MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1141 Choose a heroine with distinctive features

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Dunn took Lily Collins to dinner.

The staff members in the same group all looked strange.

Obviously, the relationship between the two is not easy.

Lily's name is Uncle Dunn?

This is more interesting.

Role play?

Of course, this kind of doubt cannot be asked.

Everyone came to a high-end Mexican-style restaurant. There are many colorful murals in the store. There are a lot of tequila on the bar, which is full of Mexican flavor.

Beef taco, fresh fruit salad, browned original pork chops, cheese chips, and a margarita made from tequila, accompanied by a slice of lemon, the taste is very mellow and melodious.

However, the food failed to capture the favor of Lily Collins, who was very dissatisfied with Dunn's decision.

Why can't she go to the "Transformers" audition?

In order to pass the first three rounds, she put in a lot of effort.

Dunn gave her only one explanation: "You are too young."

"That's not a reason." Lily was very dissatisfied.

Dunn didn't have much to explain.

Not only is she young, but her upper circumference is small and her figure is not full enough.

Lily Collins is absolutely an invincible beauty, there is no doubt about that. However, the figure is not hot enough, and belongs to the shapely and slender type.

"Transformers" is not a commercial blockbuster in the conventional sense.

Nominally, the film will also have male and female protagonists.

But in fact, there is only one protagonist in the movie, and that is Transformers!

Humans can only play a supporting role for the huge transformed aliens, playing the role of plot advancement and emotional drive.

This places high demands on the male and female protagonists.

There must be the kind of characteristics that make fans unforgettable at a glance!

The characteristics of "Transformers" are so distinctive that as soon as they appear, they will almost attract all the attention of the audience. The hero and heroine must have a very prominent focus in acting or personality display in order to compete with the image of Transformers.


No need to think about it.

This is a commercial film with popcorn, even if Tom Hanks came over, he couldn't show his dazzling acting skills.

Then there is only one way left.

Take advantage of your own conditions!

Thinking of several Transformers in previous lives, how many people remember who the hero is? But when asked about the heroine, fans can almost blurt out - Megan Fox!

She took advantage of her hot and hot body to step out of the way to become a textbook vase actress!

Not only did she become popular herself, but she also attracted the attention of the entire movie series.

This is the role that a vase actress should play.

Looking at hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters in Hollywood, there is probably only one "Black Widow" Scarlett Johansson left for the actress who played the role of the vase so amazingly and gave back to the movie.

Lily Collins is beautiful, but she's not quite there yet.

Bill McNick knew her naturally and smiled: "This movie is really not for you. Your "Two Female Detectives" is already in preparation, and Rose Pictures has already found a screenwriter and contacted the director. It's a female Screenwriters, female directors, and female producers, that's your movie."

This is a project arranged by Dunn himself.

Put Lily Collins as the heroine in an absurdly comedy-action movie like My Spy Ex-Boyfriend.

The investment will not be too large, and the market also has a certain demand.

"Two Female Detectives?" Abrams was very curious.

Dunn explained: "Some time ago, the Los Angeles Police Department arrested a cult that bullied women, did you know?"

Abrams pouted and said, "You mean... that cult whose leader carved his name on a woman's private part?"

Dunn nodded, "Yes, that's the one."

Bill McNick added with a smile, "Jeffrey, you may not know it yet, the reason why this cult was arrested at the beginning was because of the emergence of two magical female detectives who went deep into the enemy camp and inquired about a lot of firsts. First-hand secret news."

Abrams opened his eyes wide in disbelief, "It can't be... Lily, it's you?"

Lily Collins, not to mention how happy and proud, raised her white chin slightly, "Of course it's me. I went to investigate with Taylor. This is my story, and I want to play myself."

J.J. Abrams gave a thumbs up: "Great!"

Lily shook her head happily.

Under the compliments of these careless bad men's sweet words, he quickly walked out of the shadow of being the heroine of "Transformers".


The audition in the afternoon continued.

This is the main event.


Dunn is looking forward to it.

Even he made a special trip to audition for "Transformers", mainly because of this level.

The image of Megan Fox in the previous life is really too classic and too amazing.

Tang En was afraid that the director would be changed, and someone else would be the heroine.

That would be a pity.

Maybe the actress replaced is no worse than Megan Fox, maybe even better than her. But the feelings of the past life can't be erased.

A total of 50 actresses auditioned, and the average audition time per person was 6-7 minutes.

To work an entire afternoon.

I tried seven or eight in a row, but I didn't find anything very good.

Until the ninth girl.

"Hello director, hello producer, hello everyone, my name is Teresa Palmer, I am from Australia, I am 19 years old and I have performed in an Australian film."

The girl who appeared was in very good condition.

Probably the prettiest one among these girls in the past. Blonde, sweet, youthful, and sexy, she looks a bit like Scarlett Johansson in her early years.

Of course, she is not as plump as Scarlett, but she is taller than Scarlett.

Especially important is that a few days ago, Nicole Kidman made a special call to Dunn, saying that she had a compatriot's little sister to audition for "Transformers". If conditions permit, take appropriate care at that time.

Dunn has a really good relationship with the Australian film industry.

Especially Australian actresses, as long as they are more beautiful, they have had a lot of romantic intimacy with him.

With the replacement of women around her, there are no Australian actresses who maintain a "cohabitation" relationship with Dunn, and only two models, Miranda Kerr and Megan Gale, remain.

You must know that a few years ago, Dunn was surrounded by almost all Australian actresses.

This is not in the interests of the Australian Gang.

Nicole Kidman specifically called to ask him to give Teresa Palmer some special care, and there must be some matchmaking.

"Hey, Teresa, you are so beautiful. I like your hair. It's golden and charming." Dunn started chatting enthusiastically after hearing her self-proclaimed home.

Teresa Palmer smiled beautifully: "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Walker."

"Did Nicole ask you to come?"

"We had several communications."

Teresa Palmer's face was a little red, and she was a little embarrassed to look into Dunn's eyes. In her communication with Nicole Kidman, she was not only talking about auditions and performances, but also about the development of a lot of careers.

Dunn's name was mentioned many times.

She is 19 years old this year. She has also made a movie in Australia. She knows everything she should know.

Nicole's suggestion, I don't understand.

The other three interviewers, Bill McNick, J.J. Abrams, and Ian Bryce, looked at each other, all bowed their heads, picked up their pens and pretended to write something.

It was as if nothing could be heard or seen.

Dunn's attitude is too obvious.

For the first few actresses who came to audition, he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

This Teresa Palmer is so good, she started chatting as soon as she came up.

Its meaning is self-evident.

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