MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1041 0 Haohui's theatre business

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Music is just a very small piece of Disney's business.

Faced with the encirclement and suppression of the three giants in the recording industry, Disney made a concession without resisting, saying that it would not launch a paid subscription service for mobile phones in the United States and would abide by industry rules.

However, Michael Eisner still called Dunn and said dumbfoundedly: "Don, is it necessary to do this? Disney just wants to have a bite in the music market."

Tang En said apologetically, "Oh, you said this, hey, I just heard about it, it's really nonsense. The cooperation between music and mobile phones is a major step forward in industrial upgrading."

Michael Eisner rolled his eyes, he didn't believe it.

Universal Music made such a big move, almost leveraging the power of the entire music industry.

Behind this, can there be a lack of Dunn's support?

Tang En didn't intend to force a lie, sighed, and said helplessly: "But then again, Disney's actions this time are really too rash. The record industry is already precarious, but it can't stand more tossing. . If the paid subscription business of mobile phones really develops like a raging prairie fire, it will quickly overturn the entire record industry! By then, at least 300,000 people will be at risk of losing their jobs. This is by no means the record industry alone Crisis, but social contradiction!"

"The traditional record industry is going to die, which is predictable."

"But it can prolong the process of death, so that more people have enough preparation time and psychological endurance. If you watch the new business destroy physical music, it will be sudden death, which will cause huge social panic."

"I didn't expect you to worry about the country and the people."

Michael Eisner said something casually.

Dunn said with emotion: "Businessmen, you must have some sense of family and country and social responsibility. Besides, the sound quality of mobile phones is really poor, even the best Motorola music mobile phones today can hardly match the music of iPods. Compared to devices, let alone physical records. As music content providers, we should not allow mobile phones to desecrate music.”

The big hats were buttoned down, leaving Michael Eisner speechless.

There are always 10,000 reasons for this Dunn!

"Even if there is no pay-on-demand, users will find ways to download pirated music on their mobile phones. Pay-on-demand can at least guarantee some genuine rights."

"We shouldn't make up for old mistakes with new ones, it's just going to be wrong after wrong."

Michael Eisner collapsed a little and said angrily: "Don, don't think I don't know, you can definitely see the prospects of the online music service business on the mobile phone!"

Tang En said indifferently: "Indeed, the prospect is very good. But I said, the timing is not right, we must leave enough buffer zone for the record industry, so that they have enough time to find a new living environment. It's a fatal blow to the industry."

Michael Eisner suddenly laughed.

He has dealt with Dunn too much.

suffered a lot.

The more high-sounding, it means that there will be another mystery behind this!

Although he is still unable to confirm what the **** is in Tang En's mind, he is sure that Tang En's mind will not be so clean!

"Forget it, Disney's music business is insignificant, and it won't be involved in the turf battles of your music giants."

Michael Eisner shook his head amusingly, he seemed to see a **** black hand in the music market.

Thankfully, Disney doesn't need to be involved.

Dunn smiled and said, "Michael, thank you for your understanding. The record industry is in a state of turmoil, and it can't be chaotic now. If nothing else, just about Michael Jackson, how many rumors have been spread? At this stage, the music industry should still focus on stability. host."

Michael Eisner was not interested in talking about this topic, and said sternly: "Don, don't forget, in addition to film and music, the theater business is also a crucial cultural force."

"Theater business?" Tang En was slightly startled, "You mean Broadway?"

"That's right!" Michael Eisner said bluntly: "Whether it is New Universal or Disney, they are all media groups that can lead American culture and even global entertainment culture. We should not ignore the crucial Broadway."

This topic is a bit big.

Dunn was in no hurry to answer.

Coming to Broadway?

He lacks interest.

In the final analysis, the value that Broadway can create is really not high. Last year, Broadway grossed around $1 billion. Including peripheral income and derivative copyrights, the total output value that can be created in one year is about 1.5 billion US dollars.

It's really not worth the media giants' mobilization.

More importantly, the relationship between Broadway is too complicated. This street troupe culture will inevitably involve the interests of many local snakes in New York.

In New York, investors will value the Broadway business, largely because this complete industrial chain includes the tourism and consumer industries in Manhattan, and even gray and black industries.

Hollywood rashly entered the market, only to gain control of the theater, but no other income corresponding to the Manhattan area, and there is not much profit margin at all.

That's why well-funded media giants tend to stay away from Broadway.

Cooperation is okay, merger is not necessary.

Michael Eisner obviously doesn't believe in this evil.

As early as ten years ago, he attached great importance to the troupe business!

At that time, Disney produced a popular cartoon, and the ambitious Michael Eisner cooperated with Broadway, intending to make a musical and perform it on the Broadway stage.

That made many Broadway playwrights scoff.

Drama places the greatest emphasis on artistry, especially avant-garde art.

Can the silly and sweet model of Disney cartoons survive on Broadway?

However, Disney has a lot of money, and has taken out a large amount of production costs, so that those artists have no capital to resist, and while busy making productions, they secretly despise in their hearts, thinking that Michael Eisner will fail miserably.

As a result, after the show, the box office was a big hit!

It became the most famous musical on Broadway at the time and even sold worldwide.

This is the Disney brand effect!

Its fame is far beyond those of traditional classic musicals on Broadway.

Since then, Disney has embarked on a series of collaborations with Broadway. Finally, last year, Michael Eisner couldn't bear it anymore, and finally started with Broadway theaters. He bought the Muppet puppet theater company and officially established the Disney Theater Group.

Then, problems arose.

Broadway belongs to the New York art world, and it has never been out of tune with Hollywood.

Cooperation is good, but if you enter the market, you will inevitably encounter resistance.

The acquisition of the Muppet puppet troupe created a big problem for Disney.

It's not just money that can settle everything.

It's like the same reason that foreign local tyrants broke into Hollywood waving US dollar bills, only to have chicken feathers in the end.

Michael Eisner didn't want to admit defeat, so he found Dunn.

Hope to use Tang En's wisdom, the two sides join hands to capture Broadway!

He can successfully open up the world in Hollywood, and he can also handle Broadway!

Unfortunately, Dunn was not very interested in this matter.

Drama is not a mass art, and it depends on the troupe and stage. There is no room for industrial upgrading. It belongs to the traditional industry in the traditional industry.

Having to deal with the complex environment of the New York business circle is not worth the loss.

It would be miserable if it was hacked.

For Dunn, there are really too many lucrative industries.

There are still many promising industries that New Global has not had time to enter!

No need to go to Broadway in muddy waters.

"Hehe, Michael, you are so right! Theater is a crucial cultural force, and art and culture belong to everyone!" Dunn said with a hearty smile.

Michael Eisner was a little surprised, "You agree with me?"

Tang En said as a matter of course: "It's all cultural and entertainment industries. Hollywood and Broadway have a lot of integration. I support your idea! Well, if the film and television works under New Universal are to be adapted for theatrical stage, Disney Drama groups have priority, how about that?"

Michael Eisner's face turned black.


Who is rare!

I want you to contribute to Broadway with me!

Good you Dunn Walker, I didn't expect to be as pedantic as those old Hollywood antiques!

There is only one cultural window in the United States, and that is Hollywood!

Don't you understand this?

Broadway on the east coast, Hollywood on the west coast, this is the division of voice, which will reduce the existence value of Hollywood, understand?


Michael Eisner is disappointed!

Very disappointed!

The priority of film and television adaptation that Dunn is completely tasteless in his opinion.

Disney has its own brand of sticking to women's and children's programming.

Many of New Universal's adult-oriented works, even if Disney is given priority to adapt, Disney can't ask for it.

Tang En pretended to be at a loss, and said kindly: "I sincerely hope that Disney can create a world on Broadway, Michael, I wish you success!"

He sneered inwardly.

This Michael Eisner is too naive.

You just made a setback in Disney Music's pay-on-demand business, and you want to exchange it for me to go to Broadway with you?

Be delusional!

Disney Music Group must back down, and the three major record giants have the ability to completely block Disney Music.

In the past few decades, Hollywood has not been involved with Broadway, at most copyright cooperation, there must be internal reasons.

If one day, Disney really changed the pattern of Parkway, maybe Dunn would get a piece of the pie.

However, there is no need to go to expand the territory.

New Universal Group has enough profit growth points.

Not to mention other things, the consumer goods department alone has a very large room for development!

The business integration of "Prada" has been completed, and "Victoria's Secret" is also in intensive negotiations. It's better to be unexpected, within half a year, you can get results.

Ten years later, most of the top ten of the Forbes rich list have been occupied by the bigwigs of Internet technology companies.

Exceptions are rare.

There are two of them, Amancio Ort, the big boss of the Spanish Zara clothing company, and Bernard Arnault, the big boss of the LVMH group.

It can be seen that the output value of the fashion clothing industry is high and the potential is great!

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