MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1060 strike while the iron is hot

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From the perspective of the spirit of the legal system, we must ensure the independence of the judiciary, eliminate the influence of all external conditions, and only focus on the case itself.

However, it is people, not machines, that maintain the spirit of the rule of law.

A person will have seven emotions and six desires, and a person will be influenced by the surrounding environment and public opinion environment.

Especially ordinary jury members, their judgments are more emotional and direct than judges.

For example, in court, if someone dares to lie and is exposed in person, then the next case can be over, and the jury can directly make a decision - lose the case!

No matter how strong evidence you present next, there will be no room for manoeuvre in the case. This is the price of provoking the dignity of the jury and the majesty of the court.

For the movie "Hunting", although neither Universal Pictures nor Michael Jackson's team made a positive statement, the public opinion environment has already fermented.

Everyone realizes that the male protagonist of "Hunting"... is simply the incarnation of Michael Jackson!

If such a generation of pop stars, like the hero in the movie, lost his life sadly and sadly, it would be the wound of this era.

It can be said that under the influence of the movie "Hunting", the tone of the media about Michael Jackson's case has gradually tilted towards "innocence".

Now, another thing broke out!

The little boy Jordan Chandler who once accused Michael Jackson of sexual assault grew up, and his conscience is still alive, and he told the truth of the year!

Michael Jackson never violated him in any way!

That was his father Evan Chandler's extortion for better living conditions!

Evan Chandler's crime-fearing suicide reflects this.

Finally, after entering the end of April, the direction of public opinion began to be one-sided!

Even the British media, who were very unfriendly to Michael Jackson, became unexpectedly quiet at this time.

What happened back then was extortion.

It made Michael Jackson controversial, and spent more than ten years in cold eyes and scolding.

In the current case, who can guarantee that it is not extortion?

Judging from the entire process of the case, the current case is exactly the same as the case back then!

The American media has completely exploded!

"Truth or Lie? Who will protect the reputation of celebrities? 》

"Evan Chandler committed suicide! The truth about the sexual assault case 12 years ago came to light. 》

"The Worst Celebrity Blackmail Ever! 》

Dunn Walker Supports Michael Jackson! 》

"The power of movies writes legends, and Dunn once again acts as the savior and patron saint of the entertainment industry. 》

"After Woody Allen, Michael Jackson is about to be vindicated. 》

"Several betting companies have lowered the odds of Michael Jackson's acquittal. 》

Dunn is hugging Jackson! 》

Jordan Chandler's confession of redemption and Evan Chandler's suicide by bombing have become the hottest topic in the United States.

In Myspace, almost all the big bloggers are expressing their views on this matter.

The conclusion is one-sided!

Ask the public to stop the persecution of Michael Jackson!

He had plastic surgery and maybe a skin graft.

So what?

He is an entertainer!

He has his own right to choose, and he can't have a criminal association because of the controversy over his appearance. This is racism.

For a time, hundreds of Michael Jackson support clubs were organized.

White House mailboxes are also filling up.

Countless supporters even want the president to come forward.

If the law is really unfair and a wrathful sentence is made, I hope the president can sign an amnesty. Because Michael Jackson must be innocent.

In short, until this moment, Michael Jackson was completely relieved, like a new born.

Even if the case is not over yet!

Sometimes, public understanding is more important than legal judgment!

Michael Jackson called Dunn.

After the call was connected, Dunn didn't hear the other party's voice from the receiver for a long time.

After more than ten seconds, I vaguely heard a few crying.

He cried again.

In just a few short contacts, Dunn has heard his cry twice.

This is a middle-aged uncle who is nearly half a century old!

One can imagine how much pressure and psychological burden he has endured in the past ten years.

Dunn was deeply touched.

He had little contact with Michael Jackson.

However, he knew Woody Allen well.

Last year, Woody Allen was similarly questioned by the public, but the scolding and accusations were far from comparable to that of Michael Jackson.

Even so, Woody Allen collapsed several times and saw a psychiatrist for three consecutive months.

One can imagine what Michael Jackson has experienced in the past ten years.

Tang En sighed, "Everything is getting better, isn't it? The truth of the case ten years ago came to light. In this case... it won't be long before the court will give a fair judgment."

Michael Jackson's voice was a little choked, "Don, I really don't know what to say, thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you for your trust, and thank you for your movie!"


Robert Iger is leading the big deal - the acquisition of Victoria's Secret.

"Victoria's Secret" belongs to LB Company and is one of the company's two ace brands.

At present, LB's share price is $23.33, with a total share capital of 291 million and a market value of $6.79 billion.

There are more than a dozen brands under LB, and Victoria's Secret is only one of the two trump cards.

From this, it can be foreseen that if you want to win the Wei Mi brand and all its assets, the transaction price will not be too high, that is, about 3 billion US dollars.

Counting the premium, that's $3.5 billion.

The current book cash flow of New Universal Group is 7 billion US dollars, and the second bond of 5 billion US dollars is in preparation for issuance.

Even with an all-cash deal, winning Victoria's Secret isn't a big deal!

Negotiations with such listed companies are relatively easier than with private companies.

As long as a sufficient price is offered, the board will be settled.

However, it does not mean that the plan can be finalized at the click of a finger.

"The negotiation encountered a lot of trouble. They recognized the strength of New Global and agreed that Victoria's Secret would have greater development potential by joining New Global. However, they did not give up on the price."

The price was not much different from what was expected, and Robert Iger couldn't be good at it, so he could return to Dunn.

Dunn didn't show too much surprise, "How much?"

"$4 billion!"

"so tall?"

Dunn frowned.

Last year, Victoria's Secret's total revenue was $2.84 billion and net profit was $370 million. According to the 8.7 times price-earnings ratio of the mainstream of traditional corporate mergers and acquisitions, the market valuation of the Wei Mi brand is 3.22 billion US dollars.

Because the conditions of New Global are better than those of LB, the upper and lower management of Victoria's Secret are interested in relying on New Global to seek better development space.

With this collective management inclination, New Universal has reason to further drive down the transaction price.

The $3 billion was originally expected by New Universal.

Unexpectedly, the LB lion's big opening was 4 billion US dollars, and the premium rate reached 34%.

A little high.

Robert Iger said: "They have a tougher attitude. Even if they make concessions, I'm afraid it won't be too much. They know New Universal's ambitions and our financial resources."

Dunn pondered quietly for a few minutes and said, "Get it done as soon as possible! In terms of price, it should be between US$3.5 billion and US$3.7 billion. I only have one request. This year's Victoria's Secret show must be hosted by our new world! It must be as soon as possible. !"

Taking advantage of the popularity of his relationship with Michael Jackson, the Victoria's Secret show in November this year can pull the Uranus superstar to the town!

At the level of Michael Jackson, it is almost impossible to get him on the stage of the Victoria's Secret show.

This year will be the only chance.

Strike while the iron is hot, you must grasp it! ...


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