MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 950 Warcraft

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Head to head Hollywood 950 author Qian Duxue full text 2413 words

Head-to-head Hollywood Chapter 950 Warcraft The American TV market is very mature. From a relative point of view, the world's leading TV industry is far greater than the film industry. For any TV series to be successful, it must, like a movie, carry out a series of promotions before it airs. The hit series "Six Feet Under" costs $5 million per season, and last year's "The Walking Dead" spent $10 million. This number is just astounding. $10 million is enough for an ordinary TV station to finish a TV series, or even a decent-sized movie. This year, New Universal has continued to break the record for the promotion of TV dramas. The upcoming American drama "Warcraft" has an unprecedented $15 million in promotional expenses! This TV series is not only a TV series, but also has a very strong background behind it - the "World of Warcraft" game. "World of Warcraft" was launched in North America this year, and achieved great success. In the public beta stage alone, the total number of accumulated accounts has exceeded 1 million. It can be said that all signs are indicating that the most successful online game in history is about to be born. The Blizzard team is very excited about this, and it seems that a new era in the gaming world is about to begin. Dunn also continued to pay attention to this. The TV series "Warcraft" is the biggest promotional video of the game "World of Warcraft"! The TV series will be broadcast on Starz TV at the beginning of next month, and the game will officially enter the official operation stage in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom at the end of next month. ... Dunn invited Barry Diller to lunch, which counted as appeasement. After all, some time ago, he used more arrogant means to suppress the power struggle between him and Robert Iger, and put the Prada acquisition and the fashion industry under the management of Robert Iger. Barry Diller looked in good spirits, "The comments from the media are a bit polarized for this new TV series." "Warcraft?" "Well." Dunn smiled, "It's normal, I guessed it." Hegemony is adapted from a PC game. The plot content in it has a lot of reference to the world view of The Lord of the Rings. The settings of dwarves, elves, and undead are exactly the same as "The Lord of the Rings". Coupled with the excessive popularization of the content, the lack of depth, and the lack of the majestic momentum of the atmospheric fantasy, the story of "Warcraft" is quite cold in the United States. "Warcraft" will be very popular in Asia because they have not been influenced by fantasy masterpieces such as "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Chronicles of Narnia" since childhood. Especially the "Lord of the Rings" series, most European and American readers have read this set of classic books, and if they read "Warcraft" again, they really can't stand it anymore... However, the game is too fun. Many middle-aged people are quite disdainful because they scoff at the world view of Warcraft. However, young people will definitely be very popular because of the game! Barry Diller said: "The game business is developing very well, let's not mention it for the time being. But the TV series... I'm not optimistic. The total investment of "Warcraft" before and after is nearly 150 million US dollars, but the audience popularity caused by it may not necessarily be There are drama films like "Under Six Feet"." Tang En nodded, "The purpose of z TV station is to broadcast and produce excellent TV series. The subscription fee for TV networks is relatively high, and most of the capable subscribers are They are middle-aged and elderly users with relatively stable families. Young people in the struggle period have a very low subscription rate. The TV series "Warcraft" is an opportunity to win over these people." Young people like to play games, that's enough. TV series and games influence each other and promote each other. Now, the STA TV network has more than 19 million members. Whether it can break through the 20 million user mark this year depends on the strength of the year-end drama "Warcraft". For now, the outlook is good. "World of Warcraft" has already gathered a large number of loyal players after a year of closed beta and open beta period, and they will be the biggest fans of the TV series. Besides, although the world view structure of "Warcraft" makes people complain, it is a TV series with large production and investment after all. Viewed from a common 1K resolution TV screen, the visual effect is no worse than the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy! Shocking enough! Since the conclusion of Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, North American audiences have been looking forward to this fantastical epic drama. "Warcraft" can be considered to make up for this gap. Barry Diller added: "By the way, the negotiations with several VCs such as Citi and Morgan have ended. In principle, they have agreed to help us issue a bond worth $5 billion in total." "Interest rate?" "Not high, 3.84%." The interest rate of bonds with an annual interest rate of 3.84% is indeed not high. With such a low interest rate, it can be said that venture capital companies and securities firms are very optimistic about the future of New Global, and have issued the highest credit guarantee. Usually, bonds with an interest rate lower than 4% are called zero-risk bonds, and like government bonds, they will be repaid. Tang En said: "Yes, get it done as soon as possible. I sold one bond this year, I will sell two more bonds, it's almost the same." Barry Diller glanced at him. The first phase is $5 billion, and the third phase is $15 billion. How do you spend such a large sum of money? "Just the fashion industry may not be able to spend so much money." "I know that the real estate project in Modu, if there is no accident, will definitely be won next year!" "Oh?" Barry Diller's eyes lit up. For that project, he ran three times, and progress was slow. Tang En smiled slightly, lowered his voice and said, "The fastest way to establish friendship between men... is to go to prostitutes together. I'm there, I have brothers!" Barry Diller twitched the corners of his mouth and almost collapsed. Negotiate a multi-billion dollar project by playing women? You are amazing! Top notch! "However, this may not be enough." Barry Diller was silent for a while, then shook his head, "This year, the group's cash flow balance will reach between 5 billion and 6 billion US dollars. To issue such a large-scale bond... "Ha!" Tang En laughed, "I've figured it out. In March next year, let's have a big shareholder dividend!" "Dividend?" Barry Diller was startled, such a company with potential for development, New Universal is completely You can invest yourself. Would dividends be too wasteful? "Yes, dividends! At least $5 billion in dividends! The company's development is so good, it's time for shareholders to cheer up! We don't lack that little money!" Tang En said righteously. His wallet, Dunn Capital, was running out of money, and only $30 million was left. Can barely maintain the household. If history does not change, in Istanbul next year, Liverpool can hold the St Bride's Cup and become the Champions League champion. At that time, Dunn would have no reason to shirk. The new Liverpool stadium he promised must start construction! That's a big investment of no less than $1 billion. Dividend quickly and replenish your wallet. Shukeju reading website: