MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 920 unicorn

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Head to head Hollywood 920 author Qian Duxue Full text 3425 words

"The Departed" is out in the US. However, this is not a commercial blockbuster, and it does not need to be released simultaneously around the world like those hot movies in the summer. This is a literary film with a sharp subject matter and complex film language. It would be good to be able to release it one after another all over the world before December. In fact, because it involves some sensitive content and the stubbornness and stubbornness of director Martin Scorsese, he is unwilling to "castrate" the movie and delete some content to affect the overall story rhythm, which leads to the "Departed". The film was banned in mainland China. The main creators of "The Departed" are still promoting it all over the world. The Asian part is led by Dunn, and the European part is led by Leonardo. Finally, they will gather at the Hong Kong government for final publicity. After all, "Infernal Affairs" is based on the Hong Kong film "Infernal Affairs". All the main creators of the film went to the Hong Kong government to do a high-profile publicity, which is a manifestation of respect for the original film "Infernal Affairs". A remake of a movie must pay tribute to the original movie, which is a Hollywood practice. When Dunn came to Japan, there was a kind of feeling...he was very welcomed, and they all warmly called out "Welcome to Dunn to Japan". Nozomi Sasaki and Yui Aragaki, dressed beautifully, took a nanny car and came to the airport to pick them up in person. Along with him is Zhou Fangyuxiong, the **** of Japanese entertainment. However, Zhou Fang Yuxiong, who is in the Japanese entertainment circle, is obedient and servile in front of Tang En, like a pony. When Dunn got off the plane, he sent little Taylor to the special car sent by her father. In Asia, there are too many girls around him. With little Taylor, it's inconvenient. As soon as he got into the nanny car, Dunn comfortably held Nozomi Sasaki and Yui Aragaki in his arms, pure and delicate soft girls, which are hardly encountered in Europe and America. Dunn didn't need to shy away, he hugged each other and kissed them intimately for a long time. The two girls were blushing and snuggled in his arms. "Why are you two the only ones here?" Tang En hugged him from side to side, Wen Xiang fell into his arms, and was satisfied. I always feel that it is more comfortable to travel in Asia. More comfortable than staying in Hollywood! In Hollywood, he's like a king. Come to Korea and Japan for a turn, this is simply the treatment of emperors. Nozomi Sasaki counted his fingers and said, "Yami is home, as if her father has something to do... Maki and Sister Aoi went out to film again, but they are rushing back from out of town." "Yami?" Tang En raised his eyebrows. It's a little strange, "What happened to his father? Is he sick?" Yui Aragaki smiled brightly: "No, his father used to be an athlete, and he is in good health. But... I seem to hear that she needs some help. , I don't know." Nozomi Sasaki said excitedly: "I know! Her father is a football player... Now that he has changed his career to become a football coach, he has always wanted to study in Europe, but there is no chance. Yami is filial. I heard that you want to Here, I want to go back and ask her father's meaning." "Me?" Tang En widened his eyes, a little surprised. Nozomi Sasaki laughed: "We all know that Odo-chan has a football club!" "Yes, Liverpool Football Club!" Yui Aragaki added with a smile. Dunn nodded, feeling a little worried in his heart. He is Nagasawa Masami's gold master father. Speaking out, it doesn't sound good. Nagasawa Masami has filial piety and can understand, but this kind of relationship, how will she explain to her parents when she returns home? It is unrealistic to say that they are friends! The identity gap between Tang En and Nagasawa Masami is really too big. Help for no reason? Even more unrealistic! This is not Japanese culture. In Japan's social environment, the most feared thing is to cause trouble to others, and the most important thing is to receive no reward. In the morning, the neighbors sent an apple, and in the afternoon, they must return two bananas. Tang En shook his head, looked at Zhou Fang Yuxiong, who had been avoiding his eyes and looked out the window, and asked casually, "I heard that Netflix Japan is developing well?" , "Okay, very good! In the third quarter, it made a profit of 450 million yen! It's equivalent to... 4 million US dollars." "Huh?" Dunn was also a little surprised. Profitable? Over $4 million? Are you kidding me? Netflix owns 49% of Netflix Japan, but Netflix Japan has the right to operate independently, just like Yahoo Japan. Tang En is usually so busy, it is impossible to pay attention to the small company of Netflix Japan. The report that I saw by chance seems to be that the number of member users of Netflix Japan now... has exceeded 1 million. 1 million users, each user will pay $15 per month, which is $15 million. Including advertising, sponsorships, etc., the total revenue for a quarter will not exceed 50 million US dollars. $50 million in revenue, $4 million in profit? Too exaggerated, right? Zhou Fangyuxiong said excitedly: "Netflix Japan has achieved more than 400,000 members and users within half a year of its establishment. According to the current development momentum, in the fourth quarter... Netflix Japan's profit will exceed 6 million US dollars. !" Dunn was a little unbelievable: "How is it possible?" Isn't this development too fast? Netflix in the United States, with the support of such a powerful channel as New Global, currently has more than 17 million users, and it is barely breaking even. Netflix Japan...why make so much money? Just because of the lack of competitors, the industry monopoly? Zhou Fangyuxiong smiled and said: "Yahoo Japan is a shareholder of Netflix Japan! We have the best technology from Netflix, the best recommendation system, the largest video resource library, as well as my contacts in Japan, as well as Yahoo! Japan's strong promotion ability. Netflix Japan's development speed is very fast, but the development speed of Yahoo Japan is also amazing!" Well, Japan has very developed Internet resources, far surpassing Europe, and it is on the same level as the United States. However, the Japanese site is very backward. Precisely, Japan's national character is very strong. After Yahoo Japan appeared, it quickly became the number one website in Japan. Even when Google has become the world's largest search engine, Japanese netizens are rejecting Google and using Yahoo Japan, a state-owned search engine. The market value of Yahoo Japan is now comparable to that of Yahoo! Japan's online market is developed, huge, and lacks excellent resources. As a result, once a good "Japanese product" appears, it will inevitably become a hot blockbuster. It is in this environment that Netflix Japan came into being. It can be seen even more from the major shareholders of Netflix Japan. In addition to Netflix's 49% stake, SoftBank has 10%, Yahoo Japan has 10%, Zhou Fangyuxiong has 11%, and 20% of the vacant financing share. With so many powerful backgrounds, the freak "Netflix Japan" was born directly. It is conceivable that before the emergence of streaming media platforms, Netflix Japan's performance was far ahead of Netflix! After all, these are two countries. In the United States, the rental business of film and television content does not need to pay capital tax, but has business tax. In addition, part of the income has to be distributed to the labor union according to the agreement, and also to pay the copyright fee to the film company, which is the biggest expenditure item. 80% of Netflix's income is spent here. In addition, there are website operating expenses, management expenses, loss of discs, warehouse rent, additional expenses for a price war with Blockbuster... Besides, the United States is too big, and labor is too expensive. The cost of shipping DVD discs in the United States is much more expensive than in Japan. Dunn couldn't accept the fact that Netflix Japan had surpassed Netflix in just one year, and his expression was a little weird, "What is the current valuation of Netflix Japan... how much is it? It really reached 1 billion US dollars?" , When Dunn proposed the concept of Netflix Japan, in order to fool everyone into joining, he shouted the slogan of "a new concept of 1 billion US dollars". Unexpectedly, in just one year, what looks like a unicorn company was really born! Even if this speed is not comparable to that of Yahoo, it is still shocking enough! Zhou Fangyuxiong smiled and said, "We don't have Wall Street's valuation standards. However, Seibu Group planned to buy 5% of the shares at a valuation of US$1.5 billion, but was rejected by the management." . This is the fundamental reason why he is willing to be a horse boy for Tang En! Before Netflix Japan, he controlled Japan's largest brokerage firm, Burning Office, and was known as the most powerful man in the entertainment industry. But the property is not much. Well now, Netflix Japan made him turn over! Truly a double harvest of power and wealth. "A valuation of $1.5 billion..." Dunn sighed in relief. fine! Mental balance. The valuation of Internet companies is not based on current performance, but on future potential. Netflix Japan's current performance is really much better than Netflix. However, the number of users of Netflix in Japan is really too small, only more than 1 million, and it is not at the same level as Netflix. Users represent potential! Netflix's current valuation has exceeded $6.5 billion! Of course, different environments will result in different valuations. If Netflix Japan has 17 million users, then the valuation... I am afraid that 20 billion US dollars can't stop it! "Oudu sauce? Is Netflix Japan your company?" Tang En and Zhou Fang Yuxiong talked for so long, and the ignorant Sasaki Nozomi seemed to have heard something and asked with a look of surprise. "Can't you?" Tang En smiled and kissed her cheek. Nozomi Sasaki blushed, pursed his lips and said, "That's amazing!" Yui Aragaki's eyes were also shining. Zhou Fang and Yuxiong are well-informed, and Tang En's hug from left to right made him a little moved, so he smiled and persuaded: "Sir, we have another group of female artists in our office... newcomers, they all adore you, Why don't we just go there and you go meet them?" "Oh? How?" "A group." . . . m.