MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1039 best investment

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Leighton Meester, who was full of rain and dew, was dizzy, and her blue silk was messy.

The charming charm of the red tide on the pretty face is so beautiful that it takes your breath away.

Tang En enjoyed it to the fullest, and couldn't help but exclaim, "Leighton, I knew you wouldn't disappoint me! Your body... is wonderful."

In Leighton Meester's half hazy half intoxicated eyes, a flash of light flashed. Because I was too attentive just now, the shouting continued for nearly an hour, causing the voice to be a little hoarse, and a bit of laziness entrained in the exhaustion, "How am I doing?"


"That's good."

"Okay, you don't have to get up, just lie down and rest for a while."

Tang En saw that her movements were a little difficult, and he knew that the flattering was too hard, and he wanted her to rest for a while.

Leighton Meester insisted on sitting up for the final aftermath. He took a shower with Tang En, and then obediently brought over the clothes stacked on the table one by one, and put them on for him thoughtfully.

"Well, you are very sensible."

Dunn became more and more satisfied.

Leighton Meester raised her white jaw and smiled at him, "This is my job, and I will definitely do my best."

It was supposed to be a job.

The content of the work is to use his body to serve Dunn well and bring him the greatest satisfaction and enjoyment of his whole body.

A full $300,000 monthly salary!

With such a high salary, you must do your best to do every detail to prove that you have the ability to meet this high salary.

On this level, Leighton Meester is really much more sensible than the young girls Dunn has met before.

She grew up from the lowest level of society and lived in different relatives' houses since she was a child, which made her more and more aware of the hidden truth of the rules of this world.

Although it is a "lover" job, she will use the greatest enthusiasm and the greatest motivation to do her best!

She knew that there were many women in Dunn.

Out of so many women, she may not be the prettiest. However, she is confident that she must be the hardest.

Because all of this was even harder for her.

Tang En nodded, "It's rare to see a girl as calm and serious as you."

Leighton Meester shook her head gently, then chuckled: "I will try to do better."

Tang En patted her shoulder with satisfaction, "Okay, you can take a break first, and I'll let Jasmine come over to take care of you. I still have an appointment, so I won't accompany you."

It's over, it's over.

It's time to work.

Leighton Meester said obediently: "Well, work is important, I understand."

Obviously, she didn't feel that there was nothing wrong with Tang En's behavior after he was done, so he immediately put up his pants and left.

With Tang En's identity, it is impossible to waste too much time for a woman.

When Tang Enqiyu left the second office proudly, Leighton Meester let out a long sigh of relief, feeling as if his whole body was falling apart, almost collapsed.

It's comfortable... It's really comfortable, Dunn is really a "great" man.

But to deal with it, it is really exhausting and exhausting.

At this time, Leighton Meester rejoiced instead. Next, she will live in a mansion in Dunn, with another young girl.

She understood the significance of this arrangement.

This will make her work tasks a lot easier.


Leighton Meester walked to the big red sofa and lay down limply. In my heart, I was very happy, very excited, and sighed softly.

Since then, her life will usher in a big change!

Under the blessing of Dunn, she will set sail for her dream!

The more you think, the happier you are.

Then, she gently rubbed on the red sofa, her expression became a little weird, and she muttered to herself, "Is this the legendary red sofa... There should be quite a few girl stars lying here with their legs stretched out... Uh... At least Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie should have, as well as Charlize Theron, they have the most scandals with Dunn... I don't know who I am... "

Gossip reports, of course, the more famous the female star, the more sales.


Leighton Meester's superb mother Constance Meester has been sent away.

Molly Bloom gave her a check for $500,000 and signed a series of agreements to ensure that she would not dare to cause trouble and harass Leighton Meester in the future.

Constance Meester took the huge sum of $500,000 from selling her daughter, and left in great spirits. She also complimented Dunn and Molly Bloom, and being grateful is like meeting the savior .

For her, there is no shame in this kind of thing, but she feels complacent.

She worked hard to raise her daughter, and finally achieved success on this day.

This can be said to be the most successful investment in her life!

Invested for 19 years and earned 500,000!

Don't be too cheap!

It was already an hour after Dunn "interviewed" Leighton Meester.

In the living room, a group of people has changed.

The comer is Doug Morris, CEO of Universal Music.

He came here mainly to report to Dunn the status of the two music companies owned by Michael Jackson, as well as some ideas for the development of the Universal Music industry in the future.

Tang En walked into the living room with a bright face, and Doug Morris quickly got up, looked respectful and respected, and said with a smile, "Boss, are you finished?"

He wanted to pay tribute to Dunn from the bottom of his heart!

This young boss is really amazing!

Sure enough, he became famous at a young age, and he was the richest man in the world at a young age. The pattern is really big enough!

At the beginning, Doug Morris was very firm that winning Michael Jackson would be very in the interests of Universal Music.

For one thing, Michael Jackson had a bad relationship with the British music scene. EMI Records, a subsidiary of Universal Music, has almost gathered more than half of British musicians.

On the one hand, it can weaken the influence and energy of the Japanese in the music circle. Hit Sony Records, which will boost Universal Music's revenue growth.

It can be said that the direct cause of Michael Jackson's accident was a quarrel with Sony Records, which resulted in Sony Records no longer providing him with any help. The fundamental reason is that this is a collective conspiracy in the record industry. They do not allow an independent musician with world influence outside the three major record companies.

Madonna had been alone for a while, and then immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly turned to Warner Records.

Michael Jackson is even more talented, but it is too much.

The elite of the entertainment industry who can break the pattern of capital monopoly and industrial monopoly and succeed as an artist, in the past 100 years, there has been only one successful person, Dunn Walker!

The mighty Chaplin back then can't do it, the world-famous Spielberg can't do it now, and neither can Michael Jackson.

Without foresight, he could not have accumulated strong financial resources in a short period of time, and could not have come up with many creative solutions to the crisis. It is impossible to break the monopoly of the music industry by oneself.

This trial crisis has obviously made Michael Jackson and the team behind him deeply aware of this.

It's not enough to fight alone, for example, to find a backer!

In his previous life, he chose to let ATV Company continue to cooperate with Sony Records, and MIJAC Company cooperated with Warner Records.

In this life, the far-sighted Dunn extended an olive branch at the most critical moment!

Universal Music reached out!

As long as Michael Jackson can get out of trouble, Universal Music is the biggest beneficiary of this incident!

Doug Morris really admires Dunn.

If Michael Jackson and the two music publishing companies he controls both rely on Universal Music, it would be equivalent to finding a golden mountain for Universal Music!

This huge potential benefit is far better than suppressing Michael Jackson and putting him in jail.

This is the best investment!

The boss is the boss, the vision is long-term, the pattern is too high!

Tang En was slightly taken aback by his words.

What am I doing?

you know?

Doug Morris seemed to see through Dunn's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Miss Musk just said that you are doing very important recruitment."

Personnel recruitment?

Uh... well, the same could be said.

Looking for a woman, isn't it just recruitment?

Tang En's face turned a whole lot, "That's true, I was only 10 minutes late for the interview just now."

Doug Morris tried to persuade him: "Boss, personnel matters... it's better to leave it to the personnel department and the vice president in charge of personnel. The group company is so big, don't worry too much."

"Cough cough... You can't do it if you don't work hard. For some personnel issues, it is more appropriate to interview in person."

Dunn said without blushing.

The other party is only the CEO of Universal Music Group, and he has no say in the personnel issues of the new Universal executives, not even information channels.

Dunn is not afraid of nonsense.

Doug Morris said with emotion: " Your attitude towards really admirable!"

Tang En's heart was tight, and he almost revealed the stuffing.

If I let the other party know that I was late because I interviewed a young girl in another way in the second office just now, I don't know how I would feel.

"Okay, let's talk about your side."

Dunn waved his hand and did not let this topic continue.

At present, the three-way negotiation between New Universal and NBC, Sony, and Michael Jackson's team is very smooth.

It stands to reason that such a negotiation worth hundreds of millions of dollars cannot be completed without more than half a year.

But now the situation is serious and very urgent.

Drag it any further and Michael Jackson could be in jail!

No one can afford to delay!

At present, New Universal, NBC and Sony have reached a preliminary agreement. Sony agreed to transfer the 50% stake in ATV held by Sony Records at a price of $550 million. In addition, the remaining three years of the distribution agreement between Sony and MIJAC will be transferred to Universal Music for free.

Negotiations between New Universal and Michael Jackson's team are still in dispute.

Universal Music intends to invest $100 million to buy a 50% stake in MIJAC. Michael Jackson's team once expressed strong opposition to this.

However, after two rounds of negotiations, the other party relented and accepted the plan to sell 50% of MIJAC's shares, but there were other requirements in terms of price.

They want Universal Music to contribute $150 million.

The differences are not too big.

In short, everything is developing in the direction Dunn expected.


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