MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 939 pros and cons

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Head to head Hollywood 939 Author Qian Duxue Full text 2453 words

From the 1980s to the 1990s, the Hong Kong government ushered in a golden age for the entertainment industry. However, the Hong Kong government is a cultural desert, where can there be so many outstanding creators? The mainland has smuggled a group, and Baodao has attracted a group, but it still cannot meet the market demand of the Hong Kong government. The transformation of imported products has become the main source of Hong Kong government's film and television music works. The songs are mainly adapted from Japanese songs, and the movies are copied from Hollywood. The Hong Kong government has created the concept of "saving movies". To collect movies is to collect information from all directions, take the essence of it for its own use, and integrate it into the localized style, and it has become a unique Hong Kong film. Among them, the masters are Wang Jing, Zhou Xingchi, Zhuang Wenqiang and others. The "Infernal Affairs" trilogy does not draw enough elements, a more typical example is "A Happy Family". The film is a mix of "Pretty Woman", "Edward Scissorhands", "Terminator", "The Shining", "Ghosts" and many other Hollywood movies. Collecting the classic clips and transforming them into localization, it has become a big-selling Hong Kong film. It's no wonder that this kind of movie production model can last! Especially when the mainland market opened up and more and more Hong Kong government filmmakers went north to survive, Hong Kong government films plummeted and completely lost their ability to create. Those films that can be put on the stage... Either nostalgia plays a sensational card, or More blatant plagiarism. For example, "The Great Hunt" copied from the Japanese movie "The Devotion of Suspect x", "The Murderer" copied from the Hollywood movie "The Orphan", and the "Warrior", which was a hit, copied "The Very Suspect" incisively and vividly. Tang En didn't want to intervene in this matter. After all, the audience for Hong Kong films is getting smaller and smaller, the market is getting smaller and smaller, and the money earned is negligible. In a copyright lawsuit, even if you win, you won't make much money, and you may not even have enough legal fees. However, the filmmakers of the Hong Kong government have taken the initiative to bring up this issue and slandered that "The Departed" is a copy of "The Departed", which is too intolerable! With Tang En's current international influence and celebrity status in the world entertainment industry, what is the difference between saying he plagiarized and slapping him in public? "Boss Lin from Media Asia Films is at the scene. You can ask if The Departed is plagiarism! When it comes to plagiarism, you really gave me an idea. If I remember correctly, in the past Among the Hong Kong films, there is a lot of plagiarism in many movies. After I go back, I will definitely communicate with the MPAA to resolve this series of copyright disputes." Tang En's mouth twitched, revealing a bit of ridicule. Okay, you say I plagiarized? Then have fun! Using legal means, everyone will play with real swords and guns, but I want to see who is copying who! New Universal has two major studios, Universal Pictures and MGM, with over 6,000 films in stock, and at least 30 or 40 films, which have been stolen from Hong Kong films. After debating with so many people for so long, Dunn seems to have figured it out. Today's big show, I am afraid it is not just the difference between "Infernal Affairs" and "Infernal Affairs", it is likely to be a rebellion by Hong Kong government filmmakers against the New Universal Group! Dunn has high hopes for Netflix and plans for the future streaming media platform. In order to prevent Netflix from paying a large amount of copyright dividends after the rise of streaming media platforms in the future, Tang En began to make arrangements in advance, and purchased a large number of movie copyrights around the world in an attempt to do it once and for all. Hong Kong films, of course, are the highlight. One or two is not enough, but Netflix is ​​going to buy the copyright of hundreds of movies, which is equivalent to hollowing out the old bottom of Hong Kong government movies. This has made matters worse for the already bleak Hong Kong government film market. I'm afraid, this is also a big reason for today's farce. "Tang En, I didn't expect you to have such a good temper!" This time the premiere ceremony ended hastily and broke up unhappily. It is conceivable that the promotion of "The Departed" in Hong Kong this time will inevitably end in failure. However, the entire "Departed" crew didn't care much, and they did nothing wrong. Even if you really offend the filmmakers of the Hong Kong government, it's no big deal. The Hong Kong government is such a big market, it can be ignored. Leonardo was even very surprised, thinking that Dunn would be furious and flip the table with those rude and rude Hong Kong government filmmakers. Unexpectedly, Tang En did not show too much excitement from the beginning to the end. Dunn glared at him angrily, "You know what!" "What do you mean by being angry on me?" Leonardo said indignantly. "Angry?" Dunn smiled, "When did I get angry?" "Huh?" "Look at Martin!" Leonardo turned back to find Martin Scorsese, and found that his face was rosy, He was beaming with joy, as if it were a holiday. "The Departed" has been questioned so much that it has even been ridiculed as plagiarizing Hong Kong films. As a film director, is he quite happy? This is too unreasonable, right? "Don't understand?" Under the **** of bodyguards, Dunn got into the car with Leonardo and looked at him with a smile. Leonardo frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "What's going on?" Dunn said: "Oscar is not only the highest award for American films, but also a platform for the United States to export its culture to the outside world. If you want to win the Oscar for best picture, the artistry is actually all about it. Secondly, the most important thing is actually political. It is necessary to maintain the values ​​of the American left and advocate the universal values ​​of freedom, equality and such as "Vulgar" and "Saving Private Ryan". It is difficult for a movie with an obvious value dispute to become the final best picture." "The Silence of the Lambs also has a value dispute?" "Is there? Think again! The two sequels are controversial. "The Silence of the Lambs" This film is still relatively restrained, Hannibal was helping the police find criminals, and finally killed Buffalo Bill successfully. Overall, this is also a work that revolves around punishing evil and promoting good.” Leonardo Nodding thoughtfully. In order to win the Oscars, the film's values ​​must not be too controversial, and must conform to the universal ideology of "equality for all" and "democracy and freedom". As soon as "Hero" came out, it shocked the entire United States and was astonished. The voice is louder than any other film of its time. As a result, "Hero" still lost the Oscar. The reason is very simple, there is a problem with the values! In the same way, Laomouzi's later "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" also has such regrets. It was very beautiful, but the tendency to discriminate against prostitutes was too obvious. Are female students more noble than Fengchen women? This kind of film, no matter how good it is, can't win an award. Dunn said: "Martin is a recognized film master. After Francis Coppola retired, he was the first person in the art of film language! It stands to reason that at his level, he should have won the Oscar long ago." Leonardo Nodding: "It's because his movies are too paranoid and walk on the edge of universal values, they can't be used as a representative of American democracy and can be promoted to the world." Dunn smiled: "That's the truth! His movies are not conducive to To promote the mainstream values ​​of the United States." "But "The Departed" is not orthodox enough, right? If it is mainstream, it will not be so controversial as the filmmakers of the Hong Kong government." "Yes." "Huh?" "There are pros and cons. Hong Kong The public questioning of the filmmakers of the government, for us, is a big gift!". Nine Heavens God Emperor