MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1135 Motivation to make money

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Life science is a topic that the rich and powerful are striving for, and for this purpose, they spend tens or tens of billions of dollars. For example, Bill Gates, Buffett, Murdoch, Redstone, Jobs, Li Chaoren and others have all invested heavily in this.

In his previous life, Mark Zuckerberg donated his entire net worth to make a major breakthrough in the field of life sciences, trying to overcome various malignant diseases that have plagued mankind for thousands of years.

Dunn is now 27 years old, with a net worth of more than 150 billion US dollars, and is worthy of the name of the world's richest man. With the help of Murdoch and Redstone, they also began to pay attention to this topic.

No way, the rejuvenation experiment of mice is really attractive.

He doesn't have that much energy himself, and it just so happens that Natalie's academic major is in this direction. If she is interested, let her do it.

By the time Dunn returned to Los Angeles, Natalie had already secured the lab at Harvard, and said another good news with great interest.

"Professor Tony Corey of Stanford University also has profound research in the field of rejuvenation."

"Oh? Good thing. You can take the lead and have Harvard and Stanford work together."

"They won't cooperate."

When Tang En returned home, he was taking off his coat. He couldn't help but turn his head and asked, "Has the foundation's funds been in place?"

Natalie shook her head and said, "No, although they are all about rejuvenation, the nature of the subject is different. Harvard's research is on the rejuvenation of physiological functions, and Stanford's research is... in the spiritual field."

Tang En suddenly laughed, "Spiritual realm?"

Natalie said seriously: "You know, when people get old, their thinking and memory will seriously decline. This has nothing to do with the health of the body. The Harvard project cannot solve this problem."

Dunn realized the importance, "You mean Stanford University has a way?"

Natalie said: "It's just a concept at the moment. Professor Tony Corey has done a set of experiments to exchange blood on mice."

Tang En said: "Exchange blood therapy? I know, it's famous."

Natalie said: "Exchange blood therapy has not yet been certified by the FDA, and it is still experimental, but it is true that a large number of rich people have used it, and the effect is very good. But the reason is that many scientific research institutions have not given authority. explanation. Professor Corey is trying to solve one of the big problems.”

Dunn was very interested in this, "Tell me about it."

Natalie said: "Exchange the blood of the mice, replace the blood of the young mice with the blood of the old mice, and the stars will find that the reaction of the mice is slow. But replace the blood of the old mice with the blood of the young mice. From the blood of the mouse, you can find that the memory of this young mouse has improved and the learning ability has also been enhanced. Professor Corey believes that the old blood has a negative impact on the brain and cognitive ability. "

Dunn blinked, "This is not a novel idea, is it? With my shallow understanding of exchange transfusion therapy, I can also draw such a conclusion."

Natalie shook her head and said: "Professor Corey's research topic is of course not that simple. He is looking for the kind of molecule in the blood that can damage the brain's activity. If found, use drugs or physical therapy to form antibodies to this key molecule. , then the elderly can maintain the brain vitality and memory of the young. After all, the subject of exchange transfusion therapy is too big, involving the whole human body, and it is difficult to judge the side effects. "

Tang En understood now, and said in surprise: "The key molecule that affects brain aging? Oh! These medical scientists are really whimsical, but let's not say... It's really great. This project must be strongly supported. ."

He is only 27 years old this year, and under normal circumstances, he has at least 60 years to live.

If during this period, the projects of Harvard and Stanford can make breakthroughs, then... he will have a very healthy and high-quality old age, and maybe he will live to be more than a hundred years old and still look like a young man. Just like having fun.

So dreamy, so beautiful.

Thinking of it this way, Tang En's motivation to make money has been greatly increased.


NBC acquired Sony Entertainment, forming a major entertainment giant in Hollywood, the NBC Columbia Group.

This is a big deal.

Whether it is a competitor, or there have been many feuds in the past, at times like this, you must come forward to cheer.

The venue for the reception is still the Hilton Hotel, which is the designated venue for major Hollywood events.

Because Natalie was busy training, preparing for the filming of "Million Dollar Baby", and contacting the Stanford University Medical Laboratory, she didn't find time.

Dunn simply appeared with Gal Gadot.

No big deal.

They are all in the circle, who doesn't know that there are many women around Tang En?

Compared with Natalie's petite figure, Gal Gadot is much taller, standing next to Dunn and looks more suitable.

It was the first time to follow Dunn to attend such an important occasion. Gal Gadot was a little nervous, holding his arm tightly all the time. The smile on his face was still charming, but very restrained.

"Relax, it's fine." Dunn comforted in a low voice.

Gal Gadot reluctantly said: "I really shouldn't come, there are so many big people, I saw Spielberg just now."

"Is Spielberg a big man?" Dunn laughed dumbly, then shook his head and said softly, "Don't forget, you are my woman. Think about it, you are Dunn Walker's woman, you have this identity Now, who doesn't want to give you some face? Even Spielberg uses honorifics when he sees you."

As soon as the voice fell, a big man appeared.

Alan Horn, president of Warner Bros., "Dawn, eh... who is this beautiful lady?"

Dunn smiled, "My girlfriend, Gal Gadot."

"Gail... Gadot?" Alan Horn repeated the name, not a typical English name.

Gal Gadot bowed and smiled: "I'm from Israel."

Alan Horn's expression brightened a lot, "Speaking of which, we are still compatriots."

Then, there was a lively chat.

Because of Dunn's halo blessing, Gal Gadot really felt what dignity is in front of big Hollywood figures.

Really fun!

After talking for a while, Alan Horn's words suddenly changed and he said, "By the way, Dunn, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"The project "New Superman" is going to change the director."

Tang En almost burst out laughing, "Change director? If I know it well, isn't that movie already started?"

This project is "Superman Returns".

Since the establishment of the project in 2003, the producer, director, screenwriter, and actor have changed several times.

There is no way Marvel is under too much pressure, they have to find a way to make an epoch-making classic to win back a city for DC.

The result was a series of farce.

The choice came and went, and Michael Bay was chosen as the director.

Alan Horn sighed, very helpless, "When I chose Michael Bay, I disagreed very much, yes... you know, that's not what I meant. "Escape from the Clone Island" was released recently, that is Michael Bay's movies are bad at the box office. The producer, DreamWorks, has lost its cash flow and may even be forced to sell it to Paramount. Michael Bay has become a big joke."

Dunn can understand.

Over the past few years, Michael Bay has made a number of money-losing blockbusters. The latest "Escape from Clone Island" has this incident, and Warners will definitely be highly vigilant.

" want to change directors?"

"Must change!"

Alan Horn was very firm in saying that in the production of "Superman Returns", he and Michael Bay had too many philosophical differences.

At Warner Bros, he's only second in command. Number one is Barry Mayer.

With this failure of "Escape from Clone Island", he is confident to persuade the board of directors to remove Michael Bay!

Dunn nodded, "what do you mean?"

Alan Horn said: "I'm going to use Brett Ratner."

"Brett Ratner?"

Dunn suddenly realized.

It was him!

This director is the director who has filmed the "Rush Hour" series by taking advantage of Jack Chen's fame and kung fu characteristics. During that time period, he was at the height of his power and belonged to the young Zhuang faction of potential stocks.

However, his personal life is not very good.

He took a fancy to Charlize Theron and invited her to the hotel.

Charlize Theron refused, and took out Dunn's name, saying that he was dating Dunn.

As a result, Brett Ratner sneered at Dunn and said a lot of ugly words.

After Dunn found out, of course he couldn't bear it.

It happened that Dunn was working with Warner on a platter investment and cooperation with "The Chronicles of Narnia" and notified Warner of the matter.

Warner responded immediately and sincerely stated that it would not use him within five years as punishment.

Now, five years have not yet come, Alan Horn intends to activate this person in advance, and it is necessary to tell Dunn in advance.

Dunn thought for a moment and waved his hand, "Okay. But Alan, let me say one more thing, do you really think this guy can save "Superman Returns"? With Barry Mayer's constraints, you can't do it at Warner. When there was no Barry in the 1990s, how mighty Warner was under your leadership? How domineering?"

Alan Horn pondered for a long time and sighed, "There's no way out. I can't just watch Michael Bay ruin this movie."

"Is the movie date still next year?"

"Well, next July."

Dunn's expression is a bit weird, "In Marvel's arrangement, the schedule of Daredevil 3 is May, and the schedule of The Avengers is July."

Alan Horn was stunned for a moment, then cursed: "Those idiots, they're just making a fool of yourself!"

Tang En smiled and said earnestly: "New Universal will be listed next year, and a new high-level team will also appear. You know, Bill is old."

Bill McNick is about to retire, and his film and television entertainment department naturally needs a new helmsman.

Alan Horn has been invited by Dunn more than once. After being silent for a long time, he said, "Let's see it next year. I have one more year left on my contract."

Dunn was instantly overjoyed.

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