MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 45 rain at night

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Why so coincidental.

Why did the slap in the face go so quickly without leaving the slightest gap?

Because this resource was introduced by Mr. Huo.

There was one thing that Xuan Wen didn't know, neither did Shi Yusheng, and he didn't even know the system.

-Actually, Huo Xingchao is a fan of the sound of rain.


...well, ever.

Huo Xingchao, in fact, a large part of the development of his character comes from his family atmosphere.

Huo's father and Huo's mother are a typical marriage of interests, and they have no feelings for each other. Although they have not divorced for so many years, their feelings for each other are basically in a very negative state.

Everyone plays their own way, and their lives are basically not intertwined. The only thing that they maintain together is that they all attach great importance to this only son.

As for the Huo family's youngest daughter, she is not biological at all. But the parents were afraid that their son would be lonely, so they adopted it. In their hearts, it was not much better than a toy.

So from a very young age, Huo Xingchao was used to the constant rotation of aunts and uncles around his parents, and then brainwashed him every day.

Mother Huo: Xingchao, what a bad person your father is. In case of divorce, you must follow me.

Huo's father: Xingchao, for a woman like your mother, you shouldn't be with her. When the divorce is finished, let's keep her away.


After so many years, Huo Xingchao gradually grew from an ignorant child to a man in his twenties, but the couple still couldn't get divorced and still maintained this dispensable marriage.

But for Young Master Huo, once some aesthetics are developed, it is difficult to change.

For example, the lovers who are **** dated: white, thin, with a beautiful face, soft words, and a mother who smiles more than a woman.

In his heart, there are basically only two types of such men: little white faces. gay.

As for his father, his aesthetics are also very specific.

With a melon-seed face, Danfeng eyes, **** and long legs, she is coquettish and coquettish.

To put it simply, whatever the internet celebrity is, he likes it.

Apart from the irresistible nature of a man's big breasts, Huo Xingchao basically developed a completely opposite aesthetic to his father.

So, when he first saw the sound of drizzle on TV, he was astonished.

Goose-oval face, almond eyes, curvy eyebrows and eyes when laughing, girlish voice but strong, serious

- It's completely Huo Xingchao's sniping orientation.

Then he casually searched for the girl's information.

The performances are all pure and innocent, the little fairy, the little princess, and the little girl next door.

Mr. Huo immediately joined the fan group of the little fairy.

Like thousands of otaku, looking forward to meeting and taking a photo with the little fairy and asking for autographs, if you can chat and have a meal all day, it is simply the ultimate gospel of star chasing dogs.

But these things are definitely not difficult for Mr. Huo.

The key is that he doesn't want to be too obvious in chasing stars, and wants to maintain his high-level image of Tianshan Snow Lotus.

So he politely offered a lot of olive branches.

- For example, inviting Di Yusheng to appear in a new TV series.

The big IP adaptation, the director and the production company are notoriously high-quality, and the heroine is still her usual little fairy style.

But Di Yusheng refused, she said she wanted to transform. She is no longer a fairy.

- So I decided to invite her to come to Star Live for a live broadcast, and asked her to advertise at a very high price.

In just one hour, you can easily broadcast any content and earn millions of dollars easily.

But Di Yusheng refused. She said that she did not follow the idol route and could not consume fans like this.

At this time, Mr. Huo was a little unhappy, and with his last patience, he asked Shi Yusheng to endorse the advertisement.

Xingying's new mobile game, the endorsement fee is not low, the clothing design is not exposed at all, and the market recognition and popularity are guaranteed.

This time, Shi Yusheng finally showed some intention to cooperate.

— but not for herself, but for another new artist under her studio umbrella.

She said that she does not play games, but the artist loves to play very much, and she is actively seeking resources for others.

Mr. Huo sat in the office, looked at the documents and recordings uploaded on the table, took a deep breath, his face was calm,

"You tell her,"

The subordinate bowed his head respectfully.

"Thank you, no need. Looking forward to the next cooperation."

Thank you, but there will be no cooperation next time.

Because he has already turned around, and if he doesn't come back to criticize you, it is his last tenderness towards you.


In fact, Shi Yusheng should feel fortunate. Fortunately, Huo Xingchao still has the self-esteem to close his hands in time.

Otherwise, with such a rich, powerful and willful black fan, it is estimated that she would be able to die a hundred and eighty thousand times without Xuan Wen's action.

She should also feel fortunate that Huo Xingchao had such a relationship with her that night.

Just sleeping like this, I have harvested the most backstage Overlord fans in my life.


However, Shi Yusheng didn't know that she had escaped such a dangerous life catastrophe for the time being, and she was now threw herself into the audition preparation for the new play.

The audition for "The Lost World", for her, was the most important turning point in her future career.

Di Yusheng plays a high school girl from a single-parent family. She grew up with her mother. She has a gloomy and low-pitched personality, and is surrounded by a negative pressure.

She prepared a lot for the role.

After re-reading the original book, in just two days, because there was no schedule, I spent all day in the house pondering the character and script.

In fact, Di Yusheng has been looking forward to such an opportunity in recent years.

Her acting skills are not lacking, but her image has been fixed for so long, and there are few good transformation scripts that fall into her hands, and those scripts and productions that are just a little off, she does not dare to take risks, for fear that the transformation will not hurt but will hurt her. reputation.

But she is entering the mid-to-late twenties, and it is impossible for her to play the role of a beautiful girl for a lifetime.

Years are fleeting. For an actor, the best way to persist in this career for a long time is to gradually change himself from being a popular person to a powerful actor who does not rely on fan groups and appearance topics.

For Di Yusheng, "The Lost World" is an important opportunity for transformation.

When she auditioned, she did really well.

Anyway, the director was quite surprised, because in his heart, he always thought that Di Yusheng was not an actor of this level.

But on the day of the audition, Di Yusheng met two unexpected people.

The first one is Xuan Wen, she also came to audition, but instead of the heroine, she tried another outstanding female No. 3.

They met in the corridor. When the woman saw her, the expression on her face was a little unbearable, but she still smiled, "Sister Yusheng."

Di Yusheng glanced at her, straightened up, opened the door and walked inside.

The other artists around were muttering in their hearts, and it was estimated that the rumors that the two were at odds were true.

In the entertainment industry, they all know that half of the sisterhood they show is fake.

Xuanwen looked at her back, restrained her expression, embedded her fingernails in her palms, and whispered in her heart, "System, is there any way to make Di Yusheng fail the audition?"

The sound of the system was cold.

"I can only let you succeed in the audition. Unless you let her give me life, I can't act on her."

"Then is there any way to make me change from the female No. 3 to the heroine?"

"It used to be possible, but not now."

Xuan Wen frowned, "Why?"

"Because there is Huo Xingchao inside."


—Yes, that’s right, the second unexpected person Shi Yusheng met was Huo Xingchao.

As soon as she walked into the room, she saw a very familiar man sitting next to the director of the jury in front of her.

It's summer, but the air conditioner in the room is fully on, so he wears a black shirt, and the color of the hair on his head has changed again, from gray highlights to dark chestnut, and it is so loosely draped over his head , there is no hair feel at all.

In fact, you know, even a male star, sometimes walking on the road with granny gray or odd-colored hair, once he loses the beautiful lighting and filters, he will become Tony accidentally.

But Huo Xingchao was a strange man. No matter what color his hair was dyed, it would make people feel that it was suitable for him.

The man leaned lazily on the back of the chair, unbuttoned his shirt, rolled up his sleeve to his elbow, and dangled a pen between his fingers. When he saw her, he bent his lips and picked out a flamboyant smile. very careless,

"Yo, our little fairy is here."


Do you know what is the most embarrassing thing in the world?

It wasn't because he was cheated on by his boyfriend, or because he chose a mistress after being found out.

Not to mention that the ex-boyfriend cheated on him, and he was slandered by the public that he was a mistress.

But after being drunk, she accidentally prostituted a big guy who asked for a high price and was shameless. The little fairy worked hard to repay the debt and kept her final dignity.

Then, within a few days, he was found at the audition site as his own judge. The judge flipped through the script and pointed to the beginning of the paragraph.

- I want to play a gloomy girl in front of him who can't ask for love.

The director said, "Hey, where is Xiao Zhang? Forget it, Xingchao, why don't you go up and cooperate?"

Mr. Huo nodded and readily agreed.

Di Yusheng: Why on earth are you doing this to me? What's wrong with me? !

Huo Xingchao: Oh, there are too many people who like me, you...the middle and lower level.

Di Yusheng: I can change it for you, you can say what you like, I can change it!

Huo Xingchao: Everyone is willing to change for me, why should I waste time on you? No **** and no legs, she doesn't look good.


Huo Xing towards your uncle.

It's okay if you **** take advantage of me, and you **** add to the show yourself?

Believe it or not, if you go out of this door, I will try my best to kill you.

Believe it or not, I won't pay you back a penny.

Believe it or not, Lao Tzu asked you to cut off your son and no grandson, kneel on the ground and call Dad!

The tears of the sound of rain were falling, and she tried her best to open her eyes to see him clearly, but her eyes were blurred.

"But I love you, you don't even know what I have paid for you and what I have done. In this world, there will never be someone who loves you so much, do you understand!"


He nodded, with a little smile in his eyes, "That's it."

Make you want to transform.

Let you not go the idol route.

Let you not play games.

Come on, hurt each other.