MTL - He Holds a Rose from the Abyss-Chapter 13 Liver moment

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After Chi Lang had an idea about the musket, he went to the library to look through the materials, and also bought all the newspapers on the market to study.

However, there are very few descriptions of muskets in these documents, only limited to the use of muskets in certain wars, the harm caused by muskets, etc. There is no description of the current development level of muskets, nor the principles of muskets.

More in-depth content about muskets is still in that "Magic Research Journal".

Chi Lang guessed that there should be a group of magicians researching muskets, but not many.

He kind of wanted to get into this small group of studies.

After thinking about it, he could only inquire from Luth.

On this day, Chi Lang inquired after delivering the food to Les: "Mr. Les, I saw the announcement you left at the announcement office before, and you posted a message about recruiting assistants..."

The laboratory seemed to have the smell of decaying wood that never melted. Lus buried his head in the thick document, and after hearing this, he slowly raised his head and glanced at Chi Lang.

He was old, and his eyes were a little cloudy, but when he looked at him like this, Chi Lang was shocked, as if he could see through his thoughts.

Ruth sneered: "You're someone who doesn't learn magic well, right?"

How did he know, Chi Lang continued: "...I really didn't study very well in magic, but I saw your scratch paper before, as for the musket..."

"Young man," Ruth interrupted, "I've met a lot of students like you, who have average aptitude in magic and who are known to be interested in muskets, who have always been here as assistants to get a diploma. "

His eyes narrowed: "—You guys can't even learn something as simple as magic, yet you actually told me that you want to explore the secrets of technology."

Luth's words made Chi Lang feel a little guilty. After coming here, he really didn't work very hard in his studies. On the one hand, he accepted the fact that he couldn't do magic, and on the other hand, he didn't want to. Abandon the previous body of knowledge and accept a new body of knowledge.

"Why don't you let me try it, and if it doesn't work, you can fire me at any time?"

Ruth looked him up and down: "You said you were interested in muskets, why? Isn't magic easier if you want to have power?"

Chi Lang hesitated for a moment and replied, "Because of some reasons in my body, I can't use magic now..."

Les snorted, looked away from Chi Lang, and looked at the document in front of him again.

"But in this period of time when I can't use magic, I have come to realize that magic is only for a few people, no matter how powerful the magicians are, it is only the power in the hands of a few people, and this kind of power, no Talented people can't even spy..."

"But muskets, as well as other technologies, their greatest charm is that they give ordinary people power, which allows ordinary people to protect themselves without waiting for magicians or knights to save themselves. ."

"Very nice words," Luth raised his head again, and rubbed his temples, "although I don't fully agree with you."

"—Sometimes it's not a good thing to have magical powers."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this," Luth stood up, "You barely impressed me. Since you said you want to learn about this, let's start with these."

Then Lus walked to the corner, where there were piles of old books almost as tall as him, and waved to Chi Lang.

"You teach me all the books in here first, and then talk about the rest," Luth said.

Chi Lang's eyes twitched, and he opened his mouth: "What books are these?"

"The history of the development of the musket, its drawbacks, the possibility of improving the rate of fire and the accuracy, and the effect of the musket on various monsters, there are still some miscellaneous... The time limit is set in half a month."

"You'd better learn faster, faster than you think... After all, new knowledge emerges every minute and every second in this world, and you're still struggling to study these basic knowledge. when someone else is already creating something new.”

"You have to keep going all the time to catch up with others."

Ruth returned to his desk and said as he walked, "In addition, I will find a watchmaker and a locksmith for you. You can learn from them, improve your hands-on ability, and learn some mechanical craftsmanship by the way."

"Okay." Chi Lang could only agree.

"Finally, try to enter the Magic Research Association. Some materials are strictly forbidden to outsiders, and it is not convenient for me to show you. You can't bring these books of mine out of the laboratory."

"it is good."

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Micah Rahman."

"Are you Micah Rahman? I remember that the person with this name still owes me five silver coins. The magic potion class I taught that time borrowed five silver coins from me to buy magic materials."

Why do you owe money again? How many financial relationships did the original owner have that he didn't handle?

Fortunately, Chi Lang had some savings at this time, and just about to pay off this small debt, Luth said, "No need to pay it back, I'm not going to ask the students for such a little money."

After that, Luth stopped talking. He didn't care about Chi Lang. He had seen too many students like this. He was smug at first, and then often gave up on this research. The information he showed Chi Lang was only the most superficial information.

For this study, it's better to have less mediocre people and more people who are really willing to give.

Chi Lang waited for a while, but didn't wait for Les to speak again. He looked up and saw that Les was back in his work again.

Chi Lang stood for a while, then walked to the corner, took the book and started to read.

During the holidays, the traffic in the tavern is low, and Mrs. White has stopped him from helping out in the tavern recently, so Chi Lang can stay in this laboratory at night.

He has never been a person who studied very hard. He couldn't keep reading for a long time. Chi Lang saw that the sky was almost dark and was about to say goodbye to Lus. But when he left, Lus was still concentrating on his work.

Chi Lang slowly walked back to the dormitory area. He first went to Joyce to play cards for a while. Recently, he became familiar with Joyce. After playing, Chi Lang slowly walked back to the dormitory area. in his bedroom.

Sheffield hasn't come back yet and should still be in the Opera House.

Chi Lang lay on the bed for a while, without any sleepiness, suddenly thought of Luth again, thinking about what he said about "knowledge", Chi Lang felt uneasy in his heart, left a note for Sheffield, and ran to the place again. in the laboratory.

Luth was still working, and he displayed a focus and seriousness that was not for his age. Chi Lang stared at his sparse white hair and silently found a place to continue reading.

Only at this time did Chi Lang realize how serious and hardworking Les was.

The clock in the laboratory chimes every hour, and when the clock points to 12 o'clock, Chi Lang prepares to go back to the dormitory, while Luth still maintains his engrossed look.

When Chi Lang came to the laboratory early the next morning, Les started a new job. Chi Lang expressed deep curiosity about Les's work and rest time.

Soon, however, Chi Lang had to keep the same schedule with Les.

When he read a book seriously, he realized that if each book has so much knowledge capacity, it is almost impossible for him to read them within half a month.

And he can't fully spend his daytime reading books. He has a part-time job and also learns craftsmanship from locksmiths and watchmakers.

In addition, Chi Lang was also stimulated by Les. Chi Lang had a part-time job helping teachers organize files, and he accidentally came across Les's information - Les is seventy-six years old this year. A seventy-six-year-old man can still work so hard.

So he began to arrive at the lab earlier and leave later.

Strangely, he didn't feel tired, he gained a sense of psychological satisfaction, as if he was learning something really useful, knowledge that could really make a foothold in this world, which is stronger than the security that money brings. .

Finally, in the middle of a certain night, Chi Lang didn't know when he learned, and fell asleep in confusion.

When he woke up the next day at 3:30 in the morning, he found Ruth lying on the table, sleeping with the documentation he had read for the day. At this time, Chi Lang realized that Les had been sleeping in the laboratory.

Chi Lang stood up. He was sore because of the wrong position he had just slept in. He yawned, and after thinking about it, he should go back to the bedroom.

After he walked out of the laboratory door, he met Sheffield in the corner of the corridor.

At 3:30 in the morning, he met Sheffield not far from the door of the laboratory. The surrounding walls were glowing yellow, and there was no star or moonlight in the place.

Sheffield was wearing a tuxedo, and his eyes were always gentle, like the only light in the dark.

"Why are you here?" Chi Lang asked him

"After I came back from the opera house, I waited in the dormitory for a while. I didn't see you coming back. I was a little worried and wanted to come and have a look."

Chi Lang felt like he was floating, just like the unreal feeling he had when he was about to get drunk after drinking. He was a little uncomfortable: "Actually, you don't need to come here, and there will be nothing in the academy... But thank you anyway."

Sheffield: "Are you going back to the bedroom?"

"Go back... go back."

They walked into the night, the night wind blowing cool on his face, but Chi Lang didn't feel cold, he felt that he had never been so awake and impetuous.

"Chi Lang," Sheffield called his name.

Even if the name was accidentally told to Sheffield when he was drunk, Chi Lang thought it was not a bad thing.

In this place, the chance to hear someone call you by your real name is very rare. What's more, when Sheffield calls his name, it always makes him feel valued.

"Would you like to see the roses?" Sheffield asked him.

Rose at half past three in the morning.