MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1020 bleeding heart

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This year's Oscar, "The Departed" has won best art direction, best supporting actress, best film editing, best screenplay adaptation, best cinematography, best actor and best director.

7 out of 10!

The hit rate is 70%!

The last one nomination - the Best Picture Award, this is even more without suspense.

"The Departed" certainly doesn't.

It can be said that this time Dunn and Martin Scorsese have really created a classic film.

Although the number of awards cannot be compared with that of "Ben-Hur" and "Titanic", it is quite a commendable event to win 8 awards.

After the awards ceremony, there will be the official Oscar party as usual, and there will be a "Vanity Fair" party.

As the biggest winner of this year's Oscars, the crew of "The Departed" must attend.

If you want to celebrate alone in another place, you must at least finish the process perfunctorily.

The importance of the official party is getting lower and lower, and most of the stars just show their faces to express their respect for Oscar, and then leave one after another.

The Vanity Fair party is the point!

More celebrities here!

Businessmen, politicians, lawyers, writers, singers, actors and wealthy families from New York, all kinds of people will appear.

It's a big social party.

Even Dunn's identity can benefit from the "Vanity Fair" party, let alone those ordinary filmmakers.

It's just that Tang En has long since passed the stage where he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with a shy face. His style has become more and more low-key, and he has become more and more rich.

I have to say that with the increase in wealth and power, his personal qualities are also gradually improving.

However, Dunn's status is too high now.

So many people want to come up to strike up a conversation, there is no suitable reason.

Except for a pretty girl who is confident enough about her appearance and figure.

For example, the blond, tall, teenage girl named Blake Lively in front of her.

"Are you here with a friend?"

Tang En changed his perfunctory attitude and chatted with this girl, obviously very interested.

"No, it's my dad."

Blake Lively clearly felt that Dunn didn't mean to refuse, and was very excited, his eyes lit up.

"Your father?"

"Yes, Ernie Lively, a film director with 3 movies."

Ernie Lively?

Dunn shook his head, never heard of it.

However, the big beauty in front of her is still very famous. Even at this stage, she seems to be a little young.

Tang En had enough experience in clichés and said with a smile, "Come with Dad... Are you still at the age of being under guardianship?"

Blake Lively gritted his teeth: "Just hold on for another 6 months and I'll be free. By then, I'll definitely have to move out of the house."


There's still half a year before you turn 18.

It seems that it is not realistic to want to date her in the near future.

The two didn't chat for a while, when a man's voice came from behind.

"Mr. Actor, congratulations!"

If you dare to call Tang En so far away, the identity of the comer must be good.

Dunn looked back and saw that it was Rupert Murdoch, the head of News Corp.

No way, Dunn had to entertain, so he quickly said to Blake Lively: "You have a business card, leave one for me. When you are an adult, I will invite you... to watch a movie."

Blake Lively was a little unhappy with Murdoch's intervention, and said anxiously: "It doesn't matter, I can go out and watch a movie anytime..."

Dunn was stunned for a moment.

real or fake?

Not pretending to be pure?

When I say watching a movie, do I mean watching a movie?

Blake Lively is in his third year of high school and just graduated this summer, and he is not mature enough to go out into society. Luckily, I was smart enough to react quickly. I immediately got a big red face, and said with pursed lips, "I...I...Oh, okay. Actually, I can do it now..."

Tang En waved his hand and said in a grand manner, "Didn't you say you will move out after the age of 18? It just so happens that I have a few vacant houses in Los Angeles. If you don't mind, just move in and live for free!"

Blake Lively isn't stupid, how could he not understand what that means?

But the girl's restraint couldn't resist Tang En's fame, she nodded subconsciously, "Okay... well... oops, but I didn't bring a business card, or..."

She has not officially debuted, so why do you need a business card? I just wanted to take the lipstick from my bag and write down the number on Tang En's hand, but I felt that this idea was too naive.

Seeing her flustered appearance, Tang En was amused and waved his hand, "Okay, let's meet other friends, I'll let someone find you later."

Find me?

How to find it?

Do you know me?

You haven't even heard of my dad...

Just when Blake Lively was in a daze, Dunn had turned around and walked towards Murdoch.

The more women you handle, the less patience you have.

Far less important than Murdoch, the old man.

"Hey, it's just a fluke!"

Tang En smiled and walked up to shake hands with him, making a modest statement.

In the past year, Dunn and Murdoch have cooperated a lot and established a very good relationship.

However, in the next few years, I am afraid it will not be so harmonious.

Sure enough, I heard Murdoch say calmly: "Why, I heard... You have a website? Is it the same type of community website as Myspace?"

Tang En waved his hand resentfully: "Don't mention it, it's not my girlfriend, Natalie!"


Murdoch's pale eyebrows twitched slightly.

Tang En said: "Isn't Natalie studying at Harvard? She has a lot of fame. She is active in the student union and student association, and she has met a lot of people. There is a kid who hacked Harvard's official website and stole it because he started a website. Student information, it seems that I will be expelled from the school. My girlfriend can't stand it anymore, so she begged me."

"Website? You mean Facebook?"

Murdoch seemed to understand something.

Dunn nodded and said, "Yes, that's the website, but it wasn't called facebook at the time. Nat was a website user, and she couldn't bear to watch her juniors get fired and waste her life, so she wanted me to invest in this website. Get it done. Mark...that's the idiot, Mark Zuckerberg, he's only 21 years old this year, he's just bullshitting..."

Murdoch is clearly not going to be taken lightly.


If it's really nonsense, you Dunn will subsidize this new website hundreds of millions of dollars in a year?

There is no doubt that Dunn intends to support the Facebook website, and will inevitably compete with Myspace in the social network in the future.

Dunn didn't want to quarrel with Murdoch early, and continued to show weakness, gritted his teeth and said, "You know, I am a member of Google's board of directors and one of the earliest investors. I originally wanted to promote the cooperation between Google and Facebook, but Google saw Without the strength of Facebook, it is said that it is looking for other partners."

Murdoch's mouth moved, and he almost laughed.

Of course he knew about it.

Because Google has already contacted him!

Google intends to establish a long-term relationship with Myspace for 3-5 years, and open a super large order. The value of the order involved is also the minimum value of 500 million US dollars, and the highest... may reach 1 billion US dollars!

Such a super large order is really unheard of in traditional media!

The emerging media such as the Internet is really a big money-burner!

In order to spread the market, it is really not to treat money as money.

Murdoch is very satisfied with this, and seems to have seen the day when Myspace becomes another Internet giant with Google's "help".

At present, News Corporation has reached a preliminary agreement with the founder and board of directors of Myspace, and will acquire Myspace in its entirety at a price of 560 million US dollars.

Within 4 months, the transaction must be completed.

At that time, Myspace has the strong brand and channel of News Corporation, and signed a large contract order with Google, and its takeoff is just around the corner.


Really can not!

Murdoch said with a smile: "In business, you should still focus on interests and not emotional. Google's approach is in line with business logic. If it really cooperates with Facebook, it is against business ethics."

Dunn's eyes widened suddenly, "Rupert, I'm listening to you... What's wrong? Google's partner isn't Myspace, right?"

Murdoch was very satisfied with Dunn's astonished expression, and said with a serious smile, "Myspace's acquisition has not been completed, and Myspace's finances are still frozen."

Dunn took a deep breath and said, "Aren't you going to cooperate with Microsoft and Time Warner to carve up Yahoo?"

Murdoch said sternly: "Rumours. Even a giant like Yahoo, even if the three are combined, is difficult to gnaw. I don't know what Microsoft and Time Warner think. In short, News Corporation has no such plan."

A smile appeared in Dunn's This is the best!


"Dad, I saw Dunn just now!" Blake Lively said excitedly.


Ernie Lively froze for a moment.

He never imagined that his daughter could still be at the level of Dunn Walker... But when he saw her beautiful appearance, his heart suddenly became sour.

Blake Lively raised his chin and said to himself, "Dad, I figured it out. I'm not going to Stanford anymore, and I want to be in acting."

Ernie Lively felt uncomfortable, "You haven't studied acting!"

Blake Lively said disapprovingly: "So what? Didn't I star in your movie when I was 11? I remember you complimenting me on my acting talent. At school, I was also the captain of the cheerleading team, Also in choir, I have a talent for that. Of course, it's all thanks to your artistic DNA."

Ernie Lively was speechless and frowned: "You know, I'm just a little-known independent filmmaker, and being able to attend this Vanity Fair party is also due to De Niro's relationship. You want to be in acting... ...I can't help you enough."

Blake Lively said lightly: "No need, I have Dunn."


Ernie Lively nearly vomited blood, stared and whispered, "Blake, do you know what that means?"

Blake Lively didn't care, turned his head, and said plausibly, "Anyway, when I'm eighteen, I'll move out of the house. Dad, you're too strict, I've grown up!"

This is the pain of raising a daughter!

Ernie Lively felt his heart bleed.


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