip of the wine and smacked his lips, "It's just that I still need your help, ma'am. I think that as soon as Her Majesty sees the undead soldiers you created, coupled with the impact of the 'Foreign Spy' incident, she can't wait to ask us to make them. More soldiers. And I took advantage of the trend and proposed to buy Perilla Manor in the name of the royal family..."

"My soldiers are at your disposal, sir," said the woman.

"That's good. It's my honor to meet you, ma'am, otherwise our plan will not go so smoothly. I think, if there are gods in the world, maybe the gods also want the plan to succeed, so let's secretly add fuel to the flames!"

"But there are no gods in the world, only the mystics who are closest to the gods."

Carter smiled: "That is the mystic himself wants the plan to succeed."

He drank the wine.

A few hours later, the airship Wellington arrived in London and landed at the airport dedicated to the Air Force.

Leviathan dived into the sea halfway and did not return to London with them. Otherwise, its arrival will definitely cause a sensation all over the world and become a major topic in newspapers around the world for the next year.

Colonel Freeman felt a little regretful, if such a powerful monster became their combat force, wouldn't their army be invincible? However, Mr Sinnia of the Royal Academy said that Leviathan is not anyone's pet, it is a free monster with self-awareness. No one can tame it.

It's just a pity for the young animal trainer who died in the North Pole. The animals he left behind are also missing. Colonel Freeman decided to keep them on board. They have become good friends with the crew. Airships often have to sail to foreign countries and perform long-term missions. If there are cute animals on board, the pressure on the crew will be relieved.

The colonel didn't want to admit that he wanted to pet birds, foxes and squirrels, so he kept them.

He ordered someone to sort out the boy's belongings, and found that his box was full of all kinds of small toys and snacks. He thought it was bought by the teenager for himself to play with, but there was another list in the box, with a long list of names on it, and a small toy or snack was written after each person's name.

After inquiring, I found out that this young man was born in a workhouse. I think the things on this list are all gifts from him to his friends.

What a pity, poor, pathetic. Colonel Freeman thought. What a good boy, he died worthlessly in the North Pole like this. He could have shined elsewhere, but he died for such a whimsical mission.

The two scholars of the Royal Academy promised to take these small gifts to the workhouse as a memory of Simon. They were not Colonel Freeman's subordinates, they were picked up by a carriage after leaving the ship, and they went to nowhere. Colonel Freeman had a vague guess, but he dared not say it. Looking at the whole country, there are only a handful of people who are capable of placing two civilians on the most advanced airship of the Air Force.

After getting off the ship, Duan Feizhuo saw Carter waiting for them. The haughty secretary ordered them to get in the car and pulled them to the manor where they met the queen last time.

They went to the audience hall familiarly. This time Carter didn't let Duan Feizhuo take a bath and change clothes, perhaps because Duan Feizhuo took many baths.

The queen waited for them in the audience hall as usual.

They saluted, and the queen put down a telegram in her hand and looked up.

"I have received a telegram from Colonel Freeman. It was a thrilling journey, thank you for your hard work."

"It is our honor to share the worries of His Majesty." Carter flattered.

Duan Feizhu glared at him displeased. He was not the one who was born and died, so why should he worry? It's not bad if you don't settle accounts with him!

"Our mission has failed, Your Majesty." Z said respectfully, "We failed to tame the giant beast, and the boy who tamed it also died."

"A small failure is harmless." The queen waved her hand, very broad-minded, "You have uncovered a sinister and cunning spy and protected the Wellington. This is already a great achievement."

"It's not a credit." Z continued modestly.

"What reward do you want?"

"Your Majesty's respect is the greatest reward for me."

"Don't be polite to me. I hate people who talk around the bush the most."

Z bowed: "Then please allow me to ask for a favor for the dead Simon Marlowe. He was an orphan who died in the North Pole and didn't even bring back his bones. It's really pitiful."

The queen closed her eyes and nodded slightly. "Then knight him posthumously, give him a state funeral, and make a donation in his name to a London workhouse. Is that all right?"

Z bowed deeply, expressing that he was satisfied and did not dare to ask for more rewards.

Duan Feizhuo sighed. It is an unimaginable honor for ordinary people to confer titles and hold state funerals. But he still felt that this reward was far from enough for Simon. No reward can bring back a young and fresh life.

"Why are you sighing?" The queen stared at him, "But you think my reward is not enough?"

"No, it's not..." Duan Feizhuo stammered.

"I still have to reward you, otherwise people will say that I can't even distinguish rewards and punishments." The queen picked up a bell on the table and shook it twice vigorously.

Immediately a servant came in.

"Go get a cushion, and get my sword."

Duan Feizhuo was startled, what kind of reward is this? Want to give him a sword and a pad? The sword is okay, the sword is given to the hero or something. But why send him a pad? Does the queen know that his **** hurts?

Servants quickly brought cushions and swords. He placed the mat under the queen's feet, and respectfully presented the sword to the queen with both hands.

The queen took the sword, tapped the cushion, and said to Duan Feizhuo, "Kneel down."

Duan Feizhuo:?

Carter looked shocked: "Your Majesty, is this too much?"

"He went through life and death for me, I don't think it's too much." The Queen said lightly, "Quickly kneel down."

Z pushed Duan Feizhuo. The latter didn't know why, but since even Z didn't think it was a bad thing, he might as well obey.

He knelt on the cushion, staring blankly at the Queen.

"Head down," said the Queen.

He stared at the Queen's shoes, pretending to admire the jewels on them.

The queen rests her sword on his left shoulder.

"I canonized you as a knight. From today on, you are my knight, and you will serve me until death."

She moved the sword to her right shoulder, tapped it lightly, and tossed it to the servant.

"I will write a formal canonization edict to you later. It will also be announced in the newspaper."

Carter said strangely, "Congratulations, Sir Leopold."

Duan Feizhuo blinked. He was just...canonized by the Queen?

Although this ceremony is extremely simple (or perfunctory), but since the queen has personally admitted it, and there is an edict to prove it...he is now a nobleman?

This is really... a surprise. He was a prisoner of Scotland Yard the last time he had an audience with the Queen. This time, he made his way to the sky and became a master directly. The fate of life is really unexpected.

"Well, Your Majesty," he raised his head, "you canonize me, does that mean that my crimes are also written off?"

"Crime?" The queen frowned slightly, "Oh, do you mean that you defected before? It didn't work anyway, so I won't pursue it."

"More than that." Duan Feizhuo squeezed his fingers nervously.

The queen cast a sharp look at him: "Have you committed any other crimes?"

"I mean if..." Duan Feizhuo glanced at Z.

The queen noticed his movements, pondered for a moment, and turned to Z: "I have already sealed him, no matter what his previous convictions are, let them be written off."

Z pursed his lips. This means that the concealment of identity cannot be pursued.

It really is a little bad thing to use the Queen's grace to exonerate himself.

It should be punished. Should be severely punished.

"I obey." That was all he could say.

Duan Feizhuo couldn't hide his smile anymore, and grinned triumphantly.

"You are all the pillars of the country, my humerus, I hope you will continue to make contributions in the future." The Queen said skillfully, "Go down."

Duan Feizhuo stood up, saluted the queen with Z, and then exited the audience hall.

Carter put them into the carriage and asked where they were going. Z said go to Scotland Yard. Carter waved mockingly: "Goodbye, Sir."

After the carriage drove away, Carter straightened his collar and returned to the audience hall.

The queen is reading the telegram. He bowed, then walked quickly to the Queen's side, lowering his voice: "Your Majesty, regarding the plan I mentioned last time..."

"Is it an undead soldier?" The queen's eyes drifted into the distance. A long time ago, an army officer proposed the same plan, but she rejected it because it was too shocking. That man's son is right outside the door now.

"The undead soldiers I mentioned are not transforming living people into machines, but making outright mechanical soldiers. In this way, you don't have to worry about moral and ethical issues." Carter paused, his eyes rolled